by SSJ Bulma     More by this Writer
Vegeta reflects on his life.

Song fic to the song Trash; by Korn from the album "Issues" the story; by me!

//How did it start?
Well I don't know
I just feel the craving
I see the flesh and it smells fresh
And its just there for the taking
I fill them up, I can't give it up
To me, I'm just erasing\\

Scenes of Vegeta and Goku fighting, Vegeta notices Goku's musky smell. Being clever, he rips Goku's gi at his chest, revealing the strong muscle that Vegeta secretly yearns to run his hands across. Confused about his feelings since the first time he had met Kakarotto on earth. Surprising Goku, Vegeta gives in and jumps at Goku, filling his hands full of Goku's muscles, never wanting to give it up, erasing the hatred for the female woman who had took him in her bed.

//I tell my lies and I despise
Every second I'm with you
So I run away
And you still stay
So what the fuck is with you\\

His mind reliving the lies he told Bulma to get her away from him, shuddering at the touch of her hand on his skin. Every time he goes off, he tell's Bulma lies, letting her believe that he cares about her. And every time he comes back, he see's her waiting for him, dressing up to seduce him when the only person he wants is Kakarotto in his bed. Confused about the way She acts around him, dropping hints.

//Your feelings
I can't help but rape them
I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same
My heart inside is constantly hating
I'm sorry, I just throw you away\\

Taking advantage of her, and going into her bed twice, though, only to sire two off spring. Calling Bulma a "Bitch" here and there, ordering her around, and inside, slightly feeling bad about the way he's treating her, but remembers that he shouldn't feel any sympathy towards her. In his heart, its a constant war, hating Bulma, yet loving and yearning for his enemy. Throwing Bulma's feelings back in her face, sneering at her hurtful expression. But knowing that she'll find comfort in someone's arms.

//I don't know why I'm so fucking cold
I don't know why it hurts me
All I wanna do is get with you
And make the pain go away
Why do I have a conscience?
All it does is fuck with me
Why do I have this torment?
All I wanna do is fuck it away\\

Sitting on a rock, over looking Goku as he sparred with his son. Struggling to understand himself, trying to figure out what the pain in his chest is every time he thought of Goku. His body yearned to do what his mind had thought about, hoping that if he gave in, the pain in his chest would go away. When ever he though of Goku, his breathing would rise rapidly and his pulse rate would shoot up. Yet he has never gave in yet, his conscience battling with his mind, never knowing what to do. Confused, making up his mind but having second thoughts. Torment raging in his mind, never knowing that Goku had the same feelings for him.

//I tell my lies, and I despise
Every second I'm with you
So I run away
And you still stay
So what the fuck is with you?
Your feelings
I can't help but rape them
I'm sorry, I don't feel the same
My heart inside is constantly hating
I'm sorry, I just throw you away\\

Watching the hours pass into days and the days into weeks, finding the pain in his chest going away every night he feel asleep in Goku's arms. Watching as Bulma slowly found a relationship with Goku's former mate, Chichi. Still holding a slight hatred for the human female, he does give her some admiration, though he doesn't tell her. Laying his head on Goku's shoulder, remembering the resentment When Goku talked about Chichi, but getting use to it when it slowly died down.

//I tell my lies, and I despise
Every second I'm with you
So I run away
And you still stay
So what the fuck is with you?\\

Slowly drifting off to sleep, feeling Goku's arm slip around his shoulder, pulling him closer. A small, slight grin fell upon his face but was quickly replaced with a small frown. Remembering the lecture, his Saiyajin mate gave him about hurting Bulma's feelings, remembering the snort he gave, not believing that he had hurt Bulma's feelings, but remembering the lies that floated in his mind he told the human. Remembering the final lie that he told her before running into Goku's arms, to feel comfort run through his body.

//Your feelings
I can't help but rape them
I'm sorry, I don't feel the same
My heart inside is constantly hating
I'm sorry, I just throw you away
Just throw you away\\

An image of what occurred in the past and then the present, Goku and Vegeta sleeping, Vegeta slipping his leg between Goku's and Goku's slight movement, wrapping his arms around Vegeta possessively. Last image of Bulma and Chichi talking, laughing and smiling. Forgetting the pain of the past and finding comfort in each other's arms.


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