To Screw Or Not Screw
by Chibi_Trunks     More by this Writer
In the future timeline, Gohan watches Trunks from afar, yearning to claim him. One night though, Gohan can no longer resist and takes the initiative.

Author’s Notes: The story is told completely from Gohan’s point of view.

Chapter 03
“Gohan, wake up already. I think we slept in. GOHAN! Man, what do I have to do to wake you up?” I ignore the voice, as much as I can, and try to sleep again. Yep, that’ll definitely piss him off. Suddenly I feel something warm and moist on my lips. Mmmm, tastes GOOD…and familiar. My eyes flutter open just as Trunks draws back, chuckling. “Well that certainly worked.” That’s it, he’s dead! I try to sit up and grab him but realize that he’s firmly sitting on me; he just loves to torture me, doesn’t he? “Trunks, stop teasing or you’ll never get any.” I whine, pushing myself onto my elbows. He blushes and jumps off me in a matter of seconds.

I grin at him and stand up. He just stares at me curiously; waiting for me to make a move. He wants me to make a move? I can do that. I use my super speed and rush behind him before he can blink. My arms firmly wrap around his waist and I hold him tightly to my body. “Hey! That’s not fair Gohan.”

“Neither is this,” I lean down and press my lips to the crook of his neck, sucking the flesh lightly. He moans deep in his throat and leans his head to the side, giving me better access. Time for payback. I stop sucking on the delicious skin and ruffle his limb hair. “I’m hungry, lets have breakfast then we’ll do more training.” I grin and walk out of the room with a pair of training pants and a loose shirt. He’s glaring at me, I know he is.

“Gohan, you jerk! I’m not even gonna tease you anymore!” Yeah right, as if he wouldn’t. I get to the kitchen and open the fridge straight away. It’s full of meat and some other stuff but mostly meat. The carton of milk I grab is half-empty and I know that there is only enough for one person. Let me put that into an easier sentence – there is only enough for me. I walk to the dinning table, grabbing a bowel, a spoon and a box of cereal on the way. Hmm, wait a minute…why isn’t Trunks down? “TRUNKS!” No reply. I shrug and begin eating my breakfast.

Ten minutes has already passed, where could he be? Probably in the shower. SHOWER?! I drop my spoon and glance at the staircase. Should I? My baggy pants suddenly feel tight. Kami, just the thought of him naked is enough to arouse me; what would happen if I SAW him naked? Guess I’ll just have to find out, huh?

My feet seem to have a mind of their own as I realize that I’m already half-way up the stairs. I didn’t even notice that I was walking! Ok, I just have to calm down and not get excited. Never mind that I have to remember to breathe. The water in the shower is still running, so he must still be in there. The door squeaks open with a light push of my finger and I walk into the bathroom. Only to realize that nobody is in the shower. “Gohan, you pervert.” I spin around half-frustrated, half-impressed to find a grinning Trunks standing in the doorway. “You’re right, I can’t stop teasing you but I guess torturing is just as good.” he winks and begins to walk towards me, swaying his hips seductively. To my disappointment he walks straight past me and to the shower to turn off the water. Man, he’s good. Anyway, back to his hips. Very nicely curved I might add, and that’s easy to see thanks to the towel he has wrapped tightly around his waist.

“What are you staring at?” “Your ass. Have I ever told you what a nice ass you have?” I ask hopefully. He gives me a strange look and crosses his arms slyly. “Not going to work, I’m still mad…but thanks for the compliment.”

“What are you mad at exactly?” I asked, sounding a bit angry and irritated.

“Well lets see…you treated me like a weak little kid last night, then you teased me this morning, and now you’re trying to make it all up to me by giving me corny compliments.”

Alright, just calm down Gohan, don’t get mad or shout – too late. “You’re just like your father, a pride driven selfish bastard and as far as I’m concerned, you ARE a weak kid; nothing else. If you want to become a super saiyan then learn to fight first, but I doubt you could do even that considering how much you’re like your father!!!!!!” Oh kami, what have I done? I just screwed up the only chance I had to be with him.

He stares at me expressionlessly for a moment then lowers his gaze to the floor. “G-Gohan…I…” he begins to murmur between soft sobs. I hate myself; I’m the selfish bastard, not him. I wish I could say that out loud but I can’t, my voice won’t work and my heart feels like a fragile ice statue, ready to shatter at any moment. Taking a deep breath I open my mouth to apologize, but I guess it was too late. He turns away gracefully and runs out of the door after I see a small crystal tear hit the floor.

“Trunks,” a soft whimper is all that escapes my lips as my whole body trembles with guilt. How could I have done that to him? I offended his father who was always like a great hero to him and I called him a weak kid. Maybe there is still time to apologize. That’s if I can find him. His ki is already a fair distance away, near the city. My body is suddenly overcome by a feeling of panic. What if the androids are there? They’ll kill him or worse.

Finally taking control of my body’s movement again, I rush out of the designated room with blinding agility. I’m outside in mere moments and take off. I have to get to the city and find Trunks, who knows what could happen to him if I’m not there to protect him. Sounds cocky I know but the androids aren’t just a joke. They are dangerous, especially that 17. He’s the one that I can say actually scares me because of his dirty mind.

I wince as I remember what happened the last time we were up against those monsters. 17 had tried to rape Trunks. RAPE him, not just beat him like 18 did. In fact, it gives me a new appreciation towards the blond android; she might leave Trunks half-dead every time she fights him, but at least she doesn’t try to RAPE him.


I was up against 18 this time – no real surprise – although ever since Trunks had started fighting too I had always been up against 17, but this time the male android was more that insistent to fight Trunks. It really made me wonder but at least I knew he wouldn’t kill Trunks, to him this was just a game: ‘spare them so we can have more fun later.’

Back to the fight, the damn android isn’t even trying hard and she’s still putting up a good fight. Suddenly, I feel a strong kick to my head and am thrown backwards into a pile of debris. I feel so dizzy and why’s everything so quiet? I know it’s not because of the head ache that’s on its way, so there must be something wrong. Shaking away the dizziness, I slowly stand and glance around. 18 doesn’t seem to care, she doesn’t move at all; only stands there and smirks. She turns her head towards the building a few metres away and smirks even wider. I concentrate on the building harder. Low moans of protest reach my ears and I immediately recognize it as Trunks’ voice.

Without thought my body levitates off the ground and lunges at the brick wall, breaking through it easily. It’s dim inside, the only source of light being the hole I created in the wall, but I can still see two familiar figures; obviously ignoring my presence – well, one was.

My eyes widened in anger and disgust at the scene unfolding before me. Android 17 had Trunks pinned tightly against the rough wall of the building with his lips pressed tightly against the smaller boy’s and his hand inside Trunks’ pants, obviously massaging his manhood.

My body was paralyzed with shock and…jealousy? I shook my head, clearing the unintended emotion from my mind. 17 was still ignoring my presence and Trunks was still moaning in protest, louder than before. I had to do something! But my body wouldn’t move. Suddenly, a shriek of pain snapped me out of my daze. “17!!” He pauses what he’s doing and turns to me, dropping Trunks to the floor where I can no longer see him through the darkness. “Hmm, guess you found me. Too bad, I really wanted to have a bit more fun.” he muses impassively. The android then smirks and leaves through the hole I had made. Oh great! That was no doubt a warning that he’d do it again.

Sighing, I walk to where Trunks is and kneel next to the unmoving figure I can slightly see. I gently pick him up and feel his muscles tense noticeably. Good, he’s probably conscious. “Trunks, are you alright?” He takes a deep breath. “I’m fine, why was 17 doing that?” The question shocked me, but he was waiting for an answer. I slowly fly out of the building, checking the androids are not around, then take off. Once in the air, I look down at Trunks, taking in his real condition. His bottom lip was clearly pierced and bleeding quiet heavily, along with a few bite marks and scratches on his neck. It was also evident that he had thrown up blood at some point, considering his crimson-soaked shirt.

Ok, back to his question. “Well, I guess he likes you and he knows he can’t have you, so he wants to take you by force.” I pause. “But don’t worry, I promise that he won’t touch you”


“Of course. I promise you with all my heart.”
End Flashback


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