Maybe I Should Have Known Better
by Dark Pearl     More by this Writer
You love them, they don’t know, you swear to get them sooner or later. Maybe you will and maybe you won’t but what would you do if you were going to lose them forever?

This can be considered an A/U mostly because I am making Sharpner and Hercule look like complete Bastards and messing around with people’s ages. Trunks and Goten are 19 and Gohan and Videl are 24 and about ready to leave college.

Chapter 01: Our Last Kiss
“Trunks. Trunks.” “Gohan? Wait come back!” The older saiyan shook his head.

“I can’t.”

“Why? Why?”

“You’ll see.”

The image disappeared.

Trunks Briefs sat up to realize that he had drifted off at his computer again. Sheesh what was it about him? Why on earth was he having images like that? Of course it would also be helpful to wonder why he was feeling so strange lately. Whatever it was he didn’t know if he liked it If seemed like… trouble. Maybe.

“Trunks? Trunks?” Asked another voice. Shit! it was his mother. “Are you awake?”

“Sorry mom T.V. I’ll turn it down. I can’t sleep.”

“Maybe you should listen to the radio instead if it helps you fall asleep.”

“I’ll try that thanks, mom.” Trunks called back. Sheesh almost caught by his mother. That would have been hard to explain. On top of why he couldn’t sleep. He turned on the radio and the song made him stare at it.

Another sleepless night I can’t explain Somebody said they heard me call your name
The radio won’t let you leave my mind I know it’s over but I don’t know why Should’ve known better Than to fall in love with you Now love is just a faded memory
Should’ve known better Now I’m a prisoner to this pain And my heart still aches for you

There was no risk that I wouldn’t take And not a promise that I didn’t make
All I asked was that you just hold on And now I’m wondering what I did wrong

Should’ve known better Than to fall in love with you Now love is just a faded memory
Should’ve known better Now I’m a prisoner to this pain And my heart still aches for you

I gave you all of my body and soul Never believing we might lose control
I took my hands off the wheel I can’t remember if the lies were true
It’s been a million years since I touched you I thought time might help me win this game
But being away from you is slowly driving me insane

Should’ve known better Than to fall in love with you Now love is just a faded memory
Should’ve known better Now I’m a prisoner to this pain And my heart still aches for you
Okay that was really strange. He turned the radio off. Very weird the song sounded very familiar like how he felt lately.. Yep he definately needed sleep. Unfortunately he couldn’t get to sleep this was crazy. He laid on his bed and turned out the lights maybe if he just tried…

About an hour later he turned the lights on again. Nope no good. He was awake and yet that strange dark feeling wasn’t leaving him. Somewhere some how something was or was going to be very wrong. He turned on the radio again maybe this time it would be better. It wasn’t.

Oh where oh were could my baby be The lord took her away from me
She’s gone to heaven so I’ve got to be good So I can see my baby when I’ll leave this worldWe were out on a date in my daddy’s car We hadn’t driven very far
There in the road Straight ahead A car was stalled the engine was dead
I couldn’t stop So I swerved to the right I’ll never forget the sound that night
The screamin tires The busting glass The Painful scream that I heard last.

Oh where oh were could my baby be The lord took her away from me
She’s gone to heaven so I’ve got to be good So I can see my baby when I’ll leave this world

When I woke up The rain was pouring down There were people standing all around
Something warm falling into my eyes But some how I found my baby that night
I lifted her head she looked at me and said Hold me darling just alittle while
I held her close I kissed her our last kiss I found the love I knew I had missed
but now she’s gone even though I hold her tight I lost my love, my life that night

Oh where oh were could my baby be The lord took her away from me
She’s gone to heaven so I’ve got to be good So I can see my baby when I leave this world
That wasn’t any better than the first song. And the feeling of dread Trunks had had earlier intensified greatly. On an impulse he called Goten and hoped he wasn’t too busy with Valise. He sighed in relief as the phone was picked up by Goten and not the fucking voice mail. “Goten.”

“Trunks! Great to hear… what’s wrong?”

“What do you mean?”

“I dunno I can just tell that something is troubling you and bad.”

“Oh. I dunno I just know it there and someone I know maybe in trouble.”

“And you where checking in on me as well as wondering if I could help. Got it.”

“You’re not… busy are you?”


“Good I wouldn’t want to interrupt your date or something. Okay you’re good. What about-”

“Gohan.” Goten finished for him. Trunks smiled they still had the connection they forged with fusion. And that was all well and good with him. They focused their energy and felt for the older Son brother. Again the feeling of dread and danger intensified as if predicting some form of impending doom for the older man. “Where?” Trunks whispered.

“He and Videl went on a date. They drove to West City to see a movie or something.”

“When?” Asked Trunks again. His heart rate increasing.

“About three hours ago. They do this all the time.”

“We got to find them Goten.”


“It’s them Goten.” Trunks explained. “Something is going to happen to Videl and Gohan probably on their way back. We have to locate them NOW!!”

“On it.” Said Goten

“DON’T CALL!!” Trunks insisted. “What if Gohan is the one driving?” He explained more calmly. “What if that is what makes it happen?”

“Oh shit I didn’t think of that.” Said Goten.

“We’ll just track their kis.” Said Trunks. “But first see if we can get some help.”

“I know.” Said Goten and he tried to contact Piccolo.

“Hello?” Asked a confused Piccolo.

“Piccolo! Thanks for answering.”

“Right is something you need I’m a little busy right now.”

“Do you feel it too?” Goten asked. “Like something is dreadfully wrong.”


“We think it’s Gohan we’ll you help us get to him?” Goten asked.

“I’m on my way.” Said Piccolo.

Goten then went back to Trunks and explained to him what Piccolo told him. “Let’s go.” Said Trunks. He made the care to throw on something other then his sleepwear, before taking off out of his window into the night.

It didn’t take long for the three to find approximately where Gohan was. Then they heard the most wrenching sound…


They ran to the source to find a turned over truck and three cars “Damn street racers.” Muttered Goten to himself. He looked around the drivers of the two cars where gone. He saw two figures in the distance running away like Hell it’s self was after them. Goten shook his head it was illegal to race on these roads. They probably knew it too, fuckers. Oh well vengence could wait they had to care for the innocents first. Piccolo took care of the driver and figured out how to call for help on the radio.

‘The guy can barely figure out a cellphone but he knows how to use a CB?’ Goten thought.

No matter Gohan and Videl. They were more important now than idle curiousity. Trunks was a the car first the car had tipped onto the driver’s side so he opened the passenger. As he reached in, an inert form was being gently being moved gently into his arms. Videl. She was bruised bleeding and unconsious but as far as he could tell she was alive. He made great care in moving her as they were unsure of the extent of her injuries. Goten took Videl as Trunks made the painstaking efforts to remove Gohan and to ignore the lyrics rambling in his head.

I’ll never forget the sound that night The screamin tires The busting glass
The Painful scream that I heard last.
Oh where oh were could my baby be The lord took her away from me
She’s gone to heaven so I’ve got to be good So I can see my baby when I’ll leave this world

‘He isn’t going to die.’ Trunks thought to himself, ‘I can’t let him die.’ Damn it! Why did Vegeta and Goku have to be off the kais knew where training at a time like THIS??? Gohan seemed to still be a little consious. “T..Trunks?” He asked “Trunks is that you?”

“I’m here. Stay with me Gohan.”

“I’ll… I’ll try. Videl?”

“She’s unconsious but she’s lost quite a bit of blood. Help should be here soon Gohan. Don’t you go and die on me damn it!”

The older Son brother said nothing. But the ambulances arrived to take the truck driver Videl and Gohan away. “Trunks… are you alright?” Asked Piccolo. When the ambulances were gone Goten with them.

“I don’t know Piccolo. I… I can’t lose him. I can’t explain it but I CAN’T. It’s like… if he dies I will too. We better get to that hospital. If either of them are anything like their father they won’t want to be alone were the needles live.”

“Right you go be with them. I’ll contact Dende he’ll contact anyone else.”

“Make sure he gets my mom to be with Chi-chi she’s going to need the support until Goku gets here.” Suggested Trunks and took off to the hospital.


West City Memorial

Trunks found Goten at the check in station doing the admissions paperwork. He helped him through it, and then stayed with Goten as they typed him to see if he was a match for Gohan’s blood. Thanking all the gods he knew when the typing came back positive for a match for Gohan’s blood. The only worry now was Videl. Who would match for hers? Just then a distraught looking young girl came running in. “Hey… I… just heard. Are they going to be okay?” She asked quickly voice filled with worry. “We don’t know yet Erasa. The truck driver and Videl are in surgery. She’s going to need a transfusion. ”

“I don’t think her dad’s a match. Plus if I know him, he isn’t in any condition to be giving her his blood.” Muttered Erasa.

“Erasa?” Goten asked with concern he was getting an uneasy feeling again.

“He’s been different lately. I mean Videl pretty much had to tell him she was all but engaged to Gohan to get him off her back. One time Gohan was even forced to spar with him at the dojo just to prove himself “worthy” of Videl!”

“So you’re suggesting he’s on drugs or something?” Trunks asked.

“I don’t know. I just know these last few years especially he hasn’t been himself.” Erasa answered.

The doctors tested Erasa, she would do. After they took the blood from Erasa and Goten needed for Gohan and Videl. The truck driver had some already in storage fortunately for him they all waited some more. Not too long later Goku arrived with Piccolo supporting him slightly Goku seemed nervous but he was fighting it. His family needed him and he had made a silent promise not to fail his love ones again like he did all those years ago. Chi-chi came as well joined by Bulma. Bulma had done her best to comfort the raven haired woman but she still insisted on coming even though no one knew anything and they were getting constant updates from Trunks on his cellphone. She wanted to be with her “baby”. Trunks asked Piccolo about his father, Piccolo told him that his father was on call with the dragon ball radar and in the process of obtaining sensu beans in case they were needed. But nothing answered the friends except more waiting.

Three hours later, Piccolo noticed that Goku was starting to watch the hospital staff move back and forth the same way he would watch fish in a stream. And decided to he should remove Goku before he started tackling hospital staff in order to get answers. Goten, Bulma and Trunks were trying to calm Chi-chi who was demanding to see her son. Erasa was doing her best to speed any processing with paperwork along although Bulma had already lied for Erasa saying that she was Videl’s cousin and the only family member able to come to gather information on Videl’s condition for the rest of Videl’s family. Fortunately, within the next half hour answers finally came all three of them were fine and surgeries were successful. However, Gohan seemed to have entered a deep sleep which they didn’t feel he should be waken from just yet. They were keeping constant observation on him though and if it started becoming anything serious they would go through the process of waking him up. The truck driver was the only one alert enough for visitors. So Erasa and Bulma decided to visit him. Piccolo came back in to collect Chi-Chi before she hurt someone. Leaving Goten and Trunks alone in the waiting room.

“So what do you think… is he going to be alright?” Trunks asked slowly to Goten.

“Yeah, I mean if he wasn’t we would probably feel it like we did earlier ya know?” Goten answered.
“Yeah you’re probably right it’s just… it’s GOHAN.” Oddly Trunks found stressing that word special. Almost as if he enjoyed how the word felt in his mouth.

“I know.” Said Goten, not exactly understanding but close enough. He realized that they both in their own ways deeply cared about the man asleep approximately 20 feet away from them. And yet despite their superhuman abilities and strength the presence of that man was denied them. Trunks got up and started pacing Goten seeing his friend’s cageyness took him by the arm and took him to one of the empty T.V. rooms and locked the door behind them. He wanted to have a good long talk with his best friend and he didn’t want any of the humans milling around the building to disturb them.

“So what are we doing in here Goten?” Trunks asked curiously.

“I just wanted to talk that’s all.” Said Goten. “And I didn’t want anybody disturbing us.”

“Sounds good to me what do you want to talk about?” Trunks asked.

“Catch up I guess it’s been a while since we last hung out and it had to be this.” Goten said softly.

“The last few weeks haven’t been that rough. I just figured you were busy with Valise you know?”

“You’re right I was when it wasn’t school or you.” Goten answered.

“So you two have been dating what about three years now?”

“Four.” Goten admitted.

“So how is it? I mean you have to be happy right?”

“Yeah. We haven’t gotten far physically or anything but I am happy with how things are. She has such an interesting view of life and things. She’s pretty innocent to and it makes her so cute sometimes.”

“But I bet things can get sexually frustrating?”

“Well that’s what your hand’s for right?” Goten answered. “I wouldn’t pressure her into anything she isn’t ready for, Trunks.

“Have you ever… you know experimented with her?”

“A little, but you know mostly early teen stuff. More of her exploring me then the other way around. She caught me getting an erection once and wanted to know what was going on.”

“She didn’t know huh? Sheltered life I take it.”

“Mostly home schooled her parents dote on her and all so yeah.”

“I see so other then that a little exploration that’s it huh?”

“Yeah. No big deal I mean she’s fun to be with and talk with and everything.”

“See yourselves… going anywhere?”

“Like marriage you mean? Maybe. I don’t know yet. I mean… I’m like the first boyfriend she’s had that wasn’t a little more than a friend that her friends or parents picked out so I don’t know how she would feel about getting attached like that.” Goten explained.

Trunks smiled. He figured that about Goten. He wanted her to feel comfortable with their relationship and the only reasons she seemed to be sometimes was because she had so little to compare it to. So he was being careful with her. Especially not to pressure her because she wouldn’t realize it for what it was. He would be taking advantage or at least Goten would feel that he was. “I’m glad you two are so happy with each other.” Said Trunks.

“So what about you?” Goten asked “Anybody special in your life? I mean the last I heard you were seeing that girl Katie or was it Kimmy?”

“Both. At different times and no I am not seeing someone right now.” Said Trunks. “There’s someone I may be interested in but they’re taken right now and I don’t do that.”

“You’re not a home wrecker you mean.” Said Goten. “You’re going to see if it’ll last and then move on to someone else if it does.”

“Something like that.” Said Trunks. Goten’s ears perked up at that.

“You’ve liked this person for a while haven’t you?” Goten asked.

“About three years but yeah. I don’t know if they feel the same though and like I said they’re taken.”

“Well, there’s other fish in the sea.” Said Goten helpfully.

“Yeah I know but this one…is special.” Said Trunks “But you know if they are happy what are you going to do?” Trunks asked looking off. There was someone, someone he cared for quite a bit. Although he wasn’t sure that now would be a good time to mention that person’s name out loud.

Yet while they talked they both noticed that they were being drawn to the other’s warmth. Each wishing to find themselves comfort in the embrace of his best friend. It wasn’t long before this desire became reality. Goten found himself holding his best friend tight as if something was going to come any moment and deprive him of Trunks. Trunks found himself feeling the same way and held on tighter afraid that whatever twisted fate was trying to take Gohan would come back for the younger Son as well. Goten found himself making comforting noises to soothe his upset friend.

“It’s alright I know how you feel.” He said softly. “I’m worried about him too and what’s going to happen next. And will you be the next important person my life that I lose?”

Trunks laughed. “Stop borrowing my thoughts Goten.” He said with a grin proving beyond doubt to Goten that he was having the same insecurities that he was. They both laughed then, but were enjoying the closeness of the other.

“Trunks? Can I ask you a personal question?” Goten asked slowly.

“You can ask me anything Goten you know that.” Replied Trunks.

“I was just wondering well, sometime back you seemed to be spending a lot of time with a guy named Jordan. Remember?”

“Yeah about two years ago. I remember Goten.”

“Every time I looked for you you were with him and I actually remember feeling a little jealous like you were trying to replace me as a best friend with him or something ya know?”

“Goten. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Trunks answered. “He wasn’t my new best friend we… just spent a lot of time together that’s all.”

“Okay now back to my odd question. Do… you like boys as well as girls?”

“Goten. Why are you asking me that?” Trunks asked.

“I don’t know I just was thinking may that is why you were spending so much time with Jordan, he was your boyfriend.”

“My first actually. That’s when I learned I didn’t mind either one. I date girls every so often for cover though. It probably wouldn’t look good for my family or the company if the media found out the future Vice president of Capsule Corp played for both teams.”

“So are you experimenting or are you bisexual?” Goten asked curiously.

“I’m not sure. I date girls more than guys but I suppose if the right someone came along it wouldn’t matter what gender they were.”

“That’s good. it makes it easier for you to find the right mate that suits you so you are happy.” Said Goten.

“You don’t mind?” Trunks asked. He didn’t think that Goten would but it had been poking at the back of his mind a lot more lately what his friends and family would think about him.

“Of course not you’re my best friend and this is something that is important in your life. I’m just happy you’re sharing it with me. I want you to be happy Trunks if you find your mate and you are happy it shouldn’t matter what species or gender they are. I wouldn’t suggest dating a cow but you know what I mean.”

“Yeah I do. Thanks for understanding. I mean it doesn’t make you uncomfortable or anything does it?”

“Nope. I think it’s just fine. I mean you’re happy the way you are right?”

Trunks shrugged. “More or less. I don’t know if this is a phase because I am actually gay and soon I’ll admit or I am bisexual I guess I’ll find out sooner or later.”

“So are you seeing anyone right now?” Goten asked curious.

“Nope but there is this one guy that I like a lot, but I don’t know how he feels about me.” Said Trunks. “I don’t think he’d be thrilled to find out how I feel about him. So I’m keeping it under wraps.”

“Well that’s dumb.” Said Goten supportively. “But you said he had a girl friend or something?”

Trunks nodded. “Yeah so he’s a little unobtainable right now. I don’t know maybe there is still hope. They may wake up one day and realize they aren’t ready to finalize their relationship and take a break or realize that despite the fact they spark or whatever it isn’t the forever “let’s get married” type.” Goten held him nodding in understanding.

“Trunks?” He asked “I know this is odd but… do you mind staying here tonight with me?”

“Of course I will.” Said Trunks. And without quite thinking about it gave his friend a kiss. “Crap I didn’t mean…”

“I know.” Said Goten. “I’m not the one you were talking about. But I always loved you more like a best friend and brother anyway.”

“Same here.” Said Trunks. Although he could feel the tension of the uncertainty of Gohan’s life and his own future coming on very strongly.

“You know.” Said Goten “Neither of us are going to get any sleep the way we are.”

“Guess not. Stressed about our lives, Gohan and is he and Videl going to be alright, the future of our love lives or lack of relationships.” Trunks agreed.

Goten thought for a minute. It wasn’t the best idea of the century but it just might help. It would make everything go away for a while. To forget, to relax.. It might work if Trunks was up for it that is.

“Trunks?” He asked cautiously. “I think I have an idea.”

“You do?” Trunks asked “Someone call the media it’s one of the first signs of the apocalypse!”

“Very funny.” Said Goten. “But I think this could help us a little. I mean… you know how I feel about you and I know how you feel about me. But this isn’t like that exactly, but wouldn’t it be nice just to forget everything and just let that one thing guide us?”

“You have booze or drugs stashed somewhere?” Trunks asked.

“No. I mean.” Goten sighed and then gave his friend a shy kiss. Trunks seemed to get the idea and began kissing Goten back. Goten shyly ran his tongue over Trunks’ lips asking meekly if he was allowed entrance. Trunks granted the request and in return explored Goten’s mouth with his own tongue. After several minutes of this the kiss deepened and it did become a who could make who come up for air first duel between them which ended with Goten finding himself on top of Trunks body which was currently sprawled on the floor.

“What are we doing?” Trunks wondered. “I mean… well I am single right now but you have Valise…”

“This isn’t about that.” Said Goten softly.

“So we are not cheating on your girl friend because…” Asked Trunks with a raised eyebrow.

“This is comfort.” Goten explained. “We both need this, to put everything at rest, and it works because we trust each other and care about each other enough to do this. We are probably never going to do something like this again because the issues will be resolved enough to deal with in another way but right here right now. We both need this to get through issues and go on with our lives. I guess I am not explaining this right but…” Trunks put a finger to his lips.

“I think I know what you mean. Thanks Goten.”

“Sure Trunks.” Goten answered.

“I don’t suppose it would help if we role play a little while we do this. You know just for the sake of guilt factor.” Said Trunks.

“What you mean you be like… Valise for me letting me a chance to do and say the things I just haven’t got around to doing and I do the same for you and whoever it is you have a crush on? Sounds okay to me.” Said Goten.

Trunks blushed wondering if this was the right thing to do. Did he have any RIGHT to do this? Goten seemed okay with it but… While his mind questioned his intentions however his body decided that Goten had enough on his plate and it was time to relieve some of it. “Trunks?” Goten asked surprised.

“Sshh.. just pretend it’s Valise.” Trunks suggested. He carefully removed his friend’s shirt and began slowly exploring his friend’s skin with his kisses. He paid special attention to Goten’s nipples stomach and slowly worked his way down. He made sure to work slowly that way if Goten had any objections he could stop what was happening but so far he seemed to have Goten’s approval. He worked his way down the younger boy’s thighs making sure to miss the other’s growing need.

“Trunks.” Goten gasped. For that Trunks went down to Goten’s feet and began tickling them.

“W…what did I” Asked Goten through his laughter. Trunks grinned actually Goten hadn’t done anything. He just wanted to play with his friend. “So tell me.” Trunks asked

“Tell you what?” Goten asked stupidly.

“Your true feelings about Valise.” Trunks answered. “I mean I can tell you care about her but you want more. However you care about her and respect her right?”

“I guess it’s because Valise is worth more than a ‘fuck’,” Goten replied, “Because even though I want to make love to her until daybreak, I can’t do it knowing that I’d be doing it to someone who deserves better than that. She isn’t some whore Trunks. I love her and I care about her so much I feel an ache if I am not near her. Not just a hormone thing a like… I go through some type of withdrawal if I can’t see her smell her or sense her you know?”

“Yes. I think I understand. I sometimes feel that same way on different levels with you and the other person I mentioned.”

“Oh like when I am not around you feel it huh?”

“It’s like there is a big empty void in my life where you should be.” Trunks answered. “Where there should be laughter and fun there is emptiness and dullness like I can’t be happy and won’t be again until you’re back with me.”

Goten smiled “I feel so loved.” He answered. “I know it’s not the same without you around either Trunks. We have got to get together more often.”

“We should but we are getting off subject. Said Trunks. “Let’s just say that Valise did want you and care about you and everything you feel for her. What would you say then? What would you do?” Goten looked at Trunks not sure what to say. He thought for a minute then moved them so Trunks was the one on his back. And began kissing Trunks, he then moved slowly like Trunks did with him, but bringing sure he gave Trunks nothing but pleasure. “I suppose I would tell her how I felt, see if she felt the same and if she did want it as much as I did and was ready for it… I would lay her against the nearest flat surface and do what ever she wanted me to do.” Goten admitted. “I would then do whatever I wanted to her. And then… after we understood what each wanted from the other and accepted it or not I would probably ask her if she would be interested in marrying me after we finished our studies.” He blushed then.

“Goten.” Said Trunks. “You really think like that about her? That’s great! I wish you both the best.”

“Thanks.” Said Goten. “I’m glad you’re happy for us. I don’t know when I am going to tell her. It’s just not been the right time yet ya know?”

Trunks nodded. “Yeah I know. I’ve been wondering if there will ever be a time I can tell him how I feel. So far it just hasn’t been right so I decided not too. I should’ve known better than to think there ever would be a chance.”

“What makes you say that?” Goten asked with concern. “I mean the guy isn’t a homophobe or something right?”

“Not as far as I know.” Said Trunks “The subject hasn’t really come up between us much actually.”

“So this is a guy you work with or something?” Goten asked. During the summer months Trunks usually did jobs for his mother to “earn” money for school. Just so Trunks didn’t feel like everything was handed to him. It was Trunks idea actually.

“Not exactly. I know him pretty well though.” Said Trunks.

“So tell me.” Said Goten moving things on their side so Trunks would face him and talk to him. “How do you feel about him?”

Trunks sighed. He had been dreading this. “I already told you, about the same way you feel about Valise. Why is this an issue?”

“So you care about him a lot. I mean for someone you never really had an intimate relationship with of this sort before.”

“Yeah I do.” Said Trunks. “Sometimes I swear if anything were to happen to him it would kill me and we aren’t even intimate or anything like that. Part of me just… can’t face the idea of going on with life without him around. I can’t even explain it logically because it isn’t logical at all.”

“It’s love.” Said Goten. “Since when was love ever really logical?”

Trunks conceded that his friend had a point about that. “So tell me who is he?” Asked Goten “I mean do I know him?”

“Yes.” Said Trunks “You do.”

“Really I mean have we fought beside each other or anything?”

“Yes.” Said Trunks. But then again that could mean anything from defending Earth to the youth tournaments at school so again he was safe in answering this question. Goten looked at Trunks in frustration. How could he help Trunks if he was being so damn STUBBORN??? He pinned Trunks to the floor then and while his earlier attempts had been playful and silly these were more intent on submission and seduction. “Goten..” Trunks moaned. “You don’t have to… GOTEN!”

However the raven haired younger half-breed ignored him and continued doing what he could for his friend. Slower going further and further down.

Trunks writhed under his friends administrations he couldn’t say he didn’t enjoy it. He was, but he was questioning wether or not he should be doing this. It was okay for Goten, but he… His thoughts were then lost in a mantra of his friend’s name escaping from his lips. Goten smirked if he timed this just right he would have Trunks just where he wanted him. He waited until the best opportune moment and struck.

“Goten!” Trunks moaned as his friend took his needful erection inside his mouth and began using his tongue to play with it. “GOTEN!” He got louder as the blissful feeling increased. Then finally when he couldn’t take it anymore and was on the verge of exploding GO-GOHAN!!!” It was with this magic word he was permitted his release.

Goten gently released his mouth’s prisoner and looked at his friend with understanding and sorrow. How could he not know? His best friend had fallen in love with his brother. This couldn’t have been easy for Trunks and how on Earth had he kept it a secret from everyone? He must be hurting so much now especially since the man he loved was now pretty much struggling for his life.

“Trunks I’m so sorry I never knew.” He said gently to his friend stroking his hair in a comforting way. Trunks looked up at him with an almost frightened look realizing what he had admitted in his moment of pleasure and shame crossed his face. He started getting up in a motion to get out of there. Goten on the other hand quickly caught him in his arms. “Trunks. Don’t leave. I’m not upset at you or anything. Sheesh what do you think I was going to say? Trunks, I am okay with it. You can’t help who you fall in love with. I kinda feel sorry that my baka of a brother absolutely no clue what he is doing to you or your feelings but I am not angry or upset with you in the slightest. I promise. Don’t leave Trunks.”

It was almost like he was a kid again the fear of losing his best friend for any reason terrified him. Once in a while when they were kids Goten did fear he would make the mistake that would make his older friend regret being friend with the spawn of a third class baka when he could do so much better. He had nightmares when he was a kid about it. That Trunks was fed up with him and used the dragonballs to get a new friend one that was class one that wouldn’t embarrass him like Goten did. Or was as stupid as Goten was. One that wasn’t as weak as Goten was and was better competition. So they could get stronger. Goten did win matches once in a while when they were kids sometimes he wondered if it was only because Trunks got fed up with how pathetic he was and let him win. Hoping the win would be an incentive to try harder.

Goten remembered dreams where Nappa and Radditz were alive and while they didn’t hurt anyone they came for Trunks and took him away somewhere where other saiyans were waiting for a general to lead them in battle and Trunks took it and while his friend never became evil or attacked the Earth Goten never saw his best friend again. He woke up and flew to Trunks house that night to be sure his friend really hadn’t left the planet and fell asleep holding him so he wouldn’t leave with out Goten having a chance to say goodbye or at least trying to talk him out of it.

However as all this crossed Goten’s mind he had no idea that his walls had faltered and through their link Trunks knew everything Goten was thinking at this moment. He looked at Goten. “Ten..” Trunks said softly calling him by his old nickname. “Chibi.” And there was the other one. “You really don’t think I would stop being your best friend do you?”

“Huh?” Said Goten a look so much like his father’s that it made the clone theory believable. “You’re the one that thinks I don’t like you any more. Or did I miss something here?” Trunks laughed and hugged his friend tight.

“I didn’t mean to but I read your thoughts.” He explained. “You saw my emotions and read that I was questioning how you were accepting the fact that I… I’m in love with Gohan. And after you tried to reassure me that you didn’t hate me you started remembering things. You really dreamed I would use the dragonballs to get a new best friend? One that was better than you?”

“Yeah.” Goten looked down embarrassed. “Kinda silly huh? But sometimes, I know I came off stupid and it bothered you.”

“Not really, I just sometimes had a hard time remembering you didn’t grow up around all that stuff like I did. Plus your dad know like much about anything that isn’t strategy, training, or food related. But it may have to do with the injury he got when he was a kid.”

“He hit his head or something right? That’s why his programming got scrambled and he didn’t remember anything about being a saiyan or his orders to take on Earth right?”

“That’s right. How…”

“Master Roshi told me.” Goten admitted “I don’t think mom and dad know though. It didn’t seem like a big deal to me. I mean dad was just a baby then he… isn’t like that now.”

“No he’s not but he still gets a little edgy when you imply that he is anything like his brother or any one else on planet Vegeta. Because he isn’t like that at all.” Said Trunks. “I mean with the exception of his appetite and his love for training and searching for stronger opponents Dad says you would never know that he had a drop of saiyan blood in him.”

“It must have driven your father insane when my dad achieved legendary Ascended Saiyan abilities before him.”

Trunks laughed “Mom said he was absolutely livid.”

“Well think about it.” Said Goten. “Here he is one of the most powerful warriors around, the last of the saiyan monarchy and a high class warrior to boot and some amnesiac, low born third class, warrior raised on a planet so weak he was sent as a baby to destroy it but screw up. Plus baka to boot ends up achieving it before him. You can kinda see why it bugged him. Vegeta spends the first couple of months proving to my dad how pathetic he was and then my dad turns around and pulls something like that? It’s a wonder they called a truce and stopped trying to kill each other. Vegeta must have SO wanted to kill my dad after he made him look like such a weakling and in front of Frieza of all people.”

“Yeah probably. Must have had something to do with the fact to your dad it wasn’t ever really a competition but a friendly rivalry. Or something.” Goten and Trunks thought together about that.

“Uhm this is getting scary can we stop talking about our dads now?” Asked Goten.

Trunks nodded. “No problem it was starting to get to me too.”

“So..” Trunks continued. “We are both trying to convince the other we still want to be best friends and don’t hate each other. I guess this still means we’re best friends right?”

“We better be.” Said Goten “I don’t feel like losing you. I mean I may have Valise but she isn’t you Trunks.”

“I think that’s a compliment so thanks.” Said Trunks.

“Uhm back to subjects sure to make you ticked with me.” Said Goten slowly. “You love my brother huh? Why did you think I would be upset with you?”

“I don’t really know. It’s kinda like that old unspoken rule you don’t usually ask for a date with your friend’s sister?”

“Yeah the first commandment you don’t touch your best friend’s sister. I think. Well in case you haven’t noticed it’s my brother and he is old enough to look after himself.”

“You’re right I just didn’t want things to get all weird between the three of us I guess.” Trunks admitted.

“They won’t.” Said Goten. Trunks gave him a look. “Well I guess you’re right there is still the whole you like him and I know you like him but chances are HE doesn’t know you like him or that I know that you like him.”

“You know that almost made sense. Are you sure you didn’t hurt yourself and increase your brain ability?” Joked Trunks.

Goten laughed the tension between them was now broken and they could get back to the healing.

“It’s your turn.” He told Trunks patiently.

“What do you mean my-” Trunks stopped. He knew exactly what Goten meant. “Are you sure about this?” He asked.

Goten nodded. “Yep, you let me do to you what I would do to Valise the least I can do is return the favor. ”

“Goten. You do realize that once we get started… I am probably not going to want to stop until I’m done.” Trunks warned

“I know.” Said Goten.

“It’s probably going to hurt.” Trunks warned. “I mean being the more experienced of the two of us it makes more sense if-”

He moaned as Goten took his earlobe in his teeth and played with it. Then licked around it and whispered. “You know Trunks you talk too much. I understand what I am doing. I am letting you fuck me. Now do it before I change my mind and decide that I am fucking you instead.”

Trunks raised an eyebrow at this. Innocent Goten surely didn’t know what to do. But he was trying to express how serious his offer was. Well if that was the way he felt about it…

“Nope.” Said Trunks “Maybe next time, tonight your ass is mine.” And then it started all over again.


In the monitor room Eighteen and her brother were checking the cameras in the hospital.

“This has got to be the dullest job in the history of the world.” Eighteen muttered.

“Could be worse.” Said Seventeen. “We could have jobs as museum security guards or security at the airport. We are just making sure the dumb things work like they should and then we can go home.”

“Yeah this is our last stop thank the gods.” Said Eighteen. She went through the final camera check. “We’re good to go on 1-8. 9-12 are also doing great 13-14 are a green and 14 through…” She stopped and stared not quite believing what she was seeing on camera 16.

“What’s the matter?” Seventeen asked noticing his sister stopped her relentless chatter.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” He mused to himself.

“I don’t think I am ever going to complain about late night runs again.” 18 muttered. “You don’t catch this during regular business hours.”

“Amen to that.” Said Seventeen and disappeared for about two minutes. 18 watched the door of the room open a crack enough for lube and a couple of condoms to slide through and the door shut again. The two demi-saiyans didn’t even seem to notice the door opening but Trunks broke out of his haze enough to see them and prepare properly before taking his younger friend.

“Well did they get them?” 17 asked.

“Yep.” Said 18.

“I tell you some people just get too lost in the moment and forget.” Said 17 shaking his head. “I mean I am sorry but you just don’t take someone dry. I mean I never would, not after THAT!” He had a dark look on his face and his sister knew well enough not to ask questions or tease him. “Do you-”

“No.” He answered. “You don’t want to know trust me.”

“Very well.” Said 18, guessing that one of 17’s experiments had gone awry on him. 17 then opened the door of the cabinet beside them. When they saw Goten and Trunks curl up against each other to sleep, 17 removed the tape for camera 16 and replaced it with a blank. “What are you planning to do with that?” 18 asked with a raised eyebrow. Her brother had a look that meant he was planning something on his face. “Don’t worry.” He answered. “You do know that these camera have audio don’t you?”

“So you mean you have the entire conversation they had before they did that?” Asked 18. After all you don’t usually go and fuck your best friend without having some sort of reason explained first, or alcohol and controlled substances present.

“Yep.” Said 17 “I think the conversation will be very enlightening don’t you?” 18 nodded, they hurried and finished what they were doing and went back to 17’s cabin to watch the tape.


45 minutes later at 17’s cabin the android twins shared a look.

“Did you know?” 18 asked.

“Not a clue.” 17 answered.

“So what do you propose we do?” 18 asked after all they held the only evidence of what happened ever existed.

“Where is this Valise?” 17 asked. “I think she needs to be enlightened about her boy friend’s feelings for her.”

“You think she would understand?” 18 asked.

“Do you understand?” 17 asked.

He knew his sister’s personality and if she wouldn’t feel slighted by what occurred and would understand why they did it. Then she would be able to explain it to someone else.

“Yes.” 18 answered.

“Then I say we should have a talk with Valise.” Said 17.

“What about Trunks?” 18 asked.

“We’ll see what develops.” Said 17. “We can always kill her.” 18 glared at him. “Okay fine we won’t kill her. That will be the final option if all else fails okay?” Another glare. “Okay fine you handle it. “I’ll go see Valise. Happy now?”

18 nodded “That will do.” she answered, she took a copy of the tape and left for the Kame house.

“I love her, she’s my sister.” 17 muttered. “But why the HELL is she and the rest of her kind so hard to understand?” When he received no answer he left to find Valise.

To be continued….


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

