by N3k00-Ch4N     More by this Writer
Master Mutaito considers it too dangerous to leave Black Cat miraculous in the hands of a stranger.

If Lordbug wants to continue being the guardian of the Miraculous after Master Roshi, he must find a way to tell Master Mutaito Chat Noir.'s identity

Facing this ultimatum, what will our hero do?

"Dragon Ball" does not belong to me but Toriyama-san and Toei Animation, "Miraculous: Les adventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir" does not belong to me but to Thomas Astruc and ZAG Toon Heroes, but the fanfic is MY property.

Please, take this one-shot as a compensation for not uploading new chapters for "Miraculous Dragon Ball: Behind scenes second season" all these months.

Nine heroes ran and jumped on the roofs and buildings of Tokyo as if they were doing a kind of well coordinated and synchronized parkour due to the way they all moved with agility and dexterity through the structures. Together they were trying to stop a new akumatized victim of Crescent Butterfly, who had morphed into a villain named Moolak whose power was to turn people into gold coins with lasers embedded in the corners of his vault and shove them inside it, I know, the villain’s motivation sounds everything but logical, doesn't it? but you will see the reason why this power was given to him. Lordbug was in front of the other heroes who accompanied him, on the one hand they traveled Toma transformed into a new hero thanks to the miraculous of the tiger called Wild Tiger, Pegasus, Medusa, Sun Wukong and Kame-Midori, and behind him were Scarlett Dragon, Wasper, Multimouse and Tōn-chan.
"It will be impossible to get inside that vault, Lordbug. The door is locked with a code” Scarlett Dragon told to the lavender haired hero without stopping running after him with Wasper at her side, Multimouse and Tōn-chan were behind them, the dragon heroine had tried to enter inside the villain’s vault with the help of her power: 風の竜虎 (Kaze no ryuko / Air dragon), but not even with that she managed to break the vault’s top so she was forced to retreat and run with the other heroes chasing the akumatized villain.
"Hahaha, you will never be able to get my coin!" Moolak exclaimed inside his vault without stopping shooting his lasers to continue turning people into coins that little by little filled that small room.
“Then we will have to make a plan to get Moolak out of the vault and thus be able to defeat him” Lordbug replied as he ran with the other heroes, he looked at Pegasus, who was running on a building roof on the opposite side next to Kame-Midori and Medusa “Pegasus, it's your turn, you have to activate your powers”
Teleportation!” the little light blue skinned humanoid hero exclaimed as he said that an aura of light surrounded his arm, it threw said aura of light a few meters away from him, opening a portal that would take him to where Moolak was; however, a mountain of coins appeared inside the portal blocking his path, and caused him to crash into it, making him take a couple of steps back, falling to the ground, Kame-Midori and Medusa kept running without even noticing their partner, Pegasus. Immediately he got up and shook his head, spat out some coins and continued on his way “I can't teleport inside, there's not enough space”
"What if we better use Chat Noir’s cataclysm to take care of this problem?" Wasper suggested, still running behind the lavender haired hero.
“But I don't know where he can be, I can't contact him and he has even listened to my messages” Lordbug replied worriedly, he opened his communicator seeing that both the calls and the messages he wrote to his loyal feline partner were unchecked, desperate, he dialed his partner's number again but like the previous times, the voicemail answered instead “well, it seems I'll have to continue with this without him…” the lavender haired hero thought “lucky charm!” he threw out his yo-yo into the air while a white light surrounded him turning him into his level-up mode, as the current guardian of the miraculous he had access to more powers and transformations than he had ever seen before, the same light came out of the yo-yo along with thousands of ladybugs who revealed the object he had to use: a gigantic fire truck, which almost crushed Lordbug and some of the heroes that were with him but they all managed to step back and the truck landed on the ground with a dry hit. The lavender haired hero looked around seeing how he could use the truck, he saw the ladder on the roof, Wasper and Multimouse standing next to the truck, Wild Tiger standing on a building, Kame-Midori and Medusa who was standing in another building “I know what to do…” before Moolak could get any further, Lordbug threw his yo-yo curling it around the vault where the akumatized villain was, held the rope tightly while affirming his feet on the ground as an anchor so he was not pulled away, quickly he turned his gaze towards Multimouse “do it now! this is your chance”
The mouse heroine nodded, took momentum, and began to run towards that floating vault that was supported by her lavender haired partner, jumped into the air and did a somersault.
"Multitude!" Multimouse exclaimed, instantly her power was activated and an army of miniature versions of herself rushed to the vault; however, Moolak detected this and with his laser turned several of the Multimouse that approached to him into coins that were sucked into his vault, Scarlett Dragon and Tōn-chan lifted Wasper in their arms and threw him into the air, he launched himself to attack Moolak while activating his power.
Venom” the dark golden reflected haired hero exclaimed, as soon as he extended the string of his spinning top, a yellow light appeared on it, channeling the paralyzing power on it. Moolak foresaw the attack and was about to shoot his laser at Wasper, but Medusa and Kame-Midori appeared on the scene, both on top of the fire truck that Lordbug's Lucky Charm had given to them.
"Shield!" Kame-Midori exclaimed, instantly with the help of her shield-frisbee, she created a green barrier that surrounded Wasper, protecting him from the akumatized villain’s attack.
"Damn superheroes!" Moolak yelled inside his vault with fury when he saw that his lasers did not touch the dark haired hero because of the shield that surrounded him.
“Liberation!” the light blue haired heroine exclaimed undoing her shield when she saw that Wasper was only a few inches from touching the vault rooftop, as soon as he landed on the ceiling, the hero touched the vault rooftop with the stinger in his top spinner releasing his paralyzing power on the akumatized villain, he quickly jumped down and landed on the ground again, seeing that Wasper had already done his job, Lordbug removed his yo-yo from around the vault.
“Medusa, go up to the vault door and try to open it with all the combinations that come to your mind!” the lavender haired hero told to his female partner, immediately the fire truck approached to the vault where he was the villain paralyzed, the heroine reached her hand towards her miraculous ready to prepare her power.
"Second chance!" Medusa exclaimed, she turned the head of the snake on her bracelet activating its power, that way she began to try different combinations in the vault, starting first by pressing the number zero four times; however, this did not work, the turquoise snake haired heroine grunted under her breath but she would not give up easily “second chance!” several minutes passed and in spite of using the power of the snake miraculous, Medusa could not unlock the vault to take out the akumatized villain, on the fifth attempt, she tried to open the vault by placing two zeros plus the number ninety-nine “eureka! And it took me a hundred tries”
From the vault all the coins fell to the ground together with Moolak, Lordbug extracted the largest coin from the mountain with his yo-yo, he took the coin and threw it against the ground breaking it into pieces, the butterfly spell bounded by the akuma came out of the broken coin and flew away from there.
Once the akuma was captured and the damage created in the city restored, Moolak’s transformation was undone, returning the man who had been akumatized back to normal, he looked the place where he was a little confused and stunned.
"Mission accomplished!" the nine heroes exclaimed in unison, clashing their fists to celebrate their victory.
“I don’t care how long it takes me, I swear that I will keep trying, even if I must do it a hundred times more, Lordbug” Crescent Butterfly mumbled between teeth containing all the anger that she had inside “and one of these days, I will defeat you”
Later, Lordbug started to collect each and every one of the miraculous that he had used for the battle that day, he had to put them back in his miracle box now that he was the new guardian, he had enough that Chat Noir and Goten were permanent holders, he could not afford to let more miraculous loose around Tokyo. The last person who had to ask him to return her miraculous was Nijūichi, they were both inside one of the city's sewers.
"Sass, scales off!" the young woman said undoing her transformation, thus going back to her civil form, she removed her miraculous from her right wrist and give it to Lordbug.
“Thanks for your help, Nijūichi” the lavender haired hero thanked his friend, he was about to take the bracelet, but a hand took his wrist abruptly preventing him, the teenager raised his gaze meeting the master who trained Roshi in his years as an apprentice to become the guardian of the Miraculous, Master Mutaito.
"You went too far this time!" the man scolded him, looking him very seriously and with a frown.
“Master Mutaito... I'm so sorry that you had to see something like that, but what happened has an explanation” Lordbug told him with a pained look, he was interrupted by the man standing in front of him and Nijūichi.
“Nine?! you give nine miraculous to defeat a single villain” Mutaito interrupted him emphasizing those last words “when all you needed was Chat Noir and his cataclysm
“But I had no other choice, it was impossible for me to contact him” the lavender haired hero replied, in part he felt bad for what he had done but desperate situations require desperate measures.
“What do you mean, you couldn't contact him? with such a powerful miraculous, you need to have a notion of who its holder can be, what if he is doing whatever he wants with it? he would be behaving just like Crescent Butterfly”
“Chat Noir behaving like Crescent Butterfly? I doubt it a lot, but… don't you think you're overthinking things?”
“By no means, it’s an order you must know his identity in order to contain him if it was necessary.”
“What?! I can't do that'' Lordbug exclaimed, unable to believe what he was hearing “Master Roshi strictly told us that none of us can know your secret identity, it could be too dangerous, what would happen if Crescent Butterfly kidnaps one of us?”
“That's none of my business! also, Master Roshi is no longer here to tell you what to do” Mutaito replied with an irritated tone of voice “do something to solve this problem quickly or I will be forced to take off his miraculous by force and search a new Chat Noir”
“Okay, okay. I’ve an idea, but I need time to execute it” Lordbug told him “if only you know his identity, then there will be no problem?”
“I… I… I guess so. But I warn you, if you can't be able to contain him...”
“I understand, Chat Noir will be replaced.”
After saying these words, Master Mutaito nodded slightly and retreated from the sewer using a teleportation technique, once the man left, Nijūichi spoke to Lordbug again, looking at him with a worried expression.
"Are you really going to comply with his order?" the reddish brown haired young woman asked to her friend.
“I have no choice, is this or being forced to fight against the previous guardian's master and see how I lose our Chat Noir” Lordbug replied, turning his gaze and moving to stand in front of her “that's why, tonight I need you to do me a favor”

A few hours before...

Chi-chi went down the secret elevator in her house towards the underground garden that was in the mezzanine of it, went out through a glass door, crossed a bridge where there was some standing water and took a few more steps until she was standing in front of a glass box, where her husband, Son Gokū, was resting, almost two years had passed since he ended up in that catatonic state and the dark haired woman began to despair because she was not able to get Lordbug and Chat Noir’s miraculous in order to fulfill her wish to be an absolute goddess and alter that reality, she had tried everything and even created the most skilled and powerful villains to be able to defeat and outnumber them, but Lordbug always found a way to bring out the best, no matter how many times she tried to stop him, she never succeeded, less now that the lavender haired hero had become the new guardian of the Miraculous, if only she could find some way to have Lordbug and Chat Noir's miraculous and the miracle boxes under her power. She raised her dark gaze to the glass box where Gokū was, his face showed a serene and peaceful expression as if he was meditating, no, almost like he was sleeping, which he had been doing for almost two years since his miraculous was damaged and affected his health negatively.
“Gokū” Chi-chi spoke thinking that somehow her husband was listening “everything I have been doing up to now, I have done for you. And if necessary, I would try a hundred more times” she heard her cellphone vibrate, she took it out from a small bag that was hanging from her waist and answered the call “Yamcha what do you need?”
“It's time to go, madam” the dark wild haired man replied on the other side of the phone, Chi-chi just nodded and cut the call, turned around, crossed the bridge to go back to the elevator and thus be able to go to the car that was waiting for her outside her house, that day both she and her son, Gohan, would go to an interview for the anniversary of her hundredth collection which had been created in honor of Gokū.
While this was happening, a man dressed in a suit ran through the streets of the city trying to catch a coin that he had found, which only rolled away more and more, and when he was about to take it, it fell into the crack of a sewer, causing him to let out a grunt and several anguished groans for that loss, just at that moment, the car where Chi-chi and Gohan were traveling passed close to the man, the amethyst gem of Chi-chi's Miraculous glowed making her holder understand that a negative emotion had been detected, she already knew what to do but she could not leave the vehicle like nothing was happening, so she formulated a quick plan but perhaps it could work.
“Gohan, honey, I'm not feeling well today, I'm a little dizzy” the dark haired woman told to her son who looked at her with a worried face “I'm afraid you'll have to go to the interview and take my place”
“But this interview is about the launch of your hundredth collection” Gohan said worried about his mother and without understanding why she was suddenly leaving and leaving him to his fate, he would not know what to answer if the reporters came to ask him harder questions “the reporters will want to interview you personally”
“Gohan, I am your mother, and as your mother I entrust you the responsibility for the success of this interview. You will not be able to leave the room before the interview is over, do it in honor of my hard work and also the memory of your father, was that clear to you?”
"Yes, I got it, mother" the dark haired teenager replied crestfallen. The car stopped in front of "The Peninsula" hotel entrance, Gohan got out of the vehicle without his mother and walked inside without even staying to see how the car left the building, arriving at the conference room where it would take the interview, the teenager took a seat in front of a long table full of microphones and two chairs next to each other, just behind a sculpture of a giant golden eye, once this was done, the interview began, the reporters busied themselves asking Gohan questions as the interview progressed, no one dared to ask about his mother's absence.
“The hundredth collection of the popular Ox-Satan clothes brand is dedicated to your father, who has been missing for a long time” a reporter with blond hair and light blue eyes named Lazuli said, “what is your opinion about this innovative idea?”
“Uh... everything that my mother has been working on, was done more than anything for him, I mean, to remember him, my father” Gohan replied trying to be happy with how far his mother had come in her work, but he could not help but feel a little sad because the reporter mentioned his father’s disappearance and that was something that would never stop hurting him, no matter how many years passed, a hundred years could pass and in another life perhaps he would continue suffering like in his past life.
Elsewhere, hundreds of people ran through the streets in alarm as they were being attacked by a laser that turned them into coins and were sucked into a gigantic floating vault where the akumatized villain, Moolak, was found, who looked like a living golden statue. More than a terrifying villain, he had the ability to shoot lasers at people to lock them in his vault converted into coins and thus fill the small space where he was locked with more and more coins, all with the desire to have a great treasure in her hands.
"Hahaha, thanks to these lasers, I'm going to earn more money than I already have!" Moolak exclaimed enthusiastically.
"Don't forget that you still have to bring me Lordbug and Chat Noir’s miraculous, Moolak" Crescent Butterfly reminded to the akumatized villain.
"Are those jewels valuable?" the akumatized villain asked rolling his eyes.
“And how much do you think your power can value? I'll take it away from you if I find out that you betrayed me…” the dark haired villain threatened him with a serious look on her face.
"Agh, you can't argue or negotiate properly these days" Moolak muttered to himself, he stopped talking when he heard something bang and shake the vault where he was locked up.
While this was happening, nine heroes ran and jumped on the roofs and buildings of Tokyo as if they were doing a kind of well-coordinated and synchronized parkour due to the way they all moved with agility and dexterity through the structures. Together they were trying to stop a new akumatized victim of Crescent Butterfly, who had morphed into a villain named Moolak whose power was to turn people into gold coins with lasers embedded in the corners of his vault and shove them inside her, I know. , the motivation of the villain sounds little logical, doesn't it? but you will see the reason why this power was given to him. Lordbug was in front of the other heroes who accompanied him, on the one hand they traveled Toma transformed into a new hero thanks to the miraculous of the tiger called Wild Tiger, Pegasus, Medusa, Sun Wukong and Kame-Midori, and behind him were Scarlett Dragon, Wasper, Multimouse and Tōn-chan.
"It will be impossible to get inside that vault, Lordbug. The door is locked with a code” Scarlett Dragon told to the lavender haired hero without stopping running after him with Wasper at her side, Multimouse and Tōn-chan were behind them, the dragon heroine had tried to enter inside the villain’s vault with the help of her power: 風の竜 虎 (Kaze no ryuko / Air dragon), but not even with that she managed to break the vault’s top so she was forced to retreat and run with the other heroes chasing the akumatized villain.
"Hahaha, you will never be able to get my coin!" Moolak exclaimed inside his vault without stopping shooting his lasers to continue turning people into coins that little by little filled that small room.
“Then we will have to make a plan to get Moolak out of the vault and thus be able to defeat him” Lordbug replied as he ran with the other heroes, he looked at Pegasus, who was running on a building roof on the opposite side next to Kame-Midori and Medusa “Pegasus, it's your turn, you have to activate your powers”
Teleportation!” the little light blue skinned humanoid hero exclaimed as he said that an aura of light surrounded his arm, it threw said aura of light a few meters away from him, opening a portal that would take him to where Moolak was; however, a mountain of coins appeared inside the portal blocking his path, and caused him to crash into it, making him take a couple of steps back, falling to the ground, Kame-Midori and Medusa kept running without even noticing their partner, Pegasus. Immediately he got up and shook his head, spat out some coins and continued on his way “I can't teleport inside, there's not enough space”
"What if we better use Chat Noir’s cataclysm to take care of this problem?" Wasper suggested, still running behind the lavender haired hero.
“But I don't know where he can be, I can't contact him and he has even listened to my messages” Lordbug replied worriedly, he opened his communicator seeing that both the calls and the messages he wrote to his loyal feline partner were unchecked, desperate, he dialed his partner's number again but like the previous times, the voicemail answered instead “well, it seems I'll have to continue with this without him…” the lavender haired hero thought “lucky charm!” he threw out his yo-yo into the air while a white light surrounded him turning him into his level-up mode, as the current guardian of the miraculous he had access to more powers and transformations than he had ever seen before, the same light came out of the yo-yo along with thousands of ladybugs who revealed the object he had to use: a gigantic fire truck, which almost crushed Lordbug and some of the heroes that were with him but they all managed to step back and the truck landed on the ground with a dry hit. The lavender haired hero looked around seeing how he could use the truck, he saw the ladder on the roof, Wasper and Multimouse standing next to the truck, Wild Tiger standing on a building, Kame-Midori and Medusa who was standing in another building “I know what to do…” before Moolak could get any further, Lordbug threw his yo-yo curling it around the vault where the akumatized villain was, held the rope tightly while affirming his feet on the ground as an anchor so he was not pulled away, quickly he turned his gaze towards Multimouse “do it now! this is your chance”
The mouse heroine nodded, took momentum, and began to run towards that floating vault that was supported by her lavender haired partner, jumped into the air and did a somersault.
"Multitude!" Multimouse exclaimed, instantly her power was activated and an army of miniature versions of herself rushed to the vault; however, Moolak detected this and with his laser turned several of the Multimouse that approached to him into coins that were sucked into his vault, Scarlett Dragon and Tōn-chan lifted Wasper in their arms and threw him into the air, he launched himself to attack Moolak while activating his power.
Venom” the dark golden reflected haired hero exclaimed, as soon as he extended the string of his spinning top, a yellow light appeared on it, channeling the paralyzing power on it. Moolak foresaw the attack and was about to shoot his laser at Wasper, but Medusa and Kame-Midori appeared on the scene, both on top of the fire truck that Lordbug's Lucky Charm had given to them.
"Shield!" Kame-Midori exclaimed, instantly with the help of her shield-frisbee, she created a green barrier that surrounded Wasper, protecting him from the akumatized villain’s attack.
"Damn superheroes!" Moolak yelled inside his vault with fury when he saw that his lasers did not touch the dark haired hero because of the shield that surrounded him.
“Liberation!” the light blue haired heroine exclaimed undoing her shield when she saw that Wasper was only a few inches from touching the vault rooftop, as soon as he landed on the ceiling, the hero touched the vault rooftop with the stinger in his top spinner releasing his paralyzing power on the akumatized villain, he quickly jumped down and landed on the ground again, seeing that Wasper had already done his job, Lordbug removed his yo-yo from around the vault.
“Medusa, go up to the vault door and try to open it with all the combinations that come to your mind!” the lavender haired hero told to his female partner, immediately the fire truck approached to the vault where he was the villain paralyzed, the heroine reached her hand towards her miraculous ready to prepare her power.
"Second chance!" Medusa exclaimed, she turned the head of the snake on her bracelet activating its power, that way she began to try different combinations in the vault, starting first by pressing the number zero four times; however, this did not work, the turquoise snake haired heroine grunted under her breath but she would not give up easily “second chance!” several minutes passed and in spite of using the power of the snake miraculous, Medusa could not unlock the vault to take out the akumatized villain, on the fifth attempt, she tried to open the vault by placing two zeros plus the number ninety-nine “eureka! And it took me a hundred tries”
From the vault all the coins fell to the ground together with Moolak, Lordbug extracted the largest coin from the mountain with his yo-yo, he took the coin and threw it against the ground breaking it into pieces, the butterfly spell bounded by the akuma came out of the broken coin and flew away from there.
Once the akuma was captured and the damage created in the city restored, Moolak’s transformation was undone, returning the man who had been akumatized back to normal, he looked the place where he was a little confused and stunned.
"Mission accomplished!" the nine heroes exclaimed in unison, clashing their fists to celebrate their victory.
“I don’t care how long it takes me, I swear that I will keep trying, even if I must do it a hundred times more, Lordbug” Crescent Butterfly mumbled between teeth containing all the anger that she had inside “and one of these days, I will defeat you”
Later, Lordbug started to collect each and every one of the miraculous that he had used for the battle that day, he had to put them back in his miracle box now that he was the new guardian, he had enough that Chat Noir and Goten were permanent holders, he could not afford to let more miraculous loose around Tokyo. The last person who had to ask him to return her miraculous was Nijūichi, they were both inside one of the city's sewers.
"Sass, scales off!" the young woman said undoing her transformation, thus going back to her civil form, she removed her miraculous from her right wrist and give it to Lordbug.
“Thanks for your help, Nijūichi” the lavender haired hero thanked his friend, he was about to take the bracelet, but a hand took his wrist abruptly preventing him, the teenager raised his gaze meeting the master who trained Roshi in his years as an apprentice to become the guardian of the Miraculous, Master Mutaito.
"You went too far this time!" the man scolded him, looking him very seriously and with a frown.
“Master Mutaito... I'm so sorry that you had to see something like that, but what happened has an explanation” Lordbug told him with a pained look, he was interrupted by the man standing in front of him and Nijūichi.
“Nine?! you give nine miraculous to defeat a single villain” Mutaito interrupted him emphasizing those last words “when all you needed was Chat Noir and his cataclysm”
“But I had no other choice, it was impossible for me to contact him” the lavender haired hero replied, in part he felt bad for what he had done but desperate situations require desperate measures.
“What do you mean, you couldn't contact him? with such a powerful miraculous, you need to have a notion of who its holder can be, what if he is doing whatever he wants with it? he would be behaving just like Crescent Butterfly”
“Chat Noir behaving like Crescent Butterfly? I doubt it a lot, but… don't you think you're overthinking things?”
“By no means, it’s an order you must know his identity in order to contain him if it was necessary.”
“What?! I can't do that'' Lordbug exclaimed, unable to believe what he was hearing “Master Roshi strictly told us that none of us can know your secret identity, it could be too dangerous, what would happen if Crescent Butterfly kidnaps one of us?”
“That's none of my business! also, Master Roshi is no longer here to tell you what to do” Mutaito replied with an irritated tone of voice “do something to solve this problem quickly or I will be forced to take off his miraculous by force and search a new Chat Noir”
“Okay, okay. I’ve an idea, but I need time to execute it” Lordbug told him “if only you know his identity, then there will be no problem?”
“I… I… I guess so. But I warn you, if you can't be able to contain him...”
“I understand, Chat Noir will be replaced.”
After saying these words, Master Mutaito nodded slightly and retreated from the sewer using a teleportation technique, once the man left, Nijūichi spoke to Lordbug again, looking at him with a worried expression.
"Are you really going to comply with his order?" the reddish brown haired young woman asked to her friend.
“I have no choice, is this or being forced to fight against the previous guardian's master and see how I lose our Chat Noir” Lordbug replied, turning his gaze and moving to stand in front of her “that's why, tonight I need you to do me a favor”
Later that night, Gohan went back home exhausted from having to answer so many questions, he did not greet his mother and did not tell her how the interview went, he was sure that she had already seen it online or in the news, perhaps with what he had done had left her more than convinced and satisfied. He barely got to his bedroom, kicked off his shoes, kicking them into a corner, walked to the bathroom and turned on the hot water tap in his huge bathtub to fill it, then set it with cold water.
“It was easy for Lordbug to call me if he had problems” Gohan told to his kwami, Plagg as he took off his clothes one by one to be able to get into the bathtub and take a relaxing bath, he needed it after having spent all afternoon in the interview which his mother could not join in.
"What if you better go to see him and ask him what happened?" the black cat kwami suggested to his owner.
“Yeah, maybe you’re right, this time” the teenager replied, immediately he got dressed up again and closed the bathtub water key, he would take a bath as soon as he went back from talking with his lavender haired partner “Plagg, paws on!” already transformed, Chat Noir opened the silver wristband on his left wrist where the communicator was located and saw the screen “fourteen voice messages! oh my, he must be very upset”
Without wasting any more time, the feline hero called his partner through his communicator and instantly, he answered.
"Until you finally answer me!" Lordbug exclaimed from the other side of the communicator with annoyance and sarcasm at the same time.
“Yes, yes, I know what you’re going to tell me, my Lord...”
Don't worry, everything is okay now. But we need to talk, see you at midnight at Tokyo Skytree observatory.
"I think he's going to lecture me about this, isn't he?" the feline hero murmured, speaking to no one in particular as soon as he cut off the call with his lavender haired partner.
While Chat Noir waited for time to pass and nightfall arrived to go to Tokyo Skytree, Lordbug on the other hand, met with his friend Nijūichi once again who had with him her miraculous, her kwami, Sass floated in front of her sitting on In a Hindu position, Trunks was leaning against an opposite wall of the sewer feeding Tikki before going to meet his feline partner.
“Hey, there’s something that fills me with curiosity, Lordbug” the reddish brown haired woman said to the lavender haired hero behind the wall, she took out a piece of fried tofu that she packed with her and with that she also fed her kwami similar to a snake “how do you intend to tell Mutaito Chat Noir’s identity if you don't even know who he is?”
"Do you know why Chat Noir and I shouldn't know our secret identities?" Trunks asked.
“Yes, it’s for Crescent Butterfly to leave us alone when we detransform and stop being heroes, as long as she doesn’t know who we are, it will not be useful to go after us.”
“Exactly... but we must also do it because a holder can reveal who Chat Noir is! or who am I but he can't know who we are at the same time” Trunks told her, at that, Nijūichi's eyes pupils shrank because unfortunately she already knew who Lordbug and Chat Noir were at the same time, but she preferred to be faithful to her own promise and not say anything to her friend.
"That way, both of you can continue fighting side by side" Nijūichi added with a sure, firm but determined voice tone.
“That's right, but in my case, and for Chat Noir, this is different. If we both know our identities, and in case either of us is captured by Crescent Butterfly or is akumatized, it could be considered a traitor...”
“And thus, Crescent Butterfly would have the victory assured.”
"Tikki, dots on!" Trunks told to his kwami and best friend after Goten.
"Sass, scales slither!" Nijūichi exclaimed looking at her snake-like kwami floating in front of her. Once transformed, Lordbug and Medusa emerged from their hiding places and positioned themselves face to face to define their plan.
“Well, this is what we are going to do” the lavender haired hero told to his ally “you will stay hidden down here, I will go to meet Chat Noir and ask him to tell me his identity, when he tells me who he is…”
“I will find out his name through the earplug of my communicator” Medusa said while placing a small black device in her left ear, hiding it well with the help of one of the snakes from her hair.
“And you'll go back in time using your powers! I will forget what happened, but you will not.”
“But, in that case, I can go ask him personally if you want, it would be less risky! Don’t you think about it?”
“He won't tell anyone else but me...” Lordbug answered taking out an earplug from his yo-yo and placed it in his ear so that his female partner could hear him from her communicator “he can't trust this to anyone else”
“Okay, I understand” Medusa said wanting to sound be understanding the situation and the complex plan that the lavender haired hero had formulated “and when this was over, I'll go tell Chat Noir’s identity to Master Mutaito”
"Exactly, and then he will leave me alone..." Lordbug said making a gesture with his hands and letting out an exhausting sigh.
“Are you sure there will be no risk if I find out who Chat Noir is?”
"As I explained before, as long as he doesn't know who I am, everything will be under control" the lavender haired hero replied, Medusa only smiled slightly and nodded at his response.
Almost reaching midnight, Lordbug went to the Tokyo Skytree observatory, once inside he stood in front of one of the windows and waited for his feline companion to appear, the lilac-haired hero was standing with his arms crossed around his torso and a worried countenance.
"Do you think Chat Noir will agree to reveal his identity to you?" Medusa asked worriedly to her partner from her communicator earplug.
“He wanted to do it since the first time we met!” Lordbug replied clenching a fist with strength, he began to look from side to side looking for Chat Noir with his eyes, in the distance, he managed to see a point moving faster through the buildings and streets surrounding the place where the lavender haired hero was waiting “he's getting closer! keep alert”
Both quickly looked at the screens of their respective weapons and saw the time on their watches, two more minutes passed, and it was going to be midnight.
"Perfect!" both heroes exclaimed in unison.
“Our watches are already synchronized” Lordbug said to his partner without taking his eyes off the screen of his communicator, upon hearing this, Medusa quickly used her power to reset the time, they both programmed a five minute countdown on their communicators screens “the countdown has already started and it’s 23:56 p.m, it will take exactly five minutes before you detransform, we have to finish this before midnight comes, when I give you the order, you’ll reset the time”
After he finished saying that the lavender haired hero cut off communication with Medusa, tucked her yo-yo by wrapping it around his waist, looked away at the elevator, saw its doors open, and Chat Noir entered the observatory.
"Excuse me, I couldn't get there earlier" the feline hero apologized, getting out of the elevator, and approaching to his partner.
“Don't worry, that's the advantage of forming a team instead of having to fight just the two of us.”
“Uh... hey, it's okay. But, to cut to the chase, why did you make me come here at this time of night?” Chat Noir asked a little confused.
“Well, it’s a bit related to what happened this afternoon...” Lordbug replied feigning innocence so that his feline partner would not discover his plan “I’ve been thinking about it a lot since they appointed me as the new guardian, and I have realized...” he turned his gaze to the window and walked until he was standing in front of it again “maybe you’re right after all” he closed his eyes for a brief second, took a deep breath, exhaled and looked back at Chat Noir “we need know our secret identities!”
“But, the good thing about having secret identities is that they are just that, a secret, aren't we supposed to be safe that way?” the feline hero asked arching an eyebrow.
“That’s what I thought at first, but when there are desperate situations, desperate measures must be taken” Lordbug said who approached and took his partner’s hands “if we don’t know who we are we will not be able to keep in touch being untransformed” he released Chat Noir's hands and he walked back to the window “if something happened and we know our identities, and we get to know each other better... we could stay informed and thus defeat Crescent Butterfly more effectively”
"But then..." Chat Noir said doubtfully as he stood in front of the window next to his lavender haired partner "do you want to do that right now?"
“Whoa, okay, you first, my Lord. Because you're the guardian.”
“No, you go first.”
“Couldn't we do it at the same time?”
"No, I insist, do it first" Lordbug exclaimed, being heard by Medusa through her communicator.
“Well, the truth is ... that I am... I am Son Gohan” the feline hero confessed, instinctively he closed his eyes expecting some reaction of astonishment or anger from the lavender haired hero but instead, the opposite happened. He opened his eyes seeing how his partner looked at him with a slight shock and then laughed out loud, something that annoyed Chat Noir a bit.
“Yes, sure, of course! and I'm Miguel Satan!” Lordbug answered sarcastically, still laughing out loud “that was very good! are you Son Gohan? It isn’t possible, you have very opposite personalities”
“I knew you wouldn't believe me, so you don't give me a choice...” Chat Noir thought “I'm serious, Plagg, paws off” after saying that Chat Noir detransformed in front of the boy he loved exposing his true identity, once he look at him, Lordbug was completely shocked, he had no words for what his eyes were witnessing “do you believe me now? It's me, Son Gohan, and who are you?”
"Lordbug, I already heard his name, do you want me to reset the time?" Medusa asked to the lavender haired hero through her communicator earplug.
"No, wait..." Lordbug replied, he shook his head, blinked a few times and looked at Gohan "I can't tell you now, I'm not ready."
“It's fine I understand it. Now I know why it was so difficult for you to be able to say our identities” Gohan said a little disappointed “all this time I have wondered who’s the person who is always next to me? It was hard for me too, despite my heart won't stop beating, I'm so happy, I've waited a long time to arrive to this moment. You can't imagine the lies I had to tell when you saved my life or when you decided to entrust me a miraculous... I felt terrible having to hide all those things, especially from you and now, I am relieved that I never have to hide myself again” Lordbug did not answer, he just listened to the teenager standing in front of him with a tense expression, he had no emotion or words to convey how he felt at that moment “I hope you aren’t upset with me, but whoever you are under that mask... without a doubt you are the most amazing boy in the whole world”
Lordbug, the countdown is nowhere to be finished” Medusa informed her lavender haired partner looking at the small screen of her communicator “zero... well, there is no going back now” she detransformed back to Nijūichi and trapped Sass in her hands before he fell to the floor, exhausted by all the energy that her owner made him use “I just hope he knows what he's doing” she murmured worriedly.
"I... ah... ah... I'm really shocked, I'm so sorry" Lordbug said apologizing to Gohan, still struggling to process what he had just heard.
“It doesn’t matter, take the time that’s necessary, I can wait until you tell me that you’re ready” the dark haired teenager said with a reassuring voice “so now, you know who I am, and where’s my house if you want visit me one day”
“Uh, y-yeah, sure. I-I have to go and think about all this” the lavender haired hero replied with a small knot of nerves in his voice, he walked away towards the elevator, he almost tripped over a trash can and fell down but he was able to keep his balance “s-see you later!”
When leaving Tokyo Skytree, Lordbug was transported through the night streets of the city with the help of his yo-yo, he entered the sewer and ran to meet Nijūichi, as soon as he turned a corner, he noticed that she was waiting for him, once they were face to face, the reddish brown haired young woman handed the Snake miraculous to her friend.
“What had happened up there? why did you suddenly change your mind like that?” Nijūichi asked to the lavender haired hero.
“It's just that I… I was curious to know what is going to happen...” Lordbug replied with one hand holding the Snake miraculous and the other under his chin as if he were thinking about the decision he had just made, he lowered his hand from his chin and turned his gaze “now that I know who he is...”
"But you told me that it was dangerous for you to know his identity" said the reddish brown haired young woman reminding him of what they were talking about a while ago.
“As long as he don't know who I am, everything will be under control” the lavender haired hero spoke and looked up again at his friend “and I will do my best to make sure everything stays that way, but first I need to talk to Master Mutaito”
After leaving the sewers and saying goodbye to Nijūichi, Lordbug quickly went to the meeting point where Master Mutaito was waiting for him, which was Meiji sanctuary entrance, he told him what he was talking to Chat Noir and also revealed his secret identity, the man just nodded in approval, making him understand that Lordbug had complied with his order, after this, both said goodbye and went their separate ways until the next time they met again, the lavender haired hero went back to Capsule Corporation, entered through the window of his bedroom and already detransformed, took a black hardcover folder which had photos of all the moments he had lived those last two years, either with his classmates, his inseparable friend, Goten, with Yeong, he even had photos of Gohan and Nijūichi, he stopped when he saw a photo of these two together smiling hugely at the camera. Tikki approached to her owner looking at the photos next to him.
“This should cheer you up, Trunks!” the little red kwami commented trying to see the positive side of what had just happened that night “Chat Noir has been in love with Lordbug forever, that means he also feels the same for you, finally you can confess how you feel”
“It's not that easy, Tikki” Trunks told to his kwami as he removed a photo of Gohan from the inside of his album “I love Gohan with all my heart, but I don't love Chat Noir, they are two completely opposite guys” he leaned back in his bed staring at the photo he had taken from his album “what if all this time I've been in love with a Gohan who wasn't even real? what if Chat Noir’s the real Gohan? who’s the real Gohan?”
"Calm down, I think you're overthinking things, you should talk about this with Goten" the little red kwami suggested to the wearer of him.
“I can't, he already knows that I'm Lordbug, he can't know that Gohan is Chat Noir” Trunks replied, looking away sadly as he hugged the photo “it would be too risky... good night”
After saying this, the lavender haired teenager closed his eyes and fell asleep without even wrapping himself in the sheets or even changing his clothes while he hugged the photo that he was holding in his hands. On the other hand, Gohan was going through the same situation regarding having revealed his identity to Lordbug but with his kwami Plagg, the dark haired young man, rather than feeling disappointed or worried about what happened, he felt happy, since that way Lordbug could keep in touch with him as long as he was detransformed and that way he would tell him when he should go to fight, the only thing that bothered him was that he had not dared to tell him who he was that very night.
“When he’s ready, he will tell me who he is, and so he can know my true self better” Gohan said happily speaking with his kwami as he walked around the bedroom, his excitement was so much that perhaps it would be difficult for him to go to sleep that night “and who knows? maybe we can become something else, I know that I am attractive with or without my mask”
“I don't care, I prefer strong cheeses” Plagg commented disinterestedly, sitting on his owner’s bed with a piece of camembert in front of him “but even so, I can't stop having the feeling that you will be disappointed later”
Two days have passed since that revelation and things continued normally, at least for Gohan, who after taking that great weight off his shoulders, had now become a bit of a joker when he was at school and in most of the classes that his friends attended. That day at Orange Star High School, the literature teacher had asked the second year students to make personal introduction examples so that they could read and share their opinion in class.
“Could one of you tell me who wrote the phrase ‘私は猫です (Watashi wa neko desu / I am a cat)’ as an introduction example?” the teacher asked to the class who were watching her confused and dumbfounded. Gohan raised his hand to call the teacher's attention from him “Gohan, do you have something to say?”
“Nya, nya” the teenager replied imitating the noises of a cat making everyone in the class laugh, everyone except Trunks who was with a slight shock because now it was difficult for him to separate the boy he liked personality from the feline hero with whom he fight villains his daily routine as a hero “or translated into human language proposed by Natsume Soseki, it was him who wrote the introduction "I am a cat" he did not know when, Trunks started to visualize Gohan as Chat Noir and quickly shook his head to clear that thought “sorry if my joke bothered you, sensei”
After that, the students went to the floor where the lockers were to find what they needed for the next class, Trunks went to his locker, took his things, closed the door and began to walk straight to the classroom to go to the class that corresponded to them after literature, he was so focused on his way that he did not realize that he had crashed with someone, which caused him to fall to the floor along with his things, which were scattered everywhere.
“Ouch...” the lavender haired teenager mumbled rubbing his forehead with a slight wince “I'm so sorry, I haven't been thinking clearly lately...”
He ignored the pain to start picking his things up from him but the person he crashed into knelt down and decided to help him.
“Don't worry” a familiar voice said, Trunks raised his gaze when he realized that he had not crashed with any person, but nothing more and nothing less than Gohan, he was kneeling, handing him a notebook that fell to the floor with a smile on his face “you don't have to talk, let me help you, will you? furthermore, accidents ha-”
“Ah…” Trunks stared at the teenager in front of him for a few seconds and instantly Chat Noir reappeared in front of his eyes, something that startled him and forced him to step back a little scared” i-it’s o-okay ! I can do it by myself…” he quickly stood up a bit embarrassed of his previous action and began to pick up everything on his own “I appreciate the intention, but... I-I have to go!”
The next morning, Trunks woke up more rested and in a good mood, ready to have another day of school but as soon as he opened his eyes and checked the time on his alarm clock and his cellphone, the image of Gohan on his screensaver changed to show Chat Noir, this made him scream and hid under the covers, seriously doubting whether to go to school that day or not, he was not ready to go out and have to see Gohan again, he would not be able to bear it, less now that he knew his identity as Chat Noir, but then he remembered that if he skipped school he would be giving a bad example for his classmates, in addition to the fact that he was the students society president and he could not give any excuse that he was sick or something similar because her mother would notice it right away, so he had no choice but to resign herself and go to school.
He left Capsule Corporation after having breakfast and saying goodbye to his mother with his backpack on his back, his lavender hair disheveled, and his clothes misaligned, as well as having small dark circles and a tired expression. He was so tired that he did not realize that he had crashed with a sign that had been placed in the entrance of a café, he blinked a few times to react but when he did, Trunks saw Chat Noir in the image that they had pasted of Gohan at the sign of that café, scared, he started running in the opposite direction wanting to take a different path to go to school that day, but it was impossible for him to focus on his way with so many images of Gohan around him that his mind replaced with Chat Noir every time I watched them. The teenager tried to stay calm by picking up his pace before it was late to go to class.
That same afternoon, after school, Trunks went to Toma's house to see the rehearsal for his band's new song, he needed to distract himself a bit and try not to think so much about the matter of Gohan being Chat Noir, if he continued well, he would probably go crazy. When he arrived at the house, Toma invited him to come in, almost all his classmates were there with the exception of Videl and Erasa, but his younger half-brother, Brent, was there among the small audience sitting in the room, and for his bad luck, Gohan was there with them preparing everything for the rehearsal that day, once they got ready and prepared their instruments and microphone, everyone took a seat in front of the stage and Pares began to sing the new song that Nijūichi had been working on.
I can see his face everywhere, I dream about him every night” Pares sang through a microphone, Gohan was in a corner of the room playing his guitar, he raised his gaze with a smile on his face, but when he did this, again Chat Noir appeared in front of Trunks eyes “yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah” the lavender haired teenager immediately got up from his seat apologizing to all his classmates present there, apologizing that he did not he felt good, he covered his eyes with the back of his hand to avoid seeing Gohan and went to the second floor of the house. Nijūichi stopped playing her keyboard when she realized that her little friend was not feeling well and was moving away from them “I love puppies! they make me feel so happy
The reddish brown haired young woman put the rehearsal aside for a moment, made a sign that she would come back quickly and went upstairs to the second floor, crossed the corridor, found the door to her bedroom opened ajar and her lavender haired and blue eyed friend sitting on the edge of her bed.
“I’ve noticed that you no longer hear the same melody when you look at Gohan” Nijūichi said, leaning out from her bedroom door, Trunks looked at her seeing her come inside and close the door, the teenager began to think about what was happening, no matter what he did, wherever he went he only see Chat Noir but not Gohan.
“Nijūichi-san, I need you to tell me something” the lavender haired teenager said looking at his friend sitting next to him “have you ever discovered the secret of someone you know and realize that it was something that never would you have imagined?”
“And then… hasn't that made you change your expectations towards this person?” Trunks asked now looking at the bedroom roof with an expression of pain and regret, then he looked at his friend again “because surely, they are longer who you thought they would be”
“No, in fact, the opposite happened” the reddish brown haired young woman replied with a smile on her face “after knowing it, it allowed me to get to know that person a little better and admire them even more”
After saying that, Nijūichi get up from her bed, left her bedroom and left the door ajar for Trunks to come out later, the teenager stood there for a moment reflecting on what his friend had just told him, then he got out of bed and also left the bedroom, as soon as he walked back to the room where the band rehearsal was taking place, he looked at his classmates who were waiting for him, then he focused his gaze on Gohan speaking with Toma and Pares, and Chat Noir image in his mind disappeared leaving him as he was before he knew his identity as a hero, Trunks smiled slightly, Nijūichi's words had worked, she was right, now that he knew that the person he was in love with was his partner against crime, it must be a matter of time to learn to know both sides of his personality and love him even more.


A few days later, Lordbug was running through Tokyo streets trying to stop on his own a monster made of ice cream cones and scoops that was wandering around the city, he quickly took out his yo-yo, opened his communicator and dialed Gohan's number, by the time he called, the dark haired teenager was in his martial arts practice with Yeong as his training partner, both were fighting in a coordinated way, but his training was interrupted by Gohan's phone, which began to ring.
“Could we take a break for a moment? because I got thirsty” Gohan told to his friend “I'm going to grab something to drink, I won't take long!” without giving his friend time to speak, the teenager ran out of the training room where the practices were taking place that afternoon, leaving the South Korean girl with a slightly confused look on her face. Gohan ran into the locker room, closed the door behind him, hid behind the lockers and answered his phone seeing that it was a call from his lavender haired partner “what is it, Lordbug?”
“Gohan! thank heavens you’ve answered, listen, the ice cream sentimonster is back and is attacking Tokyo!” the lavender haired hero said on the other side of the phone “come as soon as you can, I need your help to stop it”
“I'm on my way” Gohan answered, he cut the call and got inside his locker to transform “Plagg paws on!”
On the other hand, Lordbug continued to fight against the feeling monster on his own, attacking and in turn evading his blows, he saw how one of the ice cream scoops that was part of his arm approached him with the intention of crushing him, but the lavender haired hero managed to avoid this blow, with the help of his yo-yo he managed to climb up onto its arm and began to run through it, crossing it as if it were a bridge; however, when he was raising half of the arm, the feeling monster managed to remove it from his arm with a blow that sent him flying through the air, luckily, the hero managed to land on the ground, affirming his position with both of his hands.
“Do we use the usual strategies, my Lord?” Chat Noir asked who was standing behind his lavender haired partner, Lordbug did not answer and without wasting time, both began to fight against the sentimonster. Using his yo-yo, Lordbug wrapped the rope around the sentimonster's head while Chat Noir used a staff that he pulled from his silver wristband to make him trip and fall to the ground as he watched his partner with a smile on his face. He looked at him while holding the sentimonster’s head and take back his smile.
A few more days passed, both heroes continued fighting against different akumatized villains, among them was Ninfa, as the days passed and as they fight harder in battles and save the akumatized victims, Lordbug felt that he began to know his feline partner better and better, now he had learned to appreciate not only the teasing and seductive personality that characterized him so much, but he also knew how to learn to love him for the kind, charismatic, curious and innocent personality that he possessed when he was Gohan. One night, after defeating a villain, capturing and purifying his akuma, both Lordbug and Chat Noir looked at the sky, a lightning crossed it illuminating it, signaling that a storm would unleash at any moment, so Chat Noir took out an umbrella that he had in his arsenal from his wristband and with it he protected Lordbug, the lavender haired hero looked at his partner perform this action and that led him to remember that day when they left school and it was raining just like that night.

Classes were over and it had started to rain, although the rain was not as strong. Gohan and Trunks were the last to leave, the dark-haired teenager had taken the precaution of carrying an umbrella in case of storm, taking advantage of Trunks waiting for the storm to give way to go home, Gohan approached to talk to him.
“Hey, hello” Gohan greeted him kindly but the younger one just looked away, the dark-haired teenager understood that Trunks did not want to talk to him so he started walking a few steps out of Orange Star High school main door, the car in which Yamcha came to look for him, he was waiting for him in the entrance but before leaving, he stopped and looked away towards Trunks “I wanted you to know that... yesterday I was trying to remove the chewing gum from the chair, and I mean it you know?”
"What?" Trunks said confused.
“I've never been to school before; I've never had other friends besides Videl. This world... all this is... different for me" Gohan told him regretfully, despite that, he kept his usual cheerful smile. Without thinking, he brought his umbrella to Trunks to return home and not get wet with the rain, the lavender haired preteen looked at him a little stunned but reached his hand to take the umbrella, accidentally his hands brushed so Gohan put the umbrella in his hand, Trunks placed the umbrella over his head and automatically closed on him making Gohan laugh, the younger boy raised the umbrella a little to see Gohan laughing and he laughed with him slightly flushed “well, see you tomorrow”
*Flashback end*

At that, another lightning crossed the sky illuminating both heroes and bringing Lordbug back to reality, he stared at Chat Noir, Gohan smiling at him on that rainy day when leaving school was projected in front of his eyes. He blinked a couple of times, take back his smile and both stared at each other for a few seconds in the rain that was falling intensely over Tokyo.
"Mission accomplished" both heroes said in unison, clashing fists to celebrate their victory.
When the storm subsided a bit, Lordbug and Chat Noir withdrew from the area where the battle happened and made their way to a safe place to hide so Chat Noir could detransform and revert to his civilian form. They did not make a long trip, they barely caught a glimpse of a clear and little traveled alley, they both jumped down there, landing on the ground.
“Plagg, paws off” Chat Noir said, he detransformed in front of Lordbug becoming Gohan again “well, that was fun, see you another day, my Lord”
After saying that, Gohan said goodbye with his hand and began to walk out of that alley and return to his house before his mother noticed his absence, Lordbug stood there for a brief moment wondering if he should tell him his identity or just leave it for another day and let Gohan go, but he could not wait any longer, after the advice Nijūichi had given him that day in his bedroom and spending a few days fighting crime by his side, the lavender haired hero felt more than ready and confident to tell the teenager who he was under the mask.
“Gohan, wait” Lordbug said, who came running towards the dark haired teenager and took him by the arm preventing him from leaving “I... I'm ready to tell you who I am” Gohan did not answer, just looked at him surprised and with a blush staining his cheeks “Tikki, dots off” instantly the lavender haired hero detransformed in front of Gohan becoming Trunks again, he did not emit any word or sound, he only observed that scene with the blush still on his face “well? tell me something, please...” Trunks turned his gaze slightly embarrassed that perhaps it was not the person that Gohan expected to meet under the Lordbug mask “now that you know that it’s me, surely you will no longer want to continue being my friend, maybe you’re disappointed, I make you feel sorry or disgusted...”
“That's not true” Gohan interrupted, approaching to take both hands of the teenager standing in front of him “I just found out that the one who always fought next to me is one of my closest friends and is the person I loved most, and I admired more than anything”
Before Trunks could say anything to him, he felt Gohan unexpectedly pull him towards him, squeezing his fragile little body into a hug, the lavender haired teenager was stunned by the sudden action as his heart beat faster and a soft blush appeared on his cheeks, Tikki and Plagg looked this, they looked at each other and shrugged because they had nothing to comment about the situation, after all, unlike humans, they could not feel the happiness of fall in love with someone or love someone. Without thinking twice, Trunks wrapped his arms around Gohan's back accepting and taking back that hug while resting his head on his chest, closing his eyes and smiling, hearing the teenager heartbeat who hugged him in a tender and affectionate way.


A few more days passed since that revelation, the bond that Gohan and Trunks shared had grown stronger, now that they both knew their secret identities, they could count on each other for whatever and also their relationship as a team became more solid, as well as their now relationship as a couple, although, of course, no one was aware of that yet, not even their closest friends, Bra and Goten.
“Come close to me, beautiful cat. With your beating heart and take your claws out of your paws..." pronounced the literature teacher reading the fragment of a poem that they were working on that day in class, many of the students did not pay attention to her reading while Trunks and Gohan were listening to everything with fascinated looks on their faces, especially the lavender haired teenager, who kept looking at his koibito with a smile on his face. He came out of his trance when he saw that Bra handed him a folded piece of paper with his name written in katakana and a heart next to it, Trunks could deduce that it was a note that Gohan was passing to him as they normally used to do in classes "let me search in your beautiful eyes a mixture of metal and Agathas"
Without being able to wait any longer, the teenager opened that paper and read what was written, he could not help but blush and laugh softly after reading those words, he secretly turned his gaze to Gohan, he turned to look at him for a few seconds and then continue listening to the teacher.
That same night, Gohan was lying on the bed in his bedroom talking on the phone with his boyfriend, he was supposed to be studying and reviewing the books he should read for his next English literature class as his mother had instructed him but for some reason, the dark haired teenager could not concentrate on his homework so he ended up calling Trunks to talk to him and tell him what was wrong with him, all of this was happening while Chi-chi left her office and went to the her child’s bedroom to verify that he was studying as she requested.
"I miss you" Trunks said to his koibito on the other side of the phone.
“Me too, I can't stop thinking about you, you know? that's why I decided to call you" Gohan replied with a smile on his face.
I was thinking the same, I needed to call you and talk to you, I couldn't stop thinking about you either.
Chi-chi opened her son's bedroom door without even knocking and stopped a few steps from entering, peering her gaze through the opening, inside she could see Gohan talking on the phone and realized that the expression on his face was of extreme happiness, she had gone there to check if he had finished studying and was getting ready to go to sleep, but seeing that the dark haired teenager was still busy, she remained standing in the doorway listening to their conversation over the telephone.
“So, could I see you tomorrow at the theater?” the lavender haired teenager asked through the electronic device earplug.
“Sure, do you want to cut or do I?”
“No, you better do it.”
“Okay, see you tomorrow. Aishiteru, my lord” Gohan said goodbye without leaving aside the smile on his face, he cut the call and prepared himself to go to sleep, it was already very late and he had to get up early tomorrow to meet Trunks at the theater.
“My lord?” Chi-chi mumbled a little astonished of what she had just heard, instantly she felt how all the pieces of the puzzle in her mind fell into place and a wicked smile formed on her face just knowing that her son was Chat Noir and also the black cat miraculous holder, the one that she had been fighting so hard to obtain, she immediately closed Gohan's bedroom door and walked away from there “this day just got interesting, I think it will not cost me nothing to get Chat Noir’s miraculous, now that I know his secret identity”


The next morning, Gohan woke up early and got ready for his date with Trunks, after showering and dressing in a formal but casual outfit, the dark haired teenager came down from his bedroom to go to breakfast, he called Yamcha and ask him to prepare a car to take him to the theater, but while doing this, he heard his mother's voice calling him, so he was forced to stop on his way to the dining room.
“Gohan, come here” Chi-chi told him who was standing not far away from him, he looked at her a little confused, normally his mother almost never left her bedroom or her office because she was very obsessed with her work, but he did not hesitate of what she said and slowly approached her “come with me to my bedroom, I need to talk to you before you go”
“Yes, I'm coming, mom” Gohan replied, he followed his mother without questioning until they reached the the dark haired woman’s bedroom, Gohan stood in the doorway waiting for his mother to tell him something.
“Come with me, let's go to a more private place to talk and also... there’s something I need you to see” Chi-chi said to her son without looking at him, Gohan looked at her a little confused but approached to his mother with no doubts, the dark haired woman pressed some buttons on the security system control, opening a secret passage, Chi-chi entered first and Gohan entered after her, as he did so, the secret passage entrance was closed, making him understand that from that point on there was no way to go backward.
The dark haired teenager continued walking through that passage until he came across a glass elevator, then he entered inside it and began to go down, showing Gohan a kind of underground garden that was right in the house low floor, how he had never seen that before? had he known about this place? He thought he knew his house’s grounds like the palm of his hand but apparently, he was wrong, the elevator stopped in front of a small wooden bridge that connected with a stream.
"Did you know something like that was under your house?" Plagg asked to his owner.
“No, I had no idea. But, just in case, stay hidden, Plagg” Gohan replied.
The elevator door opened and Gohan got out of it, walked slowly, crossed that bridge and advanced with slow but steady steps towards a small lawn where an urn made of glass rested with some decorations made of emerald and gold, the teenager got a little closer and when he looked at the urn upper lid he found his father, Son Gokū, who was resting inside, he noticed some small slits of a ventilation system running around that urn, when he saw this, the dark haired teenager backed away a bit puzzled.
"It can't be… that's it… was that my dad?" Gohan muttered still in shock.
“It has been a hundred weeks since he left” spoke a familiar voice, the teenager turned to find his mother standing in front of him “I tried to find a way to tell you, but you left me no choice...” she took off the handkerchief that covered her shoulders and part of her dress revealing the moth and peacock miraculous “Noroo, Duusu… merge!” both kwamis entered on their respective magic jewels transforming Chi-chi into Crescent Butterfly, which only scared Gohan a bit more “besides, I've tried over a hundred times to get Lordbug and Chat Noir's miraculous in order to wake him up” he started walking with firm, menacing steps as Gohan backed up, until he reached a point where he had to stop because he almost collided with the urn where his father was “who would imagine that the solution would be found right in front of my eyes?”
“Stop! I-I don't know what you mean to do, mom. But this isn’t right” Gohan said trying to protect himself from a possible blow, one that would never come “you have to stop! maybe we can find another way to solve it”
“I'm afraid there isn't...” Crescent Butterfly replied, from her scepter a purple butterfly came out, an akuma, which flew towards the dark haired teenager phone dying it purple, already subjected to her will, the villain began to speak “Ephemeral, I´m your mother, Crescent Butterfly. I will give you the power to advance time and thus bring your father back” Gohan closed his eyes tightly as he made a great effort to ignore his mother's orders and tried to free himself from the akuma's control “but with one condition, all you have to do is to give me Lordbug's miraculous and yours”
“Don't make me do this, don't ask me to betray the only boy I ever loved…” Gohan begged him, who was still struggling with his emotions and the power that both the akuma and his mother had over him “no no!”
“I wasn’t clear with my order, Gohan?" Chi-chi asked, arching a nonexistent eyebrow under her silver butterfly-shaped mask without leaving aside his serious expression. Gohan did not know what to do, on the one hand, he wanted to comply with his mother's order and help her in this crazy plan, but his heart screamed at him that this was not the right thing to do, that if that happened, it would probably unleash great consequences and end up betraying the one loved, Trunks, his Lord. At the end he felt so desperate, confused, overwhelmed and over-empathetic that he ended up obeying his mother’s will.
“No, I understood perfectly, mother” the dark haired teenager replied, immediately he took off his miraculous and handed it to Crescent Butterfly who put it on with a wicked smile on her face, as she did so, Plagg appeared in front of her.
“Crescent Butterfly! Cata…!” the little black cat-like kwami exclaimed about to unleash its destructive power but he was interrupted by the villain.
“Kwami, listen to me carefully” Crescent Butterfly spoke with a firm and authoritative voice “I’m your new owner and from now on you will be my slave”
At that, a purple aura enveloped Gohan's body turning him into the new villain that Lordbug should face, or at least try to evade if possible.
On the other hand, Trunks had already arrived at the theater, he entered in the room with a smile on his face, he looked for the seats assigned for him and Gohan, apparently he had arrived early because there were not many people in the room, barely found the seats he sat in the one he had assigned without erasing the smile from his face, he was very anxious since that would be his first date with the guy he loved most in the world; however, his happiness was interrupted when he heard the living room door open wide, which startled the lavender haired teenager a bit.
“Good morning, Lordbug” a mysterious villain appeared that he did not know and that he had never seen before, but when he recognized her transformation and her scepter, he knew that it was Crescent Butterfly.
“Tikki, dots on!” Trunks said to his kwami, quickly transforming into Lordbug “lucky charm!” when invoking his lucky charm, turning him into its level-up mode, a wristwatch appeared with a specific time marked on the screen, it marked 23:56 p.m, he turned his gaze from the clock when he heard the villain emit loud laughter.
“Is it my idea or it seems to me that the time to defeat you has finally come?” the villain asked with a sarcastic tone of voice in her new transformation acquired by both her and her son’s miraculous, Lordbug was about to take out his sword to defend himself but, in that, he could feel something cold touching his back.
"But… what?" Lordbug muttered and turned around to find another villain very similar to Gohan, with the difference that this young man had a sad expression on his face.
“Don't worry, I promise you that everything will end up soon...” that unknown villain said without removing his sad gaze, he placed the time taken from lavender haired hero’s miraculous and advanced the time he needed to detransform, leaving him with only two minutes of advantage.
“Time pass quickly when you’re having fun, doesn't it?” Crescent Butterfly asked with a wicked smile on her face as she clenched her fist and with her other hand hold her scepter, Lordbug looked both ways and without thinking much, began to run to the theater exit “it's useless to try to escape!” the lavender haired hero kept running without taking his eyes off that clock that his lucky charm gave him, what the hell was trying to tell him? “sooner you are going to be and ordinary boy, without powers”
Quickly and before detransforming, Lordbug took a photo of the wristwatch and began to write a message under the image, he needed to contact Nijūichi and tell her what was happening, only she could go back in time and prevent this incident from happening, but when He was about to finish sending the message, the time in his miraculous ran out, for not seeing where he was going, the lavender haired hero fell to the ground face down, detransforming and turning back into Trunks, fortunately, the message reached the brown reddish haired young woman’s phone, she was in her bedroom practicing with her keyboard by the time she received the message, she immediately put aside what she was doing to check her phone, she unlocked it and read the message written in hiragana that Lordbug had sent to her:

(Sass is in my toolbox, go and get him quickly!)"

“Oh no… Trunks!” Nijūichi exclaimed, quickly left her bedroom and her house without having time to explain to her father and adoptive brother what was going on, she got on her scooter and went as fast as she could towards Capsule Corporation.
While that was happening, Trunks, on the other hand, was trying to escape from Crescent Butterfly and Gohan who had been akumatized, but at the same time he was trying to find some way to get out of the theater and prevent both villains from finding him and Crescent Butterfly from being able to take his miraculous.
“Give me your miraculous right now!” the dark haired villain exclaimed with an annoyed tone of voice while looking for the lavender haired teenager, Trunks came to hide behind a trash but was intercepted by Crescent Butterfly who took him by the collar of his t-shirt “I got you!”
“Let me go! let me go!” the lavender haired teenager cried trying to free himself from the grip, but his attempts were in vain and he stopped when he saw how the villain brought her hand towards his right ear “no, no!” he turned his gaze to Ephemeral “Gohan, please help me!”
The akumatized teenager took a deep breath and just stood there, looking with pain reflected in his eyes how his mother achieved her mission and took her miraculous away from Trunks who looked at what was happening with disbelief, it was hard for him to think that Crescent Butterfly had defeated him this time, seeing that he was no longer a worthy opponent for a fight against her, the villain threw the lavender haired teenager away causing him to crash with a wall leaving him unconscious.
"Finally, is mine!" Crescent Butterfly exclaimed, adopting a triumphant pose as a malicious smile spread across her face "with both miraculous fused, my greatest wish will be granted!"
By that point, Nijūichi had arrived at Capsule Corporation, she jumped off her scooter, kicked open the main door and ran inside that dome shaped building, this caught Bulma’s attention who put aside her work in her laboratory to go out to see what was happening and, incidentally, to verify that no thief had entered while she was working, but her amazement was great when she saw that it was her son's friend.
“Nijūichi? what… what are you doing here?” the light blue haired woman asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"I don't have time to explain!" the brown reddish haired young woman answered, who ran to the teenager's bedroom, "excuse my unexpected arrival but Trunks asked me to come here! It's an emergency!” Bulma just stood there looking the young woman run down the corridor slightly confused, Nijūichi came to her friend's bedroom, opened the door, and started looking for the toolbox where her kwami and her miraculous were “Sass! are you here?”
“Hey, look at that! she’s my owner” the kwami similar to a snake said to his other siblings, immediately he left the hiding place where the toolbox was in which the capsule that contained all the miraculous was hidden, Nijūichi stopped looking when she saw her kwami come out of a secret spot under the teen's bed.
“Sass, I need your help, Trunks sent me this message” Nijūichi said showing him the photo of the wristwatch on the screen of her cellphone “I want to assume that he wants you to reset everything at the time where this incident started, but he’s already conscious that I can't do something like that”
"Maybe you can't do it, but I could" Sass replied, who floated in front of his owner, adopting a Hindu position "I can restart any moment in the past."
"But when a kwami uses its power without being contained by its owner, there can be serious consequences" another puppy-like kwami named Barkk adverted.
"There’s no doubt that the situation must be very serious for him to have made that decision" Wayzz told her with a worrying look on his face.
At that, the kwamis stopped talking to the young woman when they felt a flash of light illuminate the bedroom, Nijūichi drew the curtains that covered the window and when they looked out to see, his kwami and the other two who were talking to her, the four managed to distinguish a trail of light rising to cross the sky, a powerful explosion of incandescent light emerged forcing them to cover their eyes, as soon as that explosion passed, they felt how the ground began to shake and in the distance they saw the buildings and houses disintegrate and slowly disappear as a beam of light approached towards them.
“It's the end of the universe!” all the kwamis exclaimed alarmed when they saw what was happening, Nijūichi quickly moved away from the window and turned to look her kwami.
“What's going on out there?”
“Crescent Butterfly got Lordbug and Chat Noir’s miraculous, and she just made her wish.”
"So why do you say it's the end of the universe?" the reddish brown haired young woman asked a little confused about what was going on outside.
“Well, think that the universe is like an enormous fruit” Sass explained quickly trying to use an analogy so that his owner could understand the situation better “within it all there’s the pulp and the juice, but if you are thirsty and you want the juice, before considering piercing the fruit to extract the juice, it’s necessary to cut it in two and squeeze each part separately, leaving only an empty shell with dried pulp inside”
"In other words, when someone wants to make a wish..." Barkk continued, making the young woman look turn her gaze at him "the universe we know is eliminated and totally restored, but no one knows how...”
He stopped speaking when he saw through the window that the beam of light was getting closer and closer to them, which further alarmed the young woman and the other kwamis.
"Hurry up, Sass!" Nijūichi exclaimed looking at her kwami with despair reflected in her eyes.
Second chance!” the little kwami similar to a snake exclaimed thus invoking his power, that way he managed to reset the time just to the exact moment where Lordbug and Medusa were carrying out their plan to know Chat Noir’s identity.
“Our watches are already synchronized” Lordbug said to his partner without taking his eyes off the screen of his communicator, upon hearing this, Medusa quickly used her power to reset the time, they both programmed a five minute countdown on their communicators screens “the countdown has already started and it’s 23:56 p.m, it will take exactly five minutes before you detransform, we have to finish this before midnight comes, when I give you the order, you’ll reset the time”
After he finished saying that the lavender haired hero cut off communication with Medusa, tucked her yo-yo by wrapping it around his waist, looked away at the elevator, saw its doors open, and Chat Noir entered the observatory.
"Excuse me, I couldn't get there earlier" the feline hero apologized, getting out of the elevator, and approaching to his partner.
“Don't worry…” Lordbug said; however, he was forced to interrupt his sentence when he heard some strange noises coming from outside, while the city lights were repeatedly turning on and off “hold on a second what’s going on outside?” both looked at one of Tokyo Skytree observatory windows and they saw how time anomalies began to emerge, the needles of the clocks were spinning uncontrollably and the electronic devices were having glitches “it seems as if several timelines were fighting to coexist in a single one...”
The lavender haired hero stopped speaking when he saw a female silhouette with short dark hair almost brushing her cheeks behind them, wearing a silver armor with bronze details but at the same time she was wearing a kind of cherry red robe with black polka dots on it.
“Who’s talking? where do those voices come from? are from the Normans? Gilles, where are you?” that woman asked confused because she had no idea on what timeline she was at that moment, she immediately turned her gaze to see the current Lordbug and Chat Noir “hey! who are you? Is this a sort of witchcraft?”
Without giving them time to explain what was happening, both Lordbug and Chat Noir prepared to protect themselves as that woman was threateningly and aggressively approaching towards them, brandishing her sword and using the yo-yo from her transformation at the same time, but when he was about to attack them, she disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving both heroes more confused.
“Hey, is it my imagination or perhaps the knots of time have been untied?” the feline hero asked to his partner.
"I have a bad feeling about this…" Lordbug murmured, immediately he took out his communicator in his yo-yo and tried to talk to his snake partner who was still hiding in the sewers “Medusa, Medusa! Could you hear me?” there was no response other than interference and static sounds, so the lavender haired hero turned off the communicator, ran to the elevator and Chat Noir imitated his action following him behind “join me”
“Lordbug are you there? could you hear me?” Medusa said from her communicator without getting a response, she heard a few steps approaching towards her, she turned around preparing to attack whoever appeared, but great was her surprise when she found her partners standing in front of her.
"Medusa, detransform yourself, I need to talk to Sass" the lavender haired hero asked without giving him time to ask what was happening, Medusa did not speak and simply shrugged accepting her partner’s order.
“Scales off” the long turquoise haired heroine said, she undid her transformation and instantly her kwami appeared floating in front of Lordbug.
"I'm sorry you had to see that Lordbug, but I had no choice" Sass said to the lavender haired hero.
"What happened?" the lavender haired hero asked with concern.
“Actually, I don't remember” the snake kwami replied “but I saw a photo of your Lucky Charm: a wristwatch that was programmed at 23:56 p.m”
"Do you understand what he’s saying?" Chat Noir asked to his partner, apparently, he was the only one who was confused about what was going on at that moment and why so many time anomalies suddenly appeared at the same time.
“When a kwami uses his power without an owner to contain it, there’s always some disastrous magical consequences” Lordbug explained to his feline partner “and Sass's power is reset time”
“So, he was trying to repair a mistake that was made in the future by resetting the time to the past...”Chat Noir said wanting to add his own theory to the conversation, Nijūichi was about to say something to him, but she was interrupted when she heard some screams coming from the surface.
“Stay down here, Nijūichi...” Lordbug told to the young woman standing in front of him as he climbed up the stairs that lead to the sewers exit, Chat Noir climbed up after him, moving the lid that closed the sewers, both heroes came out and looked around them the chaos that had been unleashed in the city due to time anomalies, in addition to many of the akumatized villains that they had once faced, reappeared, the lilac haired hero looked away towards his feline companion in front of him – I have the feeling of living a great deja vu-
"I think this is the right time to start formulating a plan, my Lord," Chat Noir told him, Lordbug did not respond and only just nodded.
Lucky Charm!” the lavender haired hero exclaimed, he threw his yo-yo into the air while a white light enveloped him transforming him into his level-up mode, the same light came out of the yo-yo along with thousands of ladybugs that revealed the object that he had to use: a small bronze seal.
“Do you think that’s heavy enough to measure it on a balance?” the feline hero asked looking at that seal, observing it, Lordbug knew what his lucky charm was trying to tell him.
“Of course! Listen, the international government department is in charge of measurements and weights, they’re the ones who coordinate the world's clocks thanks to their satellites and one of their research headquarters is close to Okinawa” Lordbug explained to his feline partner.
“Then that means that the satellite is just above us” Chat Noir added “and if we repair it, we will be able to reset the time in all the devices connected to it, but there’s a problem, how can we guess what time it’s to be able to enter it in the programming?”
“With this chronometer programmed into a countdown I will be able to know what the correct time is” Lordbug answered, opening his yo-yo communicator showing the chronometer to his feline partner “when it drops to zero, it will be officially midnight, now we have to program this on the satellite, it's time to increase our powers”
The feline hero nodded, took out a piece of Camembert cheese impregnated with the potion that master Roshi had made long ago but he stopped his action of eating it when he remembered something important that he should ask to Lordbug.
“Wait and what will happen to all these time anomalies?” Chat Noir asked looking at his partner before he ate the cheese with a light layer of lavender powder that would help him give him his space transformation.
“Don't worry about that, you just have to trust me to deal with the situation” Lordbug replied, at the same time that he opened a compartment of his yo-yo and took out a small taiyaki with filling the same color as the cheese that his feline partner had, Chat Noir immediately ate the cheese impregnated with the potion, a chill ran down his spine when he felt its flavor which combined with the Camembert did not make it anything pleasant.
“Astrochat transformation!” Chat Noir exclaimed, white and green rays enveloped his body changing his usual transformation for the space one, along with the suit, a backpack appeared on his back with security straps like those of paratroopers, of which bright green wings were deployed very similar to those of bats, a black and green helmet with cat ears covered his entire head except for the eyes, in addition the backpack had a small oxygen tank to be able to breathe when flying at high altitudes or in the space.
"Well, now we have to synchronize our watches" Lordbug told him, they immediately opened their communicators and began to work on it, adjusting the timer to mark how much time they had left to enter the programming on the satellite, they only had two more minutes before they were due. for midnight to come.
"Now I have the same time as you," Astrochat said to his partner, Lordbug quickly ate the taiyaki filled with the potion trying to contain his retching and grimaces of displeasure at the bitter taste of the potion.
“Spacebug transformation!” Lordbug exclaimed, some pink and blue lights wrapped his body replacing his level-up transformation with a red and black spacesuit with black polka dots on the armor of his torso, on his back appeared a red and black backpack without safety straps but with folding wings identical to those of ladybugs and a space helmet covered most of his face, giving him the oxygen that his backpack contained to be able to breathe when he flew to great heights or through space “are you ready to this mission, Astrochat?”
“Of course, I'm always ready, Spacebug.”
“Ok, let's take off.”
The propellants in both heroes backpacks were activated, instantly two beams of green and red light crossed the night sky, Lordbug and Chat Noir continued flying in a vertical direction until they crossed the earth's atmosphere and reached outer space, once there, they went to the satellite that belonged to the investigation center near Okinawa, once settled in front of the operations panel door, Chat Noir opened the door and placed it aside to close the panel after allowing his lavender haired partner do his work, Lordbug approached to the panel looking at the screen where the time was shown, which was in complete disorder, immediately he pressed a button to erase the time, Chat Noir opened his communicator in his wristband and showed his chronometer to his partner, he began to enter the time marked on the feline hero's communicator, he wait for the remaining minute to end and once this was done, he pressed another button to program the written time on the screen, this way, both heroes managed to restore the time on all devices and watches connected to the satellite. When they finished, Lordbug threw his lucky charm into space which turned into millions of ladybugs that flew to earth, undoing all the time anomalies created by Sass.
"Mission accomplished!" Lordbug and Chat Noir exclaimed in unison, clashing their fists to celebrate his victory, seeing that the earth was now safe and free of time anomalies. They both flew back with Chat Noir humming a tune that Lordbug could not quite identify but for some reason was familiar, causing him to laugh softly.
"Hey, where did you learn that melody?" Lordbug asked looking at his feline partner curiously.
“It’s a classic! It's called A cat-astrophic meow" the feline hero replied, in that, he remembered something he wanted to ask his partner while they continued their flight back to earth “oh, by the way, what was that so important that you wanted to tell me there at the Tokyo Skytree? -
“Oh, it was nothing important, feline. Better keep flying down” Lordbug said wanting to downplay the topic, Chat Noir looked at his partner a little discouraged but promised himself that soon he would find out what Lordbug had wanted to tell him a few minutes ago. Once they broke through the earth's atmosphere and flew down to Tokyo, both heroes took separate ways, Chat Noir flew back to his home in Roppongi district while Lordbug flew back to Capsule Corporation, as soon as he arrived, he landed standing in the back garden undoing his space transformation going back to his classic transformation.
“So, you were able to find out who Chat Noir is?” Master Mutaito asked who had just arrived at Capsule Corporation without even warning.
“What?! I was clear with my order, I thought you wouldn’t dare to disobey me” the man said to the lavender haired hero with a threatening tone of voice.
“I said no, because I am not interested in knowing who he is” Lordbug answered interrupting the lecture that he was about to give him “at least, not for now, I have proven a hundred times that I am the only one available to do Lordbug’s job and I have also shown you that I can be an effective guardian, in addition, Chat Noir and I have been able to prove a hundred times that we are exceptional heroes... instead you” he pointed at Mutaito with his finger accusingly and emphasizing that last word “how many times have you said that we never care about a thing but always proved wrong? your judgment is based on your fears and worries, but never on your actions”
“Uh... I suppose you're right” Master Mutaito said feeling ashamed of how he had been treating the hero all this time and how he had judged him so badly “my apologies” he bowed in front of the young lavender haired hero “I think maybe I am worrying about nothing, you’re a guardian like I’ve never seen before in all my years of life and in my years of training before being one” he raise his right arm with his hand closed in a fist “what’s the phrase that you they say when they do things right?”
"Mission accomplished!" Lordbug told him with a smile as he clashed his fist with the man's one under that starry night.


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

