"" in DBZ Yaoi & Shounen Ai Fanfiction — Page 11

Of Onyx Eyes Future Gohan Of Onyx Eyes September 23, 2015 Words: 101 Views: 983 Ok, this resulted purely because I noticed that nobody had entered a poem in the Hope contest yet. I had it posted as a Kaioshin poem in my ff.net account but I like it better as a Future Gohan poem.
Snow Trunks and the Z Dwarves Future TrunksGohan
Snow Trunks and the Z Dwarves September 23, 2015 Words: 6829 Chapters: 9 Views: 302 Written in response to a challenge on Boxer & Rice, this is a mutated fairy tale involving cross-dressing, gender confusion & general strangeness. Warper humor ahead!
It's Not Enough Future GohanFuture Trunks
It's Not Enough January 1, 2015 Words: 1144 Views: 210 Summary: Mirai Trunks’s thoughts as he visits Mirai Gohan’s grave for the first time.
P CauliflaFreeza
P Abandoned October 10, 2004 Views: 963
Trigger Happy Jack GokuVegeta
Trigger Happy Jack February 26, 2002 Words: 1809 Views: 220 A goofy story about Goku kidnapping Vegeta. Based on the song by Poe.
The Wish (Untitled) GokuVegeta
The Wish (Untitled) January 6, 2002 Words: 14559 Chapters: 2 Views: 360 Taking place after the events of GT, Vegeta finds himself questioning his entire existence. Giving himself unsettling answers, he performs irrational acts to satisfy his need for justification. Deathfic
p GokuGoten
p WIP May 9, 2001 Views: 115
You Know You’re Obsessed With Gohan and Trunks When… You Know You’re Obsessed With Gohan and Trunks When… February 12, 2001 Words: 1115 Views: 1012
How to Review Fan Fiction or Fanart you liked ? How to Review Fan Fiction or Fanart you liked ? February 11, 2001 Words: 1474 Views: 508
So, you want to be a fanfiction writer ? A guide to help you through. So, you want to be a fanfiction writer ? A guide to help you through. February 11, 2001 Words: 2684 Views: 195
8 More Results »

DBZ Saiyan Garden

"Welcome to DBZ Saiyan Garden—your ultimate hub for DBZ Yaoi, BL (Boys Love), fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics. Established in 2001, our extensive archive features beloved pairings such as Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), PiccoHan (Piccolo x Gohan), and Truten (Goten x Trunks). Explore high-quality scanlations, exclusive artwork, and detailed guides, including our renowned Gay Kamasutra.

Viewer Discretion Advised: This content is strictly intended for mature audiences only."

