For Love And Life Alone
by Daisygirl     More by this Writer
Gohan has trouble dealing with postBuu life. Tagged as a loner and freak, will he hold on to hope that Mirai will return as more than a friend before life gets the better of him… Love and hate collide in a roller coaster called LIFE!
Male Pregnancy

Chapter 01: Secret Promises We Kept In the Dark
How long do you suppose one would wait for love? I’ve heard in fairy tales that love will wait forever, but that’s not my case. I don’t even know if he still thinks of me, or if he’s even still… I bite my lip in even thinking that thought. He was so much stronger than the monsters that haunted his world, but will he come back for me? Does he too, sit alone at night and wonder if I think about him, as I do the same… Sighing, I look back down at my finished math work. I’m so far ahead of the rest of my class it isn’t even funny.

It’s hard sometimes, to think about him. I watch the younger version of my best friend grow up alongside my younger brother, and look at how they act together. It’s amazing to think that the two of them have a real chance of growing up and falling in love together. With the way they act around each other, I’d be more surprised if they didn’t. I haven’t told anyone about what I witnessed the other day, just as I was flying home from school, I sensed the two of them at a lake close to our house, and decided to sneak up on them to scare them, but I was the one who was shocked. Just as I was about to make myself known, I saw them lean in from their sparring stances, glance nervously at each other, and then… They shared a short innocent kiss. My little brother, Ten-ten, (my nick-name for him) and our young prince, Trunks both blushed. Their love will work out as mine, with the future version of our dear half-saiyan prince never could…

I smile reminiscently, thinking of the day I told him of my feelings, he harbored the same emotions, but we knew we belonged in different worlds… I was only an twelve year old kid, and well… He was just a year away from turning twenty. No one could understand. No one would ever know.


“Trunks wait.” I called out to him as he floated there in the dusk, surrounded by light, as he was positioned directly between me and the setting sun, looking more like an angel surrounded by a splendid glow at that moment. I had to bite my lip before getting the courage to continue, “This is your last night here, isn’t it?” I could see him nod, and I ask hesitantly, “Could I spend some time with you before you go back to your time?” I looked down towards the sunset, as I expected his decline. I couldn’t look at him.

Instead of hearing his decline, he move closer to me and lifted my chin so that my eyes met with his, “I’d really like that.” His reply was short, but it was filled with so much warmth as he smiled so sweetly at me.

As dusk turned into the darkness of night, we found ourselves sitting on a bank of the lake close to my home. We hadn’t done much but talk up to that point. We talked about our defeats of the monsters that had threatened our lives, him about the androids and Cell in his world, and the recently defeated Bojack of my time. He had come back to tell us he had defeated the murderous beings that so dreadfully plagued his world, only to end up helping me defeat another threat. I smiled at him, but he was too observant, and knew me too well for me to hind my pain.

“Gohan, what’s wrong?” asking too understandingly, only making my heart wrench even more. As I bit my lip fighting back tears, he had to ask again, almost pleadingly, causing the dam of emotions that were so fragilely held back to break.

“I’m never going to see you again, am I?” I had to softly whisper between my silent choked-back sobs. He remained silent, and I presumed that was his answer, I stood to wipe my eyes and leave, but was stopped by his gaze at me. I figured he hadn’t heard what I had said under my breath, but he was taken aback. He looked at me stricken and I made my move to leave, but he called out to me, stopping me in my tracks.

“Gohan,” he almost whispered my name too softly, “I feel the same way, but I can’t stay. No one would understand.” I sobbed like the immature child I was, against his jean jacket, as he pulled me way just enough to look into my eyes. I figured he’d be disgusted with me, but the only thing I saw written in his beautiful sapphire eyes, was love. He closed his eyes as he kneeled to my height and rested his forehead on mine, just before he gently kissed my forehead as he pulled away. “If you could wait for me… Gohan.”

“I’d wait forever for you, Trunks.”

He pulled away and stood with his back towards me before he asked if I’d show up at Capsule Corp. to see him off the next day. I nodded, still too emotional to speak as he turned and waved, as a friend, like nothing we said mattered.

I was an emotional mess that night, but no one knew why, and I wasn’t willingly going to talk about it. Not like there wasn’t anyone who could do anything to force me otherwise, as I slept with the only moment of love I figured I’d ever have with the first person who completely held my heart, and that’s just the way it would be.

I arrived, along with the rest of the Z-senshi the next after noon, just in time to help him finish loading his belongings into capsules before he said his goodbyes. Neither of us even dared mentioned our little conversation that occurred the previous night, especially in front of every one there, but just before he closed the top of his machine, he said something that confused everyone there… everyone, except me.

“It’s only a matter of time…” He stated biting his lip. No one else knew what he meant, but he raised an eyebrow questioningly in a short glance in my direction. I must have looked dazed, as I nodded knowing the statement was directed at me. I was dumbfounded… Did that really mean that he cared enough to come back?

end flashback

I was jolted out of my reverie by the annoying school bell. I didn’t even know why I was still in school. The classes weren’t even remotely challenging and I was pretty much tagged as a loner, especially after such recent events. The few fellow students I considered friends, not necessarily close friends, had found out about my power, and instead of actually making us closer, it scared most of them away. Even Videl, who had been so determined to reveal my secrets, was unready for what she had discovered about me. She did promise to keep the information to herself, all of them did, but instead of it being because we were friends, it was out of fear. They feared me… my powers… what I was… Sighing deeply as I left, I heard Sharpener mock me, “Look, I bet Brains there already has all his homework done, but still going to hit the books.” His laughter became uneasy as he noticed me glaring at him, thinking I was out of ear range, for any normal human I would have been, but I was both blessed and cursed with the aptitude of a saiyan. I slammed my locker with a noticeable force and he swallowed hard. I stomped off as I headed for my last class of the day.

The events with Buu had played out, and the world had once again proclaimed Hercule Satin as its hero, but I wasn’t going to say otherwise and draw attention to any of the true heroes. Those who wished to stay out of the limelight because they were too humble to stand up and volunteer themselves for the credit they so highly deserved… That’s Dad for you, never one to brag about his accomplishments. It only meant those who had recently discovered what I truly was, didn’t understand, nor did they want to.

I shook my head, I really couldn’t care less about what any of them thought of me, and my spirit wasn’t in the least deterred. I smiled as I remembered that I had promised the demon duo a spar, boy was I in for one heck of a night, babysitting two demi-saiyans, not at the top of my thrill list, but still it would be interesting to see how the night would play out.

I touched down on the back lawn of Capsule Corp. just in time to be tackled by the two younger monsters. I gave them a run for their money as they tried desperately to overpower me, our parents walked out to be greeted by our antics. Dad laughed as he pulled Goten off me and I was able to hold on to Trunks. He looked at me but became a bit more serious as he asked how my day went. I shook my head and sighed. “They still treat me like I have the plague.” My mom gave a weary smile as she overheard my exasperated statement.

“I’m sure they’ll come around eventually, sweetheart.” I couldn’t help but shake my head. It was no use trying to be friends with them again.

“They’re still afraid of me.” I said it so softly, it was barely audible, as if I didn’t want to hear it myself, but it was the truth. No matter how much I wished it was different, I wasn’t about to hang my head and cry about it.

Mom smiled reassuringly at me before I looked to the faces of my family and friends for support, “Don’t worry Gohan, I’m sure they’ll come around eventually.” I think she was trying to convince herself as much as trying to comfort me. She wanted nothing more than to see me happy, so I simply smiled as best as I could and nodded, but didn’t say anything more on the subject. I guess they noticed me shifting uneasily because I was thankful when the subject was changed.

“So, Gohan,” Bulma interrupted my thoughts about school, “Your nineteenth birthday is just around the corner, anything special you’re hoping for?” I was reminded of my earlier daydream, it’d be eight years, and then I blushed realizing I had zoned out in front of them. I smiled nervously and shook my head, but they obviously didn’t believe me… Wonder why?

Bulma quirked an eyebrow and laughed. Dad and Mom joined in and I couldn’t help but laugh at myself as well. It felt so right, being surrounded by those who knew and understood me completely and loved me, not despite of it, but because of it. I smirked at the demon duo, wondering what torture they had planned for me. “So, um, thanks again for babysitting. You can reach us at the restaurant on my cell, but that will be turned off at the movie theater.” Mom started running down a list of emergency phone numbers, as well as rules and regulations the two monsters were to obey completely. Both boys rolled their eyes, as if to say ‘we’ve heard this a thousand times.’

I was shocked to find out that both my father and Vegeta had agreed to go out on a double date with Mom and Bulma. I mean, it’s not like I don’t mind babysitting, or that Mom and Dad get alone time, especially with how well I was paid to watch them. Vegeta finally joined us out in the back yard and stood next to Bulma, wrapping an arm around her waist rather possessively. He had been subtly more affectionate to both her and Trunks ever since the Buu incident. He was even friendlier than he ever had been to my father, my brother, and me. He smirked and nodded his salutation.

“So, it’s nearly been eight years. There wouldn’t be much age difference in age with your crush now, would there…?” I was flabbergasted as he quirked an eyebrow at looked quizzically at me. I started to stutter a reply but found my mouth slightly unhinged at a gazed back at him in a mystified expression. I still wanted to wipe the floor with that damned smirk. ‘Was he truly talking about what I was thinking about? How did he know? He couldn’t have known… could he? Damn!’

“What are you talking about?” Bulma interrupted our silenced conversation, Vegeta only huffed and continued to smirk, and shaking his head not to reveal our puzzling topic as I finally got over the shock of what he asked me. “Gohan, what did he mean?” How was I going to explain this one? I turned pale realizing I had been holding in my breath. Trying my best to smile I shrugged, but that only earned me more looks of worry. “Gohan?” Bulma asked hesitantly as my breath evened out and my color returned. “Are you going to be ok?”

I felt amused, if only she knew the secret love pact I had made with her son, so many years ago. I wondered myself if it would be fulfilled. “Yeah, look at the time. You guys should get to the restaurant if you want to make it to the show on time.” I found an excuse to draw the attention to something other than myself. “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.” I stated as they left dressed for fine dining and entertainment, leaving me to turn and face my doom.

I turned around to see both younger demi-saiyans grinning evilly at me as I knowingly smirked at them. At that moment the three of us blasted off to a clearing on the outskirts of the city, to make sure no one was in harms way if our little spar got out of hand (which they intended to do.)


Vegeta opened the door of the limousine as Bulma slid out. The couples arrived in time to make their reservation as they sat down at the table they were guided to. They chit-chatted about meaningless things of how their day had gone while they waited for their order. Bulma finally decided to inquire Vegeta about what he had said to so thoroughly stun Gohan. He put his elbows up on the table and leaned in to rest his chin on his fists, but remained silent and smirked, as he gave a sideways glance at her. “Vegeta, come on, I really mean it,” she tied again to budge him from his silent position, “What was it you said to Gohan to get him…” she stumbled for the right word in her mind, “to shake him, as much as he did.”

Vegeta leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “The boy’s mind is wondering if his bonded mate will keep a promise to return to him.”

Both Bulma and Goku leaned in for an explanation, still dumbfounded trying to process what he meant. Only Chichi seemed to understand and smiled grimaced, thinking about the whole ordeal. She seemed as informed as Vegeta, “I don’t why he even bothers with it. He’ll just end up worse off than what he is now. He has his hopes set too high and is still a hopeless romantic at heart.” She huffed out egging on Vegeta’s temper. Bulma and Goku turned their quizzical gazes to Chichi. “He’s tried to make new friends, but I feel bad that the other students are so judgmental towards him.”

“So, you know of his feelings towards the brat?” Vegeta asked calmly while the fire in his eyes deceived his tone as Goku scratched his head, and Bulma’s eyes widened at the realization of who they were talking of.

“Yes, of course.”

“Did your brat willingly tell you?”

“Please, he didn’t tell me anything, but I could tell.” Chichi retorted. “I think it would be best if Gohan forgot about it and moved on.” Vegeta glared at her as she continued, “There’s no reason he should hold on to his heart for that boy.”

“What’s that supposed to mean…?” his voice held a deadly calmness in it.

“I don‘t want to see Gohan heartbroken. It seems hard enough for him as it is… He just needs to get over it” She stated matter-of-factly. “And I certainly don’twant him to end up in such a disgraceful relationship… He just needs to settle down with a girl that can make him happy.” She hissed out at the glare she was receiving but thought of it, and ignored Vegeta altogether.

Vegeta only glared at her. Bulma finally managed to get into the conversation. Bulma managed to advert their attention to the meal, which meant the Saiyans would do nothing but eat and it would be pointless trying to carry on a conversation throughout the meal. Bulma was still lost in thought wondering in Gohan really had fallen for Trunks. Why hadn’t she known about it? Both Chichi and Vegeta had knowledge of it… Why hadn’t she? Goku still seemed oblivious to the entire topic, but that was just Goku for you.


I managed to get the two wild monsters cleaned and in bed on time with a mild difficulty due to their protest. I was both singed and bruised from the spar, and having gone two against one, even if they were just kids, seemed a bit unfair. I sighed in a bit of self amusement as I plopped down on the couch. Who would’ve thought how strong two kids could be. I was strong when I was that age, but facing of against two elementary aged Super Saiyans? I nearly felt as if I had faced Cell all over again.

I looked through the cracked door to check on them after my shower. The two of them were cuddled up together on Trunks’s double bed, sleeping soundlessly. It’s hard to imagine the destruction the two of them can cause when they look like little angels sleeping innocently as they were. They both mean so much to me, they don’t even know how much I would give to protect them. Yawning, I made my way to the guest room and fell back on the bed, I don’t even remember trying to fall asleep.


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