by Xero Sky     More by this Writer
Goku swore bitterly, using words he hadn't even realized he knew, and jerked at the chains holding him face down on the bed, straining until his muscles gave out. He knew what the manacles were, knew what they were doing to him. His ki was there . . . but he couldn't seem to use it.

Art by : Moonsylver

"Hush, Kakarot. I won't hurt you much."

Goku swore bitterly, using words he hadn't even realized he knew, and jerked at the chains holding him face down on the bed, straining until his muscles gave out. He knew what the manacles were, knew what they were doing to him. His ki was there . . . but he couldn't seem to use it. His normal saiyajin strength, although far surpassing anything naturally bred on this planet, didn't so much as warp the metal. Not that he could see that. Something soft and dark was wrapped around his eyes, blinding him. He only knew that he couldn't move any more than he could before.


"I really will have to thank the onna for these," Vejiita purred in his ear. A warm, heavy weight slid on top of him and stretched out, muscles pressing through cloth against his naked flesh. Goku reared back, trying to smash his head into the ouji, but Vejiita was ready for him. He hit nothing, but strong fingers slid into his hair at the top of his arc, and jerked his head to a stop. The burning in his scalp took his breath away for an instant.

A warm, wet tongue idly licked at his exposed throat. Goku tried to pull away from the contact, but he was caught.

A throaty laugh vibrated against his skin.

"Yes, Kakarot. Fight me, if you will."

Then his hair was released, and the weight lifted away from him. Panting, he writhed on the soft fabric, trying to find the edges of the damned thing, trying to feel for Vejiita, trying to get some kind of bearing. His ears told him that Vejiita was still there, breathing a little faster than normal, and he could smell the man's excitement, but he couldn't find him otherwise. Damn him, damn him, damn him!

The chains didn't allow him enough range of motion to find the edges of the bed he was sure he was on. The plush softness underneath him felt like a bed with fine cotton sheets on it, cool and smooth to the touch, but not slick like satin. Denied sight and touch, he read his other senses carefully.

He could not sense ki other than his own. There was the faint sound of birdsong in the distance. There was a gentle movement of air across his hot skin, but he was definitely inside. There was a feeling of enclosed space around him. Other than Vejiita and himself, he could catch no scent of anything living: just clean sheets, the general scent of cleanliness, and a faint, sweet, spicy scent he couldn't identify.

He waited, tense in the silence, for the next thing to happen. Minutes seemed to stretch into hours as he lay there, his skin tingling, his senses and imagination working overtime. What was Vejiita doing? Why was he here?

He remembered laughing and turning to say something to Vejiita, to say goodbye, since he was going away to train Buu. He hadn't really wanted to go, but the situation with Chichi had deteriorated to nothing but bickering. He would still see his sons, regardless of what the woman wanted. Just less often. A little less fighting at home certainly wouldn't hurt them. Gohan was grown, and Goten looked to him as much as to Goku for fathering. It was better to go.

Dark eyes had simply regarded him, giving no signals, and then everything was dark.

And then he was here. Naked, bound, weak, and blind.

He wondered if Vejiita had gone insane. If he had, if they were as isolated as Goku feared, then things might be very bad for him. He had seen into the ouji, been the ouji, been one with Vejiita; they had fused into Vejitto. Even though the fusion had been breached somehow, and though the memories were slowly fading, he had seen enough. Sometimes he even felt as if the two of them had never really been severed. He knew Vejiita, however much he tried to keep his own self and thoughts private. Vejiita had suffered and dealt more cruelty than Goku wanted to imagine. Being helpless before Vejiita was a fearful thing.

And as the time stretched, as he twitched at every new sound and felt phantom touches on his skin, Goku began to be afraid. Only a little. He had faced death before, after all. Twice. But this was different, this was Vejiita, and Goku wasn't accustomed to fear. Joy, anger, anticipation, horror, sorrow, surprise . . . the whole spectrum of emotion was his, but he simply wasn't used to this creeping apprehension that started stealing his breath away.

What was Vejiita doing!????!

He hissed and cried out in shock as a slender, warm, slick something trailed down his spine. Waves of sensation burst over his sensitized skin, making him shudder uncontrollably. His whole body sparked and tingled.

The something moved up and down his back slowly, circling around his tail scar without crossing the borders of it, making it ache by omission. He was grateful, suddenly, to be lying face down, so that his growing, shameful arousal couldn't be seen.

He realized it was a finger when its fellows joined it, all of them slick and warm. Something thick and almost hot was poured onto his back, in the hollow near his shoulder blades, and the scent of flowers spiked up, filling the air. What was it? And where was Vejiita? He couldn't feel him any of him except for the fingers that began swirling through the .... oil? ... and tracing out the muscles of his back. He thrashed, but there was no weight or warmth on the bed other than his own.

Deprived of other stimuli, his mind was force to focus exclusively on the movement of invisible hands on his flesh.

Fingers swirled and dipped, lightly tickling his sides, running over the precipice of his shoulders, and moving over his hips. They always moved back to the oil, replenishing the slickness of their touch and spreading it gently and thoroughly over his skin.

Kami, they . . . He bit off a moan as the fingers moved up to the back of his neck, massaging him there, moving over each vertebrae and tight muscle. Then he was thrashing wildly, trying to get away from the tickling hands as they found his sensitive spots along his spine.

He gasped at the warmth of palms pressing against his back and smoothing down his backbone, soothing him, calming the almost painful sensations of being tickled.

There was a hot rolling flood on his skin as more oil was added, and his eyes closed with reluctant pleasure. Strong hands eased the scented warmth over his flesh, kneading and stroking. His shoulders were massaged, and each of his arms, down to the fingertips, was slowly rubbed and felt. Blushing hotly, he was unable to keep entirely silent under this treatment, with small sounds of protest or pleasure escaping a clenched jaw and lips pressed white together.

It felt . . . good. Deeply embarrassing, but somehow good.

The oil completely spread, the hands moved down, taking up his feet. Fingers and thumbs slicked his toes and pressed into the sensitive arches, moving in small sensual circles, making him curl his toes and try to jerk his feet away from such intense bliss. He felt almost light headed with the sensations as his tingling feet were massaged and explored. Faint, and very, very aroused.

He tried, as subtly as he could, to press his erection against the mattress without being noticed. Just to relieve the pressure a little.

He guessed that it didn't work when he heard the little intake of air, as if someone was trying to repress a laugh, and he was twisted over onto his back. His cock nodded restlessly in the warm air as it was freed, and Goku felt his face burn with mortification.

His legs were oiled and stroked, with the delicate flesh behind his knees being given special attention until he squirmed away. Thick thighs were kneaded as Goku bit his lip in embarrassed anticipation. Vejiita certainly wouldn't touch him there.

Would he?

There was still no feeling of Vejiita anywhere else; the only contact was through his hands, hands which were swiftly becoming the center of Goku's world. He arched and writhed, unable to keep still under such a dedicated assault, and he wasn't sure that he cared much anymore about the sounds escaping his lips. The only thing that mattered was being touched.

The hands slid up over his hipbones, skipping his cock entirely, and Goku bit down hard on his lip in relief, shame, and disappointment. Blood leaked into his mouth as oil was poured amongst the curves and hollows of his belly, and he couldn't tell which he liked more. Slippery hands caressed and tormented his nipples, tweaking and pinching them, letting them slip out from between oily fingers. He couldn't keep himself from pressing upwards into that touch. Lightning seemed to lance down into his groin as hard nails dug in, but he wanted more of it, wanted teeth there . . .

Finally his chest was done, and his throat, leaving only his ass and his cock unhandled. He felt breath, then a gentle biting kiss at the base of his throat, and then, with one stroke up and one stroke down, his cock was oiled and he was flipped over on his stomach even as he groaned and bucked with pleasure.

"Damn you!" he yelled, and flushed as soon as he heard the words leave his mouth. There was a chuckle, and then hands found his ass cheeks and began to knead them, bringing more oil to bear as the taut muscles were felt of and grasped at. A single digit began rubbing gently over his tail scar, making him nearly scream with the aching, hollow pleasure that rocketed up and down him. He threw his head back, shaking it in empty denial, trying to clear it.

When he was spread wide, he hardly noticed at first, still tingling from the attention to his scar. Oil was spread over and between his cheeks, and then a slippery hand found and handled his balls, making him gasp, making him twitch and leak and moan loudly. One hand stayed there, and then a thumb found his opening, rubbing over tight muscle, sliding over and around until the feeling and the shame blended into something that let him accept it completely when the digit was pressed into him. There was no pain, only invasion, and Goku, his body on fire, his mind confused, wanting what he had always, no, never wanted, accepted it, tipping his hips upward, pressing his knees outward, giving himself.

A mouth found his scar and licked at it until he twitched uncontrollably, and then slow, delectable, disembodied kisses climbed his back.

Trembling, Goku found his voice had come creeping back from wherever it had fled to.

"Why are you doing this?"

A voice in his ear was almost lost as hot naked weight settled all along him from above. He realized that Vejiita had been hovering just above him all this time, touching him with only the minimum necessary flesh. Hot flesh slid over and on top of him and Goku almost screamed with the pleasure of slick hard heat wrapping around his body as Vejiita took hold of him.

"Because I saw . . . When we were one, I saw everything, Kakarot. Did you really think I'd let you leave me again?" The voice was low and intense, and Goku shivered at the sound of it.

"You thought you'd escaped me when Vejitto dissolved, didn't you? Oh, no, Kakarot. Never again. It seems saiyajins can't fuse without consequences."


"You're bonded to me now, Kakarot. Vejitto disappeared and in his wake is a saiyajin mating bond. Just like fucking maaaagic," the voice purred darkly. "Till the day we die, baka, we're bound together till the day we die."

Goku opened his mouth, though he had no idea what he was going to say. Vejiita licked him behind the ear and shifted his position, warm, sweaty flesh gliding deliciously along his own, and Goku lost his words altogether. Something hot and hard was sliding gently up and down between his ass cheeks, and he found that for some reason he didn't mind it at all, not even knowing fully what it promised.

"I didn't want it. I'd rather hate you. I like hating you. I'm good at it. But the bond is there, damn you. Look inside yourself, Kakarot, and there I am," Vejiita said contemplatively between licks and bites. "And if we are bonded, then we will be bonded, gods curse us, mated as true saiyajins. Pride allows no less."

He laughed, and the sound rolled down Goku's spine, making him tense and quiver. So dark and yet not harsh, not mocking. Just Vejiita, caught up with his rival in a way neither nature nor his pride in his heritage would let him escape. A strong hand caught his neck, and the thumb traced its slick way up his spine to the back of his skull, and began massaging him there.

"What does it mean, Vejiita?" Goku asked softly, a delicate purr blossoming unnoticed in his chest.

"Heh," Vejiita said, the irony thick in his voice. "It means I'm going to fuck you, baka. Lust allows no less."

"Because you hate me?" Goku said, his voice thick with strain and the forerunners of rage.

Vejiita grabbed him by the hair and twisted his head so that he could look directly into the other's eyes. "Because in a few hours or a few days you're going to be the only thing I can think about, and I'm not going to wait that long to lose my mind. We are mated, kisama, as truly as any saiyajins ever born. And I might as well have a little fun."

Any answer Goku may have had to that was lost in the kiss that was pressed onto, into his mouth. There was a brief moment when he could have refused it, but soon they were well past that, and his gasping mouth was carefully invaded and decadently explored. A warm tongue stroked his own, playing, touching, tasting. He found himself curling his tongue and playing back, trying to capture Vejiita's tongue.

The whole thing made him want to laugh. He was kissing Vejiita like a longtime lover. He had certainly kissed and been kissed before. Chichi had often enough praised his skills at it, back when there was any way of pleasing her at all. This was nothing like those kisses at all. This was far more intense, far more passionate than anything he'd ever experienced before. And by the time it was done, by the time their lips were hot and swollen, by the time they had released the kiss to lick and nibble at each other, he knew that he would do anything the ouji wanted him to do, that there was no questioning of the bond between them, and that, more than anything else he wanted Vejiita on and in him, making that terrible ache go away, telling him everything was all right.

"Take these off, Vejiita," he said softly, rattling the chains.

"I don't think so . . . " the prince purred at him, delicately licking his cheek, then moving to bite his neck gently, taking a fold of skin in between his teeth and sucking at it.

"I want . . . " to touch you, Goku started to say, but he couldn't do it. Somehow, despite the fire in his body, this indescribable and unforeseen lust, he couldn't say it. Shame or fear or habit held him back. Kami knew it had nothing to do with his wife. He flexed his hands in frustration, moving restlessly.

There was laughter against his throat. "I know what you want, Kakarot. And I will take pity on you."

Pity? Vejiita?

"These chains are your friends, Kakarot," the dark velvet voice said in his ear. A hand ran down his spine to his backside, caressing him fully. Goku panted and shivered at the return of that deliberate, invasive touch. "They keep you spread wide for me. They take away your choices."

"You think you have to fight for your freedom," the voice continued as he was carefully turned over on his back again. "I can see inside you now. You want to make choices, to say 'yes' or 'no'. But we're beyond choices now. I want you reminded of that. Chains on the outside, freedom on the inside, Kakarot. . ."

Vejiita began running fingers delicately over his cock, exploring the contours and the textures, and driving his victim instantly mad. Goku arched and writhed to get away from his touch, and Vejiita slid on top of him, oiled flesh sliding across warm oiled flesh. "So I think we'll just leave those on, shall we? Just for now, of course...."

Goku whipped his head from side to side as the voice ran over him like the warm oil had. He couldn't accept this. His emotions seesawed back and forth, leaving him defiant now, and angry. He wasn't bonded. Nothing of what the ouji had said could be true. He couldn't possibly be writhing in pleasure from Vejiita's touch. But his lips still tingled from their kiss. His hips arched into that touch. And the things he was saying were so dangerously hot . . .

"Fuck off, Vejiita. Is this how you think you'll finally beat me?" Goku heard the voice and recognized it, but it didn't seem to have anything to do with him. He had no idea whether he meant it or not.

"I don't want your submission, Kakarot. Not now that I will leave everything, my woman and my child, to take you for my mate. All you need do is accept me."

Vejiita's strong, slick hand began, very slowly, to stroke him, and Goku bit his already bleeding lip fiercely. It was so very, very hard not to give voice to his pleasure, to tell the world exactly how good that felt. To say exactly how right that touch felt.

When the hand left him, within sight of completion, he nearly screamed his dismay. A low laugh made him curse Vejiita, his family, his forebearers, and the planet that had spawned him with a wealth of profanity even he hadn't known he possessed.

Then he picked up a strong scent, the light spice of the oil made intense. And suddenly there was a sharp pain as a small, burning hot something hit his hip just along the bone. The pain was sharp, but it faded fairly quickly, leaving a small, sensitive throbbing place behind, and he knew that if his ki weren't being suppressed, he would hardly have felt it at all.

"What was that?" Kami, why did he sound so nervous?

There was no answer. Just another drop of burning pain, this time just above the curly thatch of hair. He would have jumped, but Vejiita's weight kept him pinned. The chains at his wrists would not let him rear up or move away, either.

Silence. Other than his own harsh panting and Vejiita's much calmer breathing, he could hear nothing except the stupid birds outside. For a few moments, nothing else happened. Muscles rippled under glistening skin as he tensed, waiting for the next one. He clenched his jaw, not wanting to sound weak again.

Another, near the hollow of his throat. This one slid down the curve and stayed there, the burn fading slowly. It was then that he realized what was happening. Vejiita was simply heating the oil with his ki almost to the point of bursting into flame, and then letting a single drop fall from his finger to land wherever he pleased on Goku's skin.

"Why are doing that?" Goku asked quietly, controlling his voice this time. It was surprisingly hard.

No answer.

For a long time there was nothing else, and he shifted restlessly, the chains rattling. He wasn't able to get away or move significantly, and without Vejiita's permission, there was nothing for him to do but wait.

Wait for Vejiita to dip his finger into the small pool of oil cupped in one palm. Wait for him to decide what place needed his attention. Wait as he lifted his elegant finger and held it out, the searing drop forming so slowly at the very tip, gathering until it was round and pregnant with the promise of sharp, scalding pain. Wait until. . .

"Aaiiih!" He cried out as the next drop found the aureole of his left nipple, biting at his skin, the pain more intense for having been so intensely expected. Then it faded, and the slow, aching throb that replaced it was almost worse, for it lingered.

It went that way for some time, though Goku could not tell how long. His whole body tensed as he waited, blind, for each drop, never knowing when or where it would fall. Such a small thing, and yet he could scarcely think of anything else. Drops were let fall in every part of his torso, never lavishly, yet marking him equally in all parts, making him jerk and cry with each touch, making his body agonizingly sensitive.

Anticipation became his curse now.

He was turned on his stomach again, and this time he fought against it as much as he could, to no avail. Knowing what was to come, unable to predict or avoid it, he lay tense and gasping. Vejiita straddled the backs of his thighs again, and warm oily hands kneaded his flesh again briefly before leaving him. He moaned helplessly, the sensations making him ache and burn.

A drop on the back of his neck. Just under each shoulder blade. And then, in an erratic pace, down his spine to his backside. A thick drop just at the top of his cleft, rolling slowly down into the divide, making him nearly buck Vejiita off.

His whole body sparked and tingled, flamed, throbbed, and ached, and still Vejiita said nothing. Goku made noise for them both, gasping with each drop, panting, groaning, and finally, when the pace slowed and the anticipation grew too much for him, simply repeating Vejiita's name over and over again. No further words were necessary: both knew he was pleading for Vejiita to either give him more, or stop this altogether.

One last, tiny drop fell, the smallest so far, straight into the center of his tail scar, and Goku shrieked.

Almost immediately there was a tongue on him, burning him again, yet soothing the spot, laving it with moist velvet. Every hurt, pulsing spot on his back, his thighs, and his ass was kissed and licked until he could swear Vejiita was taking his skin off, and then that tongue went lower altogether.

Breathing harshly, he felt the tongue explore him thoroughly, slick hands spreading him. He didn't care. Innocence and naivete could go straight to hell; he wasn't a stupid or an ignorant man, and he knew exactly what would come next. He wanted it, badly, more than anything else he could remember wanting just then. He needed it now; his body was on fire, and nothing would cool it except more of Vejiita, more sensation, more everything.


"Hai, Kakarot?" Amusement filled that voice, but also desire, lust, breathless anticipation. Goku could read him without any effort now. If the tormented saiyajin was close to madness with need, the tormenter was not far behind.

With a wicked little smile, Goku suddenly changed his tactics, writhing on the sheets, knowing that his show of sensual abandon was being eagerly drunk in. He wasn't going to ask Vejiita for it; he was going to drive him to it.

Kisses were scattered across his body, and with each one he gave a little extra moan, wiggled a little more. He flexed against the chains and writhed, emphasizing his captivity. He rolled and flexed as the kisses and caresses increased, and was not surprised at all when a hot mouth found his own and devoured him.

"Oh, Vejiita," he moaned dulcetly when the wet kiss broke, meaning it but adding that little extra, and that was enough.

There was a mumbled curse and then he was pulled into position, spread wide, and entered.

Knowing what was coming and experiencing it were two different things. Never in his life had he felt anything like that. It was painful, then uncomfortable, then, suddenly, as Vejiita thrust again, completely wonderful. Pain faded, yet hovered, waiting for its moment, and that only increased his excitement. Vejiita bit at the back of his neck and shoulders, and raked sharp nails down his already tender back, and Goku could only groan with the pleasure of it all.

Chains rattled. The sounds of lovers voicing their ecstasy filled the room. The scent of oil and lust was thick in the air.

Every placed that Vejiita had let the hot oil fall onto him burned again, as sweat and heat and slick skin moved against each other. His whole body seemed on the verge of orgasm, every bit of it sending him tales of pleasure and sensation. A thick, burning sensation, intensely wonderful, seemed to climb farther up his spine with every thrust.

Some part of his mind still insisted that this wasn't possible, that the hard, slippery thickness filling him could not be Vejiita's shaft, that the doubled feelings of pleasure and free lust in his mind weren't coming from both Vejiita's thoughts and his own. That the feeling of completeness and abandon running through him had nothing to do with being bonded to the bastard prince who was moaning against his back and fucking him with such enthusiastic devotion.

Like he cared.

With a scream of purest pleasure, Son Goku came hard, pulsing out onto the sheets below, his back arching and his body tightening with the wonderful intensity of it all. A moment, a series of thrusts later, and the husky roar of his prince filled the room around them as Vejiita released into his lover.

For a long trembling moment, they stayed together, frozen in a tableau of ecstasy, and then Vejiita groaned and collapsed on him.

They lay panting against each other for a long time, sweat and bliss and the mysteries of saiyajin mating binding them together.



A rattling of chains. /Take these off./

Vejiita reached over with both hands and tore one ki cuff apart, freeing Goku's hand. "I'm too tired," he rasped. "Do it yourself."

Feeling the sudden thin flow of ki returning, Goku waited, gathering it, then flexed outward with it suddenly, making the other cuffs explode off his ankles and other wrist.

He pulled the blindfold off and looked around. A capsule house, he guessed, by the blandness of the furnishings. The bed, however, was large and lavish, the only real personal touch in the room. A container of oil stood on the night stand. Vejiita's clothes were neatly stacked on top of the dresser.

He turned to the prince himself and found that he was being smirked at. That infuriating little smile sat on lips slightly swollen and, in Goku's opinion, eminently kissable. Glistening skin lay over hard muscles as Vejiita lay on his side, his head propped up on one hand, his tail flexing in the air behind him. He looked like sex personified, and Goku felt himself harden again in appreciation. There were, however, details to be taken care of first.

"We're bonded now, you said."

/Hai, baka./ Eyes narrowed with amusement as Vejiita answered.

/For life?/ Goku asked, getting the hang of this new form of speaking.

/And beyond, or so the stories go./


/Any other questions before I ravish you again?/ Vejiita asked, licking his lips and considering the feast before him. Goku felt altogether too tempted by that, and he leaned forward for a series of slow, carnal kisses. Then he leaned back, noticing the disappointment on the prince's face.

/I have two questions, Vejiita. . . The first one is: when did you get your tail back?/

The quizzical, shocked expression on Vejiita's face told him everything he needed to know about that.

With a truly evil grin, Goku reached out and snagged himself a handful of tail, feeling the strength underneath the velvet fur. "My second question is: if the tail scar is so sensitive, what must the whole tail be like?"

Vejiita looked at him for a long moment before something very much like alarm ignited in his eyes.

/Something you should have learned about me by now, Vejiita: I may lose the first round, but never the fight. . ./


Outside, the flock of birds that had unknowingly serenaded the lovemaking duo suddenly took flight, scared by a piercing, roaring wail. They had stoically remained on their perches during the earlier noisemaking, taking it for normal sounds of prey being caught and taken. Not being creatures of tremendous intellect, they had regarded it all with the same nonchalance as the sudden appearance of the house. A few had ruffled their feathers, but nothing more. This new noise was altogether too much for them. Surely, their primitive brains warned, some tremendous predator had just gotten itself caught by something even more fearsome. Instinct told them to get the hell out of there.

They weren't the only ones to try to flee the area.

But they were the only ones who made it.



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