PWP Ultimate
by Yaoi Ashes     More by this Writer
Trunks’s brain knows that Vegeta is his father. His body didn’t quite get the memo.

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I jolted slightly as the heavy door slams shut behind us. Wondering what would happen next, I looked over nervously at the man I had never known as my father. Vegeta caught me looking at him and sneered before walking off to claim a bed for himself. I followed behind quickly and set my small bag beside the empty bed next to his.

Opening my mouth to make some attempt at conversation, Vegeta shot me a warning glance that I took to mean ‘don’t bother.’ I quickly cast my eyes downward and clamped my mouth shut in reprimand and watched his pristine boots walk out of my line of vision.

“Are you going to come train or just sit there for the whole year, boy?” Vegeta said as he crossed his arms and looked back at me.

Fumbling for an excuse, I hurriedly walked to the edge of the marble structure and looked out upon the vast white room. No matter how hard I tried to see something, anything, in the far distance, I could only see the endless white.

“There’s nothing out there... It just seems to go on forever...” I murmured quietly.

“Why don’t you go find out?” Vegeta said with a smirk as he pushed me forward and off the small platform.

I fell instantly to my knees from the sudden pressure change. Standing on the dome, it didn’t seem that training here would be much of a challenge. But out here in the void, I could see what a truly trying place this would be. Fighting against the intense gravity to stand, I noted how hot and dry it was. I could tell it was going to be a long year.

Snickering cruelly, Vegeta stepped down to the open area and strolled past me as if nothing were amiss. I watched him disappear into the whiteness, head held high and a cocky jaunt in his walk. I could definitely see why Goku’s gaze seemed to linger on the Prince longer than necessary. Vegeta was hot!

Stopping for a moment to get over the fact that I had actually just thought of my father as attractive, I shook my head to clear it, causing a few strands of my hair to fall down in my face. I took a second to push them back behind my ear before deciding it was time to get to work.

Walking further out into the chamber, it only increased in pressure and heat. Pulling off my jacket, I threw it to the floor and wiped the sweat from my forehead. I could see Vegeta fairly close by, going through his own series of routines. I figured it would be best to leave him alone unless he specifically asked me to join him.

Doing a few stretches and warm up exercises, I soon began to pick up the pace of my own training. The gravity and temperature fluctuated wildly while I practiced, adding a whole new dimension of hardships to my regime. I could see Vegeta off in the distance, throwing himself wholly into his training, never slowing down for a second, never showing signs of discomfort or pain. At the pace he was going, I wondered if he even noticed the atmospheric changes.

The way he moved was so graceful – Vegeta truly was a master of the martial arts. Every action, from his high arcing kicks to even a small sidestep, seemed perfectly choreographed and executed. I watched in awe, seeing for the first time what an excellent fighter my dad truly was. Catching myself staring at the way his lithe body twisted and the way his muscles would tense and then relax, I blushed a pale shade of red. Hoping that he hadn’t noticed me staring, I turned back to my own training.

I’m not sure how long we were out there. Hours at least. Who knows, maybe even a whole day. All I know is that I’d never been so tired and sore in my life. There were so many times when I wanted to stop – but then I would look at him still out there. Unrelenting. Never wavering. I think I would have been jealous if I had stopped staring at his beautiful body long enough to think about it.

I knew that he was my father, but I just couldn’t think of him that way. That was the first time I’d ever seen him – let alone met him. Although I wondered why my mom didn’t have any pictures of him, he certainly looked very photogenic. His lines were more graceful than mine and his muscles more compact. You could tell just by looking at him that he was royalty; it was impossible to miss.

When he told me that it was time to rest for the day, I could tell he was used to giving orders and being obeyed. I wonder what life would be like as a prince. It would undoubtedly have to be better than being terrorized by evil androids, but there was still the cost of having been ruled over by Frieza to counterbalance it.

We ate in an uncomfortable silence. Well, I guess it was only uncomfortable for me; he seemed to prefer it that way. I had so many questions to ask him and so many things to say, but I couldn’t form a single word. I’m not sure if it was the intimidation of being in his presence or the way he seemed to lavish undue attention on his food that made the words catch in my throat. Why did he have to be so sexy?!

Without ever saying a word, he stood and carried his dishes to the sink, where he unceremoniously dropped them. Moving to the shower, he peeled off his sweat-soaked spandex suit and slipped behind the thin curtain.

I sat watching with my mouth open, too afraid of permanent damage to sensitive body parts if I moved anywhere. The skin-tight training suit he wore had never given me any doubts about his great body, but actually seeing that bronzed flesh for myself was a completely different matter. He was more than a prince – he was a god. There was something about the elegant curves of his body that made my skin tingle. I knew what I felt was wrong, very wrong, but I just couldn’t stop thinking it. I couldn’t stop wanting this man. I couldn’t stop wanting my father. Part of me was screaming ‘no’ but the rest was screaming for Vegeta.

Watching his silhouette bathe was too much, I had to practically run to my own shower before I did something stupid. Turning the spray to its coldest temperature, I desperately tried to rid my mind of any sexual thoughts. I wasn’t attracted to males – much less my own father! But yet, the sight of his glistening body was still too fresh in my mind to fully convince myself of this. Surely liking another man wasn’t so bad, but Vegeta? The man whose blood I shared? It was too much to think about at the moment.

I eventually calmed down to the point to where I felt I could safely make my way to my bed without giving my lust away. Slipping on a pair of boxers, I got in bed and tried to concentrate on un-sexy thoughts. Then I made my ultimate mistake: I looked over at Vegeta’s bed.

He was lying on his side, facing away from me, and part of his sheet had slid down far enough to give me a tempting view of his perfectly sculpted back and rear. All those un-sexy thoughts went straight out the window. It certainly didn’t help when he rolled over on his back and let me see even more of that glorious body.

My gods! If only it had been anyone in that bed besides Vegeta! Him of all people! All the time spent fighting against the Androids hadn’t exactly left me much time to explore my sexuality, and my strange attraction was certainly a big discovery. Did other people have these thoughts? Surely anyone who knew Vegeta did – man or woman.

My cock ached more and more the longer I looked at him. It might have been a sin to look at my father like that, but I wasn’t exactly thinking with my brain by that point in time. Rolling over to hide my straining erection, I had to do something to relieve the pressure. I quickly got out of bed and made my way out to the chamber to train in the foolish hopes that it would help burn energy.

I did everything I could think of. Every routine that I knew. I even made some up. But nothing seemed to help! If anything, it only made the longing worse as I thought about how Vegeta had looked doing his routines. Frustrated and out of ideas, I decided to just get it over with. Reaching down, I slid my boxers off my hips and slowly began to pump my burning cock. I couldn’t ever remember being this hard in my whole life and I had to bite my bottom lip to hold back my needy whimpering as I fell to my knees.

Shuddering with pleasure, I used my other hand to pull my boxers all the way off, letting me get in a more comfortable position. Feeling the sudden urge to explore my new feelings further, I ran a finger through my generous amount of precum. I slipped the lubricated digit inside myself, pumping and stretching my entrance. Slipping my finger further inside, I winced a little as I searched for...something. I wasn’t exactly sure what or where it was, but I was certain I would know when I found it.

Pushing as deep inside as I could, I felt my finger brush against something that sent the most delectable feelings I had ever experienced course through my veins. Eagerly I rubbed against it again and again, loving the intenseness of the pleasure. It felt so good that I almost forgot where I was. Being stimulated from inside and out, I couldn’t hold back my lusty moan of pleasure. Praying fervently that Vegeta hadn’t heard, I sat as still as possible, trying to control my ragged breathing.

I’m not sure how long I sat like that, it must have been only seconds, but it felt like years. My cock still burned in my hand, twitching and begging for attention. I squeezed it lightly to relieve some of the tension while I waited. When I was certain that Vegeta hadn’t heard, or at least wasn’t going to say anything, I slowly ran my fist along the length of my erection. It felt so good that I just couldn’t stop, even if I had almost been caught.

Flipping over onto my knees, I bit the inside of my cheek to muffle my strangled sounds while I went back to pleasuring myself. Panting as softly as possible, I quickly stroked my cock and feverishly worked two fingers inside myself. I was drowning in the exhilarating sensations and didn’t notice anything outside my own existence. That is, until a strong hand pulled my own away from my entrance and a thick, hard length pushed inside me.

I cried out at the sudden feeling of being filled and winced from the stinging pain as a shudder ran through my body—I was too busy gasping for breath after the unexpected intrusion to decide if I liked the pain or not. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Vegeta smirking down at me. I stared up at him in shock, wondering if this was some kind of cruel joke.

“Isn’t this what you wanted? Here it is. Proceed,” he said with a smug grin.

My face turned a deeper shade of red and I tried to stutter out some kind of explanation. However, he wasn’t interested in that.

“Go ahead, I know you like the feeling of my big cock inside you. I won’t stop you,” he said, a little too darkly for my liking.

I think I tried to pull away, but he caught my hips and pulled me back, plunging all the way inside me and starting a slow and torturous rhythm.

I propped myself up on my free hand and whimpered in a mixture of embarrassment and need. I wanted him to go faster, but at the same time, I wish he hadn’t caught me like this. It felt good, but it was still so sudden! First I wished that I could have sex with Vegeta and then magically there he was inside me! I had to find out if it was real – I pushed back against him tentatively and he instantly released me and stopped moving. I froze in place, wondering if it had been a trap all along.

As if he knew why I had stopped, he answered my unspoken question.

“Keep going, I said I wouldn’t stop you,” he said wolfishly as he crossed his arms over his compact chest.

My mouth dropped open in shock as I finally realized what he meant. My face felt like it was on fire as I thrust back against him, continuing on with the pace he had started. It had to be some kind of punishment, but I kept rocking backwards anyway. My qualms about the situation were soon overridden by the increased pleasure of feeling him inside me. I’d have time to think about the consequences later on.

Unconsciously I sped up my movements, thrusting back harder against his hard length. Moving one of my arms to better support me, I used the other to again stroke my dripping cock. It felt so good and I let Vegeta know it with my throaty moans and whimpers. I could feel the sweat beading on my body and I grit my teeth, trying to hold on as long as possible.

My arm trembled beneath me and my cock twitched in my hand, I could hear Vegeta panting behind me although he tried to stay quiet. Feeling him stroke me from the inside was driving me crazy, and I could tell it was affecting him as well. As I was driven closer and closer to the edge, my once smooth rhythm turned into an erratic series of jerks and bucks.

Vegeta finally let out a loud groan and grabbed me roughly, pushed me up against the stairs of the chamber and pounded into me wildly. Crying out under his frenzied thrusts, my tenuous control was shattered and I came with an intense shudder. Vegeta came soon after with a feral shout of his own.

We both collapsed to the floor, my body feeling like melted rubber. Even after I finally regained my breath, I could still feel the effects of my powerful orgasm. Letting my eyes drift blissfully closed, I felt him shift beside me. Looking over sleepily at Vegeta, I watched him stand and walk back to his own bed.

Looking over his shoulder with a smirk, he said one last thing before slipping back into bed,

“Don’t complain about being sore tomorrow. You still have to train.”


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