Alcohol is Bad For You
by Card     More by this Writer
Image by 'Come' from the book 'Dear My Brother'

Alcohol is Bad For You
by Card

Awareness came slowly. Painfully. The blanket that was usually nice and warm, cozy and soft was scratching his skin everywhere. Uncomfortable. Cold. Unpleasant.

His mouth was pasty. His eyes just would not open. He moved his hand and his arms hurt, his back hurt, his chest hurt (especially his nipples.) He grimaced, forced his eyes to open and licked his lips dryly. Pushed the covers down off his chest, baring his shoulders and his stomach--


He looked at his wrist. There were black rings on his wrist. Bruises. Dark bruises. On his wrists, and his chest--hickies! HICKIES! He yanked the cover back up over his shoulders and ducked his head under the blanket, told himself that hyperventilating wasn't going to solve anyone's problem.

Especially not the problem of a teenaged demi-saiyan with a mother that noticed everything right down to a misplaced hair. Not even Gohan had it as bad as him--because Goten was the littler one, and his mother just got all sparkly eyed thinking about how he was her last baby and all that crap.

Her baby. Lying naked in bed. Covered in hickies. Because he got drunk the night before with--

Wait. Was there someone behind him?

He felt his eyes get huge and prayed to all the deities that looked out for horny saiyans that when he rolled onto his back and looked behind him it wouldn't be--

Goten clamped his hand over his mouth and muffled the scream with the unpleasantly uncomfortable blanket. Hyperventilating was now the way to go. Except his little scream thing woke up his--


Gohan jerked up right on the bed, the cover slid down his chest (equally hickied) and he blinked a lot, very fast, then looked down at Goten and (no kidding) fell right out of bed. Landed on his naked ass on the floor and his mouth fell open, closed, opened, closed. He pointed. Opened his mouth, looked down at his body and then stared at the door in horror.

"Oh Kami," he said finally. "Mom!" And he scrambled back into the bed, yanked the cover up over his head and Goten joined him in this 'if she can't see us under the covers we won't get caught' mentality that really stopped working when you were five.

"Ow," he said. Rolled onto his side again and glared at Gohan. Tried to remember anything about the night before. Anything at all. Any little detail that would prove to him that his brother and him were just lying naked in a bed side by side by didn't actually do anything at all.

It was someone else that covered him in hickies. Not Gohan.

"You bit my hand," Gohan said. He looked at his palm and ran his fingertip over the crescent of teeth marks.

So, it was Gohan. Or at least Gohan accepted that the two of them must have--wait. How far did they take it? Hickies were okay. He could deal with hickies and bruises on his wrists (why didn't Gohan have bruises on his wrists?) but...

"Oh," he said with a defeated sigh. "My ass hurts."

Gohan's eyes got bigger than he ever thought they'd get. In fact, the actual eyeball should have just rolled right out of the socket. And his mouth fell open. And he gasped like fishy out of water. Then dug under his back and produced a--Black Marker? Wiggled around like HE was uncomfortable and produced an extremely abused tub of...something. The label had been ripped off and one of the two of them had drunkenly scrawled:


Where the label should have been.

"...Wait," Gohan whispered. "We--No. We--We couldn't have. Mom would have heard us. Or--or Dad."

Goten nodded frantically. "Yeah! No way we could have--" ... "Mom totally would have--" Oh shit. "Mom's not here. Remember?" Why else would they have gotten drunk? Their mother would have skinned them alive and hung their dripping bloody carcasses outside for the buzzards. "She and Dad went out." The first time their parents left the house for any amount of time and what did they do?

"Oh...shit," Gohan said. And sat up again. Looked down at him and just had the most miserable expression on his face. "Your ass really hurts?"

He nodded. (And thought that it was a real injustice all things considered. Why did Gohan get to be on top? Being older and dorkier did not guarantee you the right to be on top.)

"Oh," Gohan said and grabbed his shoulder, rolled him onto his stomach.


"Something's written on your back," Gohan said. And then he cracked a grin. A stupid, silly, foolish, lopsided, pervish grin. And then he laughed.

"What? What's written on my back?!"


"No way!" And of course, he jumped to his feet and ran out of his room (naked, and nasty covered in nasty things) down the hall and into his parent's. Slammed the door and turned around, looked at his back (or tried to.) He had to crane his head far over his shoulder to see the writing and even then, it was mangled and hard to read (especially backward.) But he could almost make out the words--and why would Gohan lie to him anyway?

So. He thought he was dealing with everything rather well actually. Considering his brother fucked him during a alcohol-induced blackout. He always figured Gohan was the real perv of the family. Dressing up like the Saiyaman--whatever. He just wanted to wear girl underwear or something. Repressed. That's what Gohan was.


And Goten was--deprived. A growing Saiyan boy needed something and whatever it was, apparently Goten just wasn't getting it. There was no way he would ever had let his brother do anything to him like that--

Except the bruises. So maybe even his drunks self wasn't happy with this idea. Gohan probably fought him for it. And won.

That bastard.

And there he was, his oh-so-responsible Big brother knocking on the bathroom door. "Come on, Goten. We should take a bath or something."

Oh sure. Any excuse to get him naked-- He was already naked. In his mother's room. And even if she wasn't in that room it was just damn wrong to be in here like he was. So he pulled the door open, looked at his brother standing there scratching the top of his head and naked. Carrying the abused tub of fucking rub.

"Just what are you doing with that?" he demanded.

"We need to destroy it, Goten. Come on, lets take a bath. You look horrible."

And that was how they ended up the bathtub. That was how he ended up with his arms hanging over the side of the tub, looking at the grass while Gohan scrubbed his back. (The black marker didn't look like it was coming off any time soon.) He let his eyes droop close. All in all, he felt pretty normal at the moment. Clean again. He didn't remember what happened the night before, so he didn't have to deal with the memories.

Just accept the face that his brother was washing his back. And everything was nice and warm. And Gohan's hands were strong, the rag he was using was soft.




"...turn around for a minute."

With a much put upon type sigh, he turned around and looked at Gohan, who was staring down into the water, rag in his hand, and Goten blinked at him, looked down through the wavy water and sucked in a breath, jumped back but he ran into the side of the tub and Gohan squeaked and jumped back too.

"You PERVERT!" Goten yelled.

"I'm a PERVERT?!" Gohan yelled back. "YOU'RE the one that TORE MY clothes off!" (Apparently his brother remembered the night before a little better than Goten did.) "And...and--this is all your fault!"

"My fault?! My fault?! You're the one who put his dick in MY ass!" Not that this yelling was doing anything to solve their little aroused problem that was getting worse (for him anyway) and he blamed the bubbly water for this problem. (Dad finally got around to getting Mom a bubbly tub for putting up with him for so long. And Mom had been so grateful.) Anyway, he was aroused. And he could feel this new arousal in every little corner of his body, until that was pretty much all he could feel.

"...Goten...?" Gohan said finally. (He seemed to be having the same issue.)

But he knew what his brother was thinking. He'd already thought of it, and they were both just looking at the poor, abused fuckin' rub. But he sure as hell wasn't going to say it first. Gohan was older--he could take the blame. "What?"

"...well," Gohan said, cracked a nervous-as-all-hell grin and chuckled like a dork. "Since we've already--you know--and since we can't really remember it--and since we're probably already going to get in a hell of a lot of trouble for it--don't you think...we know..."

"Know what?" he asked.

"Do it again?"

So it had been said. Now he had to give some sort of answer. So he considered it for a few minutes. He really did not remember what happened the night before. He was covered with plenty of hints, and yet--no memory. And their mother was probably going to kill them (if their dad didn't first.) And if you were going to get in trouble for the crime you should at least enjoy the crime first.

Gohan nodded at him. He nodded back. And they were out of the tub in record time. (Gohan grabbed the tub of rub.) In the house, ran through the house (leaving wet footprints--bad them) and he paused at the end of the hall. Considered whether to go to his room or Gohan's room. His was already messed up. It was probably better to go there, so he went into his room and Gohan followed him, right to the bed. Goten fell back, Gohan jumped on top of him. (See--repressed.) The tub was dropped on the bed.

Gohan one of his legs between Goten's. He was pressing his hands in the bed, looking down at him. He hesitated, Goten licked his lips, reached up, wrapped his hand around Gohan's neck and yanked him down. (Oh--yeah, drinking definitely took the edge of that weirdness.) But once his eyes were closed, Gohan wasn't necessarily his brother. Just another very warm body that rested against him, slightly damp and hard, mouth hot and opening against his.

Callused hands on his skin, sliding down his side to his hip, and lower, curling around his thigh, lifting his leg out of the way so Gohan could get both his legs between his, and the kiss broke off as they breathed. Erections grounding together.

Gohan made a little whimpery noise, and Goten jerked his hips up into the rolling downward thrusts. But they probably didn't have time to do this rock and grinding thing. So he fumbled for the fuckin' rub and pulled the lid off. Gohan took it from him, dug his fingers into the rub and left the tub sitting on Goten's chest.

"Hey," he said. "Why do I have to be the girl?"

Gohan blinked at him like it was just so freaking obvious. "Because you're my bitch, Goten." Duh. And before he could object, Gohan pushed his legs up and sank his fingers into him. It ached vaguely, felt used, and he hissed between his teeth and shifted uncomfortably. (This was all Gohan's fault.) And his dear older brother bit his lip in concentration and wiggled his fingers inside of him, driving in deeper and moving around (like he was looking for something.) Goten lifted his arms above his head and pulled himself farther onto the bed, Gohan followed him, still biting his lip and frowned. Pull his fingers out. "Turn over, Goten."

"Excuse me?"

"Come on, I'm looking for your prostate. Either you don't have one or you just can't feel it." And he flipped Goten on to his stomach before he could object much to that. Which wasn't so bad, he had lots of bed under him to rub against. Gohan sat on his legs and re-lubed his fingers before pushing them back into him, and Goten jerked away from him. "Hey, there it is."

"Yeah," Goten agreed breathlessly. "There it is." So maybe his drunk self was wrong to protest so much. That felt pretty damn good actually. Worth a little soreness.

Gohan pulled his fingers out of him (how nice) and there was the slick wet sounds of lube on skin, he shifted on the bed so he was comfortable and looked over his shoulder at his brother who was leaning down over him now, one hand next to his chest against the bed and the other was wrapped around his own erection, teeth bared, and Goten lifted his hips up enough that Gohan flicked his eyes up to look at him. Gave him a perverted grin.

Repressed. Definitely repressed.

Then Gohan was pressed against him, and he looked down again, on his elbows, and his forehead just touched the blanket under him. Gohan was breathing hard behind him and his hips pressed down, spreading him open and Goten clenched his teeth, felt the burn and it was definitely sore, and it was definitely taking too long, so he rolled his hips up. Gohan jerked down against him.


Goten nodded in agreement with his brother. Didn't hurt barely at all anymore, but nothing felt much of anything anymore other than the pulsing pressure inside of him, just right there against whatever--prostate?--and he gasped for breath. Caught his breath and looked over his shoulder again. Saw his brother's hair, his shaking arms, and he was shivering everywhere. "Alright?" he asked.

"Yeah," Gohan said, he could feel his breath against his shoulder blade. Then he started to move. Little shaking movements in him, and Gohan looked up at him, flashed him a tiny smile and kissed him briefly. (Good thing Gohan was taller than him.) Then he curled his arm around Goten's waist and moved more. Drawing out farther and thrusting in deeper. Sliding in him smoother than Goten would have expected, and he shook against his brother's chest and his arm. Closed his eyes and let his head hang down.

Erection throbbed, Gohan drove into him and his thighs quivered, stomach tightened and he rolled his head back, put one hand on the wall, the other still on the bed under him and jerked back.

He never did like things that took a long time.

Gohan nodded against his back and pulled him up so he was on his knees, held his hips in his hands and really started to move. Thrusting. Again and again, sweaty and grunting, mumbling whatever and Goten couldn't hear him over the roar of blood in his ears. His vision was black and spotty behind his eyes. He let his mouth open and each little movement, each little retreat and slide back in him, rubbing him and opening him. It drove noises out of him until the whole room echoed back his breathless encouragement.

Gohan managed to mumble his name and Goten jerked back against him.

The sound of his name. Fucking perfect. Wrung out of Gohan like that. He shook his head, and felt the sweat dripping off his skin, spread his thighs and pressed back harder.

Gohan choked his name again and pounded down into him. The bed shook. The walls wobbled, he felt the rise of ki, the violence of their movements, shoved back against Gohan with every thrust, driving him deeper and faster, panting fast and hard.

His whole body shook in time with their fucking, throbbed like his heartbeat and he scrambled for anything to hang onto, reached down to his hip and covered Gohan's hand with his, felt the fingers lace between his. Gohan slowed, still sliding deeply, but not as fast.

"Fuck," Goten snapped--he had breath now and he didn't like it--"MOVE DAMMIT."

Gohan panted an answer, but Goten didn't understand it, snarled and pulled away, turned around, shoved Gohan back, landed them both on the floor with him straddling his brother, curled his hand around Gohan's erection--it was throbbing too--and held him in place as he thrust his hips back down. Whined (partly in pain and mostly with happiness.) He curled his hands in his own hair, felt the limit break of Super Saiyan and Gohan yelped beneath him, and did the same. The ki lapped their skin and Gohan was deeper inside of him, he was tighter around him.

Breathless again and they weren't even moving.

"Fucking move, Goten," Gohan said, curled his fists around Goten's knees and jerked up into him.

Goten nodded and started to move, using his legs to lift and lower himself, hands still in his own hair as he curled his fists tighter and moved faster and harder. Lifting and them falling back on Gohan, driving the hardness inside of him and felt his body clenching around him. Tighter and tighter, spiraling higher.

It hurt, Gohan moved his hand from his knee to his erection and fisted it, rubbing him hard and fast. Goten dropped down, hands on his brother's shoulders and bared his teeth, snarled, saw Gohan just stare at him with blue-green eyes and he fucked his hips against Gohan's. Faster and harder, slamming them together as their pulse and their ki pounded around them. Knocking things off the wall, the floor dented, the bed was shaking like mad (and they weren't even on it.)

Gohan slapped up against him. Grunting with every movement. Goten moved frantically, forgot rhythm, jerking down and grinding against Gohan, fast thrusts, grinding and moved his palms down to Gohan's chest.

And he came. It blindsided him, left him without ability to breath or move. Everything tightened up and clenched and he went completely still, so Gohan took over the fucking for him, rolling him on to his back, shoved his legs out of the way and thrust into him, driving him into the floor and he grabbed handfuls of Gohan's short hair, held onto him as he was driven right back to the peak again, groaned in pain as he came again--and Gohan choked on his name and came in him.

Shivered and yanked him up to kiss him again. Bruising their mouths, drawing blood, sucking on him. Crushing their helplessly shaking bodies together.

And when that moment passed, he was sitting on his brother's lap. Pretty much in the same situation as that morning. Except now his room was completely destroyed. Only the walls were still standing and they looked a bit weak to him.

Gohan laughed. "Kami I hope nobody decides to come investigate..."

Goten laughed with him. "...Poor Trunks would probably pass out. And Dad--"

"Yeah," Gohan agreed. "But he's weird. He might not care."

Goten shrugged. Shifted, felt Gohan slid out of him and grimaced. "That is so gross."


Goten: Pervy. I like it.
Gohan: Oh--whatever.

...*sigh* Now to write other things...


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