Never Forsake Thee
by Daisygirl     More by this Writer
Losing the one you love can be hard, but sometimes, moving on is just as hard. Has Trunks learned to live again, or will sorrow be his end?

Chapter 01: Whispered Remnants
Trunks sat staring at the picture in his hands. A young man with a loving smile stared back, eased into a relaxed looking position. Tears slowly streaked their way down pale cheeks. Blood shot, red rimmed eyes did nothing to try to cease the onslaught of moisture. His blue eyes looked so lost to the cold blank grey that the depression had brought on.

Three years…

He vaguely registered the knock on his home office door. Dark eyes and an all too familiar face.

He’s gone… and he still haunts me.

Why the hell did they have to look so much alike? Trunks glared at the unwelcomed intruder.

“Hey…” Said unwelcomed guest shifted nervously, knowing how much his presence alone irked the other demi-Saiyan. “I… I figured we could go out tonight… You know, like, as a memorial…” His voice trailed away at the lack of response from other, “You know, he’d want you to go on, Trunks. I’m sure he’d hate to see you sitting here, waisting away.”

His tender voice only sparked the other into uncontrollable sobs. “How can you say that? You’re his brother, you know I’d ne-never be-tray… him… Can’t… forget…” His voice cracked and strangled with choked on tears.

Before Trunks could even think, he was pulled into a hug. “Shhh… No, never forget him Trunks, I could never ask you to forget him, but remember all the good times you two had together, the love you shared. You can still live your life and always remember him.”

Blue eyes looked into the dark chocolate gaze, full of worry on his behalf. Maybe he could go on…

I’d want him to go if I had died.

He slowly pulled away from the comfort of the crook of the neck he was surprised by the affection he felt just being in the arms of a friend. He was shocked even by his own actions, not stopping himself before he even thought things through and shyly pressed his lips to the other demi’s. Trunks felt the other stiffen and pull away, but not completely.

“I… I’m sorry… I… I just can’t.” Trunks watched as the other quickly shuffled from the room. Pain of loss and loneliness had slowly ate at his heart for the past three years, but the new stab of rejection had once again sent him into silent tears


Trunks…. Why did you do that, Trunks… I can’t… We can’t… I told you he’d want you to move on… But it would be wrong…

My brother Trunks, he was my brother. Do you see him when you look at me? Is that why you kissed me?

A heavy hearted sigh was released as a lone tear was roughly swiped away.

Gods Trunks… I could never have hoped for you, not when you gave your love to my brother. He’s had you all the times I had wished it was me… He’s had you all along, and you see him…

He made it to his front door, searching pockets for keys. Finally finding them, he grew more and more frustrated as he couldn’t get the key in the lock while unshed tears blurred his vision. Finally surrendering to the pain of heartbreak and frustration, he leaned against the door, slid down it and sobbed.

I’ve loved you all along. You were the only one who helped me through the hell I went through in that damn divorce. That bitch… I thought being heartbroken was the worst pain in the world. But you were there, when ever I needed someone to talk to…. Five years I’ve wanted you…. And all you’ll ever see is him.

Finally able emotional turmoil was yielded to will. Standing on shaky legs, he made his way through the dark to crash fully clothed on his bed. Never even had time to think about undressing as he succumbed to sheer exhaustion.


A transparent hand ran through long lavender silk… A sad whisper was spoken like a distant wind, “I had you Trunks, and as I’m sorry I can’t be there for you anymore. I do love you, and always will, but I do want you to move on. Don’t worry love, I’ll make sure everything turns out right.” A transparent tear was shed by the ghostly figure… “Goodbye, my love.”

The sleeping prince sighed, as though he could feel the kiss to his forehead. “…Go…ten… so… sorry.”

“You really do love him don’t you…?” He never got the response he didn’t expect. Knowing that his time was growing short, he sighed one last time. “I promise love, you’ll be happy again.”

Like a wisp of smoke, he silently slipped away.


The young looking god seemed startled by such a request. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

The young warrior nodded. Such a request was so uncommon, but he didn’t hesitate a single moment, “I love them both so much, and they need each other. It hurts me to think that they’re sacrificing their own happiness for the sake of my own.”

He ran an unsolid hand through his wispy hair. “They need each other more than ever, and I’d do anything to make them both happy again. I will always love Trunks, but I’ve learned if you love something you have to let it go.” He gave a small sad smile, but the honesty and sincerity all too evident in his voice, all present gods couldn’t even think to stop the request.

A pastel deity sighed, “Very well, if this is what you must do, then I give my permission for it to be done.” He half-smirked in amusement. “It’s not like I don’t owe all of you Saiyans for helping with the Majin-Buu Crisis anyways. If I could do anything for Son Goku, surely I wouldn’t deny his son either.”

An award winning smile was quickest response, “Thank you Supreme Kai.”

A nod was the only acknowledgement.


A transparent figure sat on the edge of the bed, silently watching the occupant sleeping, longing for comfort. “…Tru…” The mumbled name was just barely recognizable to the ghostly on-looker. It brought a small smile to the moonlit wraith. A tear was softly wiped from the sleeping form by a translucent hand.

“Hey bro…” He paused not even knowing how to talk to the sleeping form. Even though he had felt compelled to stay on Earth as a specter, he had become a silent witness to those he had loved, knowing how hard his family and friends had taken his sudden death. He only recently realized what the unfinished business he felt compelling him to exist.

“I guess I just wanted to let you know that… well everything’s OK in otherworld. Grandpa wanted me to tell you hi, he’s doing well, still fusses over me, just like always. I’ve made quite a few friends, and once I’m finished here, I’ve been invited to Grand Kai’s planet to train and all… I didn’t think I’d get an invitation there, considering the way I died, but hey they’re gonna supply me with my body, as good as new… I just…” A tear fell glistening in the moonlight, “I just couldn’t leave yet… Now I know why.

“I want to let you know that I’m OK. I know neither you or Trunks would ever do anything to purposely hurt me, but you have no idea how much it pains me to see the two of you this way. Neither of you ever smile, and I just want you to know it’s OK for you to love him. He needs you… oh gods, does he need someone to love.

“Trunks needs you, and you can’t deny that you love him, I know you do. I could even see the slight hint of something more all those nights you stayed at our house when you couldn’t take the solitude. You didn’t know it then, but you did love him, even though you’d never hurt me.

“Please… He needs you Gohan. He does love you, and he does see you. The resemblance may hurt at first, but he does see and love you.”

The quite thoughtful hmm of the sleeping form was registered by Saiyan’s hearing capabilities. “…Go…ten?” The voice mumbled out it’s uncertainty.

“…Yeah, I’m here Gohan… I’m trusting him to you now. Please don’t fail me. Never forsake thee, true love.”


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