by Xero Sky     More by this Writer
Vegeta and Goku share a very special Christmas...

Art by VegetaSsj03

Chapter 02 : A Night to Remember
Bulma Briefs, president of Capsule Corp, three-time winner of Ningen Magazine's Best-Dressed Award, and general all-around brilliant, wealthy person, watched the father of her child commit indecent acts with a candy cane before an enraptured audience of one.

She wasn't sure what disturbed her most: what Vejiita was doing, that he was apparently doing it for Goku's benefit, or that Goku couldn't seem to tear his eyes away. It was so out-of-character that she hardly believed it.

Although, on second thought, maybe half of it wasn't that odd. Vejiita was easily the most erotic and sensually-oriented lover she'd ever had. He was also a bona-fide pervert, though far more refined in his tastes than Kamesennin. Furthermore he was without question a fine piece of ass. She could easily see someone being swept away by even a little flirting from the handsome ouji. Surely not even Goku could be immune to the tidal wave of sexual charisma being let loose on him.

The real question was why Vejiita was flirting with Goku at all. A selection of the ouji's most brilliant profanity of the last twenty years, almost all of it directed at the tall, genial saiyajin, ran through her head. She thought about that, and about obsessive behavior and what it sometimes meant. Then she smiled slyly, trying not to tip anyone else off to her epiphany.

Intrigued and only slightly drunk, she settled back in a comfy chair to watch.

Her ignorance could be forgiven, for she was only human. She'd entirely missed the most important part of the scene before her. It wasn't flirtation she was watching: it was torture.


Goku was mesmerized.

There really wasn't another word to describe it. He had forgotten where he was, except in terms of how close he was to Vejiita. He'd forgotten that there were other people there. He was perilously close to forgetting his name.

Vejiita was giving that damned candy cane the kind of attention that even characters in porno movies never got. His tongue was wet and agile, and it seemed to be flat-out worshipping that unworthy bit of sugar and spice. Up and down, and all around it went, and then the sweetness would be dipped into an even sweeter mouth for a few moments of private attention. Then it would be relinquished for a bit, and that devilish smile would slide back into place. Perhaps one arc of thick lashes would dip down in salute to the enraptured audience, and then the whole show would start over.

Goku burned. Vejiita's scent was close and clear, easily separated from the lesser smells of ningens and non-ningens and general merriment. Those smells were like chaotic, cluttering noise, and Vejiita's pure, masculine scent was like a perfect note above the din. It made his head swim. It made him certain that he'd give almost anything if he could taste that sweetness again.

He leaned forward in his chair. He didn't know what he was going to say, but it had to be good. It had to be enough to convey all the longing he felt, and all his desire. It needed to carry all his confusion and bewilderment, and tell the tale of the last few weeks, and how the ouji had never left his mind all that time, even in his dreams.

"Vejiita," he breathed, knowing full well the prince could hear him. "I -"

"Daaaaaaaad!!!!! Make him stop pulling my tail, or I'm going to hammer the little shit right through the floor!"

"Gohan!! What kind of language is that?"

"He started it first!"

"Gohan, are you listening to me?"

"Dad, did you hear me!?"

Goku let his face sink into his hands as his family descended on him.


"Trunks, your turn!"

The youngest member of the House of Vejiita pounced on a long bundle his mother handed him and sat back down to open it. Everyone in the house was gathered around the tree now. Uncharacteristically, Goku sat where he'd been, in a seat now on the outer periphery of the group.

Completely in character, Vejiita stayed on the couch, seeming to ignore everyone else. Only three people understood that he was focused almost exclusively on one person.

He was on his second candy cane. Goku could barely breathe. He'd flinched visibly when the prince had crunched the last of the previous one between his sharp teeth.

Trunks tore the paper loose in a blur of young saiyajin excitement. Bulma bit back on a groan.


The sword slid out of its black sheath with a whisper of metal. The oiled blade had been finely patterned by the metal-smith's art, and respectful hands had cared for it since then. It didn't appear to be made of steel, for it had a brilliant purple sheen under the lights, but the hilts were definitely inlaid with gold. Trunks held it over his head in blatant adoration, then carefully sheathed it. Goten was equally awestruck. He only giggled, though, when Trunks, correctly attributing the gift, easily leaped over everyone else and landed before his father.

"Thank you, Papa!" the young prince cried, bowing formally before leaping forward to wrap his arms around his father's neck. Vejiita hesitated a moment, then gave his son a quick squeeze.

Bulma, showing pity, and wanting to see the Vejiita – Goku action resume, pulled a present out for Goten, and Trunks almost immediately went to see what it was.

Goku's tortured eyes never left the ouji.

Everyone else was turned towards the tree, except Bulma, who was trying hard not to smirk.

Vejiita let one hand trail lazily down his chest, fingers brushing over a peaked nipple, before hooking the thumb in the waistband of his pants. His tail, glimmering with wine-colored highlights, writhed slowly, rubbing back and forth across the leather.

A faint whine sounded in Goku's throat, and the prince smirked. He licked once or twice at the hard length in his hand, lifting more sugar from it, and then almost all of it disappeared between his lips. At the same moment that sinuous velvet tail snaked upwards to glide just once over the obvious evidence of his own arousal. Goku's eyes widened hugely.

"Hey, why not give Goku one of those presents over there? On the left?" Kuririn asked loudly, trying to make himself heard over his daughter's squeals of delight. "Those are from us."

Goku blinked and suddenly realized a hard truth. He wasn't wearing his gi, but rather a pair of more tailored pants and a nice shirt. There was no way he could go up there to open a Christmas present without everybody in the damned room seeing exactly how turned on he was.

Vejiita laughed, seeing his predicament. The sound was soft and only gently mocking, and he followed it up with a truly wicked smile. What he did next actually seemed merciful, at first.

He was insanely graceful. He always had been. The tail only added to the whole flowing display as he rose from the couch, his lithe body moving and flexing in ways that made his victim ache. Casually he moved towards one of the doors, his bare feet making no sound at all on the thick carpet. No one seemed to notice but the only one he intended to, and he paused in the doorway for a moment, looking back over his shoulder at Goku.

That thick waving tail hesitated for a moment, then curled up at the tip, once, then twice, clearly beckoning. Then it followed Vejiita out the door.

Goku was stunned, for a moment, by the inviting, erotic display. Was that really Vejiita flirting with him like that? The bastard prince?

His mouth tingled with a certain memory, and Goku was on his feet and out the door a second later.

Behind him, Bulma stifled a giggle. "Oh, look, Piccolo!! A present for you! Hope it's not socks or underwear!"

The Namek bared his fangs, and the somewhat drunken laughter that burst out at his expense diverted all attention away from the now-absent Saiyajin no Ouji and his most devoted subject.


Vejiita was nowhere inside, and he seemed to have suppressed his ki entirely, but Goku could clearly follow his scent. The trail led him upstairs to the ouji's private quarters. He'd had separate rooms from Bulma at the beginning, of course, and it had suited the two of them to keep things that way. The simple room he'd started with had expanded to an entire suite over the years, with separate entrances and even a kitchen. Goku had never been past the door before. Few people had.

He hesitated now with his hand hovering before the door. If he'd been wrong, if he'd misinterpreted any of this, Vejiita would be beyond pissed off if he violated his privacy: Vejiita would be incandescent with rage. If he was wrong, the chances of getting another one of those blinding kisses was even less than Kamesennin's chances of getting another look at Bulma's privates before he died. Plus they'd both end up doing a lot of bleeding he'd rather not be doing.

The thought of making the wrong decision, of never getting close enough to Vejiita again to kiss him or breathe him in or feel that wonderful heat, froze Goku in place. Yet he was still Goku, and he wasn't able to stay that way for long. After a moment he simply shook his head slightly and pushed the door open.


...wasn't there.

Goku growled in frustration as he paced through the empty rooms. Vejiita had been here, but the scent trail was murky; everything here smelled like him. The rooms were sparsely decorated, he noted, yet everything seemed very high quality. He didn't think Bulma's money had played much part in bringing Vejiita together with her, but he was also certain the prince took full advantage of it. Ironically, Vejiita probably had a more comfortable life on this 'damned mudball' he complained so much about than he'd had at any time since his early childhood.

Almost angry now, Goku stopped in the middle of Vejiita's bedroom and shut his eyes, using all of his other senses to locate the prince. It was less a matter of finding Vejiita now than of hunting him; once Vejiita had been tracked down, Goku wouldn't be denied.


The window. He touched it gently and it swung wide, being unlatched. The scent really had been strongest here. Outside there were fresh footprints crossing the wide expanse of snow between the buildings and the trees. A feral smile grew on Goku's face. The prince really did want to be caught, then. He just didn't want to make it too easy. That was perfect.

With a bound, Goku was out the window and halfway across the lawn. A few moments later and he was deep into the trees, following a path just difficult enough to require all his attention. Grinning, the tall saiyajin followed, enjoying the need to use all his senses.

He didn't get to hunt often, and never had he tracked such prey before. He didn't feel the cold at all. Instead, he felt more alive than he had in weeks. Every muscle told him of his youth and strength. All his nerves told him of the thrill of the hunt. Every sense told him he was gaining on Vejiita.

His wily prey, however, had no intention at all of being caught out in the wilderness. Goku hadn't been the only one who'd done some planning before tonight.


Goku stared at the house. It was an odd capsule house, and it was in an odd place.

For one thing, there were no roads and no means of access except by foot or, if you were lucky enough to spot it, by air. Virtually nothing had been cleared around it. It was simply placed on a relatively flat spot between the trees, with the sparse undergrowth torn away from the front door.

For another thing, though the house was definitely of the capsule variety, it seemed like an older model, much simpler than the ornate status items they were today. Since this was the place the ouji's trail had led him to, he'd expected something a little more...luxurious. He even scented woodsmoke from a fire, and who needed those anymore?

Well, it hardly mattered. What did matter was that he was here and Vejiita was inside, no matter what his lack of ki said. His trail had led directly here, and there were footprints in the snow before the door. Goku followed them, and with a gentle shove opened the door.

There was a short hallway with doors on either side. From the scent of water coming from each, he guessed there was a kitchen on one side and bath on the other. He paid them no mind. The darkness ahead of him moved and flickered with golden light, and the air was spiced now with a scent that made his fur ripple and his tail lash behind him.


The circular room beyond was extremely simple. The walls curved around and upward into an almost perfect dome. A large fire burned and crackled in a rounded fireplace on one side. After the freezing air outside, the fragrant heat inside made him feel almost drunk. A slow smile crossed his face as he took in the rest of the room.

There was no furniture. The floor had been thickly strewn with cushions and thick, glossy furs. Something about the scene stirred a memory in Goku, but he couldn't hold it. It made him feel

"Well, Kakarot?"

Vejiita was stretched out before the fire, his back towards the door. He lay on his side, watching the flames. His tail curled idly in the air.

"What is this place, Vejiita?" Goku asked, kicking his boots off and settling down near the fire. He felt comfortable here, and easy with his prince, without the frantic, nervous edge to his desire. That desire remained strong, utterly unaffected by an hour's hunt through the snow and these strange surroundings.

"You almost remember, don't you? It's close to home, to the sleeping chambers most families shared on Vegetasei. We are a pack species, Kakarot; we aren't suited to solitude." Vejiita spoke softly, but without his customary trace of sadness.

"It feels right," Goku said. He didn't know how else to put it. It did feel right. And it felt extremely right to be there with Vejiita.

"Hn... " the prince said, smirking lightly. "Come here."

They were already within reach of each other, but Goku obediently stretched out across the soft furs so that he was facing his still black-clad and still barefoot companion. His heart beat rapidly as he leaned his head on his arm and looked into Vejiita's eyes. The urge to touch him, to kiss him, and to run his adoring palms over soft skin and hard muscle was almost overwhelming.

Yet he felt, obscurely but strongly, that Vejiita must lead the way here. Perhaps it was the ouji's obviously greater comfort with the new turn in their relationship. Maybe it was simply that Vejiita was the ouji; thousands of years of saiyajin breeding had gone into making him a leader. Here and now, when they were closer than ever before, when they were in this intimate situation in a place where both felt safe, it seemed natural that Vejiita should guide him.

"Are you still sorry?" Vejiita asked him. Goku was lost for a moment in admiration of the sharp planes of that handsome face, all of them brought into sharp relief by the firelight.

"No," he said. "I never was, really. Just confused."

"Hn," Vejiita breathed before reaching a hand out to bury it in Goku's silky hair. He looked into his eyes for a moment, measuring him, and then pulled him closer until their mouths touched.

These were soft and slow kisses, not as intense as the ones they'd shared before. Goku was shy at first, but a few moments of Vejiita's careful attention made him eager again. He suckled lightly on Vejiita's lower lip before asking permission with the tip of his tongue for more. It was granted. Their kisses were those of lovers, dedicated to the giving and receiving of pleasure.

Goku slipped an arm around Vejiita's waist and pulled his lithe form closer. It felt unbelievably good to touch him like that, to feel the length of his body pressed close. His tail curled up to twine with Vejiita's without Goku even thinking about it. Only the pleasant rush of sensation told him what he'd done. Achingly aroused now, he rocked his hips forward and felt an answering hardness there in return.

And then it struck him, as it should have long before this.

"Vejiita..." he asked, pulling back. "Why is this happening?"

"You started it," Vejiita murmured, delicately licking at his throat. The feel of that warm, slick tongue on his delicate flesh made Goku tremble, and Vejiita pulled him closer. "You don't know why, though, do you?"

Goku shook his head and then arched his neck as he was kissed there. It felt good, and he wanted to be... helpful.

"You're wondering why you're here with a man, with me, and why I'm not objecting at all."

Goku made a small sound of assent, but he couldn't manage speech. Warm, damp kisses were being trailed underneath his jaw, and it felt wonderful, maybe better than anything had ever felt.

"I'm not a man, Kakarot, and neither are you," Vejiita said, nipping him now here and there, to his delight. "I'm a saiyajin who wished his tail back. Tails mean many things to us, but most importantly, it reminded me that I am saiyajin. It doesn't matter how long I've lived here. I'd never forgotten who I am, but I'd become accustomed to certain... things."

A long, slow lick ran from the hollow of Goku's collarbone to his mouth, and then he was lost in a deep, passionate kiss. Vejiita pressed against him, wrapping legs and tail around him, one arm grasping his waist and the other hand tangling in his hair.

"I told you we weren't meant to be alone." Vejiita continued after a few minutes. "I forgot that, I admit. I had the onna. I could tell myself my obsession with you was only rivalry, not need for my own kind. After all, I'd killed Nappa without hesitating, right? It was easy enough to ignore the fact that I'd killed him for embarrassing me in front of you."

He trailed his fingers down the front of Goku's shirt, tearing the buttons off without any effort at all. Easing the fabric open, he slipped a hand inside and caressed warm flesh, watching Goku's face as he gently teased his nipples into hardness. They had touched each other often, in training or in battle, but never before with such carnal intent.

Goku brushed his tail over his prince's neck and shoulders before lightly grazing his cheek. He knew he was flirting, but he wasn't aware of quite how intimate a gesture it was to touch another saiyajin's face with his tail. The prince closed his eyes briefly in pleasure.

"My scent changed when my tail returned. Maybe that's why you kissed me. Maybe you were just lonely. I don't know. I just know that I wanted it. I want you. You're saiyajin, Kakarot: maybe the last. A saiyajin follows his desires. What else matters?" Vejiita asked, freeing his prize from his shirt.

Before Goku could even think to respond, a hot tongue had found his nipple, and for the first time he could remember, an equally hot mouth began suckling him there. It felt strange but insanely good. He found he was arching towards his prince's attentive mouth even as he blushed. Teeth teased him gently and he hissed with pleasure, surprised. How could Vejiita be so...talented?

He was eased onto his back and Vejiita unfastened his pants, pulling them down slowly and watching the changes on Goku's face as he went. Goku was breathing harder, and it wasn't only from desire. He'd accepted everything that Vejiita had said: like this house, like just being here with him, it all felt right. He was more than responsive, more than eager. Yet when he felt those hands at his waistband, pulling downward and exposing him, the reality of it all overwhelmed him.

He was going to make love with Vejiita. He was going to fuck him, or be fucked by him, however it worked out. Maybe both. Soon that magnificence would be as unclothed as he was, and he could touch and taste as much as he desired. It was so unreal, and so embarrassing, in its way, and he wanted it all so badly.

Desire wasn't strong enough a word for it. Lust didn't encompass everything he felt. He ached.

Vejiita straddled his thighs and fondled him lightly with one hand, looking into his eyes. The gentle, expert touch made Goku moan and blush at the same time. Some part of him still didn't believe that it was Vejiita touching him this way.

He watched with hooded eyes as the prince crossed his arms and slowly drew his shirt up and off, revealing his lean, chiseled torso. His tail whipped around and took a surprising gentle hold of Goku's cock as Vejiita undid the top button of his own jeans. Goku whimpered slightly at the strong, velvety grasp around his sensitive flesh. Vejiita laughed softly.

"Having second thoughts, Kakarot?"

"Nope," Goku said, suddenly sitting up to wrap an arm around his prince's neck. He wanted another kiss, now. All of his senses were conspiring against him. Everything important was Vejiita.

His surprise when Vejiita roughly shoved him back down was huge, and written plainly on his face.

The prince tightened his grip on Goku's cock and leaned down over the prone warrior, planting a hand on either side of his shoulders.

"I told you there was a price to pay for teasing, now didn't I?"

"But, VejiiTAH!" Goku began, his words stopping with a squeak as the tail gripped harder.

"Now, now, Kakarot. Did you really think I'd forget? Here are the rules: no talking, unless I tell you. You're here to experience everything I want for you, so no holding back, either. Make any sound you like, just not any words. And, make no mistake: I'm in control here. No trying to take over. If you do any of those things, I will stop. Do you understand me? Do any one of those things and you're out on your fine ass in the snow."

Goku opened his mouth and then closed it, nodding instead. Vejiita smirked. "Good boy," he said, rewarding his subject with a brief kiss.

"Now, let's see what you've been hiding from me all these years..."

For the next small eternity, Vejiita slowly explored Goku with mouth and hands and clever, curling tail. Palms glided over his soft flesh, cupping and caressing. Fingers traced the curves of hard muscle and delved into sensitive places.

Where hands had been, where soft fur had brought all the nerves to life, a mouth often followed. Vejiita tasted him here and there, his tongue lapping, his mouth sometimes nipping. He found each sensitive place and teased it slowly and ruthlessly, moving from the arch of his foot to the back of his knee to the crease of his thigh.

A slick tongue dipped into his navel, then licked up the center line until the prince was forced to choose between nipples. Neither was neglected. Teeth brought him gentle pain, enough to enjoy, before that tormenting mouth moved upward again. Each moist kiss made his skin tingle. Each nip left him wanting more.

Goku writhed on the soft furs, gasping and moaning. The ouji had ordered him not to hold back, and in fact that wasn't in his nature anyway. It was hard not to speak, to keep Vejiita's name back, but he found outlet in a thousand different wordless exclamations of pleasure.

He wanted.

He needed.

He burned.

Warm hands were on him. A clever, ruthless mouth was on him. That astonishing soft tail, black and gold in the firelight, was everywhere on him. Gliding and tickling, it made him laugh and groan.

When Vejiita sank his hands into the unruly silken mass of Goku's hair and kissed him, the tall saiyajin arched upwards, wanting that hot flesh against his own. Vejiita laughed into their kiss and stretched out on top of him. Goku hissed with pleasure at the contact.

He wanted, more than anything, to wrap his arms around Vejiita and keep him close, but a warning growl made it clear that wasn't allowed. He subsided immediately, unwilling to do anything that might stop all this. He could scent and feel the ouji's own desire, but he knew Vejiita well enough to believe the stubborn saiyajin would do just as he had threatened.

The very last thing he wanted was for any of this to stop.

For one thing, this was closer to his dream of heaven than Heaven had ever actually been. For another, the cruel prince had utterly ignored his burning, aching arousal since unwrapping his tail from it earlier, and Goku was very willing to do whatever Vejiita wanted to remedy that situation.

At length the prince of all saiyajins drew back to consider him.

"Tell me, Kakarot, have you been naughty or nice this year?" The husky voice made Goku shiver.

Goku merely widened his eyes, looking a little desperate. The prince purred and licked his chin.

"It's alright. Use your words this time."

"Well, you know me, Vejiita. I'm always nice," he said softly. He wasn't used to purring much; Chichi had always frowned on it. Yet he couldn't help it now. The sound rose low between the two of them.

"I know, Kakarot. You've been very, very nice. But you've shown promise lately, so maybe we can skip your punishment this time," Vejiita said, his eyes gleaming.

Goku's eyebrows shot up, but he didn't say anything. He wasn't going to lose the game at this stage.

The lithe, lean form on top of him rolled off and Vejiita quickly divested himself of his pants. The jeans were tossed elsewhere without a thought, and the prince was astride his intended lover again within a moment. His thick tail flickered forward to grasp the other, ruffling it along its length and drawing a sort of breathless moan from Goku.

Vejiita was magnificent, an image of the god of war molded from hard flesh and silky fur. The fact of his nakedness, his bare body upon and above Goku's own, was more than astonishing: it was almost impossible to believe. The prone saiyajin stared at him, taking in sights he might have seen before but never appreciated so deeply.

The broad chest tapered to a slender waist above wider hips with a lovely, sinuous symmetry. Long-fingered hands rested on his knees as the prince stared down at him. Fine, strong thighs were spread across his own, leaving nothing to the imagination.

Goku's eyes flickered up to meet Vejiita's, then back down again to what fascinated him now. The prince smirked, enjoying his reaction. "Go ahead," he said.

Goku reached out a hand and touched Vejiita's cock, gliding his fingers gently over it. It wasn't as if he'd never seen one before, but he'd certainly never had a lover with one before. The newly erotic sight and feel of it bemused him. It looked to him like a promise made solid in flesh. He stroked it lightly, and was gratified to hear the sudden intake of breath.

Their eyes met for a moment. Everything could have ended there, with unsatisfied longings and unfulfilled desires, followed by silences colder and more hurtful than any before. For a second the possibility of such existed, and then it was gone. Everything blurred thereafter into a long dream of lust, intimate delight, and growing affection.

Vejiita bent to kiss him, and Goku, somehow knowing the rules had changed, embraced him joyfully, pressing himself against that beautiful warmth. He felt his cock slide against Vejiita's and almost laughed at the feeling. He wasn't used to such things, but it felt as right as everything else had. Grinning, he reached down to squeeze Vejiita's ass and press them together again just so. Vejiita nipped him and rubbed back.

They rolled amongst the furs and soft cushions, not struggling for dominance but rather enjoying the shifting of sensations. Vejiita began kissing his way down his lover's chest and stomach, his journey interrupted numerous times by Goku's need for more, and harder, kisses. Eventually he reached his destination, made all the sweeter by anticipation, and licked the head of Goku's cock, gliding his tongue across it slowly. The gasp and groan told him something he might have guessed: no one had ever done this for Goku before.

Well, then, he would make it everything his lover had been missing. He was gentle and slow, lavishing attention with a careful and cherishing tongue. Goku moaned wildly with each new touch, beginning to thrust his hips upward.

Chichi had thought this particular act disgusting, and so Goku had attached a certain shame to the thought of it. Now his fantasies were being indulged, and he closed his eyes in embarrassment, even as he tried subtly to encourage Vejiita to do more.

The prince was willing. Massaging the delicate sac beneath, he licked and mouthed Goku's shaft, his hand moving in time with his mouth. Wetting a finger, he slid it down between sensitive curves. Goku, uncertain if that was a normal part of such things, spread his legs a little wider, trusting that Vejiita knew what he was doing.

Vejiita took his whole length into his mouth. A few moments later there was a sudden discomfort lower down which distracted Goku only a little, and then a bit of pressure, and...oh!

Goku nearly screamed as he came, sitting up suddenly to bend over Vejiita's head. His body surged again and again until he collapsed backward on the cushions, sweating and heaving. After a few moments he raised his head to grin loopily at his lover and wonder if he could manage the same thing with him.

Then there were more movements from below, and Goku realized that Vejiita's hand was still in place, moving within him. It was an odd feeling, but not altogether unpleasant, and he lifted his knees, granting more access. Vejiita was gentle with him, it didn't hurt, and occasionally fingers would brush across that wonderful place again.

He wasn't sure why Vejiita was doing it, but he was breathing hard and nearly glowing with pleasure from the prince's earlier attentions; Vejiita could do whatever he wanted. He let his head loll back and stared at the shadows moving restlessly across the ceiling.

At length Vejiita finished and withdrew his hand. Quirking up an eyebrow, Goku looked questioningly at him. The prince mere smirked again, an expression Goku was rapidly growing to find adorable. Then he moved up between Goku's parted legs and leaned over him for a slow, carnal kiss, bringing his legs up further.

Goku hissed as the ouji slowly began to slide his cock inside. It wasn't pain that shot through him, but something like surprise. Yet what had he thought would happen? He'd heard how these things went, hadn't he?

Vejiita sighed and thrust in further, already enamored of the scalding tight flesh. The saiyajin beneath him tossed his head as he was invaded, reaching up to grab Vejiita's shoulder. Another push, another few fractions of an inch, and he was in all the way, his cock sheathed entirely in that lush body.

He met the black gaze of his lover, staring within those depths. There was entire trust there, trust and desire and simple burning lust.

He began moving, rocking his hips back and forth, thrusting gently to begin with. It felt good. It felt right. He wondered why the hell he'd waited so long for this. The wild moans began again from beneath him, and he thrust harder, almost viciously, making Goku gasp and groan. Between them he felt his lover's arousal quickly return.

Goku lost all track of everything but the wondrous movement within him. He had never in his life imagined such a thing, or that anything could feel so good. He couldn't even have described it, but there was the fact of simply being entered like that, of being invaded so intimately. There was an addictive friction as the head of his cock slid against Vejiita's sweat-slicked belly, and beyond all these things, Vejiita's cock kept relentlessly touching that delicious place inside him.

Vejiita's tail bushed out and he began to tremble in a way Goku had no trouble recognizing. He was trembling himself as the heat in his belly was stoked with each delightful thrust. Wrapping his arms around Vejiita's shoulders, he drew him down for a clumsy kiss, and the prince cried out in his mouth as his orgasm ripped him free into his new lover's body. He kept moving, once, thrice, and then Goku was there, his own climax making him arch with bliss that stole his voice away.

They lay tangled with each other in the moving shadows, breathing each other in. Eventually, bodies aching, they shifted positions, moving into a warm, sticky embrace among the pillows and furs. For a long time, they were comfortably quiet with each other.

Goku nuzzled his prince's hair, noticing that the last few notes of unreality were gone. He accepted what had happened, and where he was now, and with whom. He moved his fingers lightly across his lover's back and smiled. Vejiita no Ouji. His lover. Amazing.

He let his mind drift, content to hold and be held, until a random thought occurred to him.



"When did you set this place up?"

He felt the prince's smile against his skin. "This morning."

"You knew about the party?"

A gentle snort. "No. I was going to go get you and drag you here. Make you think your Sandy Claws had snatched you up."

Goku laughed. "'Sandy Claws'? Vejiita, we need to teach you a little more about Christmas before next year."

Vejiita lifted his head, sensing a challenge. "Like what? I've got the basic idea. Everyone kills trees, decorates the remains, and then the onna makes me buy things and disguise them in cheap paper. One night there's a lot of food, and then this seafood god or whatever judges everyone while they sleep."

Goku giggled and started shaking his head.

"I don't know who the hell he thinks he is, but he's smart enough to stay away from Capsule Corp. I doubt I've ever met his standard for 'nice', but he hasn't laid a hand on my presents," Vejiita said seriously.

Goku couldn't stop his laughter, even when the ouji began to scowl at him. He knew that Vejiita hated being laughed at, but he couldn't control himself.

To his vast surprise, Vejiita snorted and thwapped him upside the head with a pillow. It was an attack, certainly, but so playful that Goku didn't do much more than stare until the second pillow caught him in the face.

Well, well. The prince was full of surprises tonight. Time to give him a few of his own.

With a yell, he launched himself at Vejiita, sending them both tumbling amongst the bedding. They rolled, struggling playfully for dominance, until Vejiita ended up on top again. He was there only for a moment before he went down howling. The two separated again, grinning and stalking each other on hands and knees through the wilderness of soft cushions and plush fur. Tails lashed and eyes gleamed.

Goku regard his chosen prey with an air of superiority. It had nothing to do with strength. He had discovered his prince's weakness, and he intended to exploit it fully.

"Too bad you're ticklish, Vejiita," he said with a wicked grin. "I guess I'm gonna have to teach you a few lessons about naughty and nice."

As reckless as ever, Vejiita leaped to the attack.


Back at Capsule Corp, the party had mostly moved outside. The fighters were warring against each other with snowballs, occasionally missing and puncturing buildings, to the laughter of the crowd. Piccolo had been goaded into playing, and he went after the others with a relentlessness that surprised and delighted everyone. Yamcha, who had resumed training after regaining his taste for fighting in the afterlife, proved lethal with frozen water. The battle surged back and forth across the grounds, fueled by enthusiasm and spiked hot chocolate.

Still inside, Bulma and Chichi looked at each other across the wreckage. Robots were patiently clearing the mounds of ribbon and paper away. A surprising number of packages remained under the tree, most of them addressed to Goku.

"So you really think so?" Chichi asked.

"Yeah, you should've seen 'em." Bulma was drunk and happy.

"Well, it makes sense, I guess. Saiyajins..." Chichi said, shaking her head.

"Yer really not mad?"

"Why? He was always faithful when we were together. At least when he wasn't dead..."

"Huh," Bulma said, then giggled.

"What about you and Vejiita?" Chichi asked. She wasn't as drunk as Bulma, but she was pretty happy.

"What about him? He'll still want to live here, no matter what. Goku can move into the royal chambers with him, I guess, and they can boink like bunnies the whole night through. 'S fine with me!"

Both women broke into laughter, giggling until they cried.

Chichi wiped her eyes and went unsteadily over to her friend. "You're fine, we're both fine. So let's go outside and kick some ass, what do you say?"

"I don't think I could hit anything with a snowball," Bulma said somberly, and then broke up again.

"'S'okay. You make 'em, I'll beat the snot out of the boys with 'em."

"Done and done."

The two of them pulled on their coats and plunged outside to hurl ice at their loved ones. Outside, the snow fell and the world seemed to echo with laughter. It was a perfect night.


Up on his Lookout, the Guardian sweatdropped and shook his head. Looking meaningfully at Mr. Popo, he said, "I swear, this freaking holiday gets weirder every year."

~The End~


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