Little Red Corvette
by Yaoi Ashes     More by this Writer
Goten is set up on a blind date with Trunks with the dubious advice to just enjoy the ride. Too bad he already wants more than a test drive.

My leg bounced loudly against the cement outside the noisy bar. The chair I was seated in creaked in frustration from my anxiousness. My eyes were glued to the streets, constantly scanning them for any sign of my blind date. Trunks. All my friend had told me about him was to “hang on.” I couldn’t help but wonder what she had meant by that, but I was hoping to find out soon.

I’d been waiting for what seemed like an eternity, but it was probably not much more than ten minutes in reality. I checked my watch again for the seventh time and sighed in a mixture of disappointment and hope when I noticed he was only five minutes late. I stood to stretch and go back inside for a drink when I heard it. An engine roaring and tires squealing as they turned sharply around a corner at speeds that could only be described as reckless. I looked up in time to see a brand new, bright red corvette racing down the street. At first I thought it would speed on by, but at the last second the driver quickly swung the car sideways in front of the bar.

The door opened and a tall and slender male stepped out. He had lavender hair that probably took hours to make look that good, pale unblemished skin that had never seen hardships, and a smile straight from a wet-dream. Gorgeous. Reaching up to remove the dark sunglasses that he was wearing even though it was already dark out, he revealed the clearest blue eyes I had ever seen. Everything about him seemed so slick and polished–every inch of him radiating sex appeal. I had seen his kind before: excelling in being the perfect gentleman till your pants were off and then leaving you to wake up alone the next morning. He had probably said “I’ll call you tomorrow” more times than he could remember.

He raked his eyes over me, taking in every aspect of me–very unnerving and erotic at the same time.

“Goten?” He asked with a smile, sure that he already knew the answer.

My heart caught in my throat. This was Trunks? Even though I still had reservations in the back of my mind, there was just something about the man that touched me on a more primal level. The idea of sleeping with him flitted through my head, producing a myriad of images that were better left to explore later.

“Yeah. You’re Trunks?” I asked casually, not wanting to reveal too much too soon.

Grinning he nodded his head and looked me over again.
“Very nice to meet you. Would you like to go in or leave?” he asked, tilting his head to one side and wearing a cocky smirk. And I was sure he had every reason to be wearing it. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his tight blue jeans and waited for my answer.

Not even five minutes after meeting him and he had practically asked me for sex. Normally this would have been a turnoff to me, but his forward nature made it seem as if it were the most natural thing in the world. And I wanted it too. Trunks wore a tight black, button-up shirt that showed off his toned physique rather well and the jeans left very little to the imagination. I knew that leaving with him now would probably result in a hot and sticky one-night stand, but I didn’t want it to be that way. I guess the rational part of me was being held hostage somewhere in the back of my mind, however, because I replied that leaving sounded like a good idea.

He must have liked the small catch in my voice when I answered because his grin spread even wider than I thought possible.

“Sounds great,” he answered, pulling his hands back out of his pockets. Something else slipped out of his pocket too that caught my eye. Hitting the ground softly, I saw that it was really two things, an unopened Trojan and a used one.

My eyebrows shot up at the sight. If I had any lingering doubts about the lasting quality of his relationships, they were all quelled with this turn of events. Had he been screwing someone before his came to meet me? Was that why he was late? The questions began to fly through my head. Was I really going to go out with him still?

“Need that?” I asked, attempting to play it cool.

Trunks took a quick glance down and shrugged it off.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got plenty more. Someone else can pick it up if they need it that bad,” he laughed. “What have I got to lose if it helps them out?”

It wasn’t exactly the most reassuring response but I decided to go along with it anyway. I had no questions now about what my friend had meant by “hang on,” I could tell Trunks was as fast as his perfectly polished car. Both of them the absolute of beauty on the outside and nothing but mechanical motions underneath. But who knew? Maybe it could be different. Maybe I could hold on longer than a few hours. I could be the one love that lasted. Sure it was delusional of me to think so, but it made it that much easier to let him lead me to his car and get in.

He cranked the engine and closed his eyes in what looked like bliss as he listened to it roar to life.

“You’re going to love this,” he told me, opening his eyes again to give me a sultry stare. I wasn’t sure if he meant the ride over or the ride once we got there. He quickly pulled out of his self-made parking spot and peeled off down the road.

Speeding the whole way there, there was little talk. Having never really been in this kind of situation before, I was unsure of how to act. What did you talk about with someone you knew was only interested in a quick fuck? Was there really a point in getting to know a person that you’d probably never see again? Maybe I should have just closed my eyes and pretended it was a regular date. Thankfully the drive was short due to his lead foot so I didn’t have to worry about it too long.

“Here we are,” he said removing his seat belt to lean close and rest his hand lightly on my thigh, “want to come inside?”

Oh god! The way he said it I was ready to cum right there.

“Yeah,” I answered softly. Wanting to shake him up a little, I leaned in for the first kiss. His soft lips tasted like a delicious poison, spreading through my body and warming me all over. Sucking and nibbling at his lips, I was happily lapping up my arsenic like a good boy. I guess Trunks didn’t want to be outdone as he quickened the pace and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I gladly welcomed him inside and took the opportunity to taste more of him.

While his tongue and mouth teased me, his hands felt the need to roam over the rest of me. Up my chest, along my thighs, fisting in my hair, cupping the back of my neck, I wondered if he was really limited to only two hands. They finally seemed content to unfasten my pants and sneak inside. I arched up in surprise when I felt his warm hands caressing me through my boxers. Already panting from his deadly kiss, I was left gasping for air when he found out that I really like my balls to be played with.

“Can you make it inside?” he asked with a smirk, as he watched my reactions. Taking a deep swallow, I managed to pull his hand out and give him a rough kiss to throw the balance of power back in my favor.

Tasting him as deeply as I could and hopefully taking some of his breath away, I pulled back and grinned, “Ready whenever you are.”

Chuckling, he undid my seatbelt and pulled me towards him. Running his hand slowly down my back to squeeze my ass, he seemed to look me over again–as if he was rethinking his original impression of me.

“I like you, Goten,” he said with the first genuine seeming smile that night. Then he released me and got out of the car.

I was left somewhat stunned as he waited outside. Zipping up my pants, I wondered if I was wrong about Trunks. Maybe he was looking for a love that would last and just hadn’t found someone who was enough of a challenge for him. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and decided that no matter the odds, I was going to tame the little red love machine. I exited the corvette with a grin. Trunks didn’t know what he had gotten himself into.

“How did you manage to zip those tight jeans?” Trunks asked, eyeing the now very obvious bulge.

Shrugging, “I manage.”

“I bet you do...” he trailed off with a feral grin. Wrapping his arm around my waist, the sneaky bastard manage to get his hand into the back pocket of my jeans–increasing the strain on my more sensitive areas and making it quite difficult to walk.

“Everything okay?” he asked a little too innocently. I just grunted and nodded, not like I’d be wearing them much longer anyway.

Trunks lived in a nice apartment complex, one month’s rent probably cost more than my yearly paycheck. Pawing each other and stumbling against the walls for long and sloppy kisses, we somehow managed to stagger up the stairs to his apartment. Once securely inside, his magical hands went to work on me once again, teasing and tugging at clothes. Once my shirt was gone he practically tackled me onto the couch.

His mouth descended on my bare skin and nipped along my neck. I shivered from the contact which only drove him further along his quest of pleasurable torture. Kisses softly traced a path from my neck down the middle of my chest where he stopped to tease my belly-button with his talented tongue. I squirmed against the tickling sensation and was surprised when he began to make his way back up my torso instead of going down further where I really wanted that tongue to work.

“All in due time,” he said in reply to my needy looks, “no need to rush.” Then that hot mouth came across my already hardening nipples.

Arching up into him and craning my neck backwards, I caught of glimpse of some pictures on the desk behind the couch. Pictures of him with other men and women. Pictures of him grinning with them. Grinning like you only do after you’ve gotten someone into the sack. I slumped back down the couch with a sigh. I had been right after all. These must have been all his past boyfriends and girlfriends. I started feeling sick to my stomach that I willing walked into his trap even though I knew it was one all along. All my delusions about making it last seemed to vanish before my eyes, replaced with the questioning baby blue eyes of Trunks.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, concerned about my sudden mood swing. I looked away at the floor, I didn’t want him to see the shame in my eyes.

“Speak to me.” He almost commanded as he began to nuzzle my neck. I pushed him away and sat up to look him over one last time. He was so beautiful. A perfectly cut body and clear eyes that seemed almost hurt over my rejection. God I wanted him. Even after I knew he was nothing but a charming slut, I still wanted him. I couldn’t tell which of us was worse: me or him.

“Who are they?” I asked, nodding my head in the direction of the pictures.

He looked over and shook his head, “No one.”

I took a deep breath and finally met his gaze. “Trunks, I don’t want this to be a one night stand..”

“It doesn’t have to be.” He interrupted quickly, leaning in for a kiss as nothing had happened.

I evaded his mouth and made him look me in the eye again.

“I meant that I want to get to know you. Maybe we’re not right for each other, but I’d like to try,” I said seriously, holding my breath while waiting for his answer.

He looked at me in something that suspiciously resembled shock. Maybe no one had ever asked him before. Maybe they just took their fuck and ran. He blinked twice and shook his head as if to clear it.

“Okay.” He said it seriously, not as if he were just pushing the matter aside to get back to the sex. I hoped he really meant it.

I let out my breath in relief. Now I was just left with the daunting task of turning the awkward mood back around. Since he still looked a little stunned by my request, I came to the conclusion that I would have to make the first move. Nervously leaning in, I sealed his lips with a slow and gentle kiss, trying to coax him back into the arousal. The contact seemed to startle him out of his temporary state of confusion and he began to respond to my movements.

I brought my hands up to his chest, just running my palms across his compact body. Wanting more I began undoing the buttons that were hindering my exploration of his exquisite features. Steadily quickening the pace of our kiss, I managed to get all the buttons but one free and decided to just rip the last one off.

He broke the kiss to look down in amusement, “Not wasting any time?”

Grinning, I just shrugged and finished pulling the slightly torn shirt off his body. Now it was my turn to do the teasing. My nimble fingers traced intricate patterns across his pale skin while my mouth was busy mapping the subtle lines of his collarbone. Encouraged by his soft purrs, the flicks of my tongue became scrapping of the teeth. His muscles twitched beneath my rougher touch while my hands found budding nipples to play with. Strong hands curled in my hair, stroking the dark strands and clenching whenever I found another sensitive spot.

I was ready for more. A lot more. My mouth and hands left his smooth chest and migrated south for more interesting places. Massaging his well-built thighs with my hands, I groaned at the sight of the huge bulge in his jeans. Without further ado I leaned in close and breathed in his heady aroma. An ambrosial strychnine. I tilted closer, nuzzling his crotch and sucking at him through his tightening jeans.

“For god’s sake, Goten...” he trailed off heavily. I looked up and saw the needy look in his eyes. I loved it. Wanted to see more of it. I slowly undid the button and carefully unzipped his pants. Grinning at his lack of underwear I lowered myself into position right above his large member, mouth wide and ready to take him in. I looked up again to see him biting his lower lip in anticipation and then descended upon my prize.

I took it slow at first, softly sucking at just the tip of the head. Then I moved downward along the shaft kissing the pulsing vein underneath as I moved toward his sac. Turned out that he really liked his balls to be played with too. I took the left into my mouth, just rolling it around with my tongue while massaging the right with my hand. His sharp intakes of breath were groan-worthy. My free hand began to pump his shaft so it wouldn’t feel left out and I ever so gently scraped my teeth along his balls, enough for him to feel, but not so hard that it would cause pain. Hissing he jerked up his hips toward me and I rewarded him with slightly more pressure.

“Goten, god!” he panted out while trying to hold back more moans. I grinned and gave his balls one last hard suck before moving back to his hard cock. Making my way back towards the head, I decided that he deserved a reward for his delectable noises and took as much of him as I could into my mouth.

“Oh yes...” his eyes closing and his head lolling back. I set a slow and steady pace, stroking the bottom of his shaft alternate to my mouth’s movements. Feeling his hips moving ever so slightly with my rhythm, I held onto one of his thighs with my free hand. Once I had more control, I quickened my pace and added more pressure to his hot skin.

“Mmmm god yes...” was his reply and I chuckled sending little shockwaves along his cock that made him jerk up even harder.

“Goten, wait,” he said gently tugging at my hair. I disappointedly relinquished his cock, having waited to taste more of him, and looked him in the eye.

“You need some attention to,” he whispered shakily as he cupped my crotch and began rubbing me again. While giving him my full attention I had temporarily forgotten about my own throbbing need, but now that it was getting some petting I groaned happily.

He quickly undid my jeans and completely stripped me of them and my boxers, freeing my straining member. I squirmed anxiously, ready to feel that hot mouth of his around my swollen cock. Grinning he planted one wet kiss on the head and then pulled his head away.

“Trunks!” I said angrily, wanting more than just one little tease.

“Yes?” he asked calmly. Before I could reply he grabbed me by my hips and flipped me over, slumping me over the arm of the couch with my ass high in the air.

I choked on a cry of surprise as I found myself in the very compromising position and all earlier retorts vanished from my head.

“Nothing to say? Then I guess we continue.” And with that he slapped my ass as hard as he could.

“Owwck!” I yelped at the stinging contact. He must have liked the strange noise I produced because he smacked me again.

“Unnh!” I grunted this time, trying to keep myself from falling flat on my face. Another spanking. I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not, but I wasn’t about to tell him to stop. Each strike set my nerve-endings on edge and made me shiver. And just as it was started to grow on me he replaced the hard blows with gentle kisses. I made a pouting grunt and he ran a hand softly over my burning skin.

“You have such a nice ass, Goten, I didn’t want to hurt it too much. I promise to make it up to you.”

Before I could answer with some kind of snappy response, he spread my legs as far apart as possible without knocking me completely off the couch and ran his tongue along the inside of my parted flesh. My whole body shuddered at the feeling and I moaned loudly.

“Like that?” he asked quickly before returning to his exploration.

“Oh yeah,” I groaned out, pushing my ass up higher for better access.

Taking the hint, he slipped that glorious tongue inside me. Just a little at first, licking at the edges of the tight ring of muscles, and then slipping further in, only to quickly retreat and then delve deeper than the previous stroke. I grit my teeth at the wonderful sensation. He must be some kind of a god. I had been rimmed before, but none had felt as good as this one. He knew exactly where and how to touch to drive me wild. Oh god it was heaven. My eyes slipped closed and I enjoyed the overwhelming sensations all while picturing him doing it in my head. I had to reach around and squeeze my dick before I came on the spot.

“Trunks, now,” I managed to choke out.

He pulled back in understanding and started rustling around for something under the couch. I strained my head around to see what he was doing, and watched him produce a bottle of oil and some condoms.

“Always have some handy, “ he said with a throaty laugh. I watched in fascination as he slipped on the condom and let some oil drip onto it, then stroked himself to lubricate it. His mouth twitched in a pleased smile as he rubbed himself and I was left breathless by the erotic sight.

“Like what you see?” he panted out as he stroked himself a little faster for my benefit.

“God yes,” I moaned and squeezed my cock a little harder. He leered at me and poured more oil into his hand. Working it onto his fingers, he skipped straight to two fingers stretching me. I winced a little at the somewhat unexpected intrusion, but was soon relaxed enough for more.

“I’m ready,” I said, not wanting to waste anymore time.

He spread a little more oil on himself and then positioned himself behind me.

“Sure?” he asked again, rubbing the tip of his cock against my opening. I nodded and turned back around to get a steadier balance. Trunks slowly pushed inside me and stopped about an halfway in waiting for my signal. The first part wasn’t so bad, but I knew what was to come. Easily the largest man I had ever been with, I was a little nervous about having him all the way inside me. Thankfully my more lusty side was in control at the moment and I slightly pushed back against him.

He held my hips softly and eased all the way in. My eyes rolled back in their sockets and my whole body involuntarily spasmed. He was so big. Filling all of me and taking my breath away, I could tell it would be not be a night I’d soon forget.

“I’m going to move,” he rasped out needily. For being such a fast-mover earlier he was surprisingly considerate now. I nodded silently and tried to relax as much as possible. I felt him slide slowly backwards and then carefully forward again. It was torture. Painful and pleasurable. Uncomfortable and blissful. And the more he moved the more the pain went away and was replaced by more pleasure. Trunks kept his movements steady and strong, a control most of my other lovers had never shown.

Moaning loudly I matched his thrusts as best I could from my awkward position.

“Trunks, bed?” I gasped out, wondering which head would explode first from the rush of blood.

“Yeah,” he managed to get out and pulled me up to him. Seating me in his lap and stroking my red cock in time with his thrusts, I almost regretted having to move from that spot. However he then picked me up and started dragging me towards his room, still deep inside. We first ran into a wall where he took the opportunity to spin me around and prop me up before driving all the way inside. My toes curled as I wrapped my legs around him and howled. Kissing and sucking at my throat, he set a much harder pace than previously.

“Trunks,” I whispered in rapture. It felt so good. Every movement was like a well-choreographed dance that most people could only dream of achieving after months with the same partner. His mouth was like fire consuming my skin and I welcomed the flames. He slammed roughly into me and bit the nipple he had currently been sucking on.

“Bed,” he repeated, probably trying to remind himself to move. Right then I wished I had kept my mouth shut earlier.

Letting me down off the wall, we kissed and caressed and stumbled until I found myself flat on my back in the center of his bed.

“Bed.” He stated again with a flushed grin. Too out of breath to do much else, I nodded and kissed him quickly, hoping he would get the signal.

Not wasting any time, he thrust back inside me and groaned.

“Not gonna last...much longer,” he panted out, eyes closing briefly.

“Yeah,” I grunted, pushing my hips up to meet him in a rushed pace.

“Goten, Goten,” he repeated my name like a mantra as he pounded into me. Stroking my cheek and looking me in the eye, he smiled and ran a hand over my aching cock. Being touched and stroked in all the right places, my thighs began to quiver from the stimulus overload. My legs were once again around him, pulling him as close to me as possible while my whole body trembled. My fingers dug into his back, assuredly leaving marks, as I held on tightly.

Tossing my head back and baring my throat, I let out my loudest moan yet.

“God, Trunks, gonna...” My back arched up sharpy and my hips slammed against his as I came with more intensity than ever before. My whole body was shaking from my orgasm and I could feel my hot cum being pressed between our sticky bodies as Trunks drove on in a frenzy.

Gritting his teeth, Trunks thrust wildly inside me.

“So...beautiful,” he said between moans that were enough to make me cum if I hadn’t already. Pushing deep inside me, I felt his shaft swell as he came. He lowered himself halfway on me and laid panting for breath.

“Goten...” he whispered softly, “I like you a lot.”

“I like you too,” I said, able to breathe somewhat evenly now.

“I want to try,” he said, taking a deep breath to steady himself, “and be with you.” Smiling softly, he stoked the bangs out of my eyes and kissed me tenderly.

My heart caught in my throat. “Okay,” I managed, filled with happiness that it might work out.

“It’ll be fun, Goten,” he grinned. Removing the used condom and picking up a new one from his bedside table, he chuckled warmly and waved it at me.

“Another round?”

I laughed and pulled him down into a deep kiss. Even with just me there was no stopping this little red corvette.

The End.


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