No More Sorrow
by ~JuSt-An_OuTcAsT~     More by this Writer
This story takes place many years after Dragonball z ends. Bulma dies of cancer, and now Vegeta is left alone, feeling like he has no meaning in life. Can he find new meaning and break his bad habits?

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No More Sorrow- The Demise
Goku, the usually cheerful Saiyan, walked into the hospital room and greeted his friend of many years with a gentle hug.

“How are you doing today, Bulma?” asked Goku in his calm and peaceful voice.

“Today is a good day…” She spoke quietly and slowly as if she barely had any strength left in her.

“Where's Vegeta? He usually never leaves your side…”

“Oh, he went out for some fresh air. I insisted he should, he doesn't need to be stuck in here just because I am…”

Goku's face turned more serious as he spoke, “He still hasn't accepted the truth of this whole situation, has he?” As Goku paused, Bulma nodded slightly in agreement. “How long did they say you have left now?”

“They give it a couple weeks, at the most…” Bulma turned her head towards the window, her eyes sparkling with the desire to be able to leave this place and return home, but she knew that wouldn't happen.

“I'm so sorry this happened to you, Bulma…” said Goku with a deep sigh.

“It's not your fault, Goku. Besides, I'm not the one you should be comforting. Soon all of my pain will be gone, but he will still have to live with his pain for a long time. He may not seem like it to you, but trust me, he needs someone to be there for him right now more than ever, whether he will admit it or not…”
Goku wanted to honor Bulma's plea, so he proceeded to seek out the Saiyan prince.

Vegeta let out a big breath of smoke-filled air. He was standing outside of the hospital door closest to Bulma's room. The younger Saiyan popped his head out of the door most suddenly and looked over at Vegeta. The Prince was wearing all black, consisting of a black t-shirt and khakis, and of course some black shoes. It always was awkward for the cheerful Saiyan to see the older Saiyan wearing Earthly clothing, but he looked pretty classy like that, except for the last thing Goku noticed about him.

“Vegeta…Why are you smoking?” Goku raised a brow at the Saiyan prince.

Vegeta looked at Goku, a faint glimmer or guiltiness shooting through this eyes for a brief moment.

“Don't tell Bulma…” he pleaded with a hint of desperation in his voice.

Goku put his hand on Vegeta's shoulder, while the other hand grabbed the cigarette from the prince's mouth and threw it to the ground, stomping on it.

“Don't you know those are bad for you, Vegeta? Where did you get those anyways? And where did you pick up such a bad habit to begin with?

“You really want to know?” Vegeta paused for Goku's reply, which was a confident nod yes, and he continued, “Bulma's father gave them to me one day, while I was preparing for the androids. He told me I looked stressed and offered me one, and I've been with them ever since…”

Goku was appalled. Trunks and Bra were both grown now, so Vegeta had been smoking for quite some time.

“You've been smoking for thirty years?” said the younger Saiyan with shock and realization in his voice.

Vegeta nodded.

“You need to stop that, Vegeta.”

The prince glared at Goku.

“Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do? I'll do whatever the hell I want!”
“Vegeta, I'm your friend. I'm just trying to help you. I want you to be around for a long time. Do you want to suffer the same fate that Bulma is right now?! You will if you keep this up.”

The prince turned away from the earthly Saiyan.

“I don't need your advice. I don't care if I die…I want to die. I'd give my life for hers…but I can't. All I can do is watch helplessly as she slowly dies, and get weaker with every passing day. It's complete bullshit. That's what it is…BULL. FUCKING. SHIT!!!”

Vegeta had started to raised his voice and let his anger boil. He punched the concrete wall beside him, pounding both of his fists into it desperately as if it would help him. The older Saiyan left a crack behind. He fell to his knees and grabbed his hair, his head now resting against to wall. The tears could no longer be held inside, and wet streaks could now be seen on his cheeks. The younger Saiyan lifted Vegeta back up, his arms wrapped around the prince from behind, and gave a comforting coo in an effort to calm the torn prince. The prince did not resist; he just stood there letting Goku calm him down. This was great. Now he'd gone and shown how weak and vulnerable he was. He couldn't stop crying, which didn't help much either. The younger Saiyan was rocking him from side to side comfortingly.

“Vegeta…I'm sorry. I really hate to see you like this…Please stop crying.”

The prince managed to regain his composure, and what little pride he had left.
“Just leave me alone. I don't need your pity.” With that, Vegeta forced the younger Saiyan away from him and walked away.

Goku pondered for a moment about the situation. The Saiyan prince seemed to be very unstable, and would probably get worse after Bulma passed away. He would have to keep a watchful eye on Vegeta from then on. The earthly Saiyan went back to Bulma's hospital room and walked in to find Vegeta back by her side, holding her hand.

“Bulma…Vegeta…” Goku nodded to them both, “Don't hesitate to call if you need anything.”

“Thank you Goku. You're a great friend.” said Bulma as Goku gave her a hug and then left.

“Vegeta?” asked Bulma.

“What is it?
“Try to be friends with Goku, for me?”

Vegeta looked surprised at this question. “I guess I can…”

Later that night….

The Saiyan Prince was watching Bulma sleep peacefully. Their children had been in to visit earlier, but had long since left for the night. They tried to convince Vegeta to leave with them and get some sleep, but he refused to leave Bulma alone. Bulma's eyes fluttered open.

“Vegeta…are you awake?” said Bulma weakly.


“I think this is it…” she could barely speak.

“What are you talking about, Bulma? You're going to be fine…” Vegeta's voice grew desperate.

“I'm sorry…I love you…”

Vegeta grabbed Bulma into his arms and held her tightly. “I love you, too. I need you…You can't die on me!” The heart monitor flat-lined, and Vegeta's tears came down his face uncontrollably.

When Vegeta tried to call Trunks, all he could say was Bulma's name, but Trunks already knew what had happened and immediately drove to get his father.

Meanwhile, Goku woke early from his slumber and looked out at the rising sun. He started to proceed about his morning routine, but paused. He felt that Vegeta was at home, and no longer at the hospital. That was odd. He dug deeper to see if he could feel Bulma, but he couldn't. Goku transported to C.C. immediately. He let himself in the door and looked for someone. Vegeta was sitting in a chair nearby, hunched over with his face planted in his hands. Goku's heart sank when he saw Vegeta like that.

“Vegeta?” The prince made no response. He was completely silent, seemingly in a world of his own.

Trunks walked into the room and, seeing Goku, spoke, “He hasn't said a word since was came back from the hospital. He just came in and has been sitting like that for a few hours now…”

When Trunks proceeded to tell him Vegeta was refusing to move from that spot, and did not plan on going to arrange the funeral with Trunks and Bra, Goku lost a nerve. He wasn't going to sit there and watch Vegeta wither away like this. The younger Saiyan picked up Vegeta by the shirt and looked him right in the eye.

“Listen. I know you must feel so alone right now, but you have to look at everything around you. You need to look forward. You are still alive, so start acting like it!” Goku then threw him back on the chair. Vegeta became furious at that moment.

“You…Bastard! Don't tell me what to do with my life!” yelled Vegeta, biting right back and Goku's words. The prince then punched Goku in the face. Trunks intervened at that moment.

“Both of you, stop it! Now is not the time to be fighting each other, but comforting each other.” Vegeta was still angry, but he decided to just leave things at that.

“Fine…Kakarot, if I pretend my life isn't over, will you shut up? Will you leave me alone then?” Vegeta then went outside. Goku was going to go after him, but Trunks told him it was better to give Vegeta some time.

Vegeta didn't go to the visitation, mostly because the social aspects of this event disgusted him, but he did, however, go to the funeral out of respect for Bulma, and to pay his honors to his devoted mate of many years. The prince stood by the casket just staring at Bulma until the funeral started. He didn't say a word to anyone, only a blank look on his face could be seen. A couple of Bulma's friends gave him a nasty look that he didn't like, and he suddenly couldn't stand being there. It would all be over soon anyways. Kakarot had come up to see Bulma while Vegeta had let his thoughts drift off. He looked at the other Saiyan for a moment; they were both wearing suits and ties. It could be seen in each others eyes that both of the battle-driven Saiyans would rather be in their fighting gear any day. This situation always called for nicer things, which neither of them liked.


“What, Kakarot?” asked Vegeta quietly.

“I'm sorry about yesterday. I want you to know I am your friend, whether you consider me to be or not… If you ever have a problem, I won't be to quick to judge.”

Vegeta made no response. The younger Saiyan put his arm around the older Saiyan and gave him a pat on the back before walking off to take his seat. The funeral service was short and simple, and then everyone went to the cemetery and there was another short service. The Saiyan prince looked upon Bulma's face one last time.

“Goodbye…” he whispered to her and kissed her on the cheek before walking away, trying to look back, and trying not to cry.

There was a reception at Capsule Corp, much to Vegeta's dismay. He had walked through the main part on accident and hoped he'd be able to get through without being noticed by any of these lousy people.

“Hey, Vegeta!” said a voice.

Vegeta new he didn't want to turn around when he realized who it was. He didn't care to waste a breath on that good-for-nothing idiot that was with Bulma before he came along.

“What's wrong, Vegeta? Are you in a hurry to leave before you get kicked out? After all, you were just here to get your piece of ass, right? Nothing left here for you anymore, is there? I bet your glad she's dead, huh?”

Yamcha was drunk and his speech was loud and slurred. Vegeta turned to face him after being insulted. He was going to pay for that…

“You're a worthless piece of shit! I wouldn't have stayed here for thirty years for a piece of ass, believe me I would have been gone long ago if that was the only thing I wanted! Listen here, you bastard…” Vegeta moved closer to Yamcha and grabbed him by the neck, lifting him off the ground a few inches, “I loved Bulma…I still DO!” The prince then threw Yamcha across the room. He'd made a big scene now.

“Does anyone else want to tell me how I feel? Do you want to blame all of this on me? Or make some false comment about me? You all hate me, don't you?! I don't care what you think of me! I'll kill anyone else who wants to say something right now! Don't any of you try that shit again…GOT IT?!”

Goku walked up behind Vegeta and placed his hands on the prince's sholders.

“Vegeta, calm down; everyone is upset like you are right now, too…” He whispered so only Vegeta could hear.

The prince wanted to scream, and kill everyone here, letting out the inner beast that he once was. He decided it wasn't worth it; he wouldn't feel better even if he did.

“Fine. Forget this shit…” Vegeta walked away and went to his wing of the Capsule Corp. building. Without Bulma, he had a vast part of the building all to himself. It seemed quite lonely here now. Vegeta laid down on the couch and grabbed the big, fluffy blanket off the back of the couch, covering himself with it. All he wanted to do was fade away into nothing, he thought, as he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.


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