"" in DBZ Yaoi & Shounen Ai Fanfiction — Page 14

Vegeta's New Suit GokuKrilin
Vegeta's New Suit September 4, 2018 Words: 2239 Views: 951 Vegeta requests for a new suit to be made for him, Bulma agrees though she decides to make it special.

Art Source: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/791929915701447758/?lp=true Group Sex
Krillin's Wish GokuKrilin
Krillin's Wish September 4, 2018 Words: 2109 Views: 8630 Krillin makes a super special wish by the dragon. He was willing to let him go but not without some insurance.
Art Source: https://vanbrandworks.tumblr.com/image/175182935614 Group Sex
After Dinner Meal GohanGoku
After Dinner Meal September 4, 2018 Words: 2049 Views: 6593 It was time for the after dinner meal, whenever the z warriors ate together they did this, they already had the special senzu beans ready.

Art Source: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/857302479039359370/?lp=true Incest Group Sex
Super Saiyan Bitch GokuVegeta
Super Saiyan Bitch September 3, 2018 Words: 2206 Views: 1056 What if Vegeta never became a super saiyan?

Art Source: http://photobucket.com/gallery/user/catdog5910/media/bWVkaWFJZDo4ODE4MTk1Nw==/?ref=1
Yamcha's Wish GokuVegeta
Yamcha's Wish September 3, 2018 Words: 3890 Views: 2909 Yamcha gets sick of Vegeta’s attitude and his arrogance so he decides to teach him a lesson.

Art Source: https://doctorbolsita.tumblr.com/post/153949934771
Ghost Goku GokuVegeta
Ghost Goku September 3, 2018 Words: 1292 Views: 611 Goku has died, but learns that as a spirit he can visit the living. He can even touch them, hearing this he has to try it.

Art Source: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/52143308165214588/
No More Sorrow GokuVegeta
No More Sorrow September 3, 2018 Words: 15312 Chapters: 6 Views: 573 This story takes place many years after Dragonball z ends. Bulma dies of cancer, and now Vegeta is left alone, feeling like he has no meaning in life. Can he find new meaning and break his bad habits?

Art Source: http://xredxheartx.tumblr.com/post/82739526605/s-urce Deathfic
Abandon Pride GokuVegeta
Abandon Pride September 3, 2018 Words: 4237 Views: 1223 Goku challenges Vegeta to a duel but the outcome isn't a favorable one for the saiyan prince.

Art Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=56365171
Inside GokuVegeta
Inside September 3, 2018 Words: 3324 Views: 712 Vegeta teaches Goku a little something new about male anatomy in the Time Chamber. Kakavege Week Prompt #22: Teacher’s Pet.

Art Source: https://www.deviantart.com/lovelykotori/art/Collab-Vegoku-in-Hyperbolic-Time-Chamber-619944187
mistake.jpeg GokuVegeta
mistake.jpeg September 3, 2018 Words: 7532 Chapters: 2 Views: 466 Vegeta embarrasses himself over text message.

Art Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=64583303
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