by Yaoi Ashes     More by this Writer
Goku is in a rut and Vegeta just wants some time to rest. Goku has other plans.

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Vegeta was hiding. `Dear Kami, don't let him find me! I can't take it anymore! Even the Prince of all Saiyans gets a little sore after 63 times!' Goku was in heat and hadn't left Vegeta alone all day. It was okay at first and Vegeta certainly wasn't complaining about getting laid, but it was getting ridiculous! He wasn't sure how Goku was still managing to get hard after all that non-stop coupling, he could barely walk!

So, after Goku had finally passed out from exhaustion, Vegeta had fled for the sake of his ass. He was curled up in a ball under some blankets in the attic of Capsule Corporation, making damn sure to keep his power level hidden as effectively as possible. Thinking he would be safe for awhile there, he let his body relax and tried to stretch sore muscles.

Then he felt it. Goku was up. Probably in more than one sense of the phrase.

`Noooooooo! He should have been out for hours! It's only been ten minutes! It's okay...don't panic...he'll never find me!' Vegeta thought, desperately trying to make himself believe that Goku wouldn't find him. But in his heart, he knew. Nobody...not even the Grand Supreme Super-Duper Excellent Great Kai...could keep a Saiyan in heat from finding a fuck-buddy. Vegeta knew it would only be a matter of time before his mate found him. If it wasn't for his pride, Vegeta would be shedding tears for his sore body.

He could feel Goku's power level moving around, searching for him, and his stomach turned to lead. The distinct ki was coming closer. Closer. Closer. Suddenly the blanket was ripped off his shaking form and Vegeta looked up at his stalker. Goku was smirking devilishly at the Prince and his eyes were glazed over; no, not like orange marmalade glaze, more of an “I'm about to screw you in positions you never dreamed of before” kind of glaze. Vegeta swallowed hard, and sweat began to form on his forehead.

“Why were you hiding up here, little one?” asked Goku as he licked his lips. Vegeta would have normally punched the younger Saiyan for daring to use such a nickname, but he was too afraid to anger the other male at the moment. Instead he just darted his eyes around the room, trying to avoid Goku's lusty gaze. Goku reached out and cupped his hands around Vegeta's face, making the older man look into his eyes.

“You know I need you right now, Vegeta,” he purred as he began to nuzzle Vegeta's neck below his ear. Even though he was extremely sore, Vegeta felt himself beginning to respond to the smell and touch of the horny Saiyan. His mouth went dry and he knew he had to save himself before he got overwhelmed by the intoxicating closeness of the other male.

“S-stop, Kakarot, I don't want to,” he said weakly as he tried to push Goku away. However, the earth-raised Saiyan just pulled Vegeta closer.

“Nuh uh, `Geta, you're not getting away from me again,” he said in a sultry voice as he ran his hot tongue across Vegeta's exposed neck. “I want to be with you, I need you, I love you,” he moaned as he rolled his hips against the smaller Saiyan's.

Vegeta shivered from the pleasurable sensations, but knew he had to get away fast if he didn't want to be sore for a month.

“Stop, Kakarot. This has gone far enough!” he said in a more steady and commanding voice. Goku stopped his movements long enough to lean back and study his mate.

“I can't stop, Vegeta, you feel so good inside,” he said with a lecherous grin. “I want to feel you burning inside for me. Don't stop me, Vegeta, I know you need it too,” he emphasized by grinding his whole body slowly against Vegeta's.

Biting his lip to keep him from screaming, Vegeta pushed off the larger Saiyan with the strength of desperation and fled the large attic.

He ran through the empty hallways – empty because everyone else had evacuated when they learned of Goku's condition – frantically searching for a place to hide and hearing Goku laugh behind him. Taking a sharp left, he ran to the one place he didn't think Goku would search for him in – the library. Looking around the huge room lined with rows upon rows of books, he saw a small closet near the back and ran to hide in it. He closed the door behind him and collapsed panting to the floor. He had just used up all the strength he had left fleeing from his sex-crazed mate. He would never be able to escape if Goku found him now.

Once his breathing evened out, he heard a faint noise. Concentrating, he was able to make out the sound as Goku singing. His eyes widened in panic as he was able to determine what the larger male was saying.

“I want to fuck you like an animal! I want to feel you from the inside! I want to fuck you like an animal! My whole existence is flawed! You get me closer to god!”

Vegeta wasn't sure which was more disturbing: the fact that Goku was singing a NIN song, or that he was singing it in the most cheerful manner imaginable. The singing was coming closer and Vegeta came to the conclusion that he was fucked in every way possible. Suddenly, a loud bang was heard and Vegeta knew that Goku was in the room.

“Come out, come out wherever you are!” Goku called out seductively as he looked around the room. Vegeta shut his eyes tightly and prayed fervently that Goku would just turn around and walk out of the room. But it seemed Kami had a sense of humor that thrived on torturing the poor Saiyan Prince as Vegeta heard a sharp knock on the door of his hiding spot.

“'Geeeeta, I know you're in there! Be a good little Prince and come out for me!” he purred in a deceptively sweet voice. Instead of opening the door, Vegeta scooted as far away from it as possible.

“Stay away from me, Kakarot! Go give yourself a hand-job in the shower!” he shouted back, trying to sound as intimidating as possible. This didn't make Goku too thrilled.

“Come out, Vegeta! You know I could break down this door, so do us both a favor and come out willingly,” the high-strung Saiyan said with the hint of a threat in his voice.

“Never! Keep your dick away from me! I can barely move as it is! You're going to kill me at this rate!” Vegeta hissed, regaining some of his lost courage.

“Ah! But what a way to go!” Goku snickered with a grin. He pressed himself against the door and whispered to his mate, “Vegeta, I want you so much, come out and play with me!”

Vegeta trembled at the lust in Goku's voice and almost gave in and opened the door. That is, almost before he remembered the pain in his lower body.

“Go away! I don't want anything to do with your twisted schemes!” Vegeta yelled, desperate to win this fight. However all his chances of winning went straight to hell when he heard Goku break the doorknob off the closet door. The thick wooden door swung open slowly and Vegeta was presented with the spawn of Vegeta-sei's sex god himself-- Goku. The other Saiyan was clearly in a state of need, as evidenced by his lack of clothing and proudly erect member. The wild-haired man grinned sexily at Vegeta before crooning another disturbingly cheery ballad.

“You and me, `Geta, ain't nothing but Saiyans, so let's do it like they do on the Discovery channel!”

Vegeta's eyes almost popped out of his head at the picture those lyrics presented in his mind. “Kakarot! Where did you hear these songs?!” he practically yelled in mortification.

“I heard Trunks listening to them,” Goku said with smile. A smile that quickly dissolved into a predatory smirk. “This is the end of the line, Vegeta. Time to stop playing this little chase game even though it was amusing.” He stepped into the surprisingly large closet and shut the door, blocking Vegeta's only exit.

Swinging his hips seductively, Goku walked over to where Vegeta was pressed against the wall. With a small ki blast, Vegeta's silk boxers, his only protection between him and Goku, were incinerated. Vegeta looked down at his fully exposed body and wished for it to end quickly. The rutting male kneeled in front of the Prince and studied every inch of the sweat-covered body, his eyes worshipping the god-like physique of Vegeta.

“Stop staring at me like that! I'm not a piece of meat for you to google over!” Vegeta shouted, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.

“You might not be a piece of meat, but I'm going to eat you anyway,” Goku chuckled as he ran his hands up Vegeta's well-muscled legs. He leaned forward and captured Vegeta's slightly parted lips with his own and ran his hungry tongue over Vegeta's as he continued to massage the Prince's thighs.

As much as Vegeta wanted to resist and castrate the other male, he felt his body responding to Goku's touch. His brain was fogging over from the heady scent of sex and he was having trouble forming coherent thoughts, `I don't want this...yes...yes I do! No! YES! NnnnNN! KakaROT! Stop!' But the only sounds that come from his mouth were dulcet moans and whimpers. As much as he wanted to just rest, he hoped that maybe if he gave in it would help Kakarot get out of rut faster. With that optimistic mentality, he surrendered the losing battle.

Goku felt the resistance leave Vegeta's body and smirked against Vegeta's lips. He was more than ready already, but wanted to play with Vegeta a little longer first. He laid his panting mate out on the closet floor and molded his body on top of the Prince's.

“I've been waiting for you, `Geta. I'm glad you decided to stop fighting me,” he rasped in a shaky voice as their groins moved together. His tongue ran down Vegeta's neck, down his chest, and down to tease an awaiting nipple.

Vegeta's back arched slightly off the floor and his hands quested across Goku's wide back, his fingernails drawing forth thin rivulets of blood. Pleased with the reaction that small gesture got, Goku slipped a hand between their bodies to stroke both of their erections. Lips curling, Vegeta bucked against the eager hand, surprised that he was this aroused after already having so much sex.

“Vegeta, I want you now, say you want me,” Goku said, his body aching in need of carnal friction. Vegeta's eyes clenched tightly together and his mouth opened in a silent gasp as Goku increased the speed of his movements.

“Say it, Vegeta,” he said again, this time louder.

Vegeta moved his mouth several times, but still produced no sound.

“Alright then, I'll make you scream it then,” Goku said as he moved until he was eye-level with Vegeta's throbbing member. He ran a finger through the salty liquid that was already dripping out and slurped it off slowly where Vegeta could see.

“Be a good little Prince and scream for me, Vegeta,” he purred as he took all of Vegeta into his mouth at once.

Toes curling, back arching, eyes watering, Vegeta did scream.

“YES, KAKAROT! I WANT IT! I WANT YOU! FUCK ME! FUCK ME, NOW!” he yelled at the top of his lungs as the muscles in Goku's throat rippled along his burning erection. Burying his hands into Goku's soft hair, he climaxed with a deafening roar, his body shaking from the intensity of his orgasm. Goku casually licked Vegeta clean before pushing into his pliant body without preparation. Vegeta's mind was still reeling from his climax and the pain was a distant abstraction as blackness clouded his vision.

Goku moved slowly inside Vegeta, wanting the other male to come back to his senses before doing anything more. The muscles in his legs trembled as he fought to hold himself back, his breath hitching as he was surrounded by a scorching heat.

“Vegeta,” he called in a trembling voice, desperate for more, but wanting to share his passion with his mate. “Oh, Kami, Vegeta,” he said like a prayer as he began to pump Vegeta's limp member back to life. The ecstasy was like torture and he sped up a little and angled his thrusts to go deeper inside Vegeta.

Finally, Vegeta's eyes fluttered open and he was instantly rewarded with the most arousing moan to ever come from his lover's lips. Vegeta rocked against him, matching Goku's steady thrusts with needy, begging ones. Goku leaned down and tasted Vegeta's sweet mouth again, letting the Prince taste his own essence in Goku's mouth.

Their movements sped up and they both knew the end was near. Pumping Vegeta's bobbing erection all the faster and thrusting harder against that special hidden spot inside, Goku brought his mate to climax again. Hearing Vegeta call out his name as he came and feeling strong muscles tense deliciously around him, Goku couldn't hold out any longer and came with a silent cry of Vegeta's name. He collapsed onto the smaller form, but soon pulled out of Vegeta with a shudder and rolled to the side. Pulling his mate to his chest and licking his face, Goku purred in satisfaction.

“I love you, Vegeta, always,” he whispered into the other Saiyan's ear.

Vegeta grunted in reply before slipping into a welcoming sleep and wondering if he would be able to ever walk again.

The End!


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