DBZ Yaoi & Shounen Ai Fanfiction

Table Manners GokuVegeta
Table Manners January 24, 2018 Words: 1362 Views: 409 Bulma asks Goku and Vegeta to set up a table for one of her parties. Goku wants to set it up for other purposes.

Art Source:
Unbeaten Paths GohanGoku
Unbeaten Paths Abandoned January 24, 2018 Words: 35441 Chapters: 22 Views: 478 Goku and Vegeta are mates. While Goku find it great that he has a mate that he can somewhat relate to, a part of him is missing his Saiyan heritage; mostly his brother, Raditz.

*Mentions of past Vegeta/Raditz Graphic Violence Incest
Nothing's Impossible GohanVegeta
Nothing's Impossible January 24, 2018 Words: 35945 Chapters: 19 Views: 1238 Since Goku's sacrifice to save the world against Cell, Vegeta is left alone. He misses the warrior side, the serious side to Goku and finds himself admiring the same attitude in Gohan, minus the stupidity and obnoxious personality his father possessed.

Things heat up when Vegeta's admiration for Gohan rises with the boy paying the price.

Art Source:
Killing Sense (site no longer around) Graphic Violence Male Pregnancy
Only In Ficverse! BulmaGohan
Only In Ficverse! January 24, 2018 Words: 1500 Views: 259 Being the big brother that he is, Gohan is behind Goten with most things filled with encouragement. What happens when that backing of his brother pushes Goten in the bedroom? Group Sex Incest
Touch GokuVegeta
Touch January 24, 2018 Words: 2041 Views: 949 Goku wants what he wants, even if that means begging. Vegeta is just amused by his desperation.

by X-xChiChix-X https://x-xchichix-x.deviantart.com
Moments In A Life GokuKrilin
Moments In A Life Abandoned January 13, 2018 Words: 34550 Chapters: 19 Views: 381 Since Bulma's death, Vegeta has not been the same, neither was he since Goku left with Uub. He barely speaks, even to the person who is sleeping with him..and cannot seem to get a grasp on reality. Can Goku help Vegeta deal with whatever he's going through?

Art Source:
http://redviolett.deviantart.com Graphic Violence Deathfic
Meaning Of Pride GokuGoten
Meaning Of Pride January 13, 2018 Words: 37652 Chapters: 19 Views: 719 When Chichi dies, Goku is left alone. He does not mourn or feel upset..he just wants to train with Vegeta, and know more about his Saiyan heritage.
As he knows more and Vegeta spends more time with him, what he wants from the prince becomes more prominent.

Not everyone agrees with their relationship...especially Gohan.

Art Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62909679 Deathfic
Matrimony GokuVegeta
Matrimony January 13, 2018 Words: 2552 Views: 300 It's Gohan and Videl's wedding and, much to his dismay, Goku is forced to wear a suit and to keep it clean. When Vegeta wants some alone time before the wedding, all bets are off on a clean suit.

Art Source: https://saharu69.tumblr.com/image/154008579960
*Note: It took me EONS to find the right picture.
Looking for the Excuse GokuVegeta
Looking for the Excuse January 12, 2018 Words: 2549 Views: 501 Goku wants to find any excuse to have sex with Vegeta..there's just too many distractions and not enough excuses for his liking. When an excuse does come up, Goku takes his chance.

Art Source: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8d/9b/b1/8d9bb15475170e4172cc7045c8ef345f.jpg
It Started On Sunday ChichiGoku
It Started On Sunday January 12, 2018 Words: 8647 Chapters: 7 Views: 200 It started on a Sunday with strange emotions arising. It ended with life changing events that neither Goku or Vegeta thought would happen. Deathfic
Hormone Therapy GokuVegeta
Hormone Therapy January 12, 2018 Words: 32884 Chapters: 16 Views: 1153 Part One of the Therapy Universe
Notes: Slash. Misplaced drugs. Humor. Sex. MPreg V/Gk 
I do not own DBZ or any of the characters, because if I did, Chichi would be a crater, and the show would be: Dragon Ball Nc-17. Male Pregnancy
Having Hurt GokuVegeta
Having Hurt Abandoned January 12, 2018 Words: 1927 Views: 166 ATTENTIONS. WARNINGS. I MEAN IT. READ THIS:
1. No ownie DBZ. DB. DBGT. 
2. This is *gasp* a SEQUEL to Much Like Suffocating. If ya haven't read 'Much Like Suffocating' than go read it first.
3. Now being a sequel and all that means the warnings partially carry over: AU...Alternate Universe wherein there are different species: Cat, Saiyan, Icejin, Juro, Spider etc. BLOOD/DEATH/DARK-stuff: Yes, folk get murdered. Somewhat bloodily. Blood-drinking. Vegeta and Goku's past. If you've read MLS you should know how bad it can get. SEX (especially SLASH) that's two folks of the same gender getting it on. 
4. Uh... that's it? I think. *thinks about it* Yeah, that should be it.  Graphic Violence
Even More Of Us GokuGoten
Even More Of Us January 11, 2018 Words: 28794 Chapters: 15 Views: 2508 Sequel to "More Of Us"
If you haven't read "More of Us" (then you should have) you will be lost.  Nothing will make sense.  So go read the first story.
Summary: Three Years Later, can Trunks stop the destruction of his home?!
Notes: V/Gk, Slash, Sex, *Gratuitous usage of purring. *  Mpreg.  
AU; naturally.
Oh, and I don't own them.  Of course I don't, or I would be swimming in DBZ manga.
But I do own the following birth certificates: Bardock, Gogeta, Takashi and Bulla.

Art Source: https://x-xchichix-x.deviantart.com/art/Is-That-Normal-447073920 Graphic Violence Male Pregnancy Deathfic
Preferences GokuVegeta
Preferences January 11, 2018 Words: 1300 Views: 1357 Goku whines about wanting to top this time but, Vegeta is insisting that Goku won't like it. Will he?

Art Source:

How? GohanTrunks
How? January 11, 2018 Words: 1250 Views: 527 Trunks has Gohan visit his office so they can get down to business.

Art Source:

More of Us GokuVegeta
More of Us January 11, 2018 Words: 33995 Chapters: 16 Views: 1832 Goku gets depressed because there aren't more full-blooded Saiyans. So he makes a wish with the dragon balls that he can make more Saiyans.

Art Source: https://xxchichixx.deviantart.com/art/Kiss-the-Future-78289784 Male Pregnancy
Horny and Happy GokuVegeta
Horny and Happy January 11, 2018 Words: 992 Views: 333 It's Spring time and Vegeta hates it. Goku says it's a time to be happy as well as horny, which sparks the Prince's interest.

Art Source:
Fusions GokuGoten
Fusions January 10, 2018 Words: 3015 Chapters: 2 Views: 484 Gotenks thinks he's all that and then some. When Vegitto tells him that he's not worth his time and energy, Gotenks takes things into his own hands. Incest
Don't Call Me Father Future TrunksVegeta
Don't Call Me Father January 10, 2018 Words: 1565 Views: 366 During Vegeta and Future Trunks' time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, tempers flare between father and son...that is, until something in both of them sparks a strange interest for one another.

Art Source:

http://rebloggy.com/post/manga-dbz-transparent-vegeta-trunks/110023529691 Incest Abusive
Dead Time GotenRaditz
Dead Time January 10, 2018 Words: 2003 Views: 234 Trunks and Goten are dead and surprisingly down in hell where they meet one of Goten's relatives. Incest Group Sex
Dance Monkey Dance GokuVegeta
Dance Monkey Dance January 10, 2018 Words: 2921 Views: 223 Goku and Vegeta wake up in the middle of the night with anatomy issues...which forces them to dance?

Art Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=66307450
Crazy Monkey Sex GokuGoten
Crazy Monkey Sex January 10, 2018 Words: 4349 Views: 272 Goku is a typical idiot with dreams of being a stripper.
Vegeta could care less about anything.
Trunks is a Seme with a dry sense of humor, and Goten just wants sex from him.
Blame It On Hormones GokuTrunks
Blame It On Hormones January 10, 2018 Words: 8007 Chapters: 4 Views: 408 Trunks cannot control himself around Goku and blames it on his hormones. Goku doesn't see a problem with this but, Vegeta does when he had some 'history' with the third-class. To satisfy both of his interests, Goku proposes an idea.

*There is no incest between Trunks and Vegeta. I repeat: No incest. Goku is the main person.
Better Things To Do GokuVegeta
Better Things To Do January 10, 2018 Words: 2014 Views: 329 While Goku and Vegeta's children cause trouble, the couple have some alone time.

Art Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=44812571 Male Pregnancy
Because He Wanted It ChichiGoku
Because He Wanted It January 10, 2018 Words: 2075 Views: 212 Goku wants both Chichi and Vegeta. The prince is up for what the third class has in mind. Group Sex
Be Proud of Me Future TrunksGohan
Be Proud of Me January 10, 2018 Words: 1935 Views: 483 Gohan is dealing with his new power after defeating Cell. Now he has to deal with the death of his father and feelings about Trunks.

Art Source :

Anything's Possible GotenTrunks
Anything's Possible Abandoned January 10, 2018 Words: 2296 Chapters: 2 Views: 365 Goten and Trunks take their relationship a little bit farther. Male Pregnancy
Android Perks 17Goten
Android Perks January 9, 2018 Words: 1207 Views: 186 Goten and 17 have some fun but, 17 makes sure they have fun his way.
An Alternative to Masturbation GokuTrunks
An Alternative to Masturbation January 9, 2018 Words: 2562 Views: 535 Trunks and Future Trunks go out to find Goku to have a little fun.
A King With Chaos GokuVegeta
A King With Chaos January 9, 2018 Words: 1868 Views: 329 Sequel to A Prince Among Men

Art Source:

https://gacharunta.booth.pm/ Graphic Violence
Another Way Future GohanFuture Trunks
Another Way Abandoned December 14, 2017 Words: 18144 Chapters: 10 Views: 488 This is set during The History of Trunks. A little tweaking of that story line and *gasp* Gohan didn't get his arm lopped off. *yay* So the Characters of this story are the Mirai's: Gohan, Trunks and Bulma.
*sigh* Slash. Sex. Saiyans. Virgin Saiyans with no concept of slash sex (just so you know.) Mpreg--*gasp* Mpreg?! Yup. And this system of Mpreg is like a cross between the More of Us way and the Nothing's Impossible idea. Okay? Okay!

Image by 'Ryu Morikawa' From the book 'Twilight' Male Pregnancy
Alcohol is Bad For You GohanGoten
Alcohol is Bad For You December 13, 2017 Words: 3201 Views: 308 Gohan/Goten so INCEST. BROTHER INCEST.
Image by 'Come' from the book 'Dear My Brother'
https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=3732979 Incest
A Prince Among Men GokuVegeta
A Prince Among Men December 12, 2017 Words: 35677 Chapters: 18 Views: 421 Recommended Prior Reading: 'Hormone Therapy' stories (Like Group Therapy), 'Cross-eyed' – it isn't absolutely necessary, but it WILL help a great deal.
No, DBZ isn't mine. DBGT sure the hell ain't mine.

Yes, this is technically an AU. But all fanfiction is AU otherwise we would all be sitting around reading different folks versions of the DBZ scripts.

I firmly believe that all Saiyans are potty-mouthed, overly horny, overly muscular men that get in fights, have tons of sex and eat all the time, while cursing. I also believe that Homosexuality is not bad, and write about it to satisfy my own sick little mind. Thus: SEX. SAIYANS. SLASH.
Image from unknown artist and book

DBZ Saiyan Garden

"Welcome to DBZ Saiyan Garden—your ultimate hub for DBZ Yaoi, BL (Boys Love), fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics. Established in 2001, our extensive archive features beloved pairings such as Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), PiccoHan (Piccolo x Gohan), and Truten (Goten x Trunks). Explore high-quality scanlations, exclusive artwork, and detailed guides, including our renowned Gay Kamasutra.

Viewer Discretion Advised: This content is strictly intended for mature audiences only."

