Miraculous Dragon Ball (two-shot)
by N3k00-Ch4N     More by this Writer
Someone said that with a great power comes a great responsibility. But nobody said that being a hero would be easy, much less when you have no experience and you are a first year highschool student, because this was what happened to Trunks Briefs and Son Gohan, who from morning till night become in heroes with special powers thanks to some magical jewels called "Miraculous".

Prepare to read the history about the origin of the defenders of Tokyo, Lordbug and Chat Noir and how Trunks Briefs and Son Gohan met.

"Dragon Ball" and "Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir" does not belong to me it belongs to Toriyama-san and Thomas Astruc

Chapter one: The day my life changed
"A long time ago, there were some magical jewels with unimaginable power known as "Miraculous" throughout history, these jewels were used by great heroes who had the duty to save humanity, two of them were more powerful than others. The Ladybug pothara earring had the power of creation and the black cat ring, contained the power of destruction, according to an ancient legend, who possessed these magical jewels fused it could reach the power worthy of a god.”
“That is the power that I am looking for” a female voice said covering a picture of a man who was barely seen in the dark with the top cover of the medal where she had placed the photo “the only thing I should do is get both miraculous, Nooroo”
“But... Nobody knows where they are!” the little lavender kwami with butterfly wings said to his new owner.
“And in spite of everything, I managed to find you, Nooroo, isn’t it? tell me what power has my miraculous" that female voice said.
“The moth brooch can give people the skill they want and make them become it faithful servant”.
“And when there are heroes in the world, what better idea than to create villains?”
“But, my lady miraculous should not be used for evil purposes! something really bad could happen.”
“I want to be an absolute goddess!” exclaimed that female voice with anger, poked her hand in the shadows to point to the little kwami “your miraculous belongs to me! I am your new owner now and you must obey me!”
“Yes my Lady…”
“Nooroo...” the mysterious woman said placing the moth brooch on her dress “it's time to spread the chaos” the kwami similar to a butterfly was flying towards the brooch transforming that woman, thousands of butterflies flew through the air covering her and when they went away they revealed her transformation “from now I will be known forever as ‘Dark Butterfly’ ”.


Meanwhile, at Kame House, a little green kwami smilar to a turtle called Wayzz was sleeping inside a matchbox when he suddenly woke up when he felt something bad was happening, he left the matchbox, looked out from the small pink house window facing the beach where his owner, the master of martial arts, Muten Roshi was training two children who had come to his house to ask him to teach them some tricks. Quickly, the green kwami came through the window and flew towards his owner.
"Sensei!" Wayzz said, taking the old man out of his lessons.
"Oh?" Master Roshi said, both children looked at him confused, the old man knew that something was happening due to the tone of voice with which his kwami spoke, he reacted and joined both hands as if he were praying " ’sensei’, ‘sensei’ is a very effective mantra, don’t forget it children“ he get back to his serious position “well, that's all, go back home”
“What? it's not fair! we have just arrived" protested one of the children.
“Then come back tomorrow” the old man answered them, who quickly entered his house leaving the children completely confused, once inside, Roshi lowered the blinds of the windows leaving the house in absolute darkness, when he finished he sat down in front of the little green kwami “well, we're already alone what do you have to say to me, Wayzz?”
“Sensei I felt the power of Nooroo's miraculous!” the green kwami similar to a turtle exclaimed.
“Seriously? I thought it was lost forever" Roshi murmured thoughtfully.
“But Sensei, the energy that I felt is negative, Nooroo has fallen into the hands of a dark soul.”
“In that case, it is necessary to recover Nooroo’s miraculous as soon as possible” the old man said standing up “if Nooroo was captured by a dark soul, can you imagine all the danger that this could bring up?” he placed himself in a battle position revealing that under the sleeve of his shirt he wore a bracelet with a snail ornament carved in the shape of a green aquamarine turtle “Wayzz, shell o...!”
He could not keep talking because he felt his back thundered and then fell on his knees on the ground in pain, the little green kwami looked at him with concern and approached to the aching old man.
“Sensei, you should think about your health, you aren’t the same as before and you can’t...”
"Nonsense, Wayzz. I'm three hundred thirty-one years old, I'm in good shape" the perverted old man interrupted him, he got up and stood up again "but you're right, it's difficult to do this work alone, I'll need help."
Without wasting a second, Roshi approached an old library where he had several old books on martial arts techniques, among them, had hidden the eechi or hentai magazines, without a doubt, the man had his tricks to hide those magazines from the eyes of those people who came to his house to ask him to teach them martial arts. From one of the shelves he took what it seems to be an old music box with Chinese details but not everything is as they appear, the old man opened a small compartment inside the box, pressed a few buttons opening a larger compartment from which they left Different miraculous, though the moth miraculous and the peacock miraculous were missing inside that box.
"Are you sure of this decision, sensei?" The green kwami asked.
“I made a mistake before, but I promise that this time it will not happen again.”


Meanwhile, at Capsule Corporation, one of the most important science and technology industries in all of Tokyo, a lavender haired preteen who was not more than thirteen years of age was sleeping soundly under the sheets of his bed, he had programmed the alarm clock to be able to go on time to his first day of school but he decided to pause it for five more minutes and continue sleeping a bit but he do not imagine that those five minutes would be more than five minutes.
“Trunks! the alarm clock has been ringing for more than five minutes! hurry up and get dressed now! Do you want to be late for your first day of school?" his mother called from the door of his bedroom.
"Uh... I heard you, mom," the preteen muttered reluctantly. He got up from his bed, left his bedroom after dressing and walked doing robot steps to the kitchen where his mother, Bulma, one of the brightest scientists of all Japan was waiting for him with breakfast already served at the table, Trunks ran the chair, he sat down in front of the table and began to spread butter on his toast “I hope that Videl will not be in my course this year”
“Both of us have been in the same course for ten years in a row, how is that possible?” Bulma asked looking at her son “but that doesn’t matter now, it's a new school year, surely things will be different”
“I have no idea but I'm so lucky...” the younger boy said with sarcasm, he did not realize that with one elbow he had blown the knife with which he spread the butter on his toast, hit the glass of orange juice causing it to fall turning its content on the floor, the glass rolled in a half-circle colliding with the fruit pot that was decorating the table overturning part of the fruits, which rolled to the floor, Trunks lowered his head distressed by the disaster he had made but soon he felt a pair of arms around him in a warm hug and he knew that it was his mother, who was giving him comfort, Trunks smiled and take back her hug.
“Oh! That reminds me that I have something for you to take to your first day of school” Bulma breaks apart from her son, she opened the fridge taking out a light blue box with a new logo for Capsule Corporation, she opened the box showing some chocolate cupcakes with light blue frost that the scientist had been responsible for making the last night of summer holidays.
“They are incredible! my classmates will love it!" Trunks said when he saw the cupcakes, Bulma closed the box and handed him the box to take to school.
“And I liked the new logo that you created for the company this summer” Bulma said showing a sheet with an sketch of the Capsule Corporation new logo, it was similar to the previous one, only with the small difference that now the letters were painted of white and the background was black, underneath it was written the word "Capsule Corp." with pastel green pen.
“Thank you very much, mom” Trunks said approaching to his mother to hug her, he almost dropped the box with the cupcakes but Bulma managed to rescue them in time, the lavender haired preteen take the box of cupcakes nervously, he quickly said goodbye his mother and left his home in order to arrive to school on time. He did not know if it was destiny or a magic trick but while he was walking to school, Trunks could see that an old man with sunglasses slowly crossed the street, he looked to the left watching a car pass at full speed, the preteen acted quickly he took that old man by the shoulder and helped him finish crossing the street before the car ran over him and when he did that, he dropped the box of cupcakes.
“Thank you for helping me, young man.”
"Oh gods, they've been ruined" Trunks said, beginning to gather as many cupcakes as he could, some careless passersby trampling some of the cupcakes that had fallen to the sidewalk.
"Don’t you want me to help you?" Roshi asked.
“No, don’t worry, I'm fine. Bad things always happen to me" Trunks said, he was about to go back to his way, but then he stopped and offered a cupcake to the old man who had just helped "hey, do you want to taste a cupcake? I still have some”
"Sure" Roshi replied, he took one of the cupcakes and tasted a bite of that sweet dessert “they're delicious!”
“Thank you, I'll tell my mom that you liked them” Trunks said smiling, he heard an alarm ringing on his phone indicating he was three minutes late to go to school “I'm late!” without losing more time he started run to school “goodbye! have a nice day, sir!”
"What a friendly boy" the perverted old man thought, watching the younger boy run away hurriedly towards the school, he turned around and went on his way. Trunks ran as fast as his legs allowed him to run down the hall of the school until he found his classroom, luckily it had not started yet, the teacher had not passed list.
“Bra, I would like you to change your place and come here in front” the professor said looking at a blue haired girl sitting at a desk placed at the back of the classroom, Bra sighed reluctantly, she took her backpack and went to sit at the desks in front. Trunks walked to his desk, passing by Bra and took a seat in front of him, he was about to take out his things but a shadow appeared on his desk and he knew exactly who it was.
"Trunks Briefs, I'm surprised you weren’t late today" a certain girl with long dark hair in two ponytails said looking at her rival since they were children with sarcasm.
"Not again, what do you want now, Videl?" Trunks asked, looking at her.
“This is my seat now, you know? I would like you to leave from there.”
“But ... this is where I seat every day.”
"Bad luck, boy, today is a new school year and therefore the seats are changed" Erasa, Videl's best friend said who was sitting at a desk near Trunks.
"So why don’t you better sit down with the new boy over there?" the dark haired girl asked, pointing to a boy with hair the same color as her, who listened to everything and looked at Videl totally annoyed.
“But it's just that I...”
“Listen to me, child. Gohan will come at any time and he will sit there in front and I want to be sitting here to receive him, so get lost" Videl said with her hands on her hips "because this place will be mine from now on”
"Um, at the risk of not appearing ignorant, I need to know... who is Gohan?" Trunks asked, not understanding what that girl was talking about.
“You don’t know who is Gohan? In what cave have you been hiding all summer?" Videl replied incredulously “pay attention, Trunks. Gohan is a very popular martial artist and a very famous model, I am his super best friend and he loves me why don't you get up and leave from here?”
"Excuse me, what do you think you'll win by talking to people like that?" the new boy behind Videl asked looking at her with his arm crossed.
“Oh, look at this, Erasa! it seems we have a nerd in our class” Videl said sarcastically looking at her best friend and looked at the new boy defiantly “what were you saying? why don’t you shut up and sit down?”
“I don’t intend to do that!” the new boy said annoyed, he took Trunks wrist and lifted him from his desk “let's go, there's no point in dealing with those cocksuckers”
Accidentally, by dragging him to sit at a desk next to him, Trunks tripped with a backpack dropping the box of cupcakes causing the few remaining cupcakes fall on the floor.
“God, what did I do? my mom is going to be mad with me" Trunks murmured, picking up two cupcakes that were still intact, placing them inside the box and going to sit next to the new boy at the moment the teacher entered the classroom.
“All right, everyone is sitting?” the professor asked, taking his place at his desk.
"Don’t listen to what she told you" the new boy whispered to Trunks.
“Don't worry, sometimes I would like to be brave like you” Trunks replied embarrassed.
“You mean like Kimura Kenshin, he is an anime warrior who protects innocents and justice with his reverse sword and with the help of his friends. The evil people do what they want because the heroes do nothing to prevent it" the new boy said, showing him some photos of the anime character on his tablet “she is our enemy” he added pointing to Videl sitting where used to be Trunks place “and we are the heroes of this story! we must prevent her from getting away with it!”
“It's easier for you to say it than to do it, it's that... she likes to see me suffer and make my life a real hell” Trunks whispered ashamed.
“Because you let her do what she wants with you, you must fight against her to get what you want!” the dark haired boy advised him, Trunks smiled, he turned his gaze to the box which sadly contained only two cupcakes, he took out one and he offered it to who would be his new friend.
“Here, my name is Trunks, nice to meet you” the lavender haired preteen said.
“A pleasure, Trunks. My name is Goten” the dark-haired boy said, both boys ate the cupcakes that were in the box. On the other hand, Videl watched worriedly the empty seat that she herself had been assigned to Gohan, the classes had already begun what had happened to him? Why he had not arrived yet?
“Where he could be? Has something bad happened to him?” Videl thought worried because her super best friend had not come to class.


Meanwhile, Gohan walked through the streets of Tokyo with the purpose of reaching his first day in a real school, he was tired of being at home, being home schooled by his mother and his assistant Yamcha, he needed to go out, know the world, have real friends, friends who were not like Videl, it was impossible for him to go unnoticed due to all the announcement that had been placed with his face all over Japan. It took a little time and work to go unnoticed but finally he arrived at the entrance of the Orange Star High school, the place where Videl was studying, he was about to put a foot in the entrance when the car owned by his mother arrived and Yamcha left from it.
“Gohan! stop there, be considerate, your mother would be devastated!" Yamcha said trying to convince the dark haired young man but it did not seem to work.
“But this is something I want to do!” the teenager repeated again, tired of having to deal with the same argument every day, he heard an agonizing moan, in the distance he could see Master Roshi trying to reach his cane without much success, following the voices of his heart and his generosity, Gohan came to help him.
“Oh, thank you very much, young man” the old man thanked him, Gohan turned his gaze smiling but his smile faded when he saw that Yamcha was waiting for him next to the car with his arms crossed looking at him seriously.
“Gohan, don’t make me repeat it, get in the car now” the dark haired man ordered, Gohan approached crestfallen towards him.
“I just want to go to school like everyone else, what's the problem with it?”Gohan said “please don’t say anything to my mother”
Without wasting any more time, Yamcha and Gohan get into the car and the driver drove back to the dark haired teenager house, what Gohan did not know is that the first hours of class were over. Master Roshi look at the situation but only nodded because his second miraculous had been delivered to his new owner, he set the cane behind his back and continued on his way.


“Now, the students who have physical education please go to the gym to change our clothes” the professor ordered them, while he was talking, Sharpener passed a note to his classmate, Broly “those who don’t have physical education, go to the library...” he saw that Broly approached towards Sharpener ready to hit him “Broly! what happen?”
"Sharpener was bothering me!" Broly said annoyed, he saw the blond haired boy laughing at him “and what are you laughing at? do you want to feel my fists?”
“Broly! Pick up your things and go to the principal's office" the professor ordered, Broly obeyed reluctantly, grabbed his backpack and walked to the principal's office while he crump the note in his hand.

In a hidden place, far away from Orange Star High school, a huge window was opened giving a magnificent view of Tokyo, the villain Dark Butterfly was standing in front of that huge window with her eyes closed holding the handle of her cane with her left hand, the butterflies that covered her before during her transformation returned to rise, flying around the room.
“That feelings, pain and grief, I can feel them close to me...” the villain exclaimed with her eyes closed “this is just what I needed” she opened her eyes, extended her hand, a white butterfly settled on it, she covered it with her other hand catalysing her power to bewitch his new victim on the butterfly and thus create her first villain “it's perfect for my little Akuma” she opened her hand and left the butterfly contaminated by the spell flew away “fly away, my evil butterfly! bewitch his wounded heart!”
The spellbound butterfly came out through an opening in the window and flew to the school to bewitch its next victim, when arriving at school, a small group of students came out the back entrance to go to the gym, this gave the butterfly a chance to go through the small opening in the door. The director was reviewing some papers when he heard the door burst open and Broly entered in a somewhat violent and hasty way in the man's office.
“Young man, you doesn’t know that it’s disrespectful to enter without knocking on the door?” The director said seeing Broly a little annoyed “close it and try again”
A little annoyed, Broly closed the door violently, he took a few steps breathing quickly, the spellbound butterfly dropped its spell on the paper bun that the dark haired teen had slightly in his left hand, instantly, Broly felt like a voice began to resonate inside his head giving him orders.
“Ice Heart, my name is Dark Butterfly” the villain said communicating with the teenager “I can help you with your desire of revenge but... with one condition”
"I'll do everything you ask me, Dark Butterfly" Broly replied, a black aura surrounded him completely turning him into a huge and spooky monster made of ice and snow “grrr... Sharpener!”
“Uh? why are you still out?" the director said but he could not keep talking, because the door had been knocked down by Broly, who had been turned into Ice Heart. He walked to the window, he destroyed the wall and the window creating a huge gap.
"Sharpener!" Ice Heart cried furiously, he jumped through the gap into the street and began to walk looking for the blond boy who had made fun of him. The director, seeing the situation they were in, took his phone and dialed the police number.
“Uh hello? police? this is an emergency!" the director said through the telephone.


The students who were in the library heard the noise and they could see a monster made of ice and snow walking the streets of Tokyo shouting the name of their classmate, they quickly took their backpacks and rushed out of school as soon as possible, Trunks stumbled over his own backpack, but took it just before Goten reached out to grab him by the wrist and took him with him to the TV where the monster's pictures and footage were being made on the news.
"Sharpener!" Ice Heart shouted, looking where the blond boy were to take revenge for what he had done.
"I don’t understand anything, what's going on here?" Trunks asked confused "I recognize that voice, it's the Broly’s voice"
“Can you believe it? Broly became a villain like in the animes!" Goten exclaimed enthusiastically, he took out his tablet and began to configure it “preparing location, battery charged one hundred percent, don’t move, I'll go out and document the situation!” without losing a second, Goten ran out of the library but Trunks stopped him before reaching the door.
"What do you think you're doing?" Trunks asked, worried about his new friend.
"Where there is a villain a hero must appear, I will not miss an opportunity like this!" Goten replied, leaving the library, leaving Trunks just watching the images broadcast on the news, a car suddenly parked in front of the ice and snow monster, the passengers got out of there scared, he took the car and threw it against the camera breaking it in the process, Trunks only managed to close his eyes and scream for the fear he was feeling at that moment.


Meanwhile, Master Roshi was standing on the sidewalk in front of the impotent house of the Son family, where Gohan lived. He watched patiently the moment when the dark haired teen found his miraculous and knew his destiny; it was only a matter of waiting for that to happen, although he supposed that it would not be keep so long. Inside the Son house, Gohan was sitting at the huge dining table studying the history of Japan with Yamcha, the dark haired man going from one place to the other repeating the questions he had take from a online courses website.
"What was the name of the emperor who founded Japan?" Yamcha asked, walking from one side to another with the papers in his hand.
“It's easy, I think it was Emperor Jinmu” Gohan answered bored.
"Right, good job, Gohan" Yamcha congratulated him.
“Why better you don’t take a break, Yamcha?” a female voice said from the dining room door, the dark haired man knew that it was Chi-chi Ox Satan, Gohan’s mother, a traditionalist, very orthodox woman, overprotective with her son and famous for being a great martial arts fighter in her youth.
"Yes, ma'am" Yamcha answered leaving the dining room. Chi-chi waited for her assistant to leave and once she was alone with her son she approached to him.
"Didn’t I tell that you don’t have to go to school?" the dark haired woman asked, annoyed at what her son had done that morning.
“But, mother...”
“You have everything you need here; I've told you a thousand times that you don’t have to leave this house. The outside world can be dangerous" Chi-chi interrupted.
“What dangers can be outside there? why I can’t have real friends like normal people?" Gohan asked.
“You are not a normal person, you are my son, Gohan and we will not touch this conversation again” Chi-chi said annoyed, Gohan was silent because he did not want to make his mother angrier. The dark haired woman turned her gaze to Yamcha “continue with the lessons, please”
“Yes, ma'am” Yamcha replied, he approached to the dark haired teen again with the questions in his hand “well, I think we concluded the Japanese history lesson for...” he could not keep talking, because he saw how Gohan took his backpack and went running upstairs to his bedroom containing his cry “Gohan? Gohan, come back here!”
Gohan ran into his bedroom, threw his open backpack on the floor scattering his things that he was going to use at school, he lay down on his stomach on his bed and began to cry; however, that crying did not last long because he heard a noise near his house door, he looked out the window and could see the police trying to stop a monster made of ice and snow, but that does not helped, as they just fired against him, he became bigger and stronger, he took one of the police vans and threw it against them, causing them to flee the place. The dark haired teen moved away from the window, he sat down in front of the television set and put on the news channel.
“While this battle is resolved, I recommend to the habitants of Tokyo not to leave their houses” the current champion of martial arts, governor of Tokyo and the Videl’s father, Hercule Satan spoke on the news.
“An event worthy of an anime series is happening right now” the reporter announced from the television studio “after the police were attacked by this mysterious monster”
“Don't worry, we will watch over the safety of everyone with our own arms...” the police officer exclaimed raising his right arm which thundered by the fracture he had suffered “I mean, with our only arm”


Trunks watched the news from his computer in his bedroom, his trembling hands were clinging on the back of his chair and his blue eyes were wide open, paralyzed by the terror they were living.
"That's the reason why I hate going to school" Trunks thought afraid, suddenly, his eyes wandered to his desk looking at a small black wooden box with Chinese red details, like Gohan, who noticed the small box out of his backpack "what's in here?" both teenagers thought at the same time. Trunks took the small box and opened it looking at what appeared to be a kind of earring like those used by punk artists, instantly a bright red light came out of the earring, it approached to Trunks and began to surround him making the preteen close his eyes because of the incandescence of that light, when the light dissipated, it revealed a small red creature with a black dot on its forehead similar to the ladybugs but this creature had a small tail similar of a rooster. The lavender preteen was a little frightened by the appearance of the creature until it opened its huge blue eyes and come flying towards the kid.
“Keep calm, everything is fine, don’t be scared” that creature said wanting to reassure him.
"What the hell are you?" Trunks asked scared.


On the other side, Gohan opened his box revealing a black ring inside, instantly a green light came out of the ring and when the light dissipated revealed a small black creature in the shape of a cat that slept soundly, the creature opened its eyes lazily and stretched with a loud yawn, something that Gohan considered as disrespectful.
“What thing are you, little thing? are you like some kind of magical creature that fulfills desires?" Gohan asked, seeing the creature similar to a feline he moved his finger to touch it but the creature reacted.
“Hey, don’t touch me! that hurts” that creature answered a little annoyed “can you imagine me granting wishes like a lamp genius? Pff, of course not. Nice to meet you, my name is Plagg”
After introducing himself, Plagg flew through Gohan's bedroom biting things, or rather, looking for some food, since apparently the magical creature had been sleeping for a long time and the first thing he wanted to do was eat to appease his hunger.


“Trunks, listen to me, I know this may be strange for you but...” the red creature similar to a ladybug said floating in front of the younger teen, Trunks checked the furniture in his bedroom until he found a small glass box inside the bedside table, quickly he locked the creature inside it “well, if this makes you feel more comfortable for talking...”
“What the hell are you? and how do you know my name?" Trunks asked without letting go of the glass box where he had trapped the red creature.
“I'm a kwami! My name is Tikki, now let me explain everything to you” the little kwami answered inside the box.


Gohan began to follow Plagg throughout the bedroom wanting to catch him but he could not, the kwami was more than determined to find food, until finally he managed to catch the creature in his hands when he saw him playing with a roll of toilet paper from the bathroom.
"Can you tell me what's going on here?" the dark haired teen asked without understanding what was happening.
“Well, first of all, I am a kwami. You have the black cat ring, which gives you the power of destruction, do you understand what I'm telling you?" Plagg said, Gohan only shook his head “could you give me some food? I am very hungry”
Trunks looked away to the door of his bedroom, he sat up taking the box in his hands where he had locked Tikki, he went to the door and placed his hand on the knob began to turn it slowly, he had to tell his mother what he had seen, she was very intelligent and surely she would understand the situation.
"Mom!" Trunks said, opening the door slowly.
“No! Don’t do it!" Tikki exclaimed wanting to stop the kid, in the blink of an eye, she went through the glass of the box and pushed the door to close it, preventing Trunks from going to warn his mother “I'm your new best friend, Trunks. nobody should know that I exist, this will be your little secret, you have to trust me! you are the only one who can stop Ice Heart”
“No, this is impossible, there must be a misunderstanding. I'm just a magnet that attracts bad things” Trunks replied incredulously to what his kwami was telling him “the only power I could have is that of super stupidity... that's it! how about you give this job to someone else? or better yet, my friend Goten, he loves anime and superheroes, you should go find him...”
“Trunks, listen, I can’t leave this to anyone else. You are the chosen one" Tikki exclaimed.


“I'm locked in my house forever! and you want me to play at being a hero? I can’t even go to school. what's the point of being a hero if you're a prisoner in your own house?" Gohan said angrily.
“If you were a hero, you can leave when you wanted and nobody would suspect it” Plagg advised “of course, if you still want to do it”
Gohan looked at the black ring in his hand, he thought about what his kwami told him and finally he made a decision.
"So, I just have to find an object and destroy it?" Trunks asked, putting the pothala earring in front of his closet mirror while he saw Tikki in the reflection.
“It’s an akuma, capture it and everything will be as before” the little kwami answered.
"Understood, I must capture the akuma and everything will be as before" the preteen repeated, making a mental note of what the kwami said so he would not forget it "what’s my secret power?"
“It's the Lucky Charm, it's your secret weapon!”
“Agh, I have no idea what that is, all this goes too fast, Tikki. I just understand what you explain to me" Trunks protested "I'm not the one to do this job!"
“You just have to trust yourself and say ‘Tikki, dots on!’ ” Tikki exclaimed.
"Dots on?" Trunks said confused, instantly felt a current of air run through his body, Tikki was introduced into the pothala earring that he had in his right ear, his clothes change of color and a mask appeared magically on his face.
Gohan put the black ring on his ring finger and looked at Plagg, waiting for him to tell him what to do.
“To transform you must say ‘Plagg, paws on!’ "the little black kwami replied “you just have to say that”
“I think I understood” Gohan said “Plagg, paws on!”
“No! Wait, I still have not finished explaining everything!" very late, Plagg was forced to get inside the ring by a mysterious force, instantly changing Gohan's clothes, becoming a gray martial arts fighter suit with the sleeves folded up black elbows, a black mask with cat ears included, a thick black ribbon was fitted to his suit which was long to the heels, at the bottom left a baggy black pants and shoes that matched with them, finally a silver wristband was incorporated into his left arm.
"Oh gods, this is amazing!" Gohan exclaimed excitedly.
Trunks looked at his hands, which were half covered by long loose red sleeves with black polka dots, went to the mirror in his closet and contemplated his strange transformation: he had a cherry red mask with black polka dots, a loose-sleeved light red with black polka dots t-shirt with very long loose sleeves, baggy red pants which were fastened at the bottom by dark red and black combat boots, had a sword covered by a red and black cover buckled with a red belt around his body and a red yo-yo with four black polka dots on the edges and one in the center representing ladybugs.
"Gods, this is bad, this is very bad, now how do I get rid of this?" Trunks thought, still looking in the mirror, he walked away and walked around the bedroom looking for his kwami "Tikki! where are you? can you give me my clothes back? I can’t go outside with this”
"After destroying Ueno Park, the monster goes to the Orange Star High School gymnasium, is there anyone who can stop this?" the reporter's voice on Trunks computer said, the kid recognized a point in the distance and when the camera focused on it, he could see that it was Goten, who was approaching quickly on his bike to record the events.
"Goten!" Trunks exclaimed, seeing that his friend was in trouble.
“Trunks! Are you home?" Bulma asked, going to his bedroom, Trunks panicked, he could not let his mother see him like that! He quickly jumped out of his bedroom window and ran off to the garden bushes just as his mother had entered on his bedroom "Trunks? you are here? someone call you at the phone”
“All right, calm down” Trunks said trying to get out of his panic “now I have super powers, I have... this sword that is probably one of my weapons and apparently an incredible yo-yo” he unleashed the yo-yo of his waist moving it from top to bottom “will it be another weapon? I'm going to try using it to get out of here”
He threw the end of the yo-yo into a balcony of a nearby house, pulled the rope and the yo-yo took him swiftly to it. Meanwhile, Gohan was also testing his new powers, he rested his hand on the silver bracelet which was illuminated by removing a rod from the inside of the bracelet, apparently he could give different weapons by just touching it, extended the rod from the roof of the building in the one who was standing in another adjoining building, climbed on the pole and started to cross to the other side.
"It's not bad to practice first, right?" Gohan thought loudly, he stopped his walk when he heard a scream and a point approaching towards him, this caused both of them to crash making Gohan to lose his balance and fall from the stick he was walking on, the yo-yo that was carrying Trunks got tangled up with the stick preventing both teenagers from ending up on the sidewalk-hey, young man. Go more carefully do not you think?”
“I'm sorry, it was just an accident...” Trunks said but he could not keep talking, Gohan jumped up while standing up while the lavender haired preteen fell on the sidewalk.
“You are the mate my kwami told me about?” the dark haired young teen asked with curiosity “nice to meet you, my name is... Chat Noir, yes! I'm Chat Noir, and you?”
“I am... I am...” Trunks said unraveling his yo-yo from the stick the feline hero was walking as he do it, he also unhooked the metal stick from the middle of the roofs of the buildings falling to the ground and accidentally hitting the head of Chat Noir with the yo-yo “a super idiot, really idiot. I’m so sorry”
"No problem, super idiot" Chat Noir replied, mockingly "I'm also a beginner in this."
Both heroes stopped talking when seeing how a building collapsed, Chat Noir extended his staff and helped her to reach the roof of another building that was nearby.
“Wait! Where are you going?" Trunks asked.
“What do you think I do? we must save people!”
“Okay, you can do it, you can do it” Trunks said giving himself courage, he threw the yo-yo towards the building and was automatically pulled towards it.


The physical education classes were over, the student second group from Orange Star High school were already finishing their last stretch sessions, all except Sharpener who took his backpack and walked to go home, when suddenly, they heard a loud bang with an explosion and everyone saw that Ice Heart had just entered the gym.
"Sharpener!" the icy monster shouted with fury leaning out of a hole he made in the gym roof “who's the coward now?!”
The blonde haired boy started running with the other students to save his life, Ice Heart walked with heavy and thunderous steps towards him, without realizing, Sharpener stumbled and fell on the floor, Ice Heart was about to crush him if only Chat Noir had not appeared and stopped the monster blocking his step with his metal stick.
"How do you dare to fight with someone smaller than you?" Chat Noir asked, Sharpener taking advantage of the distraction got up and run away from the gym.
"I wasn’t talking to you, kitten" Ice Heart said angrily, Chat Noir was in attack position, Ice Heart began to hit the ground with the intention of crushing him but the hero dodged his attacks with agility and precision.
“Lordbug and Chat Noir have finally appeared on the scene... everything goes according to the plan” Dark Butterfly thought from his secret hiding “try to save the world, that way I can defeat them more easily”
Chat Noir dodged another hit from Ice Heart, jumped past him and hit him with his stick but that only made him get bigger and turn to see the feline hero with anger reflected in his eyes.
“Ehh... young partner, if you're there, please come, I need your help” Chat Noir prayed to nothingness, Ice Heart returned to crash his fist against the ground but Chat Noir dodged his fists with agility. Trunks watched the scene from the hollow of the roof paralyzed with fear.
“I can’t do this, I can’t do it! I'm not good with this!" Trunks exclaimed, closing his eyes with fear, Ice Heart took one of the soccer arch and threw it at Chat Noir, but the shot failed and the bow bounced towards Goten who was filming the scene with his tablet, Chat Noir acted quickly, took a ninja star from his bracelet and threw it against the arch preventing it from falling on Goten, the dark-haired boy raised his eyes meeting with Trunks on the roof, whom he could not recognize for its transformation.
“Hey, red bug! what are you doing standing there? there are people waiting for you to do something!" Goten exclaimed. Trunks did not answer, he just stood there paralyzed by fear but immediately gathered courage and strength, giving himself courage to enter on the battle, took his yo-yo, under the roof of a jump and entangled the yo-yo in one of Ice Heart legs.
"Leave that feline alone!" Trunks exclaimed, he pulled the rope of his yo-yo causing Ice Heart to fall and in doing so released Chat Noir who rolled across the floor to collide with the net of the soccer arch, Trunks came running towards him “I'm sorry, I'm late”
"Don’t worry, young man, I can handle him!" Chat Noir answered as he got up, he was about to run away but felt Trunks grabbing him by the belt that fitted his suit to his body.
“Stop right there! I have noticed that it grows in size every time you attack him, we need another plan.”
“Like what?”
"Well, something like..." Trunks murmured thoughtfully trying to find a solution to the problem.
"Leave this to me" Chat Noir interrupted, he raised his left hand causing a black energy sphere to emerge from it, he closed his hand tightly and such energy surrounded his hand and his bracelet “cataclysm! with this I destroy what I touch”
“Why would we have to destroy things?” Trunks asked with crossed arms, accidentally, Chat Noir put his hand in the soccer arch “no, wait!”
Very late, Chat Noir’s power rusted the football arch and became ashes in front of both heroes.
"I know what to do!" Chat Noir ran straight to Ice Heart “get ready, because I will smash you” he jumped to the ice and snow monster, prepared his fist and hit his foot with it but nothing happened “it seems I can only use my power for one time”
Ice Heart raised his foot and kicked the feline hero away making him went back beside Trunks, he sat up quickly standing on the gym floor.
"Your transformation disappears in five minutes after using your power. Did your kwami not tell you that?" Trunks asked.
“I was, I was so excited that I did not let him talk” Chat Noir answered nervously.
“Well, now it's my turn” Trunks said “lucky charm!” he threw his yo-yo into the air, a white light came out of him along with thousands of ladybugs and these revealed the object to be used: a neoprene suit.
"Is that your power?" Chat Noir asked as he saw the neoprene suit in his partner's hands.
"My kwami told me I should find the object and destroy it, but what should I do with the akuma?" Trunks replied.
“It's made of ice, isn’t it?”
“His hand! his left fist is still closed, he hasn’t opened it the whole time. the object isn’t in his body but it was in his left fist.”
"So what's the plan now?" Chat Noir asked confused. Trunks looked around thinking about a new plan, he saw the left fist of Ice Heart, then looked towards Goten, who was still filming everything with his tablet and finally, his eyes were directed to the water key connected on a hose.
“That is! I know what I must do!" Trunks exclaimed, he took the hose, tied it to the neoprene suit and at each end of the suit made a knot so that the water did not escape “now... you must trust me” he entangled his yo-yo at the feet of Chat Noir, pulled the rope a little, took a couple of turns and threw the feline hero towards Ice Heart who opened his hand and caught him “don't move!” he run towards Ice Heart with the neoprene suit and the hose in one hand “you can’t catch me!" Ice Heart opened her left fist a little dropping a small block of purple ice on the floor he caught the neoprene suit and Trunks in it “well, now comes the phase two” he turned his gaze towards Goten “Goten! open the water key, please”
The dark haired boy obeyed, he put down his tablet and ran to open the faucet, instantly cold water began to run down the hose, slowly inflating the wetsuit, the hand of Ice Heart began to shake forcing him to open it, leaving Trunks free and also the neoprene suit, the lavender haired preteen pulled his sword, he ran to the ice block and broke it in two pieces, a butterfly flew out of the ice block. Ice Heart faded back to Broly to its original form.
“God, I wonder who that boy will be” Chat Noir commented astonished “he’s so cool”
The ice block in Trunks hand disappeared showing the paper bun that Broly had previously held, he smiled knowing that he had accomplished his job: he managed to stop Ice Heart and break the object that contained the akuma.
“What happened? what am I doing here?" Broly asked confused.
“That was amazing! Um, young... ladybug?” Chat Noir said, still not knowing the name of his partner "you did it!"
"No, we did it together" Trunks replied, their fists clenched in excitement "mission completed!" instantly the green cat's paw imprint on Chat Noir's ring began to flicker "you have to go fast, our identities must remain secret."
"Well, I'm retiring then," the feline hero said politely, bowing, he took his stick from his bracelet and walked away using his stick as a transport “see you soon, my lord!”
“Honestly, I prefer to don’t do it” Trunks said shaking his head, he turned his eyes to Broly who was still sitting on the floor, he looked at the paper bun in his hand, unfolded it and read what it had written:
"You're a coward, you will never going to tell Fasha that you love her"
"Sharpener wrote it, he likes to make me suffer" Broly said a little annoyed.
"You shouldn’t worry about that, love isn’t something you should feel ashamed of, Broly.”
“Who are you? how do you know my name?”
Trunks was about to answer but was interrupted with Goten who approached to film him with his tablet.
“That was amazing! you're amazing!" the dark-haired boy exclaimed holding his tablet “now will you protect the city? how did you get your powers? are you some kind of inhuman or mutant?” Trunks did not answer, he just got up and started walking to get out of there “I have so many things to ask you! but most important, what's your name?”
"Uh... Lordbug, call me Lordbug" Lordbug replied, who ran out of the gym and used his yo-yo to transport himself back home.
“Oh Lordbug? you're amazing!" Goten exclaimed excitedly, he quickly took a picture of the hero leaving Orange Star High school gym with the help of his yo-yo.


Later, Trunks was back at home, watching the news on the computer in his bedroom, Goten had sent the video to the news and they were broadcasting live, the video ended with the picture of him being Lordbug leaving the gym with your yo-yo
“Thanks to this video filmed by a local citizen, we finally know the names of our heroes, Lordbug and Chat Noir” the reporter said showing the video from his place in the television studio.
“I did it, Tikki! I was able to defeat Ice Heart!" Trunks said excitedly.
"I knew you could do it!" the kwami exclaimed hugging her new owner.
“Trunks, it's time to have lunch” his mother, Bulma, called him. Trunks left the bedroom and went to the kitchen where his mother was waiting with food already served, the TV was on showing the news from the last minute.
"We are hosting a special event in the city in honor of our new heroes, Lordbug and Chat Noir!" Mr. Satan announced on television.


Gohan was back in his bedroom watching the news, at the coffee table he had different plates of food that had been prepared for lunch, Plagg watched all the dishes looking for something he liked but nothing convinced him.
“Lordbug...” Gohan whispered happy to know the name of his partner in crime “his name is Lordbug”
"Is this a joke?" Plagg said, taking Gohan from his thoughts, the dark haired teen saw that his kwami had a piece of cherry pie under his hands.
“What’s your problem? my personal chef is very famous, he prepared this food" Gohan replied.
"I'm very hungry, I'm tired, and you expect me to eat this crap?" Plagg asked, tossing the slice of pie on the floor "If you wait for me to recover my energy after defeating a villain, I need to eat something more delicate, you know? I have a very sophisticated palate”
“Agh, okay, what else do you want?” Gohan asked.
The spell bonded butterfly flew through Tokyo to stop in the ventilation system of a building, which caused it to multiply and more spellbound butterflies fly through the city, bewitching people, turning them into copies of Ice Heart. Trunks and his mother had finished lunch, now he was washing the dishes when he heard other news at the last minute.
“Oh, my God! after the celebration of our new heroes, the chaos spreads again throughout Tokyo. People are transformed into ice monsters, spreading terror and confusion.”
Trunks dropped one of the dishes crashing it on the ground, realizing that all this had been his fault, he quickly ran from the kitchen to his bedroom leaving his mother watching the news. On the other hand, Gohan had already finished lunch but his kwami, Plagg had not finished yet, in fact, he was devouring his Camembert cheese.
“I can’t believe it, of all the things in the world, he had to choose Camembert cheese” the dark-haired teen commented frustrated “I should get out of here, the bedroom starts to stink”
“The victims have been spellbound, this is something very disconcerting, will they ever be the same again? Or will they be ice monsters forever?" the reporter asked dramatically on television.
“Plagg! what's going on? did we do something wrong?" Gohan asked worriedly.
"You didn’t purify the akuma?" Tikki and Plagg asked to their new owners.


"What can I do to defeat those ice monsters?" Trunks asked to his kwami with concern.
“The akumas can multiply, that's why you must capture them! If someone gets angry, the akuma creates a new villain and that person can control the clones” Tikki answered.
“Are you saying that this was my fault? Oh, gods! Do you see it, Tikki? I can’t be a hero! Bad things always happen to me" Trunks replied feeling guilty and sorry for what he had just done, he had not saved anyone, he had only exposed thousands of people in danger because of his inexperience as a hero.
“Don't pressure yourself, this was the first time, you'll do it better for the next time” Tikki said wanting to comfort him “you just have to go out and capture the akuma I know we can fix it!”
“Seriously, I can’t do this! I can’t, I'm just a boy that spoils things. It’s better that I stay without doing anything, this is the best for everyone, Chat Noir will be better without me, I can’t do this” Trunks replied turning his back to the kwami.


"I can’t complete my mission without Lordbug's help?" Gohan asked Plagg with concern.
"The only person who can purify the akuma is Lordbug" the kwami similar to a cat replied.
"Chat Noir can’t capture the akuma on his own, isn’t it?" Trunks said, approaching to the bathroom mirror in his bedroom "then you’ve to find another Lordbug" he turned his gaze to Tikki "I'll never be Lordbug again, I'm so sorry, Tikki”
“No, Trunks! wait..." Tikki said, but it was too late, the younger boy had already removed his pothala earring and when he do it the kwami disappeared again entering on the earring, Trunks opened his eyes and when he did it, he saw that Tikki was no longer there with him.
“Tikki? where are you?" Trunks asked, he did not get an answer, he sighed sadly, put the pothala earring in the box from which he took it and he the box hid it in a drawer of his bedside table “I'm really sorry...”


“That is why you should never trust teenagers, but soon loneliness and sadness will triumph” Dark Butterfly said from her secret hiding place, the spell bounded butterfly returned to her and immediately she took care of keeping it inside her cane “and with this army, it will not be long for Lordbug and Chat Noir to find their way to perdition, when I finally have their miraculous, they will not be rivals of my power, no one will be able to defeat me! I will manage to become an absolute goddess!”


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

