by Card     More by this Writer
Goku whines about wanting to top this time but, Vegeta is insisting that Goku won't like it. Will he?

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Vegeta pushed Goku under him, pulled him farther onto the bed and felt the skin against his, sliding between his thighs. Goku looked down between them, watched as he was pulled up and then looked up at Vegeta.

"But Vegeta, I want to be on top." A pout. A pout that was both decidedly sexy and disgustingly childish. A pout that always seemed to work ever since the first time when Goku gave him that pout to convince him that exchanging blowjobs was a perfectly normal thing.

"You always say that."

"Because I always want to be." Nevermind that Goku outweighed him, outpowered him and out-heighted him. He wouldn't be pushy and that meant that he got stuck on the bottom.
"You never let me be on top."

"Because you wouldn't like it."

Goku pouted more. Vegeta felt the sigh in his chest, considered for a moment the ramifications of just ignoring Goku again and moving forward with the 'screw the large idiot into the bed' plan. But this time was different, if he didn't give in this time he might not get the chance to have sex again for a while. (Since Bulma swore not to after she found out about Goku.) "Fine."

Goku rolled Vegeta under him, shoved him into the bed and straddled him with a happy grin on his face. If he'd still had his tail it'd be wagging like mad. But he didn't so the idiot grin on his face was the only indication that this change in position was precisely what he wanted.
"I'm all ready Vegeta." He wriggled farther up on Vegeta's hips and lifted himself up so his knees were digging into the bed.

"I'm thrilled."

"I can tell Vegeta." Then the smile went away as Goku got that 'I'm concentrating on something' look on his face, one of his fingers hovered near his face and he looked down at Vegeta like he had just now realized that perhaps the things that people said were meant to be taken literally. But the moment of concentration disappeared.
"Are you ready Vegeta?"

"Of course I am."

They were both naked. They were in bed. They were aroused. Lube was applied. Now came the sex.

"That's great!" Goku's hand curled around him and he stuck his tongue out, pressed against his upper lip as he concentrated on moving his body down against Vegeta, pressed down bit by bit until the Prince was inside of him, sliding deeper.
Then nothing.

Goku wiggled from one side to the other, making Vegeta shiver and his hands tightened on the sheets under him. He was patient. He could wait. Really. Sometimes the moron had to figure out things on his own and Vegeta was willing to give him time.


"Oh. Sorry Vegeta." The tongue against his lip again and this time Goku shifted up and and down. Eyes narrowed and his hands were smoothing up and down his own thighs. Little bit of a pink blush sprouting in his cheeks.

Another futile minute of this. (Sixty almost painful seconds...)

"Veeegeeeta." The thighs clamped tight around his sides and Goku leaned down like he had a very important secret to share with him.
"I don't like being on top."

"Told you." Then he flipped them over, grabbed the large legs, yanked them up higher, lifting the lean hips up off the bed and kissed Goku. Just once. Hard, wet, pushing his tongue into the mouth that always tasted like sugar. Then moving. Deep thrusts into the body under him that moved back to meet him. The blush that had been just a tiny blossom on Goku's face curled down his chest.

They sweated.

He pistoned into Goku as he grunted the moron's name and felt the insanity of their energy as it peaked and swept together. Rising and expanding, the whole room was sparkling with heat and their skin was burning together, his hardness in Goku's smooth body. Binding them together as the bed moved under them, hands clawed down Vegeta's back and fingers were in his hair. Legs gripped him and Goku was moaning his name.


That didn't sound like a normal moan. He slowed down and looked at Goku. They rocked together and he felt the wiggling impatience of Goku but that look of 'don't you want to give me what I want' was on the idiot's face again.

"Whatever it is you're not getting it." Vegeta kissed him again. Ignored him when he whined about it until Goku forgot about whatever it was he was going to complain about it. Moved in Goku's body as their powerlevel got higher, the room got hotter.

"But Veeeegeta," Goku said again. He tightened his long legs around Vegeta again and grabbed him by the chin. "Why don't you kiss me while we have sex?" Oh, the pout.

"Because," Vegeta said.

"I want you to."

And so he kissed him. Had to pull Goku's hips up farther and press his legs against his shoulders and stretch his whole body out. The pace of thrusting was significantly decreased. But they were kissing.

Hoo. Ray.

"Vegeta," Goku said after a moment of fidgeting. "My stomach is crushed against my ribs."

"This was your idea." And that was the end of that unpleasant moment of Goku's experimentation. They went back to the happy fucking. Grunting and sweating and groping. Goku's erection against him. Driving themselves higher and higher.


This time he wasted no time in slapping his hand over Goku's mouth. Thought with a pleased smile that he rather liked the moron like this. Panty and sweaty and moany but not trying to mess with a good thing. The hips under him were driving back eagerly, shivering with each of Vegeta's deep thrusts, and Goku's whole body had started to shine with energy. But he wasn't protesting any of their normal actives, or demanding they attempt stupid things as he usually did.
The world tightened down to the feeling of the hot body taking him in, the velvet smoothness of Goku, the way the body under him was arching under him, the wet mouth opening under his hand, a strangled cry as Goku exploded against his stomach.
Hard shivering as he moved toward his own completion and the moment of sheer beauty when he reached orgasm.
Then he laid next to Goku as the big idiot curled up next to him, on his side, but up on one elbow, head cocked as he stared down at his own ass as best he could. One hand behind him, and a grimace on his face.

"Vegeta," he said. Lifted his hand and looked at it distastefully.
"Remember when I said I wanted you to be in me when you finished?"


"Well...I don't." And he showed him his fingers, covered with sticky white release. "It comes back out."

"Of course it does!"

"Chichi never said anything about it."

Vegeta ignored the statement that brought the annoying screechy woman into the bed that he shared with Goku. Settled on glaring at the moron with all his considerable Princely wrath.

"Maybe she did and you were too busy eating to notice."

"Could be," Goku said thoughtfully. Then turned back and looked at his ass more, grimaced more. "It's really gross."
Like a two year old that just smashed a bug on his hand. "Really. Gross."

Vegeta ignored him.
Goku: *pushes her toward other unfinished fiction*
Gohan: I don't know why you bother, she's only got fics with me in them.
Vegeta: *glares at boy that has taken over fics where Vegeta used to get nailed by Goku*
Gohan: *puts up umbrella in time to stave off being glomped by Card* Shut up Vegeta.


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