A Snuffed Love
by Yaoi Ashes     More by this Writer
My name is Vegeta, I'm twenty-four years old. I'm a film star. Actually, my mother was the one who got me in the business, and I've had starring roles ever since I was a child. Before you congratulate me on my success let me make myself clear. I'm an adult film star...
Deathfic Abusive

My name is Vegeta, I'm twenty-four years old. I'm a film star. Actually, my mother was the one who got me in the business, and I've had starring roles ever since I was a child. Before you congratulate me on my success let me make myself clear. I'm an adult film star.

I never knew my father, and I only know my mother from the films I've seen her in. After running into some trouble, or perhaps just running from her responsibilities, my mother gave me to her producer to raise. He told me that she owed him money and that I was going to pay her debts.

Being the loving and generous "father" that he was, he didn't make me start earning my pay until I was six. I didn't know what was happening, only that this was the way of life I would have to get used to. Since then I've been in seventy-three films, all filmed in an old warehouse on the edge of town. My father told me I was very profitable.

I've done a countless number of things, some kinky, some sick, some indescribably awful. I've been with all sorts of people: women, men, even children. I would tell you the names of the films I've been in, but after so long all the names blur together. The only thing I can remember is the awful things I've done; it seems the less-painful a memory is, the quicker you forget it.

I want to get away from this life, but it is the only thing I know. I never had any education outside of how to hit the g-spot every time. On top of that, I have no money, my producer keeps it for me, to make certain that I have no way out of this ditch I was left to drown in.

But what I'm doing now...gods! The looks on their faces! How do I live with myself? How can I submit to doing this?!

I know there is an answer in myself. I'm just afraid to know what it is.


"Vegeta! Get your ass over here now! We have work to do!" shouted the producer as he threw down his cigar in a fit of anger. He was a middle-aged man, bald, and growing rather plump around the middle. His chubby red face was distorted into a scowl as he waited for his number one star to make an entrance.

Today was going to be a busy day. They had to choose the next person to star in a film and then work on some scenes. The recruiter had brought in a lot of pretty faces and the producer grinned in satisfaction. He was imaging those pretty faces contorted in a scream.

"What do you want?" asked Vegeta with a frown. Crossing his arms, the young actor made it well-known that he wasn't to be trifled with today, or any other day for that matter. Vegeta had a reputation for being moody and aloof, but his bad traits were forgiven in lieu of his handsome face and sculpted body. Also, he made more money for the black-market company than anyone else.

The producer eyed his adopted son with a reproachful gaze and waved him over to see the people brought in from bars and other shady places. The younger man looked the new faces over quickly; it didn't really matter to him who he fucked, all the faces blurred together after awhile anyway.

As Vegeta neared the end of the line, he suddenly caught sight of someone he had overlooked before. Catching his breath, he stopped to study the lightly blushing face. In all his years in the business, Vegeta had never seen someone with such striking features; it made him wonder where they had found this man. Vegeta guessed the man couldn't be over twenty, and he had black hair that spiked in various directions and dark luminous eyes that belied his youth and nervousness.

Feeling a hand clasp onto his shoulder, Vegeta broke his study of the young male to see who had grabbed him.

"Sexy, ain't he? I figure he'd look real good in our next project," said the producer with a smoke-filled sneer. Vegeta's mouth dropped open and he fumbled to make his brain work after that jolt. `That innocent boy?! In one of those-- ? No! NO! I can't let that happen after all the others!'

Turning with a growl, Vegeta grabbed the arm of the producer and pulled him out of hearing distance. "No. I won't do it. Not with him. Pick someone else," Vegeta hissed with a heated glare.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, Vegeta, but you really don't have any choice in the matter. You'll do what I tell you to do and with who I tell you to do it, or I can let security take care of you. You take your pick," the overweight producer said darkly with a menacing look.

"You fucking bastard! One day I'll pay you back!" threatened Vegeta with a hiss.

The producer let out a long and hardy laugh before turning his back and walking off without a reply. Vegeta was left grinding his teeth in anger. He knew he couldn't do anything to the producer, he had no money or influence. Silently turning away, he fought back the pain that had already manifested inside him because of what he would do.


Vegeta stood at the coffee machine, drinking his cup of the hot, black liquid with a frown. Hearing someone clear their throat behind him, he turned slowly to face them. When he saw the boy from before standing there with an uneasy smile on his face, Vegeta nearly choked on his coffee.

"Um, my name is Goku, they told me I'd be working with you..." the fair-skinned male said with a hint of nervousness in his voice. Vegeta finally recovered himself enough to shake hands and give a tight smile. "It's Vegeta, right?" Goku asked to make certain of the name. Vegeta only nodded an affirmative in answer.

Feeling unwelcome, Goku turned to leave Vegeta alone, but he felt the older man pull him back. Vegeta stared hard into his face, and he could only shift uncomfortably under the piercing gaze. Finally he was released and he gave a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing here? Why did you want to do this kind of thing?" Vegeta asked him with a guise of idle curiosity. Goku blushed at the question and cast his gaze to the ground. Unconsciously playing with the hem of his navy blue button-down shirt, Goku couldn't bring himself to meet Vegeta's hard eyes.

"Well, I needed the money to help pay my brother's college bills. My father couldn't afford to send us both to school, so I take odd-jobs to help put him through college. When he gets a good job he's going to help pay for my school," the muscular boy said with a faint smile at the thought of his poor family.

"And did they tell you what you would be doing here?" Vegeta inquired farther.

"Um, they only told me that I would have to have sex with you, they didn't tell me anything else," Goku rambled in uneasiness.

"That's all?" Vegeta asked sharply, his anger flaring unexpectedly. "They didn't say anything else at all to you?" Unnerved by the sudden outburst of fury, Goku squeaked a hurried `no.'

Gnashing his perfect teeth together, Vegeta turned abruptly and stormed off. This last outrage was more than enough to send him on a wild rampage. They hadn't told Goku. All the boy wanted was to help his brother and family. When was the last time anyone had shown Vegeta real kindness? Not just the cheap kind displayed by unloving caresses or soft whispers. Kindness that shows you really care about someone.

Standing in the filthy back lot of the rusting building, Vegeta clenched his fists in resentment. `I won't let that happen to Goku. I have to help him...somehow. But what can someone as twisted as me do to help anyone? What have I ever done that was beneficial? My life is one long tale of perversion-- nothing redeeming about it. He is full of life and good intentions. He has a life in front of him-I have nightmares about what's in store for me!'

The heavy steel door behind him opened and a plain woman told him it was time to start. Spitting, as if he could take the very part of him that was so dark and spit it onto the ground, Vegeta reluctantly walked back inside the hell that others had created for him.


"Action!" shouted the raspy voice of the director as he shifted his large body in the stiff chair. Suddenly everything else on the set was quiet and all eyes were on Vegeta as he began to strip the nubile Goku of his clothes and future.

The older man was surprised at how the timid boy of a few minutes ago had transformed into this vision of lust before him. The sultry looks and hot whispers were polar opposites of the shy glances and burning cheeks of before. It made Vegeta wonder how many times Goku had done this to make money.

"Vegeta..." came the soft plead from slightly parted lips. Locking eyes with the dark-haired boy, Vegeta used his hands to fully explore the exposed flesh of Goku. Soft fingers ran longingly over taut skin, feeling the powerful muscles hidden beneath the surface. The tantalizing body beneath him excited Vegeta, he wanted to lose himself in it and forget all his problems. `Time to go to work...'

Looking over Goku's shoulder, Vegeta saw the director sign directions to him; but Vegeta had his own script written this time-something that they would never forget. Flipping Goku onto his back, he reached into a small side-table drawer and extracted a pair of fur-lined handcuffs. Dangling them in front of Goku's face for a few seconds, Vegeta soon captured the pale hands and secured them to the wire bed frame above Goku's head.

Dark eyes widened in anticipation as Vegeta began to slowly and sensuously massage Goku's feet. The younger man was surprised at how good it felt; he had been expecting Vegeta to tickle him. A soft sigh escaped Goku's full lips as Vegeta raised a foot to his mouth and let his rough tongue trace over the contours. Goku was growing hard just watching the sexy way Vegeta lavished attention on his feet.

Relishing in the way Goku was watching his every movement, Vegeta grinned predatorily as he began to suck on Goku's toes. Running his tongue over the sensitive pads of the toes, he snickered as Goku squirmed against the mattress. Still massaging the other foot with his free hand, Vegeta wondered if Goku was this reactive to everything.

Finally releasing the pruned skin from his mouth, Vegeta let the foot drop back to the mattress. Moving his hands up Goku's leg inch by inch, he never lost eye contact with the light-skinned man. Sitting on well-built thighs, Vegeta rocked his hips forward, brushing their hard lengths together with light, quick movements.

Goku bit his lip, determined to hold back the keening whines building in his throat. He tried to press harder against Vegeta, but the slender man evaded his attempts at more contact. Feeling strong hands stroke his sensitive sides, Goku finally let a soft moan sound out. The sound was instantly reward by more pressure on his cock, but with slower movements.

Pleased with how well his partner was responding, Vegeta moved his hands from Goku's side to circle over the raised nipples on his chest. Watching Goku grit his teeth from the pleasure, Vegeta leaned over to take one of the hard buds into his mouth while he continued to rub the other. The flushed cheeks and breathy pants were arousing Vegeta to the point of being painful, but he didn't want it to be over so soon.

Moving backwards and laying between Goku's muscular legs, Vegeta was presented with an eye-level view of Goku's twitching cock. He looked up to see flashing eyes silently begging him for the implied favor. Propping his chin in one of his hands, Vegeta let his hot breath wash over the burning skin.

Groaning and trying to plunge into Vegeta's tempting mouth, Goku gave an animalistic growl as Vegeta moved his head back out of Goku's reach. Each time the bound man would thrust forward in need, Vegeta would simply dodge his attempts. Throwing his head back with snarl, Goku let his body relax against the rumpled sheets.

Vegeta chuckled low in his throat before leaning forward and dragging his tongue along the underside of Goku's shaft. Instantly the handcuffed man's head shot up with a gasp at the new sensation. Never letting his eyes leave the sight of Vegeta's tongue, Goku was mesmerized by the scene. Moaning as the nimble muscle worked its way along his heated flesh, he thought he would come just by watching Vegeta.

Feeling the tenseness of the body beneath him, Vegeta suddenly swooped his head down and took all of Goku's cock into his mouth at once. Goku's body jerked violently and the wild-haired man screamed loudly as Vegeta began using his throat muscles to massage the sensitive organ. Vegeta had to use both hands to hold the younger man to the bed as he sucked Goku dry. Swallowing the creamy liquid, he smirked at the boy who was heaving beneath him.

Reaching back into the desk drawer that he found the handcuffs in, he pulled out a bottle of strawberry flavored lube. Squeezing a fair amount into his palm, he coated his own aching erection in the cool gel, then used what was left of it to begin preparing Goku. Slipping a slick digit inside, Vegeta mentally grinned in anticipation of the tight heat.

Recovering from the intense orgasm, Goku shifted on the mattress to give Vegeta better access. A purr built up in Goku's corded neck and he panted with desire as he watched Vegeta reposition himself. Staring steadily into the dark eyes, Goku spread his legs in invitation to the fine-featured man. As Vegeta slowly filled him, Goku bit his lip in defense of the sharp, yet familiar, pain. Yet soon the pain faded to an uncomfortable feeling to a tease of things to come.

Vegeta had to pause in the exquisite heat, overwhelmed by the pleasure merely being enveloped by it caused. His eyes closed of their own accord as he rocked back and slid back in again. Never before had he felt such powerful gratification with any of his previous partners. Desire for fulfillment consumed Vegeta and he began to slam into the welcoming tightness.

Straining against his handcuffs, Goku moaned in ecstasy between pants for breath. Every time Vegeta thrust roughly into him, stars would cloud his vision and his toes would twitch involuntarily. His whole body was heaving forward in order to obtain more of the flooding pleasure, needing the completion more than it was ever needed before.

Loud moans and heavy gasps hung in the air around the set as the two men moved in tandem with each other. Flesh rubbing against flesh and nails biting into smooth skin heightened the sensuous nature of their movements. With a deafening roar, both men climaxed at the same time, bodies shaking from the intensity.

Vegeta looked up and saw through his blurred vision, the director gesturing. Closing his eyes and letting his head drop onto the shoulder of Goku, he sighed against the sweaty skin. He knew what had to happen next. It had to. He had already dodged the inevitable for longer than he was allowed.

Reaching into the drawer a last time, he felt his hand close around cool metal. Lifting it a fraction of an inch, he could feel the heavy power in his grip. Grimacing, he thought back to earlier in the day-a shy boy telling him of how much he wanted to help his brother. A shy boy who had a future and something to live for. Something to live for. Something a filthy porn-star didn't have.

But it was the script after all. It was his job. Pulling out the well- shined 9mm, he watched Goku's eyes widen in horror as he pressed it into black hair. Goku struggled against his chains in order to stop it from happening. His desperate scream was lost in the thunderous call of the gun.

His sight began to darken and everything felt distant. Pain and blood were the only real things left to him. Somewhere far away he could hear someone talking to him, but it didn't move him to answer. Letting his heavy eyelids close, he had one last coherent thought before the blackness folded in around him: `This is all someone as twisted as me can do to help. Good luck, Goku...'


"Sir, what should we do? Should we destroy it?" asked a young aide, shaken by what he had witnessed.

"Are you kidding?" asked the producer incredulously. "This is the best stuff I've ever seen! This was even better than Vegeta shooting the kid! We edit it and put it on the market tomorrow!" he said with an excited grin.

"And the new guy?"

"Send him into my office after he cleans up, I think we found our new star."



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