Finding Love
by Wolfrider14     More by this Writer
After an unexpected mating with Vegeta, Goku is left heartbroken. When he sees his youngest son being physically and verbally abused by his own mother, he feels he has to leave with Goten. After a few wishes, Goku and Goten left Earth. Now Vegeta must find a way to get his mate back!

Art Source:
Male Pregnancy

Chapter 1
Goku held a sobbing and shivering Goten to his chest. The chilly breeze that ran through the forest the two were in made the shivering worse. The full blooded saiyan had his own tears streaming down his face as he tried to comfort his distraught son. One of his large hands rubbed through messy black spikes as he pulled the boy closer in his embrace.
"It's okay, son. We'll be okay." Despite all the emotions running through him, Goku's words came out calm and steady. A thick black monkey tail wrapped around the demi-saiyan's and smoothed over the fur. The child in his arms shuddered again as his crying drained his energy. It wasn't long before Goten was asleep in his father's arms.

The young man shifted the exhausted form in his arms so Goten's head rested over Goku's heart. The still crying father gently brushed the tear trails off the innocent face before wiping his own face. The saiyan shifted against the tree branch he was sitting on. The branches that surrounded them provided a shield from the cruel outside world.

Goku leaned his head back against the trunk of the tree and vacantly stared through the leaves at the night sky. His onyx eyes closed in grief as he cuddled his poor cub closer to his warmth to protect the boy from further pain.

'How did it come to this? It's not like I asked Vegeta. He came to find me not the other way around! And Chi-Chi! How could she!? I can understand myself, but Goten?!'


Goku dunked his head under the cold water of the mountain lake. The temperature did wonders to soothe him as he swam naked toward a small waterfall. He broke through the surface for a large gulp of air and rested his arms and head on a smooth wet rock.

The large martial artist had been feeling strange for the past two weeks. An uncomfortable heat heat and an itch was making his skin feel too tight. The heat was making his thought process foggy, and bringing up feelings that were lurking in the back of his mind. The heat also put things in different prospectives as well.

For example, Chi-Chi. His oh so "loving" wife.

Goku let out a sigh at the thought of the raven haired female. Ever since he had died the first time, the woman had treated him more like a pet than a husband. The saiyan never felt a meaningful connection with her, but she provided him with two wonderful sons.

After the fight with Buu, Chi-Chi became more controlling with not only Goku but with Goten as well. The younger boy was more saiyan than his older brother, and the Ox-princess hated that. The full blooded saiyan was absolutely thrilled that his youngest was more like him, and he was already teaching the boy what he knew about saiyans.

Goku's tail gave a happy wag at that thought. The fusion with Vegeta gave the tall warriors memories of his home planet and its culture. The knowledge filled a gap within him that he never knew he had, and to be able to pass that knowledge along to his offspring…was indescribable.

He also felt closer to his prince. Goku have always admired the older man, but now it seems like his emotions his lead to full-blown love. While they shared one body, their souls touched. The large saiyan felt things for Vegeta that he never felt with his wife, but he kept his feeling to himself. The older saiyan finally seemed to somewhat like Goku, and he didn't want to risk loosing that.

Anyway, this feeling was making being around Chi-Chi almost unbearable. Goku had caught himself growling and snarling at the woman, and after the fifth time, the woman kicked him out of the house. The saiyan didn't mind too much as his temper had drastically improved, but the itch and heat refused to leave him.

The sudden sound of feet touching down on the lakeshore pulled the man out of this thoughts. The spiky haired head looked over to the source of the sound to see his fellow full blooded saiyan and prince. Vegeta was standing in the same outfit he fought Buu in, and the sight of the tight material stretched over large muscles made Goku's mouth water.

"Hey, Vegeta! What brings you here?" The happy go lucky man called out as he waved. The flamed haired man didn't respond as Goku swam closer, but he did glare.

"Did you forget, Kakarot!?" Vegeta snarled out at his only remaining subject. "You were supposed to meet me for training all last week and this!" The younger man winced internally as he brought his hand to scratch at the scar on the back of his head. He was quick to put an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry, Vegeta. I guess I did forget. Let me dry off and we can spar." Goku attempted to placate the pissed off prince. Vegeta growled as he turned his head in the other direction, and crossed his arms over his chest. The chestnut tail around the prince's waist twitched as well. Taking that as an affirmative answer, the spiky haired male was quick to get out of the lake. With a quick surge of ki, Goku was dry and reaching for his orange gi pants.

As he pulled them on, the heat he had been feeling came back stronger then ever. He gasped as a sudden cramp started in his lower belly, and well muscled arms wrapped around his middle. He bit his lip to keep from alerting Vegeta to his dilemma, not wanting to make the other any more agitated then he already was. A cool wind brought some relief, but the earth raised saiyan had no time to enjoy it.

A vicious snarl made Goku's head snap over to his companion, and what he saw made him freeze. The saiyan prince had a feral look on his face as he stalked over to the taller man. Goku tried to back away from him, but Vegeta growled as he pounced. The sudden weight was enough to knock the spiky haired man onto his back.

"Vegeta? What's wro-" Firm lips cut off the question as the older saiyan kissed him. An agile tongue plunged into the warrior's mouth, making it a bit difficult to breathe. Vegeta pinned Goku's hands on the ground as he moved to straddle his waist. The chestnut tail snaked around its black counterpart, making both saiyans moan.

Goku's eyes widened in shock. His heart swelled with a strange warmth. He had no idea what was happening, but a scent wafted around him. His already hazy thinking suffered under the onslaught of sensations, and saiyan instinct rose up. The musk and clove smell clouded what reason he had left, and he submitted under the dominant above him.

Both fighters fell into a trance as scent, touch, and taste filled their senses. Tongues twisted in a mock battle that the Prince easily won, and he let out a groan as the larger saiyan sucked on the wet muscle.

Vegeta broke the kiss with a soft snarl. The prince began to scrape his elongated fangs over the younger's jaw and neck. Small beads of blood bloomed after a hard score over Goku's right shoulder. A hot tongue lapped up the crimson fluid, and the shorter saiyan moaned at the taste. He sucked on the shallow cut for more of the addictive taste.

The older man ripped his gloves off after he released the other's hands. Clever fingers groped massive pecks and played with nipples. The spiky haired man dug his fingers into the soft moss that was currently serving as a bed for the couple. The prince ran his hands down over the rippling muscles of his partner, and snarled when cloth blocked further access.

Vegeta sat up and glared at the offending garment with his tail lashing behind him. He moved further down the larger body to settle on burly thighs. Without anymore thought, the shorter male ripped off both Goku's clothes and his own. Both saiyans were hard, and their lengths brushed against each other.

While his partner gasped at the sudden feeling of skin on skin, the younger male remained in a submissive pose. The itch that had been driving Goku crazy was slowly being soothed with the actions of the his elder. The prince purred when he took in the picture of earth's hero.

Goku had lifted his arms up over his head to stretch out underneath other saiyan. The black tail was laying limp to the side save for tiny twitches at the tip. His head was leaning to the left, exposing the right side of his throat. He kept his gaze away from the prince's face, and arched up to rub against the older man.

Vegeta leered down at his partner as he moved between Goku's legs. His hands hooked under the other's knees and pushed long legs to the warrior's chest. The move exposed a tiny, pink hole that was dribbling a clear fluid. The prince stared at the sight as he licked his lips, and he dove down for a taste.

Goku shouted when he felt that tongue wiggle inside of his entrance. His large frame jerked and twitched as his dominant tasted and stretched him out. The chestnut tail wrapped around the base of the spiky haired man's erection. A whine of protest came from the larger male just as the pleasure was about to make the warrior cum.

Finally, Vegeta couldn't wait any longer. He sat up, positioned his cock, and plunged into tight heat. Twin shouts came from the two saiyans as their mating began in earnest. The Prince of all Saiyans didn't give time for his partner to adjust to his formidable size, but Goku didn't seem to mind too much. He used what little room he had to meet the hard thrusts.

This wasn't a gentle coupling, it was pure animalistic mating. The younger saiyan managed to free his legs from the flame haired man's hold to wrap around narrow hips. He used the new leverage to make the alpha saiyan go deeper inside his channel. Goku grabbed Vegeta's shoulders and raked bloody trails down his back.

The pain made the older man thrust harder and lean down to lick and suck at the spiky haired warrior's right shoulder. A small trail of Vegeta' blood came close to the submissive's nose. The spicy scent beckoned him for a taste. The flat of Goku's tongue gathered the blood making him moan at the taste, but before he could get more blood, the tail holding his release at bay let go.

All it took was one single stroke of the furry appendage for the younger male to erupt in orgasm. The larger saiyan arched as bliss drowned everything else out. An animalistic howl came out as he painted both of their abs in white. When he arched, it pressed his shoulder against Vegeta's mouth.

As the sheath around his cock tightened, it pushed the young prince over the edge. His partner shuddered underneath him as thick seed filled Goku to the brim. He sank his fangs into the juncture where the spiky haired man's neck met his shoulder. Hot, spicy blood flooded his mouth, and the older man swallowed several mouthfuls of it.

Both full blooded saiyans collapsed in a tangle of limbs. Vegeta lapped at the wound he made as the afterglow made both males relax into the soft moss. However, the moment was not meant to last.

The saiyan prince was the first to come back to his senses, and he violently pulled himself free of his partner's embrace making Goku hiss once the softening erection left his sore hole. Vegeta looked at the other in horror before anger came over him.

"What the hell did you do to me, you bastard?! I should rip your heart out for this!" Teeth were bared in a threatening manor as the earth raised warrior lifted himself up on his elbows. The shorter male fisted his hands and his tail puffed up like an angry cat's as it thrashed behind him. He snarled when the other man sat up, wincing as he did so.

"Vegeta, what are you talking about? I didn't do anything. You jumped me!" Poor Goku looked up at his elder in confused hurt. The younger man wasn't completely sure why the other was so angry at him. He thought his prince had feelings for him as well, but it didn't seem to be the case."I should be asking you what you did to me!"

Vegeta blurred out of sight for a second only to bury his fist in Goku's stomach. The rage behind the punch made it more powerful and caused the taller saiyan to crash into the rock beside the waterfall. The black haired man didn't have any time to recover before the livid fighter wrapped a hand around his throat in an iron grip.

"You know very well what I'm talking about! I don't know how you did it, but I would NEVER stoop so low as to sleep with a useless moron like YOU! I have tolerated a lot from you, Kakarot, but this is the last time! If I EVER see your pathetic excuse for a saiyan warrior, I'll end your existence on the SPOT!" With that said, the prince punched Goku in the face one last time before he blasted away.

Goku stayed in that position for quite some time as he felt his heart break.

After he somewhat cleaned up and put on what little clothes he had left, he arrived home to see Chi-Chi slap a crying Goten. The full blooded saiyan stood in the doorway in shock as his wife screamed at his son.

"I TOLD YOU TO FINISH STUDYING! I REFUSE TO ALLOW ONE OF MY SONS TO BE ANYTHING LIKE THEIR USELESS BRUTE OF A FATHER!" The woman reached around and harshly fisted a small black tail that was limp behind the boy. "NOW THIS THING IS BACK!? NO, I WILL NOT HAVE A SON WITH ONE OF THESE DISGUSTING THINGS!" More words were said, but all the elder saiyan in the room registered was the terrified look on Goten's face.

A red haze washed over his vision, and the only thought in his mind was to protect his cub. Once everything finally cleared, he found the demi-saiyan in his arms out deep in the woods. The boy was clinging to his father as he cried his eyes out. Through his sobs, the concerned father was able to get more of the story out.

Goten was training with Trunks when his tail grew back. The other boy got extremely jealous and said some very hurtful things that made Goten fly home crying. However, once he got there, Chi-Chi was mad that he hadn't finished his homework. Seeing the new tail made her slap the child as if it was his fault. The woman wanted to cut the appendage off right away, but the child refused to let her do it. That's when Goku came in.

~end flashback~

Now Goku was waiting for his son to wake up. The red haze that overcame his mind made him suspicious about something, and he was dreading to find out what it actually was. Whether his suspicions were correct or not, he needed to take him and his cup and get off the planet as soon as possible.

The young warrior finally dried his eyes as he watched the stars planning his next move. If this was any indication on how he and his young cub was going to be treated, then he desired to be with other saiyans. Only problem was that Vegeta and Trunks were the only ones. Gohan was too human for this plan, but he would be fine if he remained on Earth.

Once Goten woke up, it was time to search for the Dragon Balls.


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

