Rad Dead Redemption
by Alpha Light Bearer     More by this Writer
Raditz is given a second chance to redeem his soul. He's brought back to life, temporarily, and is under his surviving younger brother's supervision.
Beforehand, he is bound by three inescapable sets of braces: cuffs on his wrists, ankles, and dick/tail that will release him, one by one, after three tests are completed. In order to gain full redemption, he must prove himself to Goku.

First test: Save his life, second test: Make him proud, and third test: Gain his love.

A pair of magnificent, well-developed thighs attached to a body that belonged to a god-like, chiseled warrior carried the incomer's massive weight towards a grand mahogany desk at the end of a huge chamber. A long tail, accompanied by an even longer set of dark, luscious strands, swung back and forth with every step as the armor-clad figure neared the red giant seated on a heavy chair and waiting for the fresh soul to stand before him.

"Raditz, heir of Bardock, you have done much damage to others. Your heart is impure, and your spirit is evil. As such, I hereby condemn you to the Sixth Layer of Hell: Guilt and Remorse, where you will spend eons atoning for your unforgivable actions committed during your mortal lifetime. 

"During this period of suffering, you will lose your physical body, and your mind will be forever restless, tormented until you have conquered all the levels of hellish labyrinths and reached the realm of Hfil. There, you will be allowed to start anew. You will earn rewards for every good deed, and in due time, will be able to purchase a physical body of your choosing, along with other-"

The sizable phone on the giant's desk rang, and the great being grumbled before answering it.

"King Kai, what is this about? I'm busy at the moment. He what? …He wants me to what?! This is a highly unusual request, King Kai! And who does he think he is to order me around- Yes, I know he's saved me a lot of paperwork! Oh, so Uranai Baba is to blame for this. Well, you can tell that little runt he can't exploit me like that! …He did, eh? Hmph. Then let him know that his bag of favors has run out, and this request will make us even again. Yes, yes, I'll think of a way to restrain the brother. Oh, he will redeem himself or be sent to the burning pits of the Underworld. Fine, there will be no time limit. Uh-huh. Just make sure to tell that goodie-two-shoes that this settles all my debts to him. Alright, goodbye, King Kai."

King Yemma placed the receiver back on the base and crossed his fingers atop his desk, thinking on how to go about this new turn of events.

"Well?! I ain't got all cycle to be waiting for ya to finish yer dammable, boring speech!" The Saiyan standing in front of the grand desk barked out after getting tired of examining the hole in his chest plate.

"HOLD YOUR TONGUE, MORTAL!" King Yemma bellowed, pointing at the small ex-lifeform standing on the marbled floor below.

Raditz clicked his mouth shut, his sharp fangs hitting against each other, and remained silent. The submissive action still didn't change the fact that he was pissed beyond belief at the actions that had transpired on that mudball planet where his younger brother was sent to, years ago, by his parents.


"Why- YOU WRETCH!" Raditz shouted as Kakarot hooked his arms under his bulkier ones and locked him in place from behind. He couldn't believe his younger brother would use that small window of distraction to play him dirty like that. It was, at the same time, exhilarating and infuriating. Having his blood and kin so nearby sent a thrill down the larger warrior's spine and into his tail. Under different circumstances, Raditz would've reacted differently, perhaps by purring and running his tail up and down Kakarot's smaller body.

"I shoulda killed ya!" This, of course, was said in the heat of the moment. It was an empty threat meant to spur on his opponent, make them become more invested in the fight.

It had all been fun and games; Raditz trying to get out of the hold, Kakarot showing off his own strength, both exerting themselves, sweating, muscles trembling from exhaustion… until his little brother called for Piccolo to fire his attack.

"Piccolo!" Goku grunted, trying his hardest to keep this enemy of humanity under control, "Piccolo, yer attack! LET'S GO!"

The green alien standing a few yards away cackled evilly, "Goku, sometimes you amaze even me. Now, hold tight. This will take some time. AND DON'T LISTEN TO ANYTHING HE SAYS!"

At this moment, Raditz knew he had fucked up. His sibling was being serious about sacrificing his own life in order to kill him. Panicking, Raditz couldn't think of anything to say that would convince Kakarot to let him go. 

"See, it never pays to tell a lie now, does it?" Goku taunted his rival.

"Oh, ya little scoundrel!" The long haired Saiyan considered telling Kakarot the truth of why he was here, why he had memorized this planet's coordinates since he was a child in order to come fetch him one day. But the battle had soured, and in Raditz's mind, any truths, any open admittance and humiliation would fall on deaf ears. As such, he resorted to struggling and trying to get the younger Saiyan off him.

"Piccolo, hurry up!" Goku shouted, "I can't hold him much longer!"

Raditz made another attempt at loosening the hold, but the pain in his chest from Gohan's attack was debilitating him more than he had anticipated. He didn't want to accept that he might have some serious internal damage. How could that little brat's attack weaken me so much?!

As a last resort, the tall and burly warrior used logic and manipulation to convince his brother to let go and spare his life. "Kakarot, yer a fool! How do ya expect to dodge that beam and hold me at the same time?!" 

"Yer right, I can't. We'll both go." 

"WHAT?! THAT'S INSANE!" Raditz was pulled backwards as Kakarot got into a better position for Piccolo's attack to hit at a straight angle. "Ya'll be killed, is that what ya want?!"

"If it's the only way for me t' beat ya…"

"Hold on, Goku. I'm almost ready!" The Namekian informed his temporary comrade.

"No, ya don't! No way!" His younger brother's words were sinking in, reality was beginning to hit. If Raditz couldn't get out of this hold, he and his sibling would die.

"Piccolo, my ribs are broken, hurry!" Goku gasped; the pain he was feeling all over his body was immense and unbearable. He was tempted to just let the tall invader free in order to stop the further cracking of his bones.

"I'm almost there, Goku! Hang on!" 

The scouter on Raditz's face bleeped a warning, showing the level of ki that was being collected nearby. "One thousand four hundred and forty?! NO!!! IF THAT HITS, WE'RE FINISHED!"

"Hey, Kakarot! Look, if ya don't let me go- right now- we're both gonna die." Now, more concerned for his brother's life, Raditz began to panic, anxiety seeped out of his pores and filled the air around them with the acrid scent of fear.

"What's wrong? Ya seem a little scared, Brother," Goku shot back, preparing himself to die selflessly for the good of humanity.

"Yer a Saiyan! Don't sacrifice yerself for these Earth scumbags!"

"It's nice t' know that yer so worried about me!" The shorter warrior grunted with the last bit of his strength.

I AM worried about ya! Raditz wanted to scream this at the top of his lungs, but his Saiyan pride and concern about being judged as a sentimental fool overrode his own desire to live.

"Prepare yourself, Goku. It's time!" Piccolo readied his attack, and Raditz's heart leapt into his throat. His baby brother was about to be killed. It was the only thought rushing through his mind. Save him. Save him. SAVE HIM.


"KAKAROOOT!!!" Raditz yelled out his brother's name, desperate to avoid Death to come for them both. If he had to die, so be it, but he'd be damned if he let the reason he fought for, pressed on for, kept moving forward for, die.

The spiral beam shot towards them. His brotherly instinct took over Raditz's entire body, and in a last resolute attempt to keep his brother safe, the long haired Saiyan twisted his leg at an unnatural angle, just as the Namekian's attack was piercing his chest, and kicked Kakarot away to safety.

Goku let out a yelp of pain as more ribs fractured. Falling to the ground, he lifted his face to see Piccolo's attack pierce through his brother… who at the last second saved him?

With a pain-filled shout, the newest threat to Earth fell to the ground, coughing blood all over the green earthian grass. Raditz turned on the scouter with a shaky hand to connect with his Saiyan comrades, who were light years away from him, in order to communicate with his lover one last time.



A booming voice startled Raditz, making him flinch and his tail puff out, "Yer boring me, I almost fell asleep!"

"I am one step away from sending you to the deepest layer of Hell, young warrior. NOW, PAY ATTENTION! I will not repeat myself," King Yemma bellowed in his deep, imposing notes.

"You will be given three sets of cuffs. Each of them requires you to complete a challenge in order to release you. They will also prevent you from running away-"

"I'm sorry," Raditz interrupted in a sarcastic tone, "what the fuck are ya talking about?"

The red giant sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Your younger brother requested you to be brought back to life, temporarily, to give you the opportunity to redeem yourself and not have your soul condemned to eons in Hell."

"My… brother?" The Saiyan's heart began thumping in his chest rapidly as he bit his lower lip nervously. His brother had asked this red, beastly fellow to revive him? And at what cost?! Raditz couldn't believe his luck; he would have another chance to be with his younger sibling again, and hopefully, he wouldn't make a mess out of things this time around.

"Indeed. Now, the first set of rings-"

Two intricate designs that gave shape to a brace on Raditz's forearms appeared, turning into a deep red that flowed with yellow swirls. The long-haired fighter assumed this was the red being's energy mixed with his own ki.

King Yemma looked proudly at his design on the soul's wrists, "In order to dispel them, you need to save your brother's life-"


"First time doesn't count. Second-"

Another pair of braces enveloped Raditz's ankles; the Saiyan warrior pushed down the shaft of his boots to see the same artistic designs, red and yellow, adorning the base of his sharply defined legs.

"Make your brother proud, and these, too, will disappear," the deity enunciated.

"And I wonder where the third pair is gonna-" Raditz froze as he felt warmth curl around the base of his tail and dick.

"Third and final test: gain his love," a wicked smirk appeared on King Yemma's face. "Incidentally, you won't be able to find release until these braces release you. No pun intended."

"THIS IS ABSOLUTE COCK!" The Saiyan shouted back.

"Ah, see? You get the spirit," the huge being chuckled in a rich baritone. "To ensure you don't escape, you cannot go far from Goku. A few yards should be enough to give you privacy and to allow Goku to keep an eye on you at all times."

"JUST SEND ME TO HELL!" The Saiyan barked back, feeling mighty uncomfortable with the cuff tightened around his tail gland as said tail wooshed angrily between his long hair.

King Yemma shrugged, "I owed Uranai Baba one. Not to mention, I'll be out of debt with your little brother once and for all. So, no, you won't go to Hell. Where's the fun in that?"

The Saiyan's eyes widened, and he was about to throw back an insult of the worst kind to the giant oaf in his native tongue when the Otherworld King clicked his fingers and Raditz's vision turned dark.

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