To Screw Or Not Screw
by Chibi_Trunks     More by this Writer
In the future timeline, Gohan watches Trunks from afar, yearning to claim him. One night though, Gohan can no longer resist and takes the initiative.

Author’s Notes: The story is told completely from Gohan’s point of view.

Chapter 02
Shaking my head, I get off him and stare at him with concern. I hate to disappoint him, but his safety comes before my desire. “Come on, we better get you home.” I say, almost whispering. “I’m fine!” he insists. I just shrug and brush my fingertips against the deep gash; he takes in a harsh breath and quivers as he releases it. “Yeah right Trunks, you don’t have to be so tough all the time – let’s go.” He crosses his arms arrogantly and turns to his side, away from me. I swear, sometimes he can be so childish, but that’s another thing I love about him. Even with the androids roaming around earth; destroying people and every thing else they see, my little koi still has an innocent side. Without hesitation I kneel next to him and lift him up. That’s strange…no struggle or protest, he only snuggles up to me; though he’s still wearing that disappointed and angry scowl.

I levitated off the ground, making sure not to disturb the lavender-haired beauty in my arms. As I begin towards my home which is near us, he shivers a little when I gain a little more altitude. That’s when I remember about his discarded shirt; oh well, we can get it later, but as for now I want to take him home and…um…take care of him.

A few minutes later I land softly in front of the dome-like house that my father had built himself. I walked in; the place was completely silent but then again what else should I be expecting? My mother now lives at Capsule Corp. with Bulma, so we only use this place when me and Trunks decide to take a long training session; after all, it’s next to the forest. (a/n: nice way to get them alone ne? ^_~)

“I’m tired!” he whines as soon as soon as I place him on the couch. “Just give me a sec, I want to take care of that for you or it will never close up.” I roll my eyes as I open the drawer next to the couch. Times like these I really appreciate my mom’s over-protectiveness – she always has a few medical kits around the house. I grab a small glass bottle and a box of tissues. “Now hold still, this might sting a bit,” I whisper, pouring some of the clear liquid onto a tissue. I don’t really know what the stuff is but mom told me it’s good for cleaning wounds. I swallow and place the soaked tissue at the top edge of his wound. Groaning, he flinches away but I won’t let him get his way that easily. My free hand shoots out and swiftly grabs his other shoulder. Man, his skin is soft; soft enough to compare against silk.

I take a lot of care to do something like this; I don’t want to cause any avoidable pain to him. I could never bear the look of pain of his face when he’s hurt, physically or emotionally. “Just hold still for a bit, I’ll be done soon.” He gives me one of his beautiful smiles that let me know he trusts me. Alright…back to the cleaning. I continue slowly, disposing each tissue after seconds of use; they all absorb the sweat, dirt and dry blood immediately.

Finally, after about 20 minutes I’m finished and man, am I tired. Glancing up at the clock I note that it’s just past midnight. We must have been training for longer than I thought. I look back at MY lavender haired angel; he’s already asleep and looks so adorable. If he ever found out that I describe him as adorable, he’d kill me. Once again I gather him in my arms and fly upstairs to the room once occupied by my parents. He grumbles as I lay him on the large double bed, but I ignore it and pull the blankets over him.

After staring at him for a good 5 minutes I lean down and brush my lips lightly against his velvet-soft ones in a feather light kiss. He snuggles into the creamy blanket, a soft smile stretching over his face.


My eyes snap open at a loud ‘thud’ sound, my heart skips a beat once I realize where it came from. Quickly getting to my feet in a tangle of sheets, I rush out of my spacious room and down the dark hall. Practically skidding to a stop. I take a deep breath and push the door open, flicking the light on as soon as it’s in my reach. I gasp in surprise and concern. There he was, sitting on the floor leaned against the large bed while rubbing his chest soothingly. “Sorry to wake you up,” he whispered in visible pain. “Tru-chan!” I’m next to him in moments, helping him sit back on the bed. My arms instinctively wrap around him and pull him onto my lap as I position myself in the centre of the bed.

“Are you hurt?” “Not that much. I just had a nightmare and I guess I was too close to the edge of the bed.” He snuggled up to me and closed his cerulean eyes, breathing softly. I hug him tighter as his arms affectionately wrap around my waist. If he doesn’t stop teasing me, I’ll go insane! I swear, he’s asking for it. Not that I don’t want to give it to him, but that’s beside the point.

“Don’t worry koi, it’ll be ok.” I whisper into his hair. “Gohan…please stay.” How could I resist such a sweet voice? I nod my head once and pull him to lay down with me. “It’s too hot.” he murmurs quietly. I look down at both of us; I’m wearing only a pair of dark green boxers and he’s wearing his training pants from earlier, but it IS hot, being a summer night and all. I get up and walk to the large window next to the bed, pushing it open. I sit back down with a mischievous grin. I’ve always wanted to do this. I grab the waistband of his pants and pull them off in one swift move. Figures, his boxers are dark blue silk…but I’m more interested in the rather impressive bulge between his legs, and I don’t think he’s even half aroused yet!

I shake the thought out of my head and lay back down next to him. He’s staring at the ceiling in deep thought. I wonder what he’s thinking about. “Trunks.” “How do you think our moms will react to us?” I’m glad that at least one of us thinks that far ahead; I never really thought about that. “I don’t know but no matter what, I love you.” His body immediately relaxes at my words. I can’t help but smile; I never imagined he’d be so comfortable with me saying that. There’s only one thing missing now. “I love you too.” Yep, it’s official; I’ve died and gone to heaven.


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