I Want To Come Over
by Freewater     More by this Writer
Videl blackmailed Gohan into marrying her. Now Gohan and Trunks have to sneak around to be together. I didn’t actually get a chance to listen to the song because I couldn’t find it, but hopefully this reads right anyway.

Dedicated To: Galacia! For suggesting the three songs, of which, this is the one I picked ^_^

Song Used: Melissa Etheridge – I want to come over

**I know you’re home
You left your light on
You know I’m here
The night is thin**

All I have to do is wait for just a little while longer, a little while longer and then she’ll be gone. All gone and then have you all to myself! I can’t wait but I wish she’d hurry up and leave already, I feel like some kind of prowler waiting out here in the bushes like this with only the crickets to keep me company.

“Fuck, Gohan, please make her hurry.” I urge in a whisper, biting my lip to keep from saying anything else. The very last thing I need is for someone to hear me and call the cops. What a way to fuck up a day.

The witch is leaving the spend the weekend with her father, Pan is off at college, it’ll be just you and me.


Wait. There she is, bags in her hands. Unlocking the car door, yeah that’s it, you don’t know I’m here…


She starts up the car and drives down the street, but I don’t dare come out of my hiding place until she turns a corner. The last time she saw me sneaking up to the house through the rear view mirror and Gohan and I had some awkward explaining to do the next day.

We barely got out of there alive.

**I know you’re alone
I watched the car leave
Your lover is gone
Let me in**

Oh, thank God, I feel like I’m about to burst. Gohan always leaves his bedroom light on for me to find my way in the dark, how sweet of him.

I grin at the thought before creeping my way towards the house and slipping in the back. The keys to the front and back doors are different, something Videl thought to do to keep me out but Gohan gave me the key to the back door without her knowing it.

God I hate her. So, so much. Fucking bitch.

I slip the key into the key hole to unlock the door but it doesn’t turn.

“What the fuck?” I try again, and still nothing.

That fucking–! Videl changed the locks on me. I bang my head on the wall and groan, knowing her possessiveness over Gohan she probably locked him inside to boot.

God dammit.

**Open your back door
I just need to touch you once more**

When Gohan married Videl, he did it because she threatened to out him to the press for not only being a half alien but also Saiyaman. Both Gohan and Goten told me the stories themselves, no one else knows their form what they said and Chi-Chi doesn’t want to believe the accusations.

I only wanted to comfort him, to be a friend and let him know that he wasn't alone. Goten couldn't be around all the time after all but eventually it turned into something more. I’m not sure when I noticed it but I know I was forced to face it when he told me he loved me and then I kissed him.

We were forced to sneak around, two grown men, hiding like teenagers who were staying out past curfew. We hated it, myself especially, but right now it’s all we have.

**I want to come over
To hell with the consequence
You told me you loved me
That’s all I believe**

My head snaps up when I hear the click of the door, and it opens for me, light streaming out into the darkness as you stand in the doorway, looking down at me.

I’m probably two inches shorter then you, but I still fucking hate it.

“Hey,” You croak.

I swallow, my mouth is dry, and I can’t help but notice how you’re wearing nothing but your boxers.

“Hey,” I reply. I can’t take this anymore, so I step up and kiss you. My hands are on your face and your arms are around my back, right where they should be. We step inside and I kick the door closed with my foot.

I break off the kiss briefly. “She changed the locks again?” I ask, kissing you again.

You mumble back, nodding. “Mmhm.”

I break off our kiss again but our lips are still touching. “Stupid bitch.” And again, I kiss you, hating Videl for trying to keep us apart, as if she has some right to.

**I want to come over
It’s a need I can’t explain
To see you again
I want to come over**

Videl’s not stupid, no matter how much I hate to admit it. She knows about us, she’s even *seen* us on a few occasions. But no matter what we've said, done, or offered to do, she won’t let you divorce her. That’s why she changes the locks, to try and keep me away, as if anything she’ll ever do will actually get rid of me.

“Did you check the bedroom?” I ask.

“Yeah, I didn't find anything.” You reply.

Videl’s been known for hiding bugs in the bedroom, living room, near the stairs, anywhere we have sex really. She’s never gotten us on tape so far, thanks to your extensive searches.

You've said you didn't want her to get anything she could use against me but I wouldn't care, as long as she couldn't get her hands on anything that could hurt you more then I wouldn't care in the least.

**I know your friend
You told her about me
She filled you with fear
Some kind of sin**

I wonder if you’re still speaking with Erasa? After all those things she’s said to you about us after you trusted her enough to tell her what was going on. Granted, she doesn't know you’re a saiyan but she knows about you and me.

At least she didn't go running to Videl with what she found out. I had to give her that much.

…Of course, I hated her with a passion after her words caused you to almost break it off with me.

Oh God, I’ll never forget when you told me. My heart stopped for a full minute.

“Trunks, I think we need to stop this.”

I knew I felt my jaw hitting the floor that day. “You… you can’t mean that.” I rasped.

You looked just as guilty and heartbroken as me but at the time, I couldn't see that, all I could see was that you were breaking *my* heart.

“Trunks, there’s no point to this anymore. We can’t have anything as long as I’m stuck here, you’re wasting your time. You should just leave.” And you proceeded to push me towards the door.

**How can you turn
Denying the fire
Lover I burn
Let me in**

I wouldn't let you though, I couldn't. I fucking loved you enough to be with you behind the backs of everyone we knew, I wasn't about to go away just because you had lost the faith.

Desperately, I grabbed your arms, stopping you from shoving me and I kissed you.

You pulled away though. “I mean it, Trunks!” You said, actually trying to sound angry with me.

“You do not! Don’t fuck with me Gohan! You can’t say you want to spend the rest of your life alone with that bitch just because of what one person said!” I screamed, clutching your shirt.

**Open your back door
I just need to touch you once more**

You shook your head. “You don’t get it Trunks, she won’t let me leave. I can’t be with you the way you want me to.” You said pitifully. I hated that you were talking to me as if you were explaining this concept to a child but I couldn't blame you for it either.

I couldn't let you go through this all by yourself. Even if we weren't lovers. I cared too much to just leave you like that…

**I know you’re confused
I know that you’re shaken
You think we’ll be lost
Once we begin
I know you’re weak
I know that you want me
Lover don’t speak
Let me in**

…So I kissed you again and pulled you towards me. You struggled at first, but I wouldn't let you go, after all your slacking in the training room and all my father’s pestering me to get stronger, I think right then, in my determination, I *was* stronger then you. Strong enough to make you see what I wanted you to see.

Eventually you gave up trying to push me away, and you let me kiss you. You even kissed back.

It was like our first, hard and fast, like we were both afraid it would end on us. But I had to be the one to break it off. “If I want to waste away my life on you, then I’ll do it, with or without your consent. And I’ll have the best time doing it too.”

And that was the end of that.

**I want to come over
To hell with the consequence
You told me you loved me
That’s all I believe**

That was a while ago, but I’ll never forget it. You scared me so much that day. Fucking Videl.

“You okay?”

I look up and see you, staring down at me with worry in your eyes, your hair ruffled up and sweaty on the pillow. I lean my head back on your chest and sigh.

Videl puts bugs around this room and bed, but I wonder if she knows that we actually have sex on the bed the two of you share?

I shake my head. “No, I have to go soon.” I say pitifully, kissing your chest, hugging you tighter, and to my temporary delight you hug me back. “I’ll get you out of this someday. You know that, right?” I ask. I need you to know that I won’t give up on you. Not fucking ever.

You give me a shaky sigh, forcing yourself to believe me. “Yeah, I know.”

**I want to come over
It’s a need I can’t explain
To see you again
I want to come over**


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