A Magician and His Boy-Toy
by Yaoi Ashes     More by this Writer
Trunks travels back in time to visit friends. What he finds instead is a wrinkled little man and a pink blob.

“Mom! I’m going back in time to see the gang again, now!” Trunks shouted as he tried to hurry out the door. Suddenly two glowing, red eyes appeared in the darkness behind him and a cold hand gripped his shoulder in an unbreakable hold.

“WHERE did you say you were GOING?!” hissed a malicious voice that would send even the most diabolical demons crying home to their mommies. Trunks cringed under the dark presence and opened his mouth to answer.

“DON’T BOTHER!! I can read your mind!” the voice whispered, cutting off any reply he could have made.

Bulma stepped out of the shadows and smiled at him sweetly. “Have fun, Trunks! I love you!” she said, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks, Mom,” he said as he continued to inch towards the door.

“Oh, and, Trunks!” she called out after him.

“Yes?” he asked, turning back to face the scary lady.

“I know where you keep that ‘Cooking with Emeril’ tape that girl gave you,” she said with a wink. Blushing furiously, Trunks ran to his time machine and took off.


When he finally arrived in the alternate timeline, Trunks was in a barren wasteland. Stepping out, he realized he was in a giant crater. (Think post-Vegeta goes boom and doesn’t kill Buu...)

“What’s going on?” he asked in a stupor. Suddenly, he felt two ki’s behind him. (Think post Buu brings Babidi back to life and Piccolo pees on himself...) Turning around he saw a short man who looked like a cross between a giant flea and Baba Yaga (Think Babidi...), and a large pink blob of fat. (Think Buu...okay I’ll stop now.)

“Well, well, well, what have we here?” asked the short thing.

“Boy! Buu eat boy! Boy make good French toast!” the fatso said with a clap of his chubby hands.

“You’re right, Buu, it is a pretty boy!” cackled the flea/boy/girl type thing.

“Uhhhhhh...” droned Trunks in a monotone as he witnessed the two.

“Don’t be frightened, my precious! We were just admiring your beautiful features! Would you mind taking off your clothes for us?” asked Babidi with a perverted grin.

Trunks, unable to comprehend the situation fully, blinked a few times as he waited for his mind to recollect itself.

“Heeeeey, you know, I don’t know who you two are...and I was just looking for some friends, so, uh, I’ll be going now...” Trunks said as he slowly began to walk away.

“Oh, no, no, no! You mustn’t be leaving so soon, my sweet! We haven’t had any fun yet!” Babidi cried as he latched onto Trunks’ leg.

“Well, as much as I would just love to stay and chat, I’m going to have to leave now, so, would you mind getting off my leg?” the boy from the future asked as he attempted to shake his leg free.

“Fine!” Babidi said crossly. “If you won’t stay by choice, then I’ll make you stay!” A greenish glow emanated from the short man’s hands and suddenly Trunks was lifted slightly from the ground and was frozen in place.

“Now we’ll see the goods!” Babidi cackled as he began to strip Trunks.

Suddenly, there was another flash of lights and a young girl was standing beside them.

“Hey! What’s goin—Hello! Trunks getting naked! Whooohoo!” the brown-haired girl exclaimed excitedly. Pulling out a Willy Wonka white chocolate bar and a video-camera, she sat down to watch the show.

“Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?!” growled an annoyed Babidi.

“Shhh! No talk! Watching!” she said quickly, never taking her eyes off Trunks.

“Get out of here before I get Buu to make you leave!” the short insect dude screamed.

“I can’t leave yet, Trunks owes me money!” the girl said, anxious to provide some explanation as to why she suddenly popped up in the plot line.

“Sorry, Ashes, I’m really not in a position to pay you right now...” Trunks said with a deep blush.

“Any position is fine with me! Oh wait...we weren’t talking about that...” Ashes said with a bit of disappointment.

“Get that nuisance out of here, Buu!” Babidi ordered as the veins started popping up in his forehead.

“Urk! I promise I’ll be quiet! Here, Buu, have some chocolate, dude. We’ll chill out over there,” Ashes said as she waved the chocolate around in front of Buu’s face.

“Ooooo! Caaaaaaandy!” Buu said happily as he sat down beside the tall girl on the edge of the crater and began to eat.

“Proceed! I didn’t come here for nothing!” Ashes yelled at Babidi as she and Buu began to talk about how cool it would be if the oceans were made of Kool-aid.

“Well, now that those two annoyances are gone, we can begin with our own fun,” Babidi snickered as he eyed Trunks’ firm teenage body.

“Er...what are you going to do?” the boy asked as he strained against Babidi’s magic to cover himself.

“What do you think?! Is it that hard to understand the situation?! I’m going to bend you over, spread you wide, and then ram my green dick up your ass!” Babidi screamed as he began to undress.

“UGH!!! Did you have to say it so bluntly?! It was SO much sexier when Piccolo said that to me! WAIT! I mean...when I imagined he said that...NO! Uh...crap,” Trunks said with a blush.

“WAHAHAHAHAhahahaha...hahaha...ha...ha...yeah, I’m going to fuck you now.”


“Girl like Buu?”

“Yeah, sure, pink is badass, you know?”

“Girl kiss Buu?”

“I never said I liked you that much, buddy.”

“Girl give Buu more food?”

“Here you go, B.”


Trunks waited in unabated horror as he was about to be violated by something that wasn’t clearly identifiable as either a man or a woman. Nervously, he watched the green thing circle him, those hungry eyes taking in sights that they had no right seeing.

“My, my, my, you are a lovely one! I’m so glad you decided to come along!” Babidi cackled as he ran withered hands along Trunks’ pale thighs.

The purple-haired boy looked quickly to Ashes for help...she was on the other side of the crater singing old disco songs and dancing with Buu. Mentally slapping himself in annoyance, he realized that she would be no help whatsoever.

“Geez, Ashes! If you show up, then you should do something to help! Or at least further the plot!” he yelled angrily at her.

Without bothering to stop dancing, she merely yelled back, “I’m furthering the plot of you getting fucked by not helping you. So take it like a man and quit your whining!”

“Heh, heh, heh, your friend isn’t too much help!” snickered the alien—the ugly one, not Trunks, in case you were confused.

“Alright fine! Just stop repeating the same word three times in a row and get this over with!” screamed Trunks.

Babidid snickered in glee as he ripped his own remaining clothes off. The teenage boy tried to keep his chocolate chip cookies down as he gazed in repulsion at the wrinkled body before him.

‘Ewwww...he’s wrinkly even at full-attention!’ Trunks thought with a gag. Babidi circled around behind Trunks and floated up to humping height.

“Hurry up and put it in! I want to get this over with and find the others,” Trunks said crossly.

“What do you mean?! I am in—all the way!” Babidi exclaimed as he looked down to check. Thrusting his hips back and forth, he grit his teeth in anger as Trunks looked at him blankly.

“You’re sure that you’re in all the way?” Trunks said as he raised an eyebrow. “I don’t feel anything...wait...I felt a little bit that time...”

“Fuck! I’m going as hard as I can!”

“Well go harder! Man...even Tien was better than this...”



“Yes, Buu?”

“I...I turned that dude over there into this cookie for you...”


“Yes...I think I love you!”

“A chocolate chip cookie! Buu! This is the start of a delicious relationship!”


“Are you done yet?” asked Trunks with a bored tone.

“AllllmOST!” grunted Babidi, as he rapidly thrust into Trunks’ tight ass. The jaded teenager rolled his eyes in disgust as he waited for the short dude to finally come so he could leave. Hearing a loud scream, Trunks hoped it was over.

Babidi collapsed to the ground in a pant from the overexertion. Ashes and Buu came over and stared down at him. Suddenly Ashes gasped.

“NOOOO! There wasn’t a disco song during the sex! What was I thinking?!” she cried.

“Just sing one now and I’ll pretend it happened in the three minutes I was violated,” Trunks said as he pulled on his clothes.

“Nah...I’ll just skip it this time,” she said with a sigh.

“Ashes need hug?” asked Buu.

“I need more than a hug.”

“Pizza drenched in hot sauce and banana peppers on the side?”

“Buu! You read my mind! I love you, man!” The two newly acquainted friends flew off in search of pizza drenched in hot sauce and banana peppers on the side, leaving the newly fucked lovers alone.

“Whoa...this is more awkward than waking up next to ChiChi...so yeah...I’m just going to go now...” Trunks said as he flew off.

And Babidi was left all alone with his little dick.



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