Midnight Madness
by FireCracker7     More by this Writer
sequel to Candy Hearts

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Chapter 01
Goku and Yamcha spent a great deal of time exploring their feelings after the tryst on the plane. It was a new discovery for both lovers, as they saw each other in a different light for the first time. By necessity they agreed to keep their relationship a secret.

Yamcha didn't care, as long as they could find free time to be together. The lovers got a major break. Chi Chi went out of town with Gohan to visit her father one weekend. It was glorious. Yamcha all but camped out at the Son house. Vegeta stopped through one morning to spar. He was somewhat surprised when a tousled Yamcha answered the door in a bathrobe.

"Baka. Why are you here?!" the saiyan prince demanded, looking over the z warrior in disbelief. "Don't you have a home?"

Yamcha yawned deliberately, running his hands through shaggy hair.

"I'm afraid I don't owe you any explanation, Vegeta. Now what do you want?"

The prince spluttered. "You dare take liberties at Kakarot's house? Where is he?!"

Yamcha pointed inside. "The kitchen, where else?"

"Move" Vegeta pushed his way past and went inside. Yamcha snorted.

"Nice to know your manners have improved."


Vegeta stormed into the kitchen to see a familiar sight, Goku stuffing his face. Several platters and bowls were already emptied. The tall saiyan looked up, his mouth full of food, wearing nothing but sleep pants.

"Hub? Haho, Vugeta. Huv a seet."

Vegeta looked at him disapprovingly, his arms folded. "Really, Kakarot. Have you forgotten our sparring session again?"

Goku gulped down some boiled eggs. "Sorry. I didn't realize the time" he looked at the kitchen clock.

Yamcha entered the kitchen and sat at the table. "Leave some for me, will you?"

Goku winked at him. "Sure, anything" he shoved a plate at his friend.

Vegeta watched their exchange closely before continuing. "Are you going to spar before nightfall, Kakarot?"

"Sure. Just give me enough time to finish eating and then change" he slogged down a plate of sausages.

Yamcha made a face. "Ugh, Goku. We'll have to do something about those table manners."

"Give it a rest, Yamcha" Goku drank his juice with gusto. "You sound like Chi Chi."

Vegeta stared back and forth, eyes narrowing. "What is going on here?"

"Nothing. Hang tight, Vegeta. I'll be right with you" Goku dropped plates in the sink before bolting upstairs to change.

Yamcha filled his plate with food and ate silently. Vegeta watched Goku leave and waited until he was upstairs. After a pause, the ouji pulled up a chair next to Yamcha.

Eyes like coals bored into the handsome warrior. "I demand to know what's going on here!"

Yamcha looked up absently. "Demand away. I don't have to tell you anything."

Vegeta smirked, looking him over. "I see you've let your hair grow long. Once again you resemble the desert bandit."

Yamcha appeared disinterested. "What's your point?"

"Kakarot would prefer such an appearance. He is saiyan, after all."

"Is this going anywhere, Vegeta?"

"Saiyans are wild and want wild things."

Yamcha slammed down his fork. "If you have something to say, just say it!"

Vegeta's tail lashed in irritation. "How long have you been sleeping with Kakarot?!"

Yamcha stared in shock. "What?!"

A triumphant snarl. "You heard me."

"How do you know that?"

Vegeta sat back and snorted. "Hn! You smell like his sex. Besides, your own hormones reek."

Yamcha sniffed himself in surprise. "You can't tell any of that, Vegeta!"

"No human could, but a saiyan's senses are far more keen. I scented you when I came to the door. Now answer my original question!"

"I'm not quarry or game, Vegeta. And as for how long...it's really none of your business!"

Growl. "I'm making it my business, Yamcha. I dislike the idea of Kakarot wasting his time on a useless relationship—"

Yamcha was red-faced with anger. "Useless? Is that how you see genuine feeling, Vegeta?! If so, I truly pity you."

Cold laughter. "Stupid sap. I'm not talking about feelings. You bring nothing to the table, nothing at all. Once Kakarot gets bored with your looks and body, he'll move on."

Yamcha pointed a finger at the saiyan. "Sounds like pure jealousy to me, 'Prince'."

"Me, jealous? Of you?! That's a joke!"

"Sure. You stole Bulma away from me, and now she's tired of you already—"

"Have a care what you say—"

"Two losers that deserve each other in my book!"

"Prick!!" Vegeta went for him. Goku entered the kitchen just in time, fully dressed.

"Hey! What's the deal here?!"

Vegeta sprung to his feet. "Your lover nearly made a fatal mistake."

Goku stared at them both. Yamcha glared at the saiyan prince, anger clearly evident in his eyes. The ouji stood with his fists clenched, tail puffed like a bristle brush.

"Vegeta...let's leave. Now" he wasn't taking no for an answer.

Yamcha protested. "But Goku—"

"I'll be back later. There's a few things I'm going to get straight around here."


The two saiyans toweled down after their workout session. It had been intense and unusually silent.

"You're in a strange mood, Kakarot" Vegeta wiped his face. His muscular body rippled beneath his black body suit.

Goku sat in the tall grass. "Don't threaten Yamcha. I mean it!"

"He's nothing, Kakarot. You're a fool."

"Really? And what exactly does that make you?!"

Vegeta spun in surprise. "Meaning?!"

Goku tossed a look over his shoulder. "Everyone doesn't hide behind pride. You had your chance, Vegeta!"

"You dare speak to me like that? After everything—"

"I could care less at this point. Yamcha's been the best thing for me. And I don't need or want your approval."

The prince folded his arms, eyes pinched shut. "I see" he whispered, pain evident in his voice.

Goku noted the change in his attitude. He walked over and rubbed the sculpted shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Vegeta. I don't want to hurt you..."

"You already have."

"It's just...Yamcha accepts me for myself. I feel so free with him."

Vegeta looked up at him, his eyes liquid. "Crazy baka. You can't achieve completion with him. What do you plan to do, play in the back with Yamcha and walk out the front with your wife?"

Goku gritted his teeth. "Chi Chi and I don't relate, you know that."

The ouji stroked his face. "Hai. And Yamcha is fresh and new. But what happens when the novelty wears off?"

"This isn't a fling."

"No? Time will tell, koi. Perhaps I let foolish pride stand between us, but..."

Goku put a finger to his lips. "Don't say it..."

Vegeta grabbed the finger and kissed it. "Never forget. Ashiteru, Kakarot. Always."

Goku felt his throat tighten. Vegeta's allure never went away, despite their differences.

"I know" his own voice sounded rough. The prince kissed his palm.

"I'd better go."

Goku nodded. "That's a good idea."


It was early evening before Goku returned home. Yamcha was downstairs watching cable.

"I wondered what happened."

Goku flopped down on the couch next to him. "Nothing, just a regular spar."

Yamcha was quiet a moment. He turned down the volume. "Goku, I need to ask you something."

The saiyan sighed. "Let me guess, it's about Vegeta."

Yamcha idly toyed with the remote. "Were the two of you...close?"

"I'm not sure how to answer that. We've always had a connection. It's pretty complex—"

Yamcha snorted impatiently. "What went on between you two!"

"Nothing, Yamcha, I swear it. Things got stopped before they got started."

"The way he acted at the club that night...makes me wonder..."

Goku looked away briefly. "It's over, Yamcha."

Equally dark eyes narrowed. "I thought you said you weren't involved!"

"I don't want to talk about Vegeta, okay? That's the past."

Yamcha gazed into his eyes. "And the present?"

Goku grinned seductively. "I'm looking at him. I'm sorry we missed spending the day together."

Yamcha relaxed a bit. A smile touched his features as he stroked Goku's face gently. "Well, it still isn't too late to plan something."

Curious frown. "Like what?"

"Well, it's a beautiful night and the stars are pretty. What say we go on a romantic picnic?"

Goku was fascinated. "At night?"

"Sure, I've got some cheese and wine, port sausages—"

Goku smacked his lips. "Now you're talking!"

"Not to mention homemade biscuits."

Goku grabbed him into a kiss. "Sounds great. Let's go."


The pair flew across sparkling skies. Goku carried the blankets, Yamcha had the food basket.

Goku pointed at a nearby lake. "Hey, what about there? The water looks nice and clear!"

Yamcha smiled, his wild hair flying in the wind. "Sounds great. Let's go for it!"

Like twin comets they streaked earthward.


It was a cozy tryst. Yamcha fed his sleepy saiyan grapes as they stretched out over bright blankets.

Goku purred. "You're spoiling me rotten, Yamcha."

Yamcha stole kisses across fluttering eyelids. "Mm. And the night is young."

"Bishounen" the happy saiyan rolled to his side, rumbling louder still. Velvety black eyes shone affectionately at his lover.

Yamcha traced slow circles over the chiseled chest. "I feel so lazy...and I love that sound you make."

Goku nuzzled his face against Yamcha's bronzed neck.

"You're beautiful, Yamcha. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

The z warrior sighed, his heart bursting with feeling. "When you say it...I feel beautiful."

A pointed tongue lapped his ear. "It's true."

They lay wrapped around each other in silence, enjoying the mood under nocturnal skies.

Goku's eyes nearly closed in bliss. "I'm feeling really, really good" he purred again.

Yamcha cuddled. "Mm, me too. Roll on your stomach."

Goku growled contentedly. "Hentai..."

They were mellow from drinking wine. Goku flopped over as Yamcha settled alongside.

"I have really talented hands, Kakarot..."

Goku lay quietly, his body a warm buzz. He loved hearing his true name evoked with such passion. Only one other inflamed his blood by doing so…

He gasped as cool liquid splashed across his shoulder blades and down his back. The spiky head attempted to turn around and see…

Yamcha pushed him down, having none of it. "Uh uh. Stay still, my gorgeous saiyan. I've got some tasting to do..."

Goku stretched and cooed as a hot tongue lapped wine from his back. Smacking sounds filled the air as Yamcha sucked and licked flavor from hot skin.

"Mmfth. Saiyan wine. Excellent vintage."

"Arrrghh" a simian growl rumbled from the drowsy saiyan. Yamcha smiled as he sat up and enjoyed the view.

It's amazing, the things about him I've discovered. Saiyans are such a primitive race, almost animalistic. I've never experienced anything like this before…

Without thinking, the handsome z warrior massaged the lower back of his lover. A thick black tail slipped free of baggy pants, waving high in the air.

Yamcha grinned, catching it. "What's this. My prize?" he teased, stroking it gently.

Goku yelped in pleasure. "Yamcha—"

His lover grinned devilishly. "My little back massage popped this free, hmm?" he ruffled the dark fur roughly.

Goku rolled on his back swiftly, hissing in feral lust. The coal black eyes were wild. "I feel really gooood..."

Yamcha gasped in delight as his forearms were grabbed. Goku sat up abruptly to kiss him but paused suddenly, staring up at the sky. Perplexed at the sudden turn, Yamcha looked up also.

"What's wrong, Goku? What happened?"

The saiyan almost looked panicked. "The sky...grrr...don't you see?!"

Yamcha caught the strange growl and glanced up once more. "It's a beautiful night. I don't see anything, except the stars and moon."

Goku leaped to his feet, hurling Yamcha away. "Get out of here!!" he growled savagely.

Yamcha stared in shock and disbelief. "What the hell...are you crazy?! What are you doing!!"

The saiyan stood over him, looking like a wild thing. The swarthy features darkened into a mask of crazed fury, even as his eyes took on a red color…

Yamcha gulped, terror creeping into his mind. What the hell is happening to him?!

Goku threw his head to the sky and howled like a banshee, displaying prominent fangs. His tail bristled and puffed, lashing the air like a whipcord.

Yamcha staggered to his feet as he stared, a dim memory haunting him. "No" he whispered in fear. "I've got to get out of here!" realization shocked him into motion as he ran for his life.


Yamcha raced through a thicket, adrenaline and ki fueling inhuman speed. The ground began to shake and vibrate. Panicked, he darted for the lake.

If I can get away underwater, he won't see me. Kuso! What a fool I am...I forgot about the full moon, dammit!!


Yamcha glanced back as he ran. Towering over the treetops was an angry Oozaru, thundering through the quiet countryside with ponderous steps. The beast struck out aimlessly, smashing the ground in rage. Roars rocked the skies for miles.

More speed! Can't panic...if I take to the air he'll see me…

Suddenly feeling very tiny, Yamcha tried to lose himself in the deep forest.


Vegeta nearly got himself fried by a robot drone. A momentary lapse in concentration only cost him some singed hair.

In rage he blasted the drone to pieces. Swiftly the saiyan prince turned the gravity controls down to normal. He all but raced into the corridor outside.

Bulma was bringing him some food. "Vegeta, what??" she halted when he nearly bowled her over.

He waved her off. "I haven't time...there's an emergency with Kakarot. Contact the others and have them come here now!!"

Bulma stared. "Sure, but...what's going on? Is Goku in danger?"

The prince pulled off his gloves grimly. "No, but everyone else is."


Oozaru Goku was thoroughly trashing the landscape. Hillsides were punched, trees torn up by the root and tossed about. The huge ape stomped and tromped, lurching towards a small town nearby.

In mute horror Yamcha watched the scene miles away from his vantage point perched atop a tree.

I've got to do something, or Goku will kill those people. But what? I need to contact the others, but there's no way I'll get past him.

Handsome features hardened as Yamcha made a grim decision.


The z warriors knew the drill, and as a rule were always prepared in case of dire threat. They all arrived within half an hour of Bulma's emergency call.

The group was grim. Piccolo, Tien, Trunks, and Krillen listened in tense silence as Vegeta explained the situation.

"Where the hell is Yamcha?" Krillen looked around. "You'd think he'd be here."

"I sense his ki with Kakarot's, but some distance away."

Trunks shook his head. "He's insane! No way can he battle Goku alone like that!"

Yajirobi waddled in the conference room, swinging his sword. "I guess I'll have to be the hero again and stop him!"

Vegeta growled at him, flashing sharp teeth. "I know you cut my tail before, fatso. I haven't forgotten to repay your treachery!"

Yajirobi waved his hands helplessly. "I ah, well, I'll be leaving you guys now, unless you still want me to join you, Vegeta..."

The saiyan prince pointed a glowing finger at him. Yajirobi ran from the room.

Piccolo stood. "Now that the comedy act is over, let's get going. Vegeta, what do you want us to do?"

The saiyan pulled out a small device. "This is a solar simulator. I need the rest of you to create a distraction while I expose Kakarot to it's rays."

"Wouldn't it be simpler to cut his tail off?" Tien asked.

"No. Kakarot may not control his Oozaru form, but unlike Gohan, he is aware. You'll never get close enough to do that."

Piccolo's eyes went wide as he considered something. "Wait! What about you...and Trunks? How will you keep from transforming?"

"Only full saiyans transform. I can control my Oozaru, since I was trained during childhood as an elite."

"That doesn't explain Gohan!"

"A special case. As you remember, he was exposed to Gero's genetic ray. It allows him to grow a tail at will. But enough, we need to get going!"

"I just hope we have enough power to stop him" Tien commented.

"It'll take everything we've got" Krillen nodded in agreement.


Yamcha couldn't wait any longer. Goku was rapidly closing on the small town. He flew at the huge form of his lover.

"Hey!! OVER HERE!!"

A deafening roar rattled his bones as the ape turned his way. Yamcha wondered briefly if he had a good life insurance plan. Goku rumbled at him, his ponderous weight and power gouging the earth in his wake. Yamcha flew in a wide arc, far away from the deadly hands.

"Goku it's me! Yamcha!!"

The huge Oozaru snarled in laughter. "I KNOW WHO YOU ARE, YOU LITTLE ROACH. COME AND GET SQUASHED NOW."

Yamcha flew high as a giant paw barely missed him. Goku snapped his jaws in rage.


The z warrior flew around his back, landing on the furry head. It was an extremely risky maneuver.

"Try to control it, Goku! Don't give in—"

The world nearly went dark as a huge palm lowered his way. Yamcha barely escaped, running along massive shoulders.

"HAVE YOUR FUN. I'LL HAVE MINE" Goku turned with startling speed, despite his giant size. Yamcha lost his footing on the thick fur and toppled. He was plucked from the air before he could fly away.


Monstrous fingers tightened around Yamcha in a crushing hold. He choked, feeling consciousness leave even as the pain increased.

"No!!" the z warrior gagged, rasping for air. "Won't...let you..."

A savage chortle. "LET'S SEE...I LOVE HIM, I LOVE HIM NOT..." the pressure hardened even more. Yamcha began to see dots of color as he coughed up dribbles of blood. He gazed up at his executioner, a brutish animal that was his lover. The red eyes held no mercy, no compassion.


Yamcha closed his eyes in concentration against the pain. Chew on this, you freak…


A deafening roar rocked the air as Yamcha suddenly found himself falling once more. He managed to catch himself before impacting, floating gently to the ground.

Arms wrapped around bruised ribs as he stared up at the mammoth creature. Goku covered his eyes in agony.


Yamcha staggered back under the giant shadow. I've got to fly...my only chance now…

Painfully he levitated up. The Oozaru rubbed his eyes, blinking. A hoary head turned in Yamcha's direction once more.


Yamcha didn't even have the strength to avoid the gargantuan foot that closed over him…


Vegeta spearheaded the frantic flight. Trunks pointed to the valley below as they approached. Large gouges in the earth and flattened forest marked a trail of destruction.

"What the frack...Goku did all this damage to the earth?!"

Vegeta nodded grimly. "Aye, boy. You've never seen an Oozaru before. You're about to get educated!"

"I hear something!" Piccolo shouted in the wind. "It's definitely Goku...and Yamcha!"

Tien's eyes widened in shock. "Oh no...look, guys, over the horizon. It's him!!"


The warriors slowed their flight at the awesome sight before them. The towering Oozaru was a mountain of mayhem, smashing hillsides to dust and debris.

Trunks could only gawk at the ape like creature. "That's...that's Goku?!"

"I never thought I'd see this again" Krillen quivered. "It's a repeat of what happened with Gohan!"

Vegeta reached for the device in his pouch. "Kakarot isn't Gohan. Be careful of getting too close. He's aware of everything he's doing!"

"Then why can't he stop destroying everything?!" Trunks didn't understand. "He's totally out of control."

"He can't stop himself, Trunks!" Krillen shouted. "Not in that form—"

Vegeta adjusted the controls as they spoke. "With training, he could. However, he doesn't want to."

That startled the group. "What do you mean?" Piccolo demanded.

Vegeta smirked as he stared at the rampaging Oozaru. "Training would allow him to control his body, but it wouldn't change his saiyan instincts. Being Oozaru brings them all out at once, regardless."

"Dammit!!" the namek swore. "Now what?"

"Fly in a pattern, you know the drill" Vegeta instructed. "And for Kami's sake, keep your distance. Don't let him get behind you!!"

Tien looked about. "I sense Yamcha...his ki is erratic."

"He might be hurt" Krillen surmised. "Let's go!!"


"We should lead off, Piccolo!" Tien shouted as they flew relatively close.

"Split, then!" the namek bellowed. "Trunks, Krillen. Head to his side while we fly above. Vegeta needs position to use his device!"

"On it!!" Trunks shouted as Krillen nodded. They streaked in the opposite direction. Vegeta smiled, plummeting to a small mesa as a vantage point.

This feels...wonderful. Hard to resist.

The saiyan prince focused his attention on the device he held. His hands trembled as he fought delicious sensations washing down his spine. The finely planed face tilted up briefly, dark eyes flashing at the lunar display high above.

So long...since I've run...Kakarot…

Moon rays teased him gently, heating him with sweet seduction…


Piccolo flew high above Oozaru Goku. "HEY, you big ape! Look up here!!"

"RUARRGHHHHH!!!" the were-ape roared, looking up at the taunting namek.

The caped figure rotated in rapid circles. "What's wrong, Goku? Too slow?!"


"No one's dying if we have anything to say about it!" Tien challenged, swooping across his line of sight.

"ANOTHER ROACH, LOOKING TO GET STEPPED ON" a giant paw swatted the bald warrior with amazing speed.

"Tien, look out!!" Krillen shouted, as he rounded to the other side. Tien tumbled through the air in a dizzy spiral. Trunks streaked to his fallen friend, catching him before impact.

"Krillen! Go behind him!!"

The diminutive warrior flew at full speed around the hulking behemoth. Massive jaws opened wide, exposing rows of savage fangs. Krillen attempted to bet behind, but the Oozaru turned with him. Those same jaws snapped in his direction with a resounding CRACK!!!

Krillen pulled up at the last second, blasting straight up. "He tried to eat me!"


"Chew on this, then!!" Piccolo shouted once more, sending potent ki blasts down at the creature.


Trunks set the dazed warrior down on a nearby hill. Tien shook his head in an attempt to clear it.

"What hit me..."

Trunks looked about. "Are you okay? I've got to get back and help the others."

Tien stared off some distance. "Hey, where's Vegeta? Why hasn't he used the device yet?!"

Trunks jumped to his feet. "Something's happening, don't you feel it? His ki is skyrocketing!"

Tien's eyes went round. "Oh no..." he staggered to his feet. "Trunks! We've got to get up there. Something is wrong...and if what I'm thinking is right..."

They stared at each other, horror in their expressions.

"Let's go!!" they chorused. Like twin comets, they returned to the fray.


Piccolo felt like the proverbial spit ball bouncing off a battleship. Blasts that would level mountains did nothing except enrage his transformed friend further. Huge blue beams lit the night, bouncing off the massive chest. A shout caught his attention above deafening roars.

"Piccolo! I sense Yamcha coming this way!!" Krillen shouted as he hurled energy discs in vain.

The namek backed away from the Oozaru, his face lit in eerie blue light. "Then let him get his ass over here!"

"Did I hear my name?!" An orange clad figure blazed their way.

Piccolo snorted. "Quit talking, pretty boy, and fight!"

"Yamcha! Where the hell you been?" Krillen flew in a random pattern, shouting at his friend.

"No time, bud!" Yamcha flew straight at Goku.

"HEY, Goku!! What's up, dude?!"


"You gotta catch me, first!" Yamcha zigzagged in a crazed line.


Trunks and Tien flew to the isolated spot nearby where oddly, Vegeta was just standing with his back turned.

Trunks spoke first as they alighted. "Father! What are you doing? Why haven't you activated the device!"

A guttural laugh. "I've had second thoughts..." his tail stood straight as a rod, the black fur bristled in all directions.

"If you won't activate it then give it to me!" Trunks shook his fist. "There's no time to waste...the others can't hold out for long against Goku!"

Vegeta spun around, eyes red and feral. Fangs gleamed as he laughed insanely.

"I think not" he hissed with a growl. "I rather like this...such a lovely moon!" he was heaving.

"Oh shit" Tien murmured, eyes wide. He took a defensive stance.

Trunk's mouth flew open. "What the frack's happening to him?!" he stammered, backing away.

"Ruarrrhh...you know what they say, boys...if you can't beat them...JOIN THEM!!" Vegeta screeched like a lunatic, his arms upraised. Fur sprouted across his body, tearing away clothing.

"Trunks, GET BACK!!" Tien yelled. "He's transforming, too!!"

The demi-saiyan forced himself to move. "I've got to get the device or else he'll crush it!"

Vegeta roared, his body now rapidly increasing in size and mass. The solar device clattered to the ground and rolled down an incline.

Both men fought down waves of panic as Vegeta towered above them now, blotting out the sky. A huge foot lifted high above them.

"Let's move!!" Tien bellowed as they were nearly stomped.



Piccolo, Yamcha, and Krillen continued to blast and circle Goku, their actions fueled by desperation now.

"Where the hell...is Vegeta?!" Piccolo gasped as he pressed another attack.

Yamcha continued to fly about as a distraction. "Don't know...but we can't keep this up forever!" Krillen heaved an energy ball. "Tien and Trunks have disappeared too!" Oozaru Goku swatted them away.

"ENOUGH OF THIS. ALL OF YOU WILL DIE" mighty jaws opened, blowing out a tornado of flame that engulfed them all…


From a short distance away, the other Oozaru watched in amusement. "IT WOULD APPEAR KAKAROT IS HAVING BARBECUE. THERE'S NOTHING LIKE ROAST NAMEK ON A HOT SUMMER NIGHT."

Tien used the momentary distraction to fly down the incline. Where the hell is that thing?!

Trunks decided to draw his father off. "Hey! Down here!" Thundering footsteps rocked the land as the mountainous were-ape towered above the trees. A were-ape that happened to be his father.

"Father! You said you could control your Oozaru form!"

"RRGGURRRRH...YES, BUT I NEVER SAID I WOULDN'T CHANGE!!" savage laughter rolled into a simian roar.

The demi-saiyan swore as Vegeta tried to stomp him. Like a shot he became airborne.

"All right...you want to play? Come on, then!!" he challenged.

The hoary head turned after him. "CHALLENGE A TRUE SAIYAN, BOY? I THINK NOT."

"We'll see!" Trunks flew in the direction of the other battle.


Goku tore off a chunk of mountain and hurled it into the lake. Blind rampage had taken him over once again. Frantic, the warriors threw everything they had into their ki blasts. Multiple beams of color struck the huge beast as he ravaged the countryside.

Trunks could see their desperation. They were losing and running out of options. As Vegeta blundered behind him with ponderous steps, the other were-ape stopped his assault.

"VEGETA?" Trunks flew between the two Oozaru, not a wise move. "Goku, listen to me! You've got to stop—"

"KAKAROT" Oozaru Vegeta said behind him. "I SEE YOU'RE HAVING A LITTLE SPORT?"



"Vegeta, where's the device?!" Piccolo shouted in near exhaustion.


"Just answer the question!" Krillen yelled, shaking his fist.

Oozaru Goku growled at him. Krillen threw his hands up in appeasement.

"Hey, big guy. Didn't mean anything by it..."

In response, Oozaru Goku belched another blast of fire. The warriors scattered madly in every direction.

"If he hits us dead on, we're cooked!" Yamcha yelled as he retreated.

Oozaru Vegeta swatted at Trunks, who slashed the monstrous palm with his sword. The giant ape roared with fury.


Krillen continued to zip around in a wide arc. "We need another plan!"

Piccolo lowered from the sky, his strength nearly spent. "I'm open for suggestions...if Vegeta doesn't have the device, then who?"


Tien scurried about in the dark, frantically combing the area where the device was last seen before it rolled downhill.

Shimatta! Where are you, you stupid ball! They're gonna be toast if you aren't down here…He sweated, mind racing for a solution. His eyes went wide suddenly as he nearly laughed at himself.

"Of course...let there be light!"


Trunks barely managed to stay ahead of his father. Oozaru Vegeta nearly caught him twice.


"No way!!" Trunks shouted in defiance. "Let's see how you handle...a super saiyan!!" he flashed gold as his aura expanded.

"BAH" Vegeta lumbered at him. Goku followed close behind, snarling with the sound of distant thunder.

With his increased speed, Trunks managed to avoid being caught. Krillen, Yamcha, and Piccolo settled on a nearby shoreline by the lake, pausing to regain their strength.

Piccolo fell to his knees. "We'd better hope...Trunks can buy us some time. I don't know how much longer I can hold out."

Yamcha stared at the ape like horrors, his heart cold. My gentle love...would kill us all. I can't understand this.

"Yamcha, quit daydreaming! We need everyone with a clear head."

"My head's clear enough! But we don't have the power to hold them at bay, and time's running out!"

Krillen sighed in resignation. "What's Tien doing? I sense his ki in the area...we need him here!"

Piccolo watched Trunks avoid another attack. "He must be looking for the device...Vegeta clearly doesn't have it."


Tien placed his hands against his face.

"FINAL FLASH!!!!" The landscape was illuminated in brilliant light. Tien smiled as he spied the object of his search.


He streaked towards a gleaming round object nestled in some shrubbery.


Trunks had gotten too close. A huge fist knocked him from the skies, sending him careening across cracked earth as he made a gouge like trail.


Trunks struggled to get up. He was bruised and sore.

"No...way...you won't win...father..."

Oozaru Goku growled. "LOOK UP AND SEE YOUR DOOM."

Trunks squinted at the looming outlines. "Not...over...yet!"

Yamcha pointed. "Quick, we've got to get Trunks!"

Before they could move, Vegeta double fisted the ground, causing an earthquake that rattled the countryside for miles around. The force tossed the z warriors in the air like rag dolls.


Tien flew like mad, activating the solar device.

I pray I can get there in time…He looked along the horizon. The hulking shapes were easy to see over the forest, even at night.

Tien felt his heart race. Everyone's there...but their ki is so low!

His speed increased, spurred by fear and adrenaline.


The z warriors were exhausted and spent. They most nearly resembled a bunch of derelicts, tattered and covered with dust and bruises. The group lay sprawled in a tangle over broken earth near a small mesa. A sheer rock wall lay behind them.

"Does...anyone have...any ideas?" Yamcha staggered to his feet.

"I don't understand what happened" Piccolo coughed, resting on one knee. "Where's Tien, and why didn't Vegeta activate the device?"

Yamcha helped Trunks up. "You all right?"

The frazzled demi-saiyan shook his head. "How could I be when my own father is trying to kill me?!"

"POOR CHILD" a booming voice replied above them. In terror they looked up at the monstrous apes rolling towards them like an avalanche. The moon shone behind the simian monsters as an eerie backdrop.

Oozaru Vegeta laughed savagely, his guttural voice a rolling thunderclap.


The defeated warriors stared, awestruck at their seeming demise.

"Someone's got to do something!" Piccolo staggered up.

Yamcha blanked into a dreamlike stake. Is this how it ends for me, Goku? Killed by someone I love?

Animalistic roars rocked the atmosphere, as both were-apes pounded their chests and howled.


Krillen shivered as they loomed closer. "We're lost!!"


Tien held the device high over his head and shouted down.


In rage the huge Oozaru turned at the insult.

Trunk's eyes went wide in surprise. "It's Tien!!"

"He has the device!" Piccolo shouted.

"Cover your eyes—" Krillen didn't get to finish. A blinding solar flare illuminated the night, casting everything into eerie white noise.


The were-apes crashed to earth, shifting and getting smaller…A small, artificial sun bathed the valley in bizarre daylight. Near the edge of the lake sprawled two nude figures.

"It worked!" Yamcha laughed in relief.


Goku squinted against the overwhelming glare, seeing Vegeta lying face down nearby.

"Vegeta! Can you hear me?"

The ouji turned his face and shielded his eyes. "Of course. Stop shouting, baka."

Goku sat up and looked down at himself. "Shimatta, we're butt naked!"

Vegeta pulled up to a kneeling position. He waved his tail at Goku deliberately.

"Hai, and many times before" dark eyes flashed fire over a sly smile. "Perhaps we can make up properly now, eh?"

Goku growled softly as the thick tail swiped his face. A small purr burst from his chest at the delicious scent.

"Vegeta...yamero!" his voice was rough with growing arousal. "The others will be coming this way soon enough!"

"Waku, koi? So am I" the air thickened with spicy musk.

"Fool! Why'd you come here, anyway?"

The taunting tail retreated. "That device that currently bathes us in light is mine. It's used to reverse saiyan transformations before dawn."

Goku squinted up again. "I see. But how would you use it on yourself?"

"Invasion teams always had at least two members. No more than half of a given force transformed, while the others kept the devices."

Goku looked at himself, pressing a forearm against a growing erection to cover it.

Vegeta noticed, his eyes lowering once more in seduction. "Kakarot...I'll do anything to make things up with you" the voice was silken.

Goku responded with equally hot eyes, cheeks flushed. "A...tempting offer, Vegeta."

"What would you like to do?" the ouji's voice dropped to a sweet whisper.

A soft growl. "Bang you stupid in the bushes."

Vegeta licked his lips slowly as that tail waved again. "Hn..."

"Hey, there they are!!" Krillen's voice was heard nearby.

"Shit" Vegeta snarled as both saiyans turned at the sound. "Baldy has a propensity for bursting in at the worst times."


The z warriors approached their comrades cautiously. Goku sensed their unease.

"It's all right, guys. We won't attack you."

Vegeta glowered at the tattered group. "Hn. You look like rejects from a shopping bin."

Yamcha snickered. "That's mighty tough talk...from a guy showing his ass!"

Vegeta snarled. "One ass isn't another."

Yamcha curled his lip. What the hell?!

Goku stood abruptly, his partial erection bobbing. "Listen, I'm sorry about—"

"Uh, Goku, maybe we should get you some clothes?" Trunks was clearly uncomfortable seeing his idol in the buff.

Tien made a face. "At least sit down, Goku! We don't need a show."

The saiyan scratched his head. "What's with you guys? Hell, we've all seen each other before—"

Piccolo was also disconcerted. "Tien's right. Take my cape and stop acting like a backwoods hick for once!"

"Vegeta still wouldn't have anything to wear" Krillen said as the namek moved to take off his cloak.

Yamcha lifted a hand. "Hold on. I know where some blankets are—"

"Get them, then" Vegeta interrupted. "I have no intention of appearing at Capsule Corporation like this!"

Yamcha smirked. "Be nice, Vegeta. I'd hate to see you get arrested for indecent exposure."

The ouji eyed him strangely. "My exposure isn't indecent. I've received nothing but appreciation" dark eyes flickered briefly at the other saiyan. Goku refused to look his way.

"Give it a rest" Piccolo wasn't interested.

"That isn't funny either, Vegeta" Krillen commented. "I don't like insinuations."

Yamcha flushed in anger at the innuendo. "Guys, I'll be back shortly" he took off like a streak.

Trunks watched him leave. "I don't get it...where would he have blankets in the middle of nowhere?"


The time spent waiting was mostly tense. The saiyans paced and walked about, oblivious to their nudity while the others cringed in discomfort. Piccolo was annoyed beyond words.

"I've had enough of this peep show. If you want to parade around, that's your business. I'm facing this way" the stern namek turned his back.

Vegeta looked over his shoulder. "What a prig. No wonder Namek blood runs cool."

Piccolo snorted. "Saiyans are legendary for their sleazy appetites."

Goku glared at his friend. "Maybe you've said enough."

"Hai, or I'll quiet him myself!" Vegeta growled.

"Not on your best day."

Vegeta moved at the namek. "You challenge me? Fool!"

Piccolo turned and laughed. "You wish to battle naked, and call me a fool?!"

The ouji stared down at himself. "Kuso, I forgot. Another time, then."

Piccolo looked away. "Surely."


Even the level headed Tien was fed up. "What's taking Yamcha so long with those blankets?"

Krillen was losing his composure as well. Goku and Vegeta continued to walk about on display, lacing the air with their tails.

"Could you at least sit down, please?!"

"All right!" Goku had a short fuse. The tall saiyan dropped to a sitting pose, folding his legs.

"Are you happy now, Krillen?"


Vegeta sat in a neat pile, curling his tail around his waist. Trunks approached him, his face closed.

"Father...I need to know. Those things you said...did you really mean that? Would you have killed us?"

Vegeta eyed him steadily. "Yes."

Trunks gasped in shock. "You could do that...and not care?!"

The ouji looked away, his face a serene mask. "No doubt I would regret it later. But in that form, instincts rule over judgment and compassion."

Trunks stared at Goku in disbelief. "What about you?"

Goku nodded grimly. "Also true. I'm sorry, Trunks. And unlike Vegeta, I can't control my Oozaru form."

Tien just shook his head. Krillen sighed in resignation.

Trunks was silent a moment, staring at his feet. "You turn into monsters—"

"Hey!" Vegeta snapped his attention. "Now you listen to me, boy. You want to embrace being saiyan? Well here's your chance. It isn't about being a romantic warrior that saves the day. We are an ancient, barbaric race that lives for bloodshed and violence."

Even Goku winced at that truth.

"That doesn't mean you kill friends and family" Trunks retorted quietly.

"You can't possibly understand unless you are Oozaru."

"Then perhaps being saiyan isn't all it's cracked up to be."

Krillen interjected. "Hey, guys, take it easy here!"

Vegeta ignored him. He glared at his son briefly. "We will discuss this later."

Trunks looked away and didn't reply.


Yamcha arrived shortly afterwards carrying thick blankets. Goku recognized them immediately.

The z warrior stopped momentarily, glaring at Vegeta who clearly was giving Goku the once over with his eyes.

"Here's yours!!" he all but threw it at the ouji's face.

Angered, Vegeta caught it with a motion too swift for the human eye. "Chikusome" he muttered, wrapping the material around himself.

Tien glanced at his friend. "What'd you do that for, Yamcha? You trying to tick Vegeta off?"

"I'm more interested in why he looked at Goku like that" Krillen commented suspiciously.

"Bah. Merely thinking that the baka spends most of his life in such a state, running about in the woods" the prince covered himself smoothly.

Yamcha wasn't buying it. "Yeah, right."

Krillen lifted an eyebrow. "Well, that much is true..."

Goku covered himself as well. "I don't know what you mean. Besides, I only run on weekends now. Chi Chi said the neighbors were complaining, and threatened to notify the authorities."

Trunks blinked at him. "Eh?"

Piccolo abruptly turned back around. "Goku! We need to talk about this transformation..."

Vegeta stared at his blanket and suppressed a snarl. Kami! This garment reeks of…

"Something wrong, Vegeta?" Yamcha was smug. The ouji curled a lip at him.

Trunks ignored them both. "Piccolo's right, Goku. We can't go through this every full moon! Besides, the authorities will be all over this place tomorrow."

"Perhaps you should have your tail removed again" the namek suggested.

"Go to hell, namek" Vegeta snapped. "Kakarot won't be butchered again—"

"I can speak for myself, Vegeta. What would be the point, Piccolo? It regenerates now. Besides, the solar device is quite effective, wouldn't you say?" he pointed skyward at the radiating beams.

"You haven't changed back, that's for sure" Krillen looked up also.

"But how to retrieve it safely?" Tien wondered. "If we take it down before you leave..."

"Hn" Vegeta considered the dilemma. He turned to his fellow saiyan. "Kakarot. Cover your head and shield your face away from the sky."

Goku gleaned the point, pulling the blanket over his head like a cowl. Vegeta copied the gesture.

"But how will that help? You'll still be exposed" Yamcha stated.

"It'll be okay like this, Yamcha" Goku reassured him. "These blankets block the rays, and as long as we don't stare at the moon we should be okay."

Piccolo was unconvinced. "All right, if you say so."

"Ill get it" Trunks flew up to retrieve the glowing orb. There was more awkward silence as the friends reflected on the night's events.

Goku watched the others carefully. He could sense their terror and revulsion, despite outward appearances. I don't blame them.

Vegeta likewise picked up on the powerful emotions. They accept and fear us.

Krillen pierced the painful silence. "Uh...Goku? Can we trust you not to change again?"

The tall saiyan pulled the blanket tightly around his face. "Of course" his voice was soft as he smiled sharply.

Piccolo noted that his tail had slipped free and was waving a denial…


The unnatural brightness disappeared and was replaced by nocturnal splendor once more. The z warriors watched the cloaked figures nervously, subconsciously edging away. Vegeta moved to Goku's side and laughed.

"Why, Kakarot...I do believe they're afraid of us" his voice had a sinister undertone.

Yamcha stepped forward and touched Goku's shoulder. "I'm not. I trust and believe in you."

Goku stared at him a moment. "Thank...you."

"So do I!" Trunks insisted, holding the silvery orb. "Perhaps more of these devices can be made, father?"

"I don't see why not" Vegeta was indifferent. "Now let's go, gentlemen. It's been a long night."

Tien wiped his forehead. "The longest of my life."


DBZ Love Garden

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