Unexpected Happiness
by Wolfrider14     More by this Writer
It was supposed to be an easy mission for Vegeta. When he wakes up, he's on a planet far away from Vegetasei being held captive by Frieza, and he's not alone. Now he needs to protect his fellow saiyan prisoner until they are rescued. Then more challenges will come up when they get home.

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Male Pregnancy

Chapter 1
This isn't working, Sorbet." A cold voice rang out in the room as a shadowed being looked down at a crumpled up form on the floor. Blood was all over the floor under them and they appeared to be unconscious. Red eyes glared at the figure before shifting to a small blue male in green and black armor with red fabric covering him from the waist down. "You've been at this for years, and all you've managed to accomplish are two failed experiments. The subject either doesn't get pregnant or miscarries! So by all means, do tell me why I shouldn't kill you!"
"Lord Frieza, we believe that the best way to breed your army would be to pair the subject with another of his species. So far the only compatible beings with Subject 01 have been the humans, but give us another saiyan and there will be success I'm sure of it!" Sorbet managed to speak without the fear he felt entering his tone, and he bowed his head as he hoped that the frost demon would give him another chance.

"Another saiyan?" One of Frieza's fingers tapped the edge of his magnetized transport as his eyes shifted to look back on the still unmoving being. "The point of this project is not to breed more of the filthy monkeys, but to produce stronger hybrids that we can control. Further more you now want another saiyan. Are you aware how difficult it is to find one that can be easily captured? We were fortunate this saiyan was alone and exactly what we needed and that was before the beasts became more cautious about capture."

"I understand that, my lord, but another saiyan would give us the best results. And if we place the infants in the maturation chambers, you could have your army within five years at most!"

"Five years?" There was surprise in Frieza's voice, and Sorbet took that as a good sign. "Not the ten to fifteen you calculated before?"

"Yes, my lord!" The small blue male handed over a handheld device that had a schematic of a chamber with figures beside it. "We can give Subject 01 a fertility drug that will make him carry twins, possibly multiplets, then once they are developed enough, we can remove them from Subject 01 and place them in the chamber to accelerate their growth. Once the infants are removed, we can have the subject impregnated within a few days to allow his body to rest. We would still lose months of time with Subject 01 being pregnant but less than him carrying the full term and birthing the infants naturally. Also we could then take individuals from the resulting offspring and continue the breeding experiments with them or use them to produce more multiplets themselves. The chambers will handle the offspring's education to ensure they are capable of following orders and functioning as adults."

"Hm." The frost demon looked over the figures with a critical eye. "Seems there might be hope for you yet, Sorbet. Very well. I will instruct Zarbon to find you another saiyan, but if the subject fails to carry one more time, I will kill you and find another to take your place."


Vegeta prince of all saiyans woke up and immediately wished he hadn't. By the goddess he felt like his head was splitting open. Sterile white made his eyes snap closed against the nausea that threatened to make its way up his throat.

"What the hell did I drink?" He muttered as he gagged, "And why does it taste like something died in my mouth?" The prince didn't recognize any of the smells in the room at first. The pain in his head jumbled too many things up. The first one he picked out was blood, something familiar enough since he was on a mission….wasn't he? Sex, why did he smell that? The god-awful hospital stink only make his head ache worse. Why hadn't they cleared the air in here?

Blood….hospital…had he been injured enough to need treatment? No that wasn't right, he wasn't in a tank. He was... Another scent interrupted him, a faint whiff of spice that made his stomach stop churning. Blood and sweat were mixed with it almost drowning it out. He wasn't alone. Steeling his resolve the prince cracked open an eye and scanned his surroundings. This wasn't even remotely familiar it was too white, there was no bed like a hospital would have it he wasn't in a healing tank. He was on the floor of all things.

Vegeta growled in pain pushing himself to his knees, his mind more alert. He couldn't be laying down and vulnerable. The prince finally managed to look around and get his bearings.

"Oh shit." He was in a cell. Glass surrounded him on two sides and more of that obnoxious white made up the other two. Part of him was insulted, honestly glass? Who did they think he was? He tried to gather energy to his palm and was shocked to feel something blocking him. Silver cuffs, locked seamlessly, flush against the skin on his wrists and a quick grasp at his throat found a heavier matching collar. This was going from bad to worse.

'Ok think, what the hell happened?' He was on a mission to….images of a base and explosions came to mind. Hundreds of enemies surrounded him in a crater? Fighting, blood, and exhaustion as people just kept coming. Something hit him from behind. The prince hissed as he touched the spot on the back of his head and felt the tender but sealed wound. Thankfully the blood was dry if matted into his hair uncomfortably.

'I was captured.' Vegeta realized with a disturbing sense of calm. 'I was then brought here….' That didn't sound right. He was missing something else, too much time had passed just for that if he was right about his head injury having healed. He focused trying to make himself remember.

Fire, his skin and blood burning. Dark eyes flashed in his memory, wild and intense. Pain and the sweet warm taste of blood on his tongue. His fingers found the teeth marks in his shoulder, small bits of dried blood still on his skin. Everything was still a hazy blur, his mind still trying to catch up with everything. His eyes slid to look through the glass across from him. There was a similar cell though it was more…lived in he guessed the word was. It wasn't as bright. In the corner a small figure curled into a lump on some kind of blanket, the only thing visible was the mass of tangled matted hair and some pale skin.

Just then, footsteps distracted him from trying to remember anything more. Vegeta growled as shifted so he could sit up while leaning against the wall. Whatever happened to him had left him feeling as weak as cub. His vision swam after he righted himself, but he refused to show weakness in front of his captors.

He tensed as a small blue alien came into view with a couple of taller men with orange skin, short, white hair, and yellow eyes with virtual slits for pupils on either side of him. They looked fairly strong, and Vegeta wasn't sure he could fight them off without access to his ki. However, the trio didn't even glance his way as they passed his cell. They stopped in front of the other one.

The smaller male narrowed his eyes as he looked at the crumpled being in a back corner of its cage. Not seeing any movement, he gestured with a skinny finger in that direction as he typed a code that made a door materialize in the glass. The pair of orange skinned men took a couple of steps in the cell, a deep growl came from the bundle causing them to stop.

"It's just a warning noise. He's in no condition to cause you any real harm." The smaller male huffed as the others remained still. "Grab his tail and he'll be immobilized."

They looked at each other before one stepped forward to do what he was ordered. As soon as he got with arms reach, there was a vicious snarl, and Vegeta almost missed what happened.

The smaller form leapt up to claw and bite at the male in front of him causing him to fall back to the floor with a shout. The smaller male wrestled with the larger one while trying to wrap his hands around their throat until the other orange male was rushing to help his comrade. The pale man lashed out with a kick to drive the other away as his hands left claw marks on bare arms. He hissed baring long fangs before biting the hand that was reaching for his hair to subdue him. The first guard used the opportunity to roll and pin the feral prisoner on his back. White fangs snapped less than an inch from the man's throat before the smaller's bare feet kicked and raked at the guard on top of him.

An angry snarl ripped through the air followed by a shout of pain when the guard released the feral prisoner to grasp his bleeding wrist before the smaller male was on top of him again.

"Don't damage him!" The blue man shouted as one of the guards finally managed to find a lashing black furred tail and squeeze it. A snarl was choked off as the smaller form slumped to the side like a broken doll, a soft panicked keen coming from the limp figure that was barely audible to Vegeta's ears as the prisoner's chest heaved with exertion and panic. The tall men panted as they watched the limp form for any signs of hostility before the small blue one rushed in to look over the small prisoner.

Vegeta moved to try and get a better look at his fellow cellmate, and he had to stifle a snarl at what he saw.

It was another saiyan, but he looked to be in bad shape. He looked smaller than the prince with a wild mane of black, matted hair that came down to his shoulder blades with two sections that rested on his chest. The black tail, still being held tightly by an orange hand was just as matted and shaggy looking, but it was the male's skin that showed the worst of the damage. The small saiyan was covered in scars, and that was only part of what the prince could see with the three moving around him. He managed to see a bite mark on the saiyan's right shoulder as he was pulled to his feet.

"Carefully!" The small male shouted angrily as the orange pair roughly moved the slack body so they could carry him. "Our lives are depending on whether he's carrying! Get him to the tanks!" The two men more gently lifted his feet off the ground and carried him rather than dragging him.

Vegeta tried to move to get closer to the glass wall that blocked his access to the corridor, but his muscles were to weak to fulfill his command. All he could do was watch as the three took the still limp saiyan out of his vision.

"Carrying…?" The prince whispered to himself trying to figure out why that one word was making his mind scream out in protest. He lifted a hand to rest on his forehead and massaged trying to think past the pounding when a dark chuckle had him lifting his head up to see a magnetized chair floating about a foot off the floor.

"Well, well, well. When Zarbon told me just who he had found, I'll admit I was skeptical to believe him." The cold voice had Vegeta glaring as he lifted his eyes to meet red ones. "Now, now, monkey, it's not polite to glare at your host."

The saiyan prince couldn't hold back his snarl even if he tried. The anger at being face to face with the enemy of his race gave him the strength to surge to his feet. His tail lashed wildly behind him as he bared his teeth at the frost demon.

"Now you're behaving like an animal more than the "prince" you claim to be." Frieza laughed. "I'm not surprised that you're acting like this, Vegeta, especially after the past few days. I thought it was just our subject that was a mindless animal, but it's you're entire filthy race. I am rather impressed that you lasted as long with our subject as you did. Normally he's killed anyone else by now. We were honestly expecting having to step in so he didn't."

"What are you talking about?" Although the saiyan felt like he was speaking around a mouthful of cotton, the rage in his tone was clear.

"Oh? Having trouble remembering?" Dark lips twisted in a smirk as Frieza rested his head on one of his hands. "You certainly provided quite the show."

"Why have you brought me here!?" Vegeta shouted as he took a couple of steps closer to the transparent wall. All he wanted to do was break out of the cell and wipe that look off the other's face.

"Nothing you need to worry about. Honestly, I don't know why you're complaining. All I need from you is to have sex with our other guest. That shouldn't be too much of a hardship for any man."


"I thought you said he couldn't do any real harm!" The guard hissed as a medic bandaged his still bleeding wrist. Sorbet rolled his eyes at the new transfer as he finished buckling the respirator over 01's face while the other guard was still keeping the black tail firmly grasped. New guards, the turnover at this place was ridiculous. Idiots like this one getting cocky and trying to take out frustrations on the subjects here. Them getting mauled because of it.

"And he didn't, did he?" He said settling the limp body in the tank's chair and buckling the straps across his chest, waist and legs.

"You call this not harmful, he tore a chunk out of my arm!"

"Yes and if he was stronger you'd be missing the limb or dead. Its your own fault for not keeping your guard up." The blue alien fired back. "01, or any saiyan subject is not to be taken lightly no matter how "harmless" you think they are. If he sees you as a threat he will try to kill you." Sorbet said as he gestured for the saiyan's tail to be released before sealing the tank. Seconds later the small male was weakly jerking at the straps and shaking his head to try dislodging the respirator as fluid filled the tank. The monitor on the pod recorded his increased heartbeat as his blood pressure went up. Sorbet sighed, even when he tried to help, the monkey fought against it. You'd think after all this time the beta would realize the tank wasn't going to hurt him and cooperate.

"Commence the scan, and pray that this wasn't for nothing." Moments later data began scrolling up the screen. The usual signs of the beta's distress and anger were present but triggered no warnings. Thankfully he calmed down as the scan progressed and relaxed letting the tank do its job. 01 had lost at least 8 pounds during the last few days, not unusual with his refusal to eat during the heats but still something they needed to correct. Out of desperation they triggered 01's heat two days before Vegeta's arrival. By that time the beta was so overwhelmed and weak from hormones he could barely move let alone fight the alpha as the drugs took effect.

As the data continued the alien breathed a sigh of relief. 01 was pregnant, it had worked. Now they just needed to keep him pregnant. Again he considered finding a way to keep the subject in a healing tank but rejected it moments later. Healthy individuals didn't do well in the solution, too long and it turned toxic. Going through the information he found several low minerals and vitamins in the beta's body. He made a note to adjust the lighting in 01's cell to give him more "sunlight" to produce the Vitamin D that he needed.

Rubbing his forehead he wished the saiyan hadn't gone feral so they could simply give him the medicine and medical treatment he needed. Part of him wanted to hope the alpha would be able to help with that, but the saiyans were so stubborn that he put the thought from his mind.

"Stupid monkey." The guard growled as he came over to the tank. Sorbet saw the heart monitor speed up and the bubbles that flew from the respirator as 01 glared and strained at his bonds again. The scientist growled and pushed him away from the tank wanting to calm the subject down before he was worked up.

"Let me make something clear private. If you do anything to make him miscarry we are all dead."

"Surely you're exaggerating."

"No you imbecile, Lord Frieza has grown tired of all the problems with this project. We've had to resort to capturing another saiyan at great cost to Lord Frieza's army because we cannot breed 01 with other species and get offspring for the soldiers our Lord wants. If we fail, he will take all the subjects from here and level this facility and all who work here in punishment for our failures."

"Why not kill him and get a new subject? Surely there's something wrong with that one." The other guard said giving 01 a cautious look. He'd fought saiyans and this one was the most animalistic of any he'd ever seen. If he didn't know better he'd say that was a wild animal not a sentient being. The beta was more like a rabid dog.

"He's a beta, which are rare enough in the saiyan race. Getting another is practically impossible with how careful the saiyans have become during the war. If you paid attention, you'd see females are kept far away from heavy combat zones and are always paired with multiple other capable fighters regardless of their power levels. There's no visible distinction between beta males and alphas, but it's a reasonable assumption that beta's are guarded just as much if not more so."

"So let me be perfectly clear, if you are going to hold some ridiculous grudge or try to antagonize him or the other subjects, transfer. Because if you don't and you cause him to hurt himself or heaven forbid miscarry, you wont have to worry about what Lord Frieza will do to you, I'll kill you myself."

With one final hard look at every person in the med bay with him, Sorbet turned back to the screen to do one more check before typing in an order for a mild sedative as well as several vitamins to be injected into the small saiyan. The monkey was picky with his food sometimes and the scientist wanted there to be some of what he needed in his system. It would help his body and the infants growing within him.

At least getting him back to his cell should go smoother as long as the guards follow his orders. His eyes drifted over to the saiyan to watch as him medicine took effect. He would need to keep a very close eye on all of them to make sure nothing happened to the subject.

"Chorri," the small man called out, and a humanoid female with cat like features came up beside him. "Go get some more blankets for his cell and pick up the food from the kitchens. 01 needs to regain some weight after five days without food. There will be more than usual so make sure it all gets there." The feline woman was quick to do as told.

"Ren and Gan." Sorbet turned to the orange pair that straightened at being addressed. He glared at them as he moved to the tank to start the draining process. By now, the saiyan was slumped in his restraints and breathing deeply. The doctor tossed a dark grey pair of pants at the pair. "I've sedated 01 so there will be no problems in taking him back, but remember what I said before. You'll need to put those on him before we leave."

With more caution this time, the two lifted the unconscious beta and followed Sorbet back to the cells fully aware of sharp black eyes watching their every move.


Frieza watched in amusement as Vegeta glared and snarled to him. He was so much more lively than the other saiyan. 01 hadn't done more than cower from him in years, it was refreshing having another monkey to put in their place. The frost demon had originally come down to see if Sorbet had any news in their project, but the chance at antagonizing the monkey prince was too good to pass up.

"What?! Why do you want me to do that you sick bastard!?" The look of outrage made Frieza chuckle, and he toyed with a remote with his free hand. "The hell is wrong with you!" The prince snarled as his tail lashed behind him flared out to twice its size.

"Oh, Vegeta. I do wish you would watch your language. Something…unpleasant might happen if you don't."

"I am not some whore for your entertainment!" the alpha snarled. "The only unpleasant thing that's going to happen will be when I get out of here and rip your head off before I shove it-" He screamed and dropped to the floor convulsing as electricity poured though his weakened body. Snarls and choked screams of agony made their way out of his throat as he just tried to breathe. Finally the shocks stopped and the prince lay panting while his muscles twitched and jerked painfully on their own.

"Oh my, I must have put your collar on the highest setting by mistake, so sorry about that." The tyrant said without drop of sincerity in his tone. Vegeta growled baring his fangs in absolute fury before he was screaming again from pain as electricity poured through him. The second burst didn't last near as long, and Vegeta couldn't even begin to make his body move from the aftershocks. "Now do pay attention, monkey. I know that's difficult with your small brain but do try."

"Your stay can be pleasant enough and you do your "job" with no problems, and you continue to live out your usefulness relatively comfortable or at least lucid and pain free. If not, and pay close attention here," He pressed the button on the remote drawing an agonized snarl from the prince. "That will be the least of your problems. I don't need you sane, I just need to you, if you'll forgive the crass language, to fuck your companion as often as possible and produce more little monkeys for my project. Whether you do so willingly or drugged to the gills is up to you." Footsteps sounded and the saiyan prince and tyrant both glanced towards the sound as the guards and scientist returned.

"And here's our guest of honor himself." Frieza's tone was deceptively cheerful as he faced the two guards holding the now half clothed limp body of the other saiyan. "Well, Sorbet, do we have good news?"

"He's carrying twins, sire." The small blue alien was pleased to report as he opened the cell for Ren and Gan to take small saiyan back to his corner.

"Excellent news!" The frost demon sounded genuinely pleased, and Vegeta's eyes widened before everything finally clicked as he looked at the tiny unconscious male being held by the guards. He was a beta, they had captured a beta and done….this to him. His mind recoiled in absolute horror. He had raped and gotten a beta pregnant with twins!

'Tarro forgive me.' He silently prayed. They drugged him and put him with the beta Vegeta realized as he finally registered the scent of a heat under the sex smell in the cell and knew that under the circumstances he wouldn't have been able to stop himself between whatever drug they pumped him full of and the beta's pheromones, but it did nothing to lessen his horror at what he had done.

"It seems two saiyans really are the most compatible, Sire. We experienced none of the usual problems during their coupling. The biting must be an instinctual thing during sex and 01's tendency to injure other partners wasn't an intentional act it would seem. Both he and Vegeta bit each other with no serious injuries." Sorbet said as he helped lay the new blankets in the corner and settle the beta.

'We bit….oh no.' His eyes found the teeth marks on the beta's shoulder as a trembling hand found the matching set on his own shoulder. He mated himself to the beta he just raped and knocked up. His father was going to kill him if the goddess didn't strike him down first.

"We'll be most concerned with keeping Subject 01 calm and comfortable to reduce the chance of miscarriage this time."

"See to it every consideration is made, I don't care if you have to strap him to a bed and force feed him or keep him in a coma. Do not fail me again."

By this point, the saiyan prince was numbly watching as the guards left the unconscious saiyan on his new pile. After his mind filled in the blanks enough for Vegeta to get the basics of what happened, it shut down. He was so shocked that he barely registered Frieza's final words.

"See? As long as you keep this up, we should have no problems. Oh! By the way," the ice demon called out over his shoulder. "Congratulations, daddy."


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