Shattered and Scarred
by A'Nore     More by this Writer
Warnings- AU, OOC, YAOI, RAPE, and general writer randomness, sadistic humor or just plain lack of humor, Goku as a sex kitten, authoress' own opinion, stupid disclaimers, Vegeta afraid of the dark, and the list goes on and on and on....

Image by 'Herumon Runta'

Chapter 2
Shattered and Scarred

By A'Nore and L'Orn

Disclaimer: Calm Down! I'm working on it! Keep your pants on! *L'orn cocks head to side, thinking "on second thought..."*

Chapter 2

"Unfortunately I don't have time for this," Kakkarot said regretfully as he grabbed his tail from his brother's teasing hands. "I don't want to keep our prince waiting." He stroked a finger down the side of Radditz's face and leaned forward pressing soft, full lips to the firm ones beneath him. Radditz gasped at the sensation and felt a warm slick tongue dip in, stroking and tasting as it went, then pull away.

"Yes, very nice." Kakkarot licked his lips, eased off his brother's lap and strolled to the door. Placing his hand on the sensor to open it, he turned to face his brother once more. "Don't worry about Vegeta, I'll take good care of him." Winking, he left.

It was late. The corridors dark as he made his way to the prince's chambers. Nappa stood on guard outside the heavy oak doors. Kakkarot received an angry glare as he stopped to smile at the behemoth guard.

"Vegeta is expecting me." All he received in reply was a snarl punctuated by a grunt as Nappa shoved open the massive twin doors. Standing aside he allowed Kakkarot to enter.

The room was lit up like the afternoon sky. Bright lights chased away any chance of nighttime shadows. But Vegeta was no where to be seen. Kakkarot advanced into the room his eyes sweeping the expensive furnishings. Soft gauzy curtains floated in the evening breeze over open balcony doors. Thinking Vegeta might be out there, he headed that way only to be stopped by the sound of an opening door. He turned to find the prince lounging against the bedroom doorjamb in a short black silk robe, eyeing him while sipping dark liquid from a crystal tumbler.

"Kakkarot." Vegeta pushed away, raising his empty glass, he asked, "Would you like one?

"What are you having?"

"Vharaka." Vegeta headed for a table across the room that was laid out with several cut glass containers. Picking up one he started to unstoppered it, only to find it empty. He shoved it aside and reached for another.

"Umm, never mind, I've had enough for tonight," Kakkarot moved closer almost touching, watching as Vegeta refilled his glass. The decanter trembled slightly in the prince's hand before it was set back down. Vegeta looked at him quickly, fierce eyes snapping angrily, then turned away and gulped down his drink before slamming the glass on the table.

"I don't know what you're expecting here, Kakkarot. What happened today, shouldn't have. I didn't come to the training fields looking for a bedmate; I only wanted a decent spar."

Kakkarot smiled seductively as he moved closer his muscular thigh brushing against Vegeta's temptingly. "And we both got one. But the prospect of a new lover is very hard to resist. Besides you won my little challenge." A callused hand came up to caress the side of Vegeta's face. "I've been told I'm talented, let me reward you."

Vejiita jumped back, almost frantically moving away. Rubbing his fingers against the aching uneven scar behind his right ear, he moved towards the balcony. "I'm not looking for a lover," he almost spat as he said the last. "That isn't why I invited you here. I have a proposal I'd like to discuss with you instead."

The cool night air blew gently through the open doors and washed over Vegeta's heated flesh, soothing flushed cheeks. He was embarrassed at his behavior. His thoughts were confused and his tail swayed dejectedly behind him demonstrating it. He jerked at the sudden touched of warm hands massaging his shoulders through the light robe. Only pride kept him from tearing away and blasting the younger man. He forced himself to relax accepting the soothing motions. He would not show fear.

Kakkarot stared at Vegeta's back. He'd never been turned away before. And something was wrong, there was an off smell to Vegeta...something mingling with his usually fierce rich scent. Not desire...traces of ...fear?

"You need to loosen up, I won't do anything you don't like, I promise." Strong fingers kneaded and stroked Vegeta's neck and shoulders. It did feel good, relaxing.

"Kakkarot you don't have to do this...`"

Warm moist heat caressed his ear and he felt a light scraping of teeth against his ear lobe sending a shiver of delicious flame through him. "I know," Kakkarot answered. "But I want to."

"Why?" Vegeta jerked away, putting distance between him and the taller Saiyan. "Today is the first time I've seen you in over ten years. Why do you want me?"

"Vegeta, I'll be honest with you." Kakkarot reached forward, one hand lightly grabbing Vegeta around the waist to draw the resisting prince toward him. "I've been on planet for more than a week now, alone. I don't like to sleep alone and I don't want to sleep alone any longer. I've always liked you. You're strong, smart, and definitely sexy. Who wouldn't want you?"

"Just forget it. My duties keep me too occupied to add another distraction. We used to be friends, but don't assume that we still are."

"I'm not assuming anything. There are no strings attached to this. Besides sex with me is mind-blowing. Let me blow your mind..."

Then Kakkarot kissed him. The kiss was wet fire, igniting an answering need in Vegeta. That passionate mouth swept over his licking and tasting before delving inside in ruthless plunder. And how he responded. Vegeta's hands lifted to bury trembling fingers in thick, wild tangles, to pull Kakkarot closer and to kiss him harder, opening his mouth to yield to the exquisitely warm, luscious mouth that was pressed demandingly against his own. A moan of pure pleasure rumbled deep within his chest. Mine...

Vegeta's eyes flashed open and he froze, his hands and mouth withdrawing as he gapped at the younger man. "I can't do this."

"Look, I'm not expecting a life long commitment here. Why not take advantage of this?" Kakkarot couldn't believe he was actually begging Vegeta to sleep with him. Usually he had to beat potential lovers off with a stick and now the one person he really needed to get close to was rejecting him.

"Because I can't, you fool!" Infuriated Vegeta grabbed Kakkarot's roaming hand and pressed it between his legs. Kakkarot realized just how much the robe was hiding as his hand cupped the warm, malleable flesh between Vegeta's legs. Soft was definitely not the response he usually got when he was offering himself to someone. "I fucking can't!" Vegeta snarled.

Kakkarot stared down into Vegeta's eyes. Anger, disgust and fear flickered through Vegeta's black orbs as the prince glared back. "How...? Wh... What happened?" Kakkarot asked. Vegeta pushed him away and grabbed his empty glass, hastily filling it up. Gulping a portion of the burning liquid in one swallow he turned a fierce glare on the younger man as he explained harshly.

"I was severely injured while training under Frieza. I couldn't get to a regen tank to heal, so the injuries healed by themselves. When it was all over I found that I could no longer function."

Kakkarot was horrified at the revelation, and at what it had to cost Vegeta to tell him. "Are you sure?"

'Months have passed since it happened and there has been no improvement," Vegeta replied flatly. "I'm not the man I was, and I've accepted that I never will be again."

No wonder he had never felt the least trace of desire emanating from him. Here he was lusting after Vegeta, and Vegeta was trapped in his own solitary hell. "I'm sorry," Kakkarot whispered.

Vegeta swung around to face him. "I didn't tell you because I wanted your pity," he said harshly before continuing. "In order for you to properly evaluate my proposal, you must know the truth about me."

If Kakkarot had been prone to hysterics, now would be the perfect time to give into them. His plans were fucked. No obviously not fucked, just ruined. Here he was bone hard, anticipating a night filled with hedonistic delights, and his target couldn't participate. Well he could, but... His particular talents were a waste in a situation like this. Maybe the rebellion had sent the wrong spy to Vegeta-sei after all. The irony almost undid his carefully wrought air of self-assurance. Instead of giving into the suffocating waves of mirthless laughter that threatened to ruin his thin veil of control, he grabbed the glass from Vegeta's hand and swallowed the remaining contents in one breathless gulp. Then refilling it, he drank from the second one before he spoke again. Maybe he could salvage this. "What proposal?"

Vegeta moved away, ordering his thoughts before speaking, he turned back to the younger Saiyan scowling. " I don't know if you've heard the rumors about me. The ones that specifically discuss my present lack of any type of sex life. I wish to squash them. I'm hoping you will agree to help me in this."

"So you want me to be a diversion. Kakkarot the slut, newest trick for Vegeta, Prince of all Saiyans. No one would question your prowess with me in your bed." He rubbed his hand across the back of his neck, wondering if his infamous luck hadn't just dragged his ass out of the fire. Not wanting to appear to eager, he asked. "What do I get out of this?"

"What do you want?"

"Hum...I wasn't expecting this, so I'm not sure. How about you owe me a favor?" Kakkarot responded.

"One favor that is within my power to grant and is not detrimental to the Empire. In return you will do everything in your power to foster the appearance of a sexual relationship between us and keep the truth a secret." Vegeta clarified.

"Of course." Kakkarot agreed, nodding thoughtfully. "Well this will certainly be different," he continued, smirking.


"I've never been seme before."

"What?" Shaken Vegeta backed away, barely making it to the bathroom before vomiting. Heaves rocked his body as it purged itself of the spicy liquor he had been drowning his fears in.

"Are you okay?"

Rinsing his mouth out, he looked up to find Kakkarot's boyish face staring at him in the mirror, concern clearly etched on his features. Jerking his head down he ignored Kakkarot's inquiry.

"Listen, fool, I only want you to act like we are."

"But where's the fun in that?" Kakkarot moved closer, hands lightly dancing expertly along the prince's thick auburn tail. "Vegeta we're Saiyans. No one on this planet is going to believe we're having sex if they can't smell it. Or hear it..." Vegeta felt pleasure flow through his body making his head feel light and he sank back against the taller saiyan's chest. "Besides," he whispered in Vegeta's ear as he nibbled the lobe. "You'll love it...I promise..."

" you.. know?" Vegeta gasped, no one had ever made him feel this way before, and his body trembled against the powerful sensations.

"Because I do." Kakkarot grabbed Vegeta's hips and bucked against him, his hardening cock sliding delightfully between silk covered cheeks. "Nothing feels quite like it...Being filled..." Words whispered again and Vegeta gave himself up to the unusual feelings. "Hummm... the idea of fucking royalty has got to be the best aphrodisiac out there."

The words spoken flowed like ice water over his skin, washing away the previous heat. "I don't submit to anyone." Vegeta growled harshly as he shoved away from the younger man and returned to the other room.

"We all submit eventually. To something or someone." Frustration laced the first words, but Kakkarot followed, continuing evenly. "But I can wait."

"You'll wait forever!"

"Whatever." Kakkarot offhandedly waved away Vegeta's outburst. "For now I accept your proposal. But in order for it to be believable, we will have to spend quite a bit of time together."

"You can move in here. That should halt most of the rumors." Vegeta glanced around and indicated the door behind them. "There's a suite of rooms through that door that you can have for your personal use."

"No, we'll share a room and a bed." Kakkarot ignored Vegeta objections as he continued. "It's the only way this will work. There's too much risk that someone will find out. This may be your suite but it most certainly isn't private. Not only do your personal guards have access at all times, but servants wander in and out all day. And they know more and tell more than anyone else."

"Fine," Vegeta mumbled. "I don't sleep much anyway, so that won't be a problem."

"I have trouble sleeping sometimes too. What keeps you awake?" Kakkarot questioned, setting his glass down and pulling Vegeta over to the couch.

"Insomnia." Vegeta wasn't about to open up to the younger man, some things were best kept private and his irrational fear of the dark and the nightmares it brought was one of them.

"Usually it's nightmares that keep me up," Kakkarot said truthfully as he leaned back against the overstuffed cushions. "Being a member Koola's forces didn't leave me with very many pleasant memories."

"Hn." Vegeta wondered silently about what could have been so unpleasant that it would cause this normally cheerful Saiyan to have nightmares.


No nightmares. And no Vegeta either. Kakkarot stretched idly against the cool sheets wondering how long Vegeta had slept. After managing to bore Vegeta to sleep early this morning with tales of his service in Koola's Diplomatic Corps, he had carried the prince to bed and proceeded to climb in beside him. Naked.

Impotent. The heir to the throne of Vegeta-sei was impotent. It was the last thing he had expected, when he'd arrived the night before. He couldn't imagine a life without sex, especially when sex had been central to everything he'd done over the past five years. He grimaced. It would be like removing his tail, a mutilation beyond words. Now he understood why Vegeta was different, why there was uneasiness in his manner and why his confidence was shaken. But even with all this, his respect for the other man had risen several notches.

Now to fulfill his portion of the bargain. Breathing deeply he took in the lingering scent of the Saiyan prince. Rolling over to the side that Vegeta had vacated, he allowed his nude body to absorb the fierce rich scent. Now that he smelled like Vegeta, he only needed to add that wonderfully musk of recent sex to complete the pretense. And since Vegeta wasn't available he'd just have to do it the hard way, his cock twitching in response to the thought. Grabbing the rigid length he groaned at the sensation of his steel-like grip moving along smooth velvet skin. Masturbation was not the ideal solution, but since his newest lover wasn't making himself available, he had limited choices. He was going to get off, no matter what.


Kakkarot cleaned up, being careful not to rinse away all the evidence he had so diligently made.

Exiting Vegeta's bedroom he found the prince sitting on the balcony enjoying the crisp morning air and eating breakfast.

"Sleep well?" He asked as he seated himself across from the older man.

"Better than usual..." Vegeta's voice trailed off and his eyes widened as he caught the lingering scent in the air. "Did you...?" He couldn't complete the thought as he stared.

"Did I what?" Kakkarot feigned innocence as he worked on his own meal. Then pretending comprehension he continued, "Oh that..." Smiling he leant closer to Vegeta, his voice dropping to a husky whisper as he finished, "...I like to do that every morning, every afternoon and every night. But it's so much better when there's someone with me..."

"'re insatiable..."

"I certainly hope so!" Kakkarot chuckled, shoving his plate aside he surged up. "Well now that I'm satisfied, how about a spar?"


Their spar that morning had been more than satisfactory. It was unusual for Vegeta to be able to fight at the peek of his abilities, but with Kakkarot he didn't have to hold back. The fighting fields had been overflowing with soldiers, a ready audience for their hours long battle. He had barely won the fight and then only by knocking Kakkarot out of the ring again.

Vegeta smirked as he walked down the East corridor towards his father's private quarters followed by his two bodyguards, Nappa and Radditz. He remembered the eye-opening reaction that the two of them had been given all day. Kakkarot's rather appealing scent mingled with his only got stronger the longer they fought under the fierce twin suns. There were few that couldn't tell just where the lusty saiyan had spent the night.

Arriving at the massive double oak doors emblazoned with the Royal House of Vegeta-sei Crest, he waited as Nappa opened the door. His father stood from his desk and waited patiently for his son the approach. The frown on his father's face made his realize that this was about to be a conversation that he wouldn't enjoy.

"I've learned of your little exhibition match in the sparring grounds yesterday." King Vegeta began after the doors had closed leaving them relative privacy.

"I went to find a decent sparring partner and I have." Vegeta replied evenly.

"Ah yes, Captain Bardock's youngest, a superior fighter from all reports. Were you sparring when he spent the night in your chambers?" His father asked directly.

"I am an adult, what I do in my chambers is my concern." Vegeta huffed indignantly.

"I've heard stories about the boy;" his father went on, pausing to stare at his son briefly before continuing. "They say he was Koola's favorite."

"I already know he was one of his elites."

"That's not what I meant, young man."

"What Kakkarot did before we got together is of no consequence." Vegeta replied evasively. "Nor do I believe everything that I hear."

"My source is reliable; I would not have brought it up otherwise. I was informed the two of them were inseparable. That he stood beside Koola at many important diplomatic negotiations and that when he was on ship he slept in Koola's chambers."

"What is the point to this, Father?"

"I have no right to interfere in this aspect of your life, but be careful.... I realize he has resigned his position with Ice-jins, but for now it would pay to be careful of any information of importance that could get relayed back to them."

"You think he's a spy for the Ice-jins?" Vegeta asked incredulously.

"I don't know. I just find it coincidental that he has ended up in your bed a week after he landed." His father responded.

"We were childhood comrades before he left. There is nothing unusual about us wishing to renew our friendship after our return."

"Being careful will not affect a true friendship...That is all I ask."


"There's something else," King Vegeta started. "There are rumors that not only was he Koola's lover, but that he allowed Koola to pimp out his rather unique services to gain certain favors from various planetary leaders."

Vegeta was about to answer when the vid screen on his father's desk beeped, announcing an incoming call. Turning from his son, he frowned as he read the router, then pressed the button to find the object of their discussion smiling back at him along with his brother Freiza.

"Greetings Your Majesty," Koola smiled benignly as he bowed his head in proper respect. "And Prince Vegeta, it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, as well. I have heard such glowing reports about you." Vegeta nodded but did not respond.

"Lord Koola. Lord Freiza." King Vegeta also dipped his head stiffly in greeting. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"We will be in your sector at the end of the week and wish to meet with you. Our contracts are due for renewing and I thought this would be an opportune time to go over them." Freiza explained his eyes never leaving the young prince as he spoke.

"Of course, we will prepare for your arrival then," King Vegeta replied.

"Very good. As always, a real pleasure, Your Majesty." Freiza smirked at the Saiyan heir. "See you soon little prince." The vid screen went black just as Vegeta's fist smashed through it. Blood dripped from his wounded fist, but he didn't notice in the midst of his mind-engulfing fury. He also didn't notice the startled look of alarm that passed over his father's face. Powerful energy surged and sparked around him as his rage grew. Slamming open the balcony doors, Vegeta launched himself into the air.


Kakkarot didn't need a scouter to tell him that Vegeta was angry. One of the first things Piccolo had taught him, when he joined the rebellion, was how to detect the energy of others without the use of machines. The enormous waves of power and hate echoing off of Vegeta's aura beat at his psyche. Something was wrong. Employing yet another technique he had acquired since joining the rebels, Kakkarot pressed two fingers to his forehead and transmit to Vegeta's location.

The Great Barrier Desert was a barren wasteland that formed a semi-circle of death and decay around the fertile fields that surrounded Capital City. Few creatures could survive in it's midst and even fewer were able to trudge across it great width to the relative safety and blessed shade of the massive rainforest that grew on the other side. Vegeta had found the perfect environment to decimate in his anger.

Dust swirled around him, obscuring his view. Kakkarot slowly allowed his powerful aura to surge about him, protecting him from the onslaught of stinging sand and rock. Pushing forward, he searched for Vegeta in the eye of the unnatural sandstorm.

Though Vegeta had only been out here a few moments before he had arrived, the prince had powered up to the peak of his power and pushed dangerously past it. It burned like living flame, melting the sand under his hovering feet to molten liquid and causing the swirling bits of sand to fling away from him in the form of sharp glistening shards of glass. In the center of this glittering storm stood Vegeta, eyes wide open, but unseeing, his head thrown back in silent screaming, arms flung away from him and his body trembling from the tempest of energy he couldn't control.

He was burning himself up. Vegeta had lost control and the power was blazing through him. Blood trickles from his eyes and ears and his dark olive skin was turning a painful red as his body slowly started to smolder, each cell feeding the inner furnace he had ignited.

Kakkarot watched in horror as the black hair slowly started to fade into gold. Eyes the deepest shade of onyx flickered sea green for a moment. Vegeta was ascending, becoming the Super Saiyan as foretold. If he didn't break free from his rage soon, he would die before he ever finished ascension. Kakkarot couldn't allow that to happen. He wouldn't let Vegeta die.

Pouring all his energy into the aura surrounding him, he set two fingers to his forehead. Knowing he only had seconds, he drew a calming breath before he transmitted behind Vegeta. With a swift chop to the prince neck, he knocked him out then transmitted away. Vegeta's body dropped like a rock, hitting the already cooling lava with a lurch, the fiery heat crisping his already seared flesh. Kakkarot lifted him from the heated surface and stared in sick fascination at the bloody and scorched body he cradled. Most of the black spandex training suit had melted away. Fingers were blackened, as well as Vegeta's ears and the tip of his nose. Blisters rose and burst, skin pulling away wherever Kakkarot touched. Swallowing hard to keep from vomiting, he quickly transmitted to the gardens outside the palace. Hoping no one had seen him, but too worried about Vegeta's welfare to be overly concerned, he ran desperately through the busy corridors to the medical wing.

Kakkarot burst through the twin metal doors. Ignoring the startled medical personal, he gently laid Vegeta's damaged body in an open regeneration tank. Closing the lid, he swiftly programmed it before leaning against the cool glass. Healing green fluid enveloped the prince and health status readings started filling the computer screen next to the tank. One off-world doctor sat down to read them while a Saiyan technician, double-checked the tank programming, making minor adjustment.

"Will he be all right?" Kakkarot asked not daring to take his eyes from the floating body in front of him.

"Blood pressure is elevated, brain waves are erratic, body temperature is ten degrees higher than normal and more than ninety percent of his body is burned, more than fifty percent of that is deep tissue burns. Cellular degeneration has been halted though, and heart rate has stabilized." The off-world doctor replied in a guttural Saiyain, as he read from the screen in front of him. "You got him here just in time. Complete healing should take approximately six hours, using biological skin cells to speed the healing of the burns."

Kakkarot only heard two words. "Complete healing." Everything else he ignored. He didn't know how long he had been standing there when someone grasped his arm. Looking around he found King Vegeta speaking to him. Immediately he sank to one knee and bowed his head.

"What happened?" King Vegeta asked.

"I don't know. I found him like this and brought him straight here." He replied as he stood.

"Hn." Vegeta's father grunted, looking over the warrior his son had taken to his bed. "You are Bardock's youngest?"

"Yes, Kakkarot." He answered as he absently scratched at the irritating armband that encircled his left bicep. After taking on last lingering look at Vegeta he continued, "May I be excused Your Majesty?"

"Whatever.." King Vegeta waved off the young saiyan as he consulted with the medical technician. Kakkarot pivoted sharply on his heel and left the cold, sterile rooms.


He hadn't wanted to leave Vegeta alone in the regeneration tank, but the nerve tingling sensation around his left bicep was insistent. Piccolo would not have contacted him again so soon unless it was important. Hurrying down the deserted corridors toward his rooms, he pulled the gold arm cuff off his arm. Programming the door lock, he flicked the hidden switch and threw the armband into the middle of the bed. It bounced as it landed, making the holographic image of the demon king dance across his bed. Kakkarot muffled a snicker as he watched the stoic robed image perform.

"Your assignment has changed." Piccolo came right to the point.


"Frieza and Koola are headed towards Vegeta-sei. They should arrive by the end of the week."

"Damn! That's just what we don't need right now." Kakkarot sighed in frustration, he hated the unexpected. "Piccolo this is the worst timing; Vegeta's on the verge of becoming a Super Saiyan."

"Are you sure?" Piccolo demanded.

"I saw him! He almost burnt himself out. He's in the regen tank as we speak." Kakkarot started pacing the short distance between the wall and the bed. "Shit! He'll be stronger when he gets out; he may be able to ascend without even knowing it."

"Did anyone else notice?"

"No, we were alone. It was so brief that it probably only showed up as a flash of high energy on any scouters that were in the area, if it didn't destroy them. It would have been impossible to track."

"Keep him away from anything that might trigger the transformation. Keep all stress to a minimum. His ascension might be just what we need to finally defeat the Ice-jins, but it will not help us at all if we find him working for them instead of us. I do not like those odds."

"Neither does I." Kakkarot's hand rubbed furiously at the back of his head as he continued. "I expected a visit from Koola the next time he was in this sector. But what does Frieza want?"

"I have been informed that an assassination plot is in the works. The Ice-jins plan to kill King Vegeta. They want complete and utter dominion over the Saiyan Empire. And they assume they can get it by controlling Prince Vegeta. You will need to protect the prince and keep him away from Frieza as much as possible. I may also need you to remove him from Vegeta-sei if it becomes necessary.

"What about the King?"

"He is expendable...Prince Vegeta is not. The prince's power alone makes him a valuable asset. We can not afford to allow that power to fall into the Ice-jins hands. You said he was on the verge of ascension, which will make him the most powerful creature in the universe. Next to you."

Piccolo image fade away with his final words.


L'orn: This chapter started out longer than this, but we have taken the end of it and moved it to the beginning of Chapter 3 instead, so that we could go ahead and upload something for our adoring *looks around deserted room* fans...

A'nore: Bar fight, drunk saiyans and lusty big brother same bat time...same bat channel...


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