by Vegetaztwin     More by this Writer
Mirai Trunks and Mirai Gohan realize their love for each other, when Bulma says that Trunks can’t see Gohan anymore.

Chapter 01
Trunks collapsed into the grass next to his sensei, ignoring the pain that was coming from his numerous cuts and scrapes.

“You’re getting better.” Gohan said, propping himself up on an elbow, grinning.

“Thanks,” Trunks answered simply, staring up at the perfect blue sky blossoming in front of him.

A gentle breeze tousled Trunks’s already mussed hair. Then, he heard a soft laugh beside him.

Trunks turned, shocked to see Gohan laughing at him.

“What’s up with you?” Trunks questioned.

Gohan shook his head but couldn’t hide his grin.


“Gohan!” Trunks protested, demanding an answer.

“When you lay there, looking so serious, you remind me so much of Vegeta. The look really doesn’t suit you at all.” Gohan gave in, smiling at the other demi-Saiyan.


“Where are those boys?” Bulma asked to herself as she prepared the meal for two Saiyans. “If they think I don’t know what’s going to happen…”


“Really?” Trunks asked, surprised.

“Yeah, but like I said, you look so much cuter when you’re happy.” Gohan replied, saying the words without really considering their effect.

Trunks stared at his sensei a few moments longer, watching the color of his cheeks flush a deep red for a moment.

“Huh…” Trunks made a little noise of consideration.

Trunks pulled himself up.

“Gohan… what’s your greatest fear?” Trunks asked, staring up into the sky, at the white puffs that filled it.

“My greatest fear? I don’t know… I’m too bust trying to stay alive to be afraid.” Gohan answered. “Why? What’s your greatest fear?”

Trunks was silent for a moment, before answering.


Bulma continued to cook as a deep frown etched into her face. She was afraid for her son at all times. You’d have to be a fool not to fear for your life in a time like this but she thought Trunks was up for a greater challenge and she wasn’t sure if he could handle it.


“My greatest fear.. is being left alone.” Trunks gave his answer, quietly.

“What do you mean by alone?” Gohan prodded further.

“Gohan…I’m afraid that I’m going to die and my life will be meaningless. No one will remember me. My life will just be a speck among a million lives that will be lost, and in a hundred years, no one will know who Trunks Briefs was. Isn’t that selfish?” Trunks added, giving a little laugh, to try and cover the seriousness of the moment.

Gohan sat up next to Trunks now, and looked him in the eye, causing the younger Saiyan to blush in the intensity of the moment.

“That’s not selfish at all.” Gohan answered. “I promise… that no matter how many years may pass, I will never forget you, or what an incredibly brave person you were Trunks Briefs.”

Both of them realized at the same moment, how perfect this moment was. They were so close. Trunks could feel Gohan’s breath, warm on his face.

Gohan was lost in the gentle blue eyes of perfection. The shades of which could never be duplicated.


“He’s just going to end up getting hurt though…” Bulma whispered as she sank into a chair, holding her head. “Everyone just gets hurt now… Warriors are forgotten as fears are reawakened. No one remembers that brave that saved us so many times in their moment of failure… Pain rules us all now.” Bulma cried. “No more pain please…”


Then Trunks shut the perfection of blue to Gohan’s deep pools of obsidian that felt like you could lose your soul in if you gazed long enough.

Gohan leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against Trunks’s perfection of satin lips. They were smooth and gentle. He could feel the beads of sweat that were still running down Trunks’s skin from their workout earlier.

Trunks felt shock overwhelm his body in that moment. He hadn’t been excepting the kiss but then it was all so logical for Gohan to be his. He pressed a hand against the tattered orange gi.

Gohan broke the kiss off finally and the two just stared at each for a moment, letting the feelings that had always been there sink in gently.

Trunks smiled again.

“I know I’m not alone now.”


Bulma shook her head, trying to get rid of the tears that had flocked so unwelcome to her eyes.

She was trying to figure out what she was going to say to Gohan when the two boys returned.

She knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Gohan was like a son to her but she couldn’t have Trunks get hurt out of this. She had felt warnings that one of the boys was going to be hurt soon. She didn’t want them to mate and then feel the pain that existed when they lost the other one. Bulma just wanted them to wait until the androids were good and dead.

She knew what it was to lose a Saiyan mate when the androids killed him, part of yourself died. You were there in the instant when death overwhelmed the one you loved. You could taste it in your mouth, feel the blood dripping down your body, and feel your soul begin to ascend from your physical body.

Bulma couldn’t do it. She just couldn’t put Trunks through that kind of pain.

For that was what a Saiyan bond between mates would do. Every injury that Gohan would receive in his fights, Trunks would also sustain.

And if Gohan died… it would destroy Trunks’s soul possibly forever.

“I can’t let that happen…” Bulma whispered, as she stood waiting for the two to return.

Without a doubt she knew the two would realize their true feeling for each other and then she would stop it.


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