DBZ Yaoi & Shounen Ai Fanfiction

Alatrunks Future TrunksGohan
Alatrunks September 25, 2015 Words: 48365 Chapters: 12 Views: 5092 What happens when two reckless writers mix Disney’s Aladdin and Dragon Ball Z. ^_^

This story is a collaboration with Lord Truhan who provided the idea, helped with the plot and betaread it.
The Little Mermaid GohanTrunks
The Little Mermaid Recommended September 25, 2015 Words: 52293 Chapters: 10 Views: 1361 Disney Film’s “The Little Mermaid” Truhan style.

Author’s Notes: `’ These things here indicate thoughts. Bra is a little older than what she should normally be. She is nine and Trunks is sixteen. Gohan is eighteen and Goten is also nine.

The cast is :
Ariel : Trunks
Prince Eric : Gohan
Triton : Vegeta (duh)
Ursula : Cell (They’re both creepy and weird looking)
Two Eels : Cell juniors
Sebastian : Krillin
Flounder : Flounder will just be the Turtle that hangs out with Master Roshi since he is cowardly. I would have made him Goten, but he’s Gohan’s little brother and therefore will remain on land. I know that turtles need air to breath but lets just pretend that this one doesn’t.
Most Trusted Advisor to Gohan : Yamcha
Seagull : Master Roshi (their both nuts! Nuff said.)
Dog : Icarus (I know that Icarus is supposed to be a dragon, but I’m keeping him a dog)
What Fate Has In Store For Us Future TrunksGohan
What Fate Has In Store For Us September 25, 2015 Words: 18038 Chapters: 6 Views: 398 It took years for Gohan to admit he loved Mirai Trunks, so when the time traveler finally comes back Gohan muster all his courage and make his confession. But the result isn't what he expected as Mirai Trunks thinks it would be betraying his love for Mirai Gohan and that a jealous Videl is doing all what she can to chase Mirai Trunks away. Will true love win?

‘These things here indicate thoughts. Mirai Trunks will be either called Mirai or Trunks and chibi Trunks will be referred to as Chibi Trunks or Trunks when his older self isn’t around.

This story was a collaboration with Vickalinda.
Never Again GohanTrunks
Never Again Recommended September 25, 2015 Words: 24097 Chapters: 12 Views: 951 Trunks refuses to let Gohan see his daughter Pan. Why? And what is Gohan willing to do to get what he wants? This will be an Alternate Universe fic. Pan was never born to Videl. Male Pregnancy Rape
Beauty And The Beast Future TrunksGohan
Beauty And The Beast September 25, 2015 Words: 65824 Chapters: 25 Views: 346 DBZ version of Beauty and the Beast.

The first three chapters were written by Sniffles but she lost interest in the fic. The others chapters are written by Freewater who kindly took over the fic with Sniffles’s approval.

“Beauty and the Beast” belongs to Mme de Villeneuve (who created the original story) and to Mme de Richemont (who shortened it to create the version everybody know nowadays).

Cast : In the order they appear
Beast played by : Gohan
Gaston played by : Mr. Satan a.k.a Hercule
Lefou played by : Krillin
Belle played by : Mirai Trunks (just because he’s cuter and GT Trunks couldn’t make the audition. ~_^*)
Maurice played by : Vegeta heheheheheh
Phillipe played by : Phillipe
I Touch Myself GohanTrunks
I Touch Myself Recommended September 25, 2015 Words: 1676 Views: 620 Trunks forgot his and Gohan’s anniversary. What will he do to make it up?
I Would Do Anything GohanTrunks
I Would Do Anything Recommended September 25, 2015 Words: 5036 Views: 528 Gohan divorces and starts a new relationship with Trunks. But the price might be higher than he thought. Will Gohan accepts to break up with his family to keep Trunks?

This story is a one shot and in Gohan’s POV, slightly Alternate Universe. Goku does not have Instant Transmission either. The song is by Meat Loaf: I Would Do Anything For Love
What Could Be GohanTrunks
What Could Be Recommended September 25, 2015 Words: 7086 Views: 833 After being together for months Goten breaks of his and Trunks’s relationship and announces he’s getting married. Heart-broken Trunks goes to a bar to drown his pain in alcohol. There he meets Gohan who is celebrating being free after his divorce. Trunks sees Gohan as a perfect opportunity for revenge on Goten. But what if the relationship becomes more that that.
Love Is Pain GohanTrunks
Love Is Pain Recommended September 25, 2015 Words: 15921 Chapters: 6 Views: 321 Gohan and Trunks get in a relationship after Videl and Gohan divorce but when Gohan suspects that Trunks is cheating on him he throws him out. Will they get back together or is this the end of the relationship?
I'll Be There For You GohanTrunks
I'll Be There For You Recommended September 25, 2015 Words: 91723 Chapters: 9 Views: 699 While on his honeymoon with Gohan, Trunks dies in an awful accident. What will happen when years later a guilt torn Gohan meets someone who looks exactly like him, but with no memories of who he is? Graphic Violence
No Happy Endings GohanTrunks
No Happy Endings Recommended September 25, 2015 Words: 13740 Chapters: 6 Views: 267 Pan loves Trunks, but so does her father, and she is willing to do anything to keep them apart
Cooling Off GohanTrunks
Cooling Off September 25, 2015 Words: 2436 Views: 261 Trunks fears his relationship with Gohan is in trouble because they've cooled off towards each other.
He's Irresistible GohanTrunks
He's Irresistible September 25, 2015 Words: 1219 Views: 245 Gohan reflects about how his relationship with Trunks started. This songfic story is in Gohans POV, and we all know who he’s thinking about Videl and Pan don’t exist.
I Want To Come Over GohanTrunks
I Want To Come Over September 25, 2015 Words: 1748 Views: 216 Videl blackmailed Gohan into marrying her. Now Gohan and Trunks have to sneak around to be together. I didn’t actually get a chance to listen to the song because I couldn’t find it, but hopefully this reads right anyway.

Dedicated To: Galacia! For suggesting the three songs, of which, this is the one I picked ^_^

Song Used: Melissa Etheridge – I want to come over
I Can Hear You Future GohanFuture Trunks
I Can Hear You September 25, 2015 Words: 1410 Views: 199 Gohan is dead and visits Trunks in his dreams, but is Trunks aware he’s there?
Unison GohanTrunks
Unison September 25, 2015 Words: 834 Views: 199 They keep trying but they just can’t get this one thing right…
The Hard Road GohanTrunks
The Hard Road September 25, 2015 Words: 3357 Views: 217 How can Trunks and Gohan tell each other that they love each other after hiding it for so long?
The Fantasy GohanTrunks
The Fantasy September 25, 2015 Words: 1279 Views: 238 Someone has a fantasy about their perfect life. Is it really as perfect as it seems? SHORT!
Fantasy Sequel GohanTrunks
Fantasy Sequel September 25, 2015 Words: 1228 Views: 194 Sequel to ‘The Fantasy’ Graphic Violence
The Day I Knew GohanTrunks
The Day I Knew September 25, 2015 Words: 5384 Views: 246 Trunks thinks about the many ways he fell in love with Gohan.
Seeing You Again Future GohanFuture Trunks
Seeing You Again September 25, 2015 Words: 3807 Views: 180 Trunks reflects on his life as he visits Gohan’s grave one last time. Deathfic
Never Let Anyone GohanTrunks
Never Let Anyone September 25, 2015 Words: 4999 Views: 223 In his obsession with Trunks he swears he’ll never let anyone come between them.

Otoko Sukii is an actual character from DBZ and DBGT who has an actual crush on Trunks in the series, his name is sometimes spelled differently, but that was how I found it spelled on Saiyans In Suits. A picture can be found of him in the Marriage Prospects area. I’m writing this because despite all the yaoi fans out there I’ve yet to see a story with him in it, or maybe there is and I just didn’t find it yet Graphic Violence Deathfic
Mirai Misery Future TrunksGohan
Mirai Misery September 25, 2015 Words: 3960 Views: 263 Trunks comes back from the future to the one he loves, but is it Gohan?
Let Me Love You GohanGoten
Let Me Love You September 25, 2015 Words: 2790 Views: 297 Gohan wants to love Trunks but Goten already has him. What can he do to make Trunks see that Goten doesn’t deserve him like he does?
Angel Eyes GohanTrunks
Angel Eyes Recommended September 25, 2015 Words: 48419 Chapters: 10 Views: 422 Vegeta abuses Trunks for years until he is found and rescued by Gohan. But at what cost? And will he be sent back to his father once his secret comes out?

There’ll be change in the P.O.V, it will go from Gohan to Trunks and then to me. `’These things here indicate thoughts. Gohan and Videl were married at one point but Pan does not exist. Group Sex Abusive

DBZ Saiyan Garden

"Welcome to DBZ Saiyan Garden—your ultimate hub for DBZ Yaoi, BL (Boys Love), fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics. Established in 2001, our extensive archive features beloved pairings such as Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), PiccoHan (Piccolo x Gohan), and Truten (Goten x Trunks). Explore high-quality scanlations, exclusive artwork, and detailed guides, including our renowned Gay Kamasutra.

Viewer Discretion Advised: This content is strictly intended for mature audiences only."

