Having Hurt
by Card     More by this Writer
1. No ownie DBZ. DB. DBGT. 
2. This is *gasp* a SEQUEL to Much Like Suffocating. If ya haven't read 'Much Like Suffocating' than go read it first.
3. Now being a sequel and all that means the warnings partially carry over: AU...Alternate Universe wherein there are different species: Cat, Saiyan, Icejin, Juro, Spider etc. BLOOD/DEATH/DARK-stuff: Yes, folk get murdered. Somewhat bloodily. Blood-drinking. Vegeta and Goku's past. If you've read MLS you should know how bad it can get. SEX (especially SLASH) that's two folks of the same gender getting it on. 
4. Uh... that's it? I think. *thinks about it* Yeah, that should be it. 
Graphic Violence

Having Hurt
The sunlight was cold. The sheer curtians flickered in the frigid wind and the sound they made was little, like the fluttering of wings, the sound of spider legs rubbing together, the little scratch of fabrics together. The room was bright white, and the body that laid on the bed was naked, tail laying over his lower back and arms crossed under his face as he slept. Unconcerned with the silent chill of the room.

There was the silent press of feet against the floor, leathery-skinned bare feet that moved with the silent padding of the icejins, the silky-smooth movements of bleached white skin and wide dark eyes were open, the hand clutched around a knife as she inched closer. Inky dark blood dripped off the end of the knife and fell through the air, dropped onto the floor with the sound of a scream.

The body moved on the bed, jerked straight up, and turned, the run blazed with unbearable white light...

Chichi opened her eyes, felt the hot water rolling down her cold back and the room around her was blank. There was nobody here, no maid, no attendant, no little creature whispering in the distance that it still feared her--the banished Princess, the creature that returned with the blood of the traitor and devoured his heart before the queen.

There was silence. And darkness.

The sound of the water was muted by the length of her hair, it dripped down her back and fell in nearly silent plinks to the floor. Like drops of blood, like the unseen murderer that haunted her mind when she tried to close her eyes. Her jaws ached, and she raised her head in the dimness of her own sight. Looked around.

Smelled the air.

Things that should have remained dead were still moving in this world--not hers--but in the other world, in the world of the addiction who's blood pumped and burned brighter and faster than even the petty gods could have foreseen. And her mind, it twisted in her own head. She felt it, the uncertainity the knowledge that something of the traitor survived in their world still, something of the white demon.
The fly lived on in peace, and the King of the Saiyans ruled with great power, but their world had not yet been won. Knowledge existed still. She felt it. Reached out her hand and under her fingertips she could just barely see the future.

"Kitten," she whispered. The water stopped cold above her head, frozen by the expanding power, and she felt the whisper-thin lines coil around her as she sought the origin of the misbegotten son of the dead King, found him and focused her energy on him.
"GOTEN!" he yelled again. His hands were shaking. The shower beat on his pale shoulders and it should have been hot but it wasn't even warm. His teeth hurt, and his jaw ached, opened and he felt the watering in his mouth as he thought of Goten, thought of his shoulder and the make that Trunks had put there again and again. But the bastard wasn't here now. He clenched his teeth, curled his shaking hands into fists so tight he drew his own blood and he screamed:"GOTEN!"

The windows shattered, the glass that had been sitting out side the falling water fell into sand and the floor that he stood on was shaking, the wall cracked. Power swelled around him until it threatened to burst out of his control.

Goten appeared, right in front of him, in the spray of the cool water, all pale and yawning. He looked at him with half-lidded eyes and the mark on his bare shoulder was dark and blushing.

"I can't drink anymore of your blood," he said. His jaws were aching. Horribly. He stepped back, forced the power around him to calm itself again, and Goten reached inside his mind and simply shut it off.

"I think we have bigger problems than that," Goten said.

He turned in the shower, showed him his back and let the water run through his hair and down his back, bent forward and turned off the shower.

They always had bigger problems than that. Killing the fucking traitor had been the peak of the iceberg so to speak, the fallout was drowning them. His dear brother had the Saiyan empire completely under his control and they were up in arms, finding and killing each and every icejin they could find. It was genocide, but no one was going to tell Vegeta that he really should let bygones be bygones. The King wasn't the only one that wanted those bastards skinned and their bones pounded into dust.

Frieza had powerful enemies. Even the peaceful-minded Juro were up in arms against the fallen empire. Their precious prince had been killed while trying to assist the Saiyans in the defeat of Freiza and even the idiot Juro knew better than to go after the Saiyans. So they sent out their pretty little mind-mages to hunt down the Icejins.

"What?" Trunks said finally, forced his breathing to even out and his hands stopped shaking so hard. It was stupid. It was so stupid of him to ever have taken Goten's blood. He knew what it would be, like the blood of the gods--ambrosia and he was a fucking spider, he was the sort of thing that craved power above all things and right now it was throbbing through his veins.
Goten turned again and looked at him, raised his hand toward the door way and narrowed his eyes just slightly. Just like that, in a flash of energy, they were dressed, dry, and standing in the other room. The sword was even on his back again, clean now and waiting for its purpose to be fulfilled. The room was cold, colder than even he would have liked, and when he turned, there was a black split in the air around them.

Chichi appeared, her hair was dripping gray water down on the floor and it fell wetly against her bare skin. She had her face tipped to one side.

"It comes to kill you," she said, "And it wants my kitten too."

Trunks looked at Goten, Goten looked back at him.

"Fuck," he breathed, turned and pulled the sheet off the bed, folded it in half (it was a huge sheet) and wrapped it around Chichi under her arms. She lifted her hair out of his way and he sealed the sheet around her with web. It fell all the way to the floor.

"This is not your room," Chichi said. There was a little catch in her breath and she turned to look at the door just as it opened. A tall creature stepped in, bright green scales ran down his back and framed his face, it jerked its head to look at them, almost like an insect, and Trunks pulled the sword out of the sheath on his back.

"It's filthy," Chichi breathed.

He crossed the distance between him and the green thing that was still staring at them. They had followed it here, watched him for a day and slipped into his room when it left.
Goten gave him his blood, and he took a shower--had he forgotten why they were here?
How could he have forgotten?--and now looking at it up close, looking at its hands and the claws on its fingers--

The sword swung through the air and he felt his eyes change, the air in front of him turned into ice and when the blade landed it hacked through the frozen flesh of the thing. First the hands, and it fell to its knees, cracked under the weight of the ice that bore down on it. He swung agian and its head rolled onto the ground. Power swelled around again, and he reached out with it, smashed it into the frozen head and watched it shatter across the floor in red flakes of ice.

"My kitten," Chichi said again, "We go now."

"You get her," Goten said, "We'll meet with Vegeta and Goku."

"No," Chichi said, she reached out, curled her hand around Goten's arm. "The kitten first. The king suffers no danger."

Trunks turned back to look at them, at Chichi, at her hand on Goten's arm and the tips of her fingers were burned. The red flesh was seared white at the edges and she pressed them into Goten's skin.
Bulma's ears were flat against her head. She heard the noise from the other room, and her tail was curled up tight around her waist. She crouched back, hands at her side and the claws were just barely showing through the tips of her fingers. Her back claws dug into the soft stone under her.

Someone was dying. She could smell the blood and it rose images in her mind, the sight of her own blood, of her own instinct to end her life before others could. The memory of Gohan, of Frieza's head contorted in horror and Bardock--the smell of his blood on Chichi's hands and the sound of the spider's voice as it called her kitten.

Something was outside the door, something was looking for her, she could hear the muted footsteps and the swish--the flick and swish of a tail that was not saiyan, was not cat. It was a lizard's tail, a white tail, the tail of the fucking bastard that had caught and kept Goku and Vegeta for all those years. The sound of her nightmare that never quite died--that maybe they hadn't won, maybe they hadn't defeated anything or anyone.

There was the black-purple split in the universe, the rolling freeze of power as it burst out of the tear in reality and she moved away from it, screamed, and fell on the floor. Heard the sound of footsteps moving toward the door and she felt stupid as Chichi stepped out of the blackness, bent and grabbed her by the arm.

"Eight lives, kitten. Didn't I tell you to use them well?" And she was pulled to her feet, up against Chichi again as Goten moved past them, dressed in all white. He was watching the door, but nothing happened, the footsteps were gone, the swishing sound was gone and Bulma thought maybe she had just imagined it all.

Goten's hand rose in the air and the door that led out of the storeroom burst open, splintered. There before him were bodies, a dozen of them, all lying on the ground, the white ends of the spines showing through the deep red spill of their blood and all their faces--all their heads... they were all standing on the counter, held up by the butcher knives that had been used to kill them.

Bulma screamed. Chichi wrapped her up in her arms and turned her so she couldn't see it. There was the invert of energy and the splash of blackness, and she sobbed into the soft white material her face pressed against, felt the cold thump of the spiders heart as the nightmare bled back into reality.

When she opened her eyes, they--the four of them, Trunks, Goten, Chichi and her--were standing before Vegeta. He gave them a silent look and nodded.

"I know," is what he said.
1938 words---so *sigh* less than the full 2000.
Goku: Know what?
Chichi: He knows that which he knows.
Goten: O.o...
Bulma: Why do I have to be weak? I want to be strong! Make me strong dammit!
Trunks: Get over it.


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