Chick Flick
by Vegetaztwin     More by this Writer
Mirai Trunks is in love with Mirai Gohan when he dies, now what is he supposed to do when he meets Chibi Gohan? What about his angel? Will he ever get his happy ending?

Chapter 01
Trunks struggled to keep his mind on his training instead of the soft tender feeling of Gohan’s hands on his…

‘There my mind goes again…’ Trunks groaned at himself. ‘I have to stay focused! The androids could attack any moment, so I have to keep my thoughts off of my non-existent love life!’

“Trunks, are you paying attention?”

The deep voice cut right through his scattered brain.

“Yes, Gohan-san.” Trunks murmured a reply.

“Nom, you’re not. Let’s stop for today… You’re not going to learn anything if you’re not paying attention.”

Trunks hated the pang of disappointment in his sensei’s voice.

“I’m sorry.” Trunks muttered.

“It’s okay. You’ve been working hard. You’ve progressed much faster then I expected.”

Trunks loved the hint of pride in Gohan’s voice.

Gohan watched the thirteen year old’s spark with happiness.

‘Oh kami… why do these thoughts haunt me?’ Gohan questioned as he thought about how he wanted to hold Trunks in his arms and kiss him until…

Trunks saw the glazed look that had come over Gohan’s eyes.

“Gohan?” he questioned. “Shouldn’t we be getting home now?”

Gohan’s thoughts broke apart, and he nodded.

“We don’t want to keep your mother worrying.”


Bulma studied the two as they came in.

‘So, they haven’t realized their love for each other yet… It will come… But I fear that they may be taken apart before it does occur… I will have to play a role in their relationship after all.’ Bulma thought with a smirk that very much resembled her late husband’s.


Gohan and Trunks turned from where they were ravaging out the fridge.

“Yes?” Trunks asked with a mouthful of food.

“I… ah.. have to run out for the night. I’m going to be staying with a friend.” Bulma said hurriedly.

“Ok,” both boys replied at the same time, before turning back to their food supply.

Bulma snuck quietly out of the house.

“Come on guys… don’t be stupid Saiyans… reveal your true feelings…”

Gohan and Trunks crashed in the living room and started to watch a movie marathon.

“Trunks… turn the channel, this is such a chick flick! I mean come on, the girl will fall in love with the guy, the guy will fall in love with the girl, they’ll go out, break up, and then get back together pledging love forever.”

“Fine…” Trunks quickly turned the channel.

‘How come we can’t work like that then, Gohan?’ Trunks wondered.

‘How come we can’t work like that then, Trunks?’ Gohan pondered.

They both looked at each other, and turned a bright shade of red, before turning away.

“Gohan, don’t you have a date or something tonight?” Trunks asked, trying to change the subject but realizing he had just failed miserably.

“Hell no.” Gohan answered, leaning back on the couch. “What about you Trunks? What’s a cute kid like you do here on a Friday night?”

Right after saying that sentence Gohan wanted to punch all his teeth out.

Trunks didn’t reply but he wanted to run over to Gohan and hug him and kiss him until…

Trunks shook his head, knowing that Gohan would never return those feelings.

“Have you ever wanted something so bad, that you’d almost kill for it, Trunks? But you know that no matter how much you want it, you can never have it?” Gohan asked, his voice almost in a whisper.

Trunks’s head shot up. Could Gohan be talking about what he hoped he was talking about?

“Yes Gohan…”

Gohan moved closer to Trunks, until they were almost touching.

“What is it that you wanted Trunks? Or is what you want?” Gohan whispered.

‘YOU!’ Trunks mind screamed as Gohan moved closer to Trunks.

“You…” Trunks whispered so that his voice was barely audible.

Gohan froze, his mind spinning in turmoil.

‘He loves me just as I love him…’ the realization dawned over Gohan.

Suddenly before Trunks knew what he was doing he had pressed his lips against Gohan’s.

Gohan’s eyes widened, as he felt the thirteen-year old’s silky pale lips kiss his own.

Gohan knew it wasn’t right but he couldn’t help himself, he forced his tongue into Trunks’s mouth, exploring the insides in the way he had imagined himself doing for so many weeks.

Finally when they couldn’t breathe, they parted. Gohan stroked a piece of Trunks’s purple locks out of his face.

“Gohan, I love you so much…” Trunks whispered, staring into Gohan’s obsidian eyes.

“I love you Trunks… more then you can ever imagine.”

The two spent the night exploring their new found love.

When Bulma returned home the next morning, Trunks and Gohan were curled up together on the couch.

“Finally…” Bulma whispered, she slipped into the kitchen, letting the two demi-Saiyans sleep, as she began to make breakfast.

Trunks awoke to the smell of burning toast.

‘Mmm… Mom’s home…’

Trunks’s eyes shot open.

‘Mom’s home! And I’m on the couch snuggling with Gohan!! Oh shit…’

Trunks shook Gohan, who groaned.


“Shh.. Gohan, Mom’s home.”

Gohan was instantly awake too.

“What should we tell her Gohan?” Trunks asked, near tears.

“Shh, love.” Gohan said, putting a finger on Trunks’s lips. “We’ll tell her the truth. She’d figure it out sooner or later anyway.”

Trunks and Gohan padded out into the kitchen, where Bulma was attempting to cook something.

The two sat quietly down at the table.

Bulma turned around and put some eggs in front of them.

“Have a good night?” she asked grinning.

Trunks nearly spat out his eggs.

“How long have you known Mrs. Briefs?” Gohan asked, quietly.

“Long enough to know that you’re both extremely stubborn.” Bulma answered.

“So it’s okay with you, Mom?” Trunks asked.

Bulma nodded.

“Of course, you two need each other. No one can deny you that. It would be this way, even if it wasn’t okay with me. Life just works in ironic ways.” Bulma said, gazing off into space.

Trunks and Gohan looked at Bulma, and both of them gripped each other’s hand under the table.

“Everything will be okay now…” Gohan said smiling.

But he was wrong.

Dead wrong.

A week later, Bulma left again, to her ‘secret’ place. Trunks and Gohan still weren’t sure where she was going, but they knew why she was leaving.

That night Gohan and Trunks experienced their love to a new degree that they had never suspected.

But a dark shadow loomed ahead in the future.

Gohan and Trunks continued to train, as the androids still remained. Trunks tried harder and harder to accomplish his goal, and he always seemed to brush his fingertips against it, before falling back to the ground, non-Super Saiyan.

But Gohan was patient, and cheered Trunks on. Scolding him when necessary, but always suggesting.

On one particularly close day, the two of them were laying in the sun, just enjoying life but still their worries kept clouding over their happy thoughts of love.

Then the androids attacked.

And Gohan left…


Trunks flew desperately through the rain, staring disbelieving at the ruins beneath him.


Trunks landed, and saw Gohan lying stiff, not moving.

A numb feeling began to fill Trunks’s body, as he remembered the memories and the love that they had shared.

He knelt by the body of his lover, and cried out his rage. Tears streaked down his face, mingling with the falling rain.

“GOHAN!” he screamed again, and felt a new sensation of power overtake his body.

He knew what it was, but took no pride in it, as he was too overwhelmed with grief.

The spiky golden hair, and the crystal ice chips of eyes, with the golden surrounding aura could mean only one thing…

Trunks had become Super Saiyan.

‘What good is this, if I had to lose my Gohan to get it?’ Trunks’s mind screamed, as he pounded the ground in frustration.

Trunks lay next to Gohan’s body for hours, just sobbing. He could see the shattered pieces of his heart scattered across the ground.

Finally Trunks stood.

“Gohan, I swear your death won’t be in vain. I will find a way to kill those bastards! They won’t hurt anyone else. And as always… I pledge my love to you forever… Let’s hope this does turn out like one of your cheesy chick flicks… Then we’ll be together again one day…”


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