Shattered and Scarred
by A'Nore     More by this Writer
Warnings- AU, OOC, YAOI, RAPE, and general writer randomness, sadistic humor or just plain lack of humor, Goku as a sex kitten, authoress' own opinion, stupid disclaimers, Vegeta afraid of the dark, and the list goes on and on and on....

Image by 'Herumon Runta'

Chapter 1
Shattered and Scarred

By A'Nore and L'Orn

Disclaimer- *L'orn bangs head against keyboard* Do I have to spell it out! I N O O W N! And Xero Sky won't let me have Vejiito either. Damn it!

Chapter 1

I used to be the kind of guy
Who'd never let you look inside
I'd smile when I was crying
I had nothing but a life to lose
Thought I had a lot to prove
In my life, there's no denying

Goodbye to all my yesterdays
Goodbye, so long, I'm on my way

I've had enough of cryin'
Bleedin', sweatin', dyin'
Hear me when I say
Gonna live my life everyday
I'm gonna touch the sky
And I'll spread these wings and fly
I ain't here to play
Gonna live my life everyday

Change, everybody's feeling strange
Never gonna be the same
Makes you wonder how the world keeps turning
Life, learning how to live my life
Learning how to pick my fights
Take my shots while I'm still burning

Goodbye to all those rainy nights
Goodbye, so long, I'm moving on

I've had enough of cryin'
Bleedin', sweatin', dyin'
Hear me when I say
Gonna live my life everyday
I'm gonna touch the sky
And I'll spread these wings and fly
I ain't here to play
Gonna live my life everyday

Hit the gas, take the wheel
I just made myself a deal
There ain't nothing gonna get in my way


Goodbye, so long, I'm moving on

I've had enough of cryin'
Bleedin', sweatin', dyin'
Hear me when I say
Gonna live my life everyday
I'm gonna touch the sky
And I'll spread these wings and fly
I ain't here to play
Gonna live my life everyday

I, oh I, oh I, I'm gonna live my life everyday
I (gonna touch the sky), oh I (spread these wings and fly), oh I,

I'm gonna live my life everyday

......................Everyday by Bon Jovi

It had started as a ruse. Almost a dare. He would call it a battle of wits, except brains weren't usually involved on his end. He had willingly, all but eagerly walked into it knowing that. Koola's obsession had put him in a position of some value in the small group of rebels. The Ice-jin's empire spanned across nearly twenty different galaxies, hundreds of planets were under its cruel tyranny. Kuld was the actual ruler, based on their home planet, he controlled everything, while his sons sailed space to enlarge his empire and enforce his dominance. Frieza controlled the empire's military forces, including all planet purging. Koola was the empire's diplomat, making deals and contract between the empire and its allies.

He had become Koola's favorite bed warmer and then battled his way through the ranks to become his strongest elite. What information he couldn't access as Koola's personal slut, he was always informed of as his top ranked soldier. Ironically the vicious and cruel ruler had a fondness for his pet monkey and shared everything with him. And he repaid the help by always being at Koola's beck and call, smiling and willing. If Koola wished to reward someone with his favors, he'd grin and nod eagerly. Then Koola would listen in delicious anticipation as he relayed every juicy detail of the encounter, always unknowingly and innocently passing along information that Koola found of use as well as any succulent details that Koola used to fire his own passions. And after he had satisfied the Ice-jins perverted desires, he passed along all that useful information and any tidbits he managed to pick up from Koola, to his real commander. No one would believe that there was any type of serious thought in his mind beyond who his next lay was going to be. No one considered him smart enough or devious enough to join in the rebellion against the Ice-jins, but he was. He was part of the game, one he didn't wish to play anymore, but was honor-bound to complete.

Of course he wasn't the only spy in the Ice-jins' court. And though he had never had direct contact with the others, he was in a position to deduce who they were. And if he was found out, in all likelihood they would be suspect to. His current assignment had gotten him away from Koola and back to Vegeta-sei, not a minute too soon. For some reason he had been on edge the last year and was afraid he would finally break under the strain. His natural good luck had saved his hide several times already. But now wasn't the time to push it, they were too close.

Soldier. Slut. Spy. His life revolved around those three roles. He was remarkably proficient at all three, so talented that most could not disassociate between the first two. And there were very few alive that knew of the last. Now he was finally allowed a breather, a moment's respite in a war that few even knew about. A war he spent fighting on his back. He hissed in annoyance at the thought. He really wished he wasn't so good at that particular job. Well some days. His next target might prove to be more pleasure than work, at least he had thought so at one time. If fact he had all but begged for this particular assignment, and there were few who could refuse him when he was on his knees.

He chuckled out loud at that image. Well vacation was over; it was time to put those natural abilities of his to work. He had to get close to the royal court and he had already selected his next benefactor. Of course he hadn't seen the other man in over ten years so he would just have to trust in his skills. He would have to be careful though. It was time to use more than pure sex appeal to get what he wanted; this prey was smarter than his usual conquests.

The twin suns hung hot over the training grounds. After more than a week of sightseeing to familiarize himself with his home planet again, Kakkarot had arrived early this morning hoping to get a decent work out, it was now mid-afternoon and he hadn't even broken a sweat. Word of his little demonstration in the hangar bay had obviously made the rounds, because most of his partners tried to grope him instead of fight. Not that he minded a good groping, in fact he didn't mind at all, but they weren't even good at it. Most of his partners had relied on force instead of any skill. And skill was very necessary when you tried to feel someone up. Well if that's what it took to get a decent workout, he'd give them what they wanted.

Finding an opening in his current partner's defense he landed a sharp kick to the man's midsection that sent the young recruit crashing into the rock wall on the other side of the training grounds. That particular soldier was definitely going to need the regeneration tank after they scrapped him from the wall. But damn it, he was getting tired of boys who played at fighting. He needed a challenge. So he would offer one. Allowing his white aura to burst around him he flew up into the air roaring and spinning wildly to gain the attention he wanted. All eyes turned to watch his display. His laughter rang out over the various sparring arenas.

"I came here hoping to get a good workout, not to play some child's game of tail tag. Is this the best Vegeta-sei has to offer? I haven't even broken out in a sweat. Isn't there anyone here that can make me hot?" He allowed his tongue to lick hungrily over his lips as he drawled out the last word. Then he sweetened the challenge as he let his hands roam over his chiseled chest, fingers lightly stroking taunt nipples through the skintight cloth of his body suit. He was thankful he had left his armor in his room. Pale hands slowly skimmed in sharp contrast against the blue spandex, caressing each muscle as they slid from his chest over his defined abdomen. He allowed a soft purr to escape his throat as he looked languidly at the crowd below him. His hands glided over his groin before coming to rest against powerful thighs. His blue black tail swayed enticingly behind him before it encircled his thigh, the tip tapping lightly against his hardening member.

"Isn't there anyone here who can last thirty minutes with me in the squared ring? I could go all night, but I'm only asking for thirty minutes...Thirty minutes exchange very own version of tail tag later..." Kakkarot's unwrapped his tail from around his thigh and let it slide and slither between his legs, over his prominent erection. Silence filled the fields. He could feel the lust filled gazes feverishly devouring him and he wondered for a moment if he had gone to far.

"Seems you have a problem there, Kakkarot," a deep voice rang across the sparring grounds. "Maybe I could be of some help with it."

Kakkarot turned to the voice; shock then pleased surprise filling his features. He really hadn't expected to have his objective drop into his hands like this. Kakkarot's famous luck strikes again. Lounging lethargically against the far wall, his two body guards standing rigidly at attention by his side, was Vegeta, Prince of all Saiyans, an intense gaze watching the blue black tail that was still slithering back and forth over his prominent length. Kakkarot chuckled to himself; it seemed that he wasn't the only one who liked the feel of tight spandex. Black spandex stretched and dipped over the hard definition of every muscle of the prince's body, showing off broad shoulders, a tapered waist, slender hips and lean muscular thighs. White boots and gloves completed the ensemble. Kakkarot body shivered with anticipation as his dark chocolate gaze locked with the hard onyx of his prince. He floated over the now bowing spectators before letting his aura recede and landing gently on his feet in front of the heir apparent. Leisurely he sank to one knee, his head not quite bowed, just barely showing respect. A gold filigree decorated tail waved boldly behind him, scenting the air around him with the heavy musk of his arousal, as he waited for permission to rise.

"I have no problems in your presence, my prince." Kakkarot glanced upward through thick black lashes, his mouth quirking into a small inviting smile. "For I live only to serve you, in any way you desire."

"As you should," the voice deepened causing a shiver of delicious pleasure to trail its way up Kakkarot's spine, as Vegeta moved away from the wall and walked closer to the kneeling Saiyan. One hand lightly brushed the unruly hair away from the younger man's face before trailing over a high check bone to a strong chin and tipping it further upwards. "But I am a generous man, and willing to grant you your request. Thirty minutes, right?"

Vegeta gestured for Kakkarot to rise and follow him to the closest sparring arena. Kakkarot caught his older brother's eye and winked at him slowly. Radditz moved closer and growled softly. "What game are you playing, baby brother?"

Kakkarot allowed his blue black tail to briefly twine around his brother's dark auburn one, lightly ruffling the fur, before answering. "I'm not playing at anything, I'm completely serious. For once," he smiled gamely as he finished. "Quite a bit of hair there, brother dearest, must be so very inconvenient in battle. I will admit it is quite the turn on though. Ever thought about cutting it?"

Radditz snarled something that didn't quite reach his brother's ears when Vegeta stopped and gave orders to his two bodyguards. As they stood facing each other, eyes never leaving the other, they waited as Nappa and Radditz cleared the sparring grounds of most of the soldiers loitering there. At Vegeta signal, Kakkarot crouched into a fighting stance and waited for the prince to make the first move. He didn't have long to wait.

Vegeta flew at him, fist raised to strike his face. It never connected. Kakkarot twisted bringing up his foot and made glancing contact with Vegeta's left side. Vegeta spun away only to deliver a roundhouse kick to Kakkarot's chest, that sent the younger man flipping back. He barely managed to block Vegeta's next attack. 'Damn I hate being on the defensive,' Kakkarot thought ruefully, 'But it will pay off in the end.' Jumping back he managed to avoid a kick aimed at his face only to find that Vegeta had materialized behind him, a knee slamming into his spine and tossing him forward. Rolling twice then flipping to his feet he turned to face a smirking Vegeta.

"Come Kakkarot, surely you can do better than this?" Vegeta mocked. "Weren't you one of Koola elites?"

Kakkarot eyes narrowed slightly as he went on the offensive. 'Forget this shit!' He thought.

Vegeta anticipated the first attack. But as he blocked the fist aimed for his face, Kakkarot spun around, his knee driving into Vegeta unprotected ribs, forcing the prince to the side. Vegeta spun to face his opponent to find Kakkarot above him, and a well-placed kick to the back of his head, had Vegeta face first on the stone floor. He flipped over, then up on his feet and managed to block the next few attacks. Frustrated he snarled furiously, then smirked again as he noticed something very important. Kakkarot's tail swayed lazily behind him, instead of being secured around his waist like Vegeta's.

Heat melted up Kakkarot's spine as he felt a hand trail along his tail. He turned to see Vegeta smirking at him, a dark mischievous look on his face. Twirling around Vegeta's waving index finger, glinting gold in the harsh Vegeta-sei sunlight, was one of his filigree tail bands.

"Missing something?" The dark liqueur voice washed over already sensitive nerve ending, making Kakkarot shiver in response.

"Keep it...a souvenir..." He breathed in deeply trying to control his racing thoughts. He wrapped his tail back around his waist. This fight was far from over. Absently he scratched at the gold cuff encircling his arm, before once again crouching in defense. Fist met flesh. Contact made then broken. Half an hour stretched to one, then two and neither would give in to their exhaustion, continuing to battle. Until another mistake...

"Vegeta...let go." Kakkarot cautiously tried to take a step back, his tail once again caught in the prince's grasp.

Vegeta laughed and just barely tightened his grip. "Why?" Then raked his fingernails along the length ruffling the fur. Kakkarot sank to his knees, his breath ragged as shockingly strong waves of pleasure danced up his back. This wasn't the first time someone had pleasured him by stroking his tail, but it had never been this intense.


"Such language! Is this how you speak to your prince? Just for that I think I'll need to collect another one of your souvenirs..." The hand that had been playing along his blue black length clutched just a little firmer and Kakkarot arched back trembling, his body responding to the powerful sensory stimulus it was receiving from Vegeta's skillful fingers. A smooth gold band slid delightedly as it was moved slow and torturously along the fur. He shuddered one last time, as the gold band slipped loose and Vegeta's hand let go. Well two could play at that game! Kakkarot turned to face Vegeta an easy open smile spread across his face.

"Nice, but I thought we were going to wait until later to play..." Kakkarot slowly got to his feet, not advancing but carefully perusing the Saiyan Prince. Yes, he was going to enjoy this, very much. "...Tail tag?" As it swayed seductively behind him, his tail perfumed the air with the warm sweet musky scent of his arousal.

Vegeta crouched in anticipation of attack, eyes narrowed and smirk replaced by a scowl, as he closely watched Kakkarot's movements. Unexpectedly, Kakkarot fazed out and reappear behind him, locking his arms behind his back. There was a faint whisper of breath against his ear before something hot and wet mouthed, tongued and toothed it gently. Fur glided over tight spandex as Kakkarot's tail slid around his thigh. He realized just how labored his breath was from Kakkarot's exploration. Hissing out loud in annoyance he struggled to break free. Stopping as sharp canine nip harshly at his neck without breaking the skin, before warm moist heat eased the pain. He shuddered, maybe this wasn't a good idea, instead of pleasure, and he felt trapped. Desperately he tried to flip Kakkarot over his shoulders, but the younger man was ready and broke free before Vegeta could finish slinging him away.

Kakkarot flew upwards, twisted around and slammed his leg against Vegeta's back, forcing him forward into the ground. Landing beside Vegeta, he quickly flipped him over and straddled the lithe prince, grabbing both of his hands and forcing them over the elder's head. Vegeta's breath was labored and his eyes glared with anger. Kakkarot just laughed. He brought his tail up to stroke lightly over Vegeta's face, letting it trail over his forehead, cheek, and then chin. Leaving his scent behind, before it slithered down the prince's neck and stroked across a broad muscular chest, teasing at the nipples that now stood prominent against the skintight material. His warm dark eyes flitted upward to catch Vegeta's black glittering ones, only to find them staring off to the side. Surprised, he felt a slight trembling beneath him. The eyes flashed back around to meet his.

"Get off me, you low class fool!" Vegeta words were harsh and demanding but his eyes silently begged. 'Begged for what?' Confused Kakkarot slowly stood up, only to have a flash blind him as Vegeta's blast sent him skidding outside the ring to land on the hard ground below it.

"Fuck!" He gingerly rolled over to find Vegeta hovering above him, smirking of course.

"Yes, Kakkarot, I think that is exactly what you owe me. I am having dinner with my father this evening, I will expect you in my chamber's afterwards." With those words Vegeta flew off, not waiting for any response from a now grinning young Saiyan.


The cuff had been tingling for a while, ever since his little show on the training fields and all during his fight against Vegeta. It wasn't a painful feeling, more of an itch really; just strong enough to know it was there. Kakkarot hurried down the hallway to his room, making sure the door locked behind him. Carefully he slipped the cuff from around his bicep and used his fingernail to trigger a small switch that was imbedded in the Vegeta-sei crest. Laying the gold armband down on the floor he sat down on the bed as a seven-foot hologram of a man filled the room. Kakkarot leaned back on his elbows, making himself comfortable, as the insubstantial man turned to face him. The powerful green figure was the embodiment of the perfect Namekian warrior. Every inch of him screamed danger. Dark eyes hungrily drank in every muscle that rippled and flexed under the long white cape. The Demon King was one fine specimen, Kakkarot mouth went dry just looking at him. Unfortunately the Namek was asexual. Which seemed to be a complete waste of all that sculpted power.

"Report," the image demanded.

"Step one is complete Piccolo, contact has been made." Insolent. Mildly challenging. Daring. Kakkarot personified every one of those characteristics whenever he spoke to the rebel leader.

"I trust you managed some discretion," Piccolo replied wryly.

Staring at the image, Kakkarot choked back his laughter then cleared his throat. "I suppose that depends on one's definition."

Piccolo eyes narrowed. "My definition is an accepted standard: demonstrating good judgment, being prudent, not attracting notice."

"Aaah," Kakkarot said one dark brow kicking up as he winked at the Namek. "Well, there you have me. Afraid I attracted some notice."

Piccolo merely stared at him before he finally surrendered with a sigh. " Of course. You might as well tell me the whole story now. I find the application of torture so tedious these days."

Grinning Kakkarot launched into his tale of his afternoon at the training fields. His recitation was no more flattering to his character than the actual events had been. Since there was no point in taking refuge in his own embarrassment at letting things get so completely out of hand, Kakkarot simply acknowledged it.

Piccolo was quiet for a long time. "I suppose," he finally said, "that it could have been worse. Though it's difficult to see how."

"I could have won."

"That would have been better, not worse." Piccolo waved aside any more of his protege's attempts to be helpful. "You've renewed your acquaintance. That is something at least. Was there any one there to witness your introduction?"

"There were quite a few loiters on the fields. If they didn't see it, they will hear about it soon enough. He had his bodyguards, Nappa and my brother Radditz with him. That should accomplish what I want, I can safely rely on them to spread the news of my comeuppance. It will soon be public knowledge that I am Vegeta's latest trick."

"This is your own doing, I did not suggest that."

"It was spur-of-the-moment inspiration." He replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes. How else did Piccolo think he was going to get close to Vegeta? After all that was his specialty. The whole reason he was the one assigned to Vegeta-sei.

Piccolo withheld comment. He would allow Kakkarot to work out how he was to accomplish his mission. The younger man invariably did things his own way.

"I will need your assessment of Vegeta soon. We need to know what to expect if we are to proceed with our plans."

"I can tell you now that he has changed. He still wears his pride wrapped around him tighter than one of my body suits, but it seemed more for show. Of course, he can still fling the insults, but I can't entirely dismiss the idea that he is vulnerable, somehow. Not as cocky as he once was."

Piccolo frowned. It was not precisely what he wanted to hear, though he was uncertain of what Kakkarot could have said that would have satisfied him. "Is he in league with Frieza?"

Kakkarot shrugged. "I honestly couldn't say. Ten years ago I would have denied it. But now...there's definitely unease about him. His confidence is gone."

"How would you assess the risk to yourself if I asked you to continue?"

"I certainly would go on more cautiously than I began." Kakkarot frowned slightly. "Are you asking me to stop now? I haven't had an opportunity to gather any information yet."

"I need to consider this further. For now continue as planned."

Kakkarot's frown deepened. It was unlike Piccolo not to have made a decision from the outset. The fact that he was reexamining caused him to wonder.

"What has happened since we talked last?" He questioned sitting up.

"It is no use hiding it from you, I am sure you suspected. Zarbon was our spy under Frieza. He made a mistake, we managed to remove him before Frieza found out, but it was a close call. But we've lost our other spy in Kuld's court and they have taken your friend Sauza to The Pit"

"Damn...Was Sauza involved in the rebellion? I could have sworn he wasn't!" Kakkarot paced back and forth in the small room, his tail swinging frantically from side to side behind him.

"No, but they suspected him. Probably because they don't think you have the brains to be a spy and he was the next obvious choice, being Koola's second ranked elite. Does he know anything he shouldn't?"

"No, I didn't want to take the chance, he was too loyal to Koola. You have to get him out. Frieza won't care if he's innocent or not. He was my friend Piccolo, he doesn't deserve this."

"We can't trust him, he may go to Koola if he finds out you are involved." Piccolo tone brooked no argument, but Kakkarot wasn't listening.

"Fuck you Piccolo. Hire outside help if you have to, but get him the hell out of there! I will not reward his friendship with torture. You owe me this!" He slammed his hand on the table beside his bed causing it to crack.

"Calm down. It may be possible. Releasing him will certainly take the heat off of you by making him appear guilty. But we will have to find somewhere to hide him to keep him quiet."

"Ditch him on a planet without any technology. If he's not able to leave or communicate he won't be a problem. But he'll still be alive. That's all I ask."

"Fine, but do not expect any miracles. I will do what I can," and with those words Piccolo image disappeared. Kakkarot picked up the gold cuff and tossed it lightly from hand to hand for a minute before slipping it back around his arm. He still had his assignment to complete. Even if Piccolo was hesitant to continue, he had not scrapped it. So Kakkarot was to proceed as planned. First dinner with his father and brother and then to get ready for Vegeta.


Kakkarot would be here soon. Expecting what he couldn't deliver on. All he really wanted to do was crawl between the cool sheets of his bed. Perhaps lick his wounds. True, there were no visible scars from this afternoon's altercation, but his loss of control left him feeling wounded and out of sorts. He had felt that desperate fear of entrapment engulf him while in Kakkarot's grasp. Had almost reacted before he could control it. The frantic need to beg for release had clawed at him almost spilling from his lips in its eagerness to humiliate him.

What he truly wanted now was the thing he couldn't have: solitude. But in the quiet aloneness Vegeta felt a wave of fear uncurl inside him. Another quickly followed it. Then another. Fighting the tide was ineffective. It only left him exhausted. He drew a shaky breath instead and poured himself a drink. He needed Kakkarot's help and he would not let fear control him any longer. He had heard the rumors. He had to remove all doubt of his virility from the minds of others. And he would see if Kakkarot was willing to help him accomplish that.

He had been shocked at the actions of his boyhood friend. Maybe friend was too strong a word, the boy Kakkarot had liked to tag along and Vegeta had been more cruel than kind to him. But that had never stopped the younger Saiyan from spending every minute possible with his prince. Kakkarot had been the closest thing to a confidant the young prince had ever had. Maybe there was still some of that boy in the sensual creature he had faced today. He was certainly still playful and still smiled that ridiculous smile. Well it had been ridiculous on the boy, but on the man it only made him seem more inviting, more appealing.

He had recognized him immediately upon entering the training fields. Even as a boy, Kakkarot had looked remarkably like his father. Age had only enhanced that, making him almost identical, except for the blemish free skin, they could have passed for twins. He hadn't been aware that Kakkarot had return from his service to Koola. He had heard of the younger Saiyan reputation, but had brushed it off as hear say. That was until today. It seemed that Kakkarot's rather unique reputation had been well earned, and Vegeta wasn't talking about his fighting prowess. Even Vegeta had felt the heat rush through his blood at the sight of the other man practically pleasuring himself above a sparring field of lust crazed soldiers. Unfortunately the heat only lasted a moment before his lack of reaction drowned out his first impulse. Even that erotic display had done nothing to arouse him to hardness. But after all this time he knew it wasn't possible.

When the younger man had volunteered his renowned services in exchange for a good spar, Vegeta had actually seen red. Anger he didn't understand had been swiftly drowned out by the faint hope in the back of his mind that said, 'Here is a chance to prove all the rumors false.' And so he had accepted the challenge. And barely won.

That was something else that disturbed him. Kakkarot was a lot stronger than he appeared. It had taken all his ability to fight the younger man to a standstill. Not that he minded having a competent sparring partner, the problem was that it felt like Kakkarot was holding back. And he didn't like that.

Shaking his head as if to clear it, he finished the last of his drink and swiftly poured a second. Maybe the harsh warmth of the potent liquor would help him battle his fear. And if not, it would go a long way towards dulling his senses enough to sleep, maybe with out the nightmares for once.

Tossing back the burning liquid, his thoughts again turned dark. Kakkarot would be here soon.


Nappa and Radditz proved very reliable in repeating what they had witnessed -or what they had almost witnessed- that afternoon on the training fields. The first tidbit had been repeated offhandedly to his father that very afternoon. The bored soldiers had spread the story quickly through the barracks.

Kakkarot learned the scope of his success at dinner that night with his father. He had been greeted at the door by his brother, who was just a little bit too cheerful in his welcome to be dismissed.

"Radditz," he whispered in his brother's ear as they embraced roughly, "no one likes a tattle."

Radditz smirked at him. "Oh yes, they do." Then with a slant of his eyes he indicated their father had entered the room behind them.

"You still need a haircut," the tip of Kakkarot's finger glowed white with energy as he gestured at his brother's head. "I find myself in the mood to play barber."

"I don't think so."

Kakkarot smiled coolly, one brow lifting the merest fraction. "Just remember that the next time you wish to spread tales."





"Ill-mannered brats."

Kakkarot turned to his parent. "Father, you look well." He accepted the proffered tumbler of Vharaka and took a small sip. It wouldn't do to have his mind befuddled by drink this night.

"I heard about your little challenge today on the training fields." Bardock got right to the point.

"I was tired of sleeping alone," Kakkarot smiled widely and raised his glass in toast. "And now I won't have too."

"Were you looking for royal favor?" Bardock indicated the table and Kakkarot took a seat next to his brother, then proceeded to fill his plate.

"No, just a good fight, then maybe a good lay!' Kakkarot laughed at the look on his father's face. "But why not start at the top! Besides Vegeta and I were friends as youngsters so it is an acceptable arrangement for me. All that power and that sexy tight ass. I bet he's an animal in bed."

"Aren't all Saiyans?" His brother interrupted through bites.

"I wouldn't know, Vegeta will be the first Saiyan I've been involved with. Working for Koola kept me away from most of the Saiyan purging teams, regretfully." Kakkarot pushed his plate back and leaned forward on his elbow, turning to look at his brother. "You're his bodyguard, why don't you tell me what he's like. Is he as hot as he looks?"

"Vegeta's not been involved with anyone since I was assigned to him over five months ago. There's been talk that he's not interested in sex. Which is unheard of in a Saiyan. And there are absolutely no rumors of anyone he's been with floating around the purging teams either, though training under Freiza he had plenty of opportunity there."

"Maybe you both should remember just whom you are discussing here. Such talk could be deemed treasonous." Bardock thoroughly revolted by his offspring's gossiping decided it was time to leave. Kakkarot laughed madly as he slammed the door on his way out.

"Damn, I figured with him being royalty, he'd at least have a concubine or two...Maybe he's just particular about who he grants his favors to." Kakkarot continued where they had left off. He stood up and stretched, loosening limbs that still ached from his spar that afternoon with the prince.

"If he was that particular, he'd never have accepted your challenge. Everyone's heard of the best lay in the universe. You've seen more action in the sack than a purging team has kills." His brother's cruel smile turned to face him, but he ignored it. He wasn't going to fight with Radditz tonight, he had other things on his mind.

"Flatterer! Only the best for our Prince! Are you a little bit jealous, big brother?" Pushing back Radditz chair, Kakkarot straddled his brother's lap and slowly combed his fingers through the brown black mane that cascaded down to puddle on the floor, before nipping his brother's nose lightly. "Maybe I should show you a few of the tricks I've learned, after I'm done with His Royal Tightness. I have a reputation to uphold and all this hair gives me some really kinky ideas."

"Just tone down your colorful antics. You don't want to draw any more attention to the prince than you already have. He has a position of respect to uphold." Radditz's arms circle the younger's waist as he spoke and idly stroked the blue black tail from base to tip. Kakkarot couldn't reply coherently as the attention to his tail had him panting breathlessly against his brother's neck. He reflected wryly, that if Piccolo did not remove him from this assignment, the real gossip was only about to begin.


L'orn: *sipping lemonade* Sorry no lemon for you this chapter...

A'nore: But there was quite a bit of action! *winks*

L'orn: We really would like some feedback though...*pouts at lack of reviews* Is it really that bad?

A'nore: I thought everyone would embrace Kakkarot as a sex kitten *leers* I know I would!

L'orn: *scowls* Maybe we'll just put off that lemon for a few chapters if we don't get any.......


DBZ Yaoi BL Hub

Welcome to DBZ Yaoi BL Hub – the ultimate destination for DBZ Yaoi, BL (Boys Love) fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics.
Established in 2001, we proudly offer 20+ years of rare scanlations, exclusive artwork, and high-quality Saiyan BL stories.
Explore legendary pairings like:

✔️ Truhan (Gohan x Trunks)
✔️ Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta)
✔️ PiccoHan (Piccolo x Gohan)
✔️ Truten (Goten x Trunks)
Dive into our curated collection of:

✔️ Rare & fully translated Saiyan BL doujinshi
✔️ Expert character analyses & deep fandom discussions
✔️ High-resolution, remastered fanart
✔️ Classic & modern DBZ Yaoi stories

Join the DBZ Yaoi BL community & celebrate the passion, history, and evolution of Saiyan BL!

