Whatever Comes Our Way
by Sniffles     More by this Writer
Gohan and Trunk celebrate their first Valentine’s Day but then they get attacked, what will happen now…

He’s still.

Just lying there, not moving. His face is so beautiful, even now. Just looking at him makes me ache. I push myself onto my hands and knees. I’m not sure why, but the ground is red. Everything is coated in a fine sheet of red… It doesn't matter. I have to get to him. He’s all that matters.

I don’t think I can walk, so I start to crawl. Just as I reach him my arms give out and I collapse.

Laying there, with my face in the dirt, I finally let go.

He’s with me now. I don’t have to fight anymore. It’s going to be okay… everything will be… fine…


Earlier : That morning

I love watching him sleep. Sometimes, I’ll stay up all night just to stare at him. He’s caught me a few times, and he’s scolded me for it but I can’t help myself. He’s so beautiful. I can hardly believe he’s mine. Reaching out, my fingers trembling, I lightly touch his cheek.

His eyes flutter open. He sees me and smiles, “Gohan?” He yawns and stretches his arms over his head, “Erm.. time to get up?”

I play with his hair, running a few silky strands through my fingers. “Not if you don’t want to.” I whisper. I don’t want to break the quiet. It’s so nice just lying here, warm, quiet, close to him.

His smile widens and he cups my face with his hands. “Oh.. I dunno’. I think you've just given me a reason to get up.” He presses his lips against mine in a sweet kiss.

He takes my breath away. I love him so much. Sometimes, when he’s not within sight it hurts. Does that sound crazy? I suppose it does,but I don’t care. He’s all that matters.

I return the kiss. After a moment he breaks away, a goofy grin on his face. “I can hardly believe.. that I’m here.” He whispers, wrapping his arms around my waist and cuddling up to me. “Sometimes this feels like a dream.”

He feels so nice pressed against my chest as he is. I wrap my arms around him and hold him tightly. “If it’s a dream.. I hope it never ends.” I kiss the top of his head.

He buries his head in my neck, kissing and nipping gently. One of his hands is lightly running up and down my back, the other is pressing against my lower back. He feels so good. I want to lose myself in him. I want to bury myself so deeply within his heart, his soul, and his body that he’ll never be able to leave me.



“I love you.” He says the words breathlessly. He always says those words with quiet reverence. He doesn't say it often but when he does… I lose all grip on reality.

“I don’t know what I did to be blessed with your love but I promise I’ll never do anything to hurt you.” I’m holding him so tightly it hurts but I need him.

He laughs nervously, “Gohan ,squeeze me any tighter and I won’t be able to breathe.”

“Don’t ever leave me.”

“Gohan?” He looks up, eyes worried. He reaches up and gently wipes my tears away, “I’ll never leave you.”


Earlier : That afternoon

He’s staring at the packet with a little frown. “What’s this?” He looks up, meeting my gaze.

I just smile, “Open it.”

He takes the packet from me and opens it. His eyes widen, a soft gasp escaping from his lips. “Wh-… it’s beautiful.” He gasps, taking the necklace out and holding it up. He drops the packet.

It’s a simple, heart-shaped locket on a thin gold chain. Inside were two pictures. One of me. One of him. On the back of the locket the words: “You’ll always have my love, whatever comes our way.” were engraved. It wasn't the most romantic thing ever said but it was all I could think of when I’d had the locket made.

He turns the locket over in his hands, his eyes brimming with tears. “Why?”

“It’s Valentine’s day… and I didn’t know what else to get you.” I reach up, cupping his cheek in my hand.

He looks at me with huge, luminous eyes. “Gohan..” His voice breaks.

Gripping the locket tightly in his fist he throws his arms around me. “I got something for you too.” He says softly, “But nothing as nice as this.”

I take the locket from his fingers and place it around his neck, securing it with the specially made fastener Bulma had made for me. It was guaranteed not to break when he powered up into a Super Saiyan. He reaches up, touching the locket. He smiles sweetly, “Just a sec.”

He turns and runs across the room. He returns a few moments later, a dozen roses in his one hand, a box of chocolates in the other. He holds them out to me. Our first Valentine’s day together. As I take his gifts a strange fear grips my heart. I don’t ever want to lose him. Not ever.

I just hope… fate decides to be kind. Because it seems every time I love someone.. they get hurt. But not him! Please not him. I’ll do anything to keep him from being hurt, anything.


Earlier : That evening

He’s holding himself stiffly. I glance over at him, then back at the creature attacking us. It appeared out of no where and just starting throwing energy around. We were both powered up to Super Saiyans and despite this we still couldn't defeat the stupid thing.

“Trunks.. get out of here.”

“What?” His eyes widen. He turns to me.

“Go get my father.” I tell him sternly.

“I’m not leaving you alo-”

“GO!” I flinch, just as he does. I don’t like yelling at him but we need help and there’s no way I’m leaving -him- behind.

With a little nod he starts to fly off.

A flash of light from the creature.

A scream.

I watch with horror as the energy blasts into Trunks’s back and he falls out of the sky like so much dead weight.


Something inside me snaps. Then, all is bathed in gold as the hidden power within my soul is released.



He’s still, not moving, not even breathing. My ears are buzzing. I blink several times, trying to clear my vision. “Gohan?” I roll onto my side, groaning at the pain in my back. He doesn't respond to my voice.


I grab his shoulder and shake him. He’s… he…

“Trunks! Trunks!” Goku, with Piccolo hot on his heels appears in the sky.

“Goku! Help him!” I scream, shaking Gohan hard, “Gohan, wake up!”

He can’t be dead.

He just can’t.

Goku lands softly and falls to his knees. He presses two fingers against Gohan’s neck. “… Gohan…” he whispers, his voice choked. “What.. what happened?”

“That.. th-that creature attacked us.. Goku! Goku please make him wake up!” I know I’m close to hysteria but it doesn't matter. Gohan HAS to be all right! He just has to!

Goku shakes his head. He looks so old. So sad. I've never seen him look that way before. “I..”





From somewhere far away I hear a voice call.

I’m not going to let him go. Nothing is going to take me away from him. Not even death.

My head is buzzing so much I can’t hear anything. As I slit my eyes open and gasp air into my lungs I’m aware only of his hands on me. His tears against my cheeks.


“Gohan?! GOHAN!” He’s leaning close, his lips brushing mine.

“I… I.. not… going.. to give you up… that easily.”

He starts to laugh, “Oh, Gohan. I love you! Don’t you ever die on me!”

“Only… only if… you do first…” It hurts to breathe, it hurts even more to talk. But it doesn't matter. As long as he’s happy… that’s all that counts.

“We’ll die together.” He laughs, pressing his lips against mine in a fevered kiss.

The world fades away.


Boxer & Rice

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