"" in DBZ Yaoi & Shounen Ai Fanfiction — Page 10

Wait For Me GohanTrunks
Wait For Me September 25, 2015 Words: 1187 Views: 314 A/N 1: age: Trunks -10, Gohan – 20.
A/N 2: I don’t even know why I wrote this. It’s nothing special. I wonder why I built up the whole thing just for one scene (the last one).
Alatrunks Future TrunksGohan
Alatrunks September 25, 2015 Words: 48365 Chapters: 12 Views: 5097 What happens when two reckless writers mix Disney’s Aladdin and Dragon Ball Z. ^_^

This story is a collaboration with Lord Truhan who provided the idea, helped with the plot and betaread it.
Beauty And The Beast Future TrunksGohan
Beauty And The Beast September 25, 2015 Words: 65824 Chapters: 25 Views: 349 DBZ version of Beauty and the Beast.

The first three chapters were written by Sniffles but she lost interest in the fic. The others chapters are written by Freewater who kindly took over the fic with Sniffles’s approval.

“Beauty and the Beast” belongs to Mme de Villeneuve (who created the original story) and to Mme de Richemont (who shortened it to create the version everybody know nowadays).

Cast : In the order they appear
Beast played by : Gohan
Gaston played by : Mr. Satan a.k.a Hercule
Lefou played by : Krillin
Belle played by : Mirai Trunks (just because he’s cuter and GT Trunks couldn’t make the audition. ~_^*)
Maurice played by : Vegeta heheheheheh
Phillipe played by : Phillipe
I Can Hear You Future GohanFuture Trunks
I Can Hear You September 25, 2015 Words: 1410 Views: 205 Gohan is dead and visits Trunks in his dreams, but is Trunks aware he’s there?
The Hard Road GohanTrunks
The Hard Road September 25, 2015 Words: 3357 Views: 223 How can Trunks and Gohan tell each other that they love each other after hiding it for so long?
Mirai Misery Future TrunksGohan
Mirai Misery September 25, 2015 Words: 3960 Views: 265 Trunks comes back from the future to the one he loves, but is it Gohan?
Let Me Love You GohanGoten
Let Me Love You September 25, 2015 Words: 2790 Views: 300 Gohan wants to love Trunks but Goten already has him. What can he do to make Trunks see that Goten doesn’t deserve him like he does?
Oxymoronic Paradigms as Applied to Modern Mating Rituals GohanTrunks
Oxymoronic Paradigms as Applied to Modern Mating Rituals Recommended September 24, 2015 Words: 2676 Views: 426 Vegeta introspective. Vegeta watches as Gohan and Trunks slowly come together, considers similarities to his own relationships.

Song Used: “Beauty and the Beast” which apparently belongs to Howard Ashman.
One One Three Future TrunksGohan
One One Three September 23, 2015 Words: 3191 Views: 300 Future Trunks decides to visit the past again and see how this Gohan grew up. Is there any place left for him in Gohan's heart?
Nothing Else Matters Future GohanFuture Trunks
Nothing Else Matters September 23, 2015 Words: 4713 Views: 371 When Cell killed Trunks, he gets sent to the Other World, and there he finally meets the one he loves again…

Song Used: Taxiride – Let Me Die Young
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DBZ Saiyan Garden

"Welcome to DBZ Saiyan Garden—your ultimate hub for DBZ Yaoi, BL (Boys Love), fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics. Established in 2001, our extensive archive features beloved pairings such as Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), PiccoHan (Piccolo x Gohan), and Truten (Goten x Trunks). Explore high-quality scanlations, exclusive artwork, and detailed guides, including our renowned Gay Kamasutra.

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