Love Is Pain
by Freewater     More by this Writer
Gohan and Trunks get in a relationship after Videl and Gohan divorce but when Gohan suspects that Trunks is cheating on him he throws him out. Will they get back together or is this the end of the relationship?

Chapter 01: The Pain
Gohan looked at the black and white photographs in his shaking hands in both shock and horror, while tears flowed freely down his face and dropped onto the wooden floor. They’d come in that mail by an anonymous sender who’d followed his Koi around one day and took pictures for him to see. The letter said it was for his eyes only, and he didn’t know why until he opened the rest of the package.

Trunks was the richest, and considered the most gorgeous businessman on the planet, so the fact that he didn’t know who sent him these didn’t really bother him. When Trunks moved in with him, he became used to getting hate mail from all of his little groupies who were rather upset that their lavender haired God was in love with him and not with one of them.

Gohan had suspected that Trunks was cheating on him for quit sometime now, but *never* thought in a million years that he would see the proof so plainly in his hands.

The signs were there. They always were. For the first year of their relationship, things were great, better than great even, but in the past two months or so, things just went downhill.

Trunks started to work late, he would come home smelling like several different types of cologne, and he was always hesitant about certain things. As if he was hiding something. Whenever Gohan asked him where he was going or where he was, the answer was always vague and untruthful while he bent his head down so that he couldn’t see his eyes.

Trunks couldn’t lie for shit, and neither could he, but they were both experts at telling when the other was being untruthful, and Trunks was almost always untruthful lately. He didn’t want to believe that it was true. That his Koi could hurt him in such a cruel manner. Trunks swore to him on everything that he represented that if he were to give him his heart then he would never break it, like Videl did.

Almost three years ago, Videl divorced him, saying that she’d had enough of him and his weird family. She told him that she hated him even. When they were divorced she got custody of Pan, and he was aloud no visitation rights to her. She made him out to be one of those horrible drunken fathers who terrorize their families, and it killed him when he watched her take away his little girl to never be seen by his eyes ever again.

Several months later, Trunks came along and decided to pursue him. Gohan swore to himself that he would never love again because of what Videl did to him, but no matter what he said or how many sign he left out, Trunks just wouldn’t give up.

He swore that he would never do to him what Videl did, and that he would always be there to love him like no-one else would. Gohan couldn’t help but fall in love with the persistent, younger demi, and they’ve been together for almost a year and a half now.

They shared dominance, but Trunks moved into his apartment with him. He’s been living there with him for almost a year now. It wasn’t a mansion or a house, but they both loved it anyway. It was cozy, and it fit the both of them well.

There were no signs of his cheating at this point in the relationship, but almost two months ago he started to see it. He would always find reasons to rush off, or go hang out with Goten. Even after they made love he would always seem a little distant, like he was fighting an internal battle with himself, and when he asked what was wrong, Trunks would just shrug it off as nothing and give him only vague answers when he persisted.

He was lying to him, and he was hiding something from him, but Gohan never confronted him about it. What was the point of risking his relationship with his wonderful Koi over his own paranoia? He *had* to be wrong, he just had to be!

But he wasn’t. He suspected it, and he was right. Worst of all, it appeared to be with Goten that he was cheating on him with. The pictures in his hands weren’t of sex or anything like that, it was more or less what was going on *in* the pictures.

There’s an expensive jewellery store in the middle of Satan city that’s called “Hearts are made of Diamonds” and it specialised in things that were meant especially for lovers. For example if you really wanted you mate to give you good sex for the next month and a half, you would bye her or him a gift from this place. There were also some erotic store surrounding it. Trunks and Goten were in the photos just outside of that store.

Picture Number One: Trunks and Goten are pictured walking in, with Gotens arm thrown around Trunks’ shoulders. Both looking happy.

Picture Number Two: They walk out together with a small bag in hand. Trunks is blushing and Goten smiles knowingly about something with his arm still around Trunks’ shoulder.

Picture Number Three: They appear to be hugging each other happily about something outside of the store.

Picture Number Four: Trunks kisses Goten on the cheek.

Picture Number Five: Smiling, Goten has his arm around Trunks shoulder again while they appear to be walking away.

It was true that there didn’t appear to be too much going on in the photos, but combine the images with his initial suspicions and the fact that Goten and Trunks used to be a couple to begin with and just couldn’t help but think that it was all true.

He threw the pictures back in the kitchen drawer with disgust. That was the fourth time he looked at them, but he could still find no solution as to why the two of them could be innocently walking through that kind of neighbourhood, and it still put tears in his eyes at the sight of them.

Gohans heart was crushed. It had to be true. It explained so much! Why Trunks was always coming home late after working *long hours in the office*, why he was always hiding things from him and lying to him, why he was so distant. Trunks was cheating on him! And he was doing it with Goten of all people!

He received those photos that morning after Trunks had left for work, saying that he would be home early for him. Gohan had to work too, but when he opened the mail he just had to call in sick. The worst part was that today was valentines day. The day meant especially for love was the day that his heart was ripped out by the last person he ever expected to hurt him.

Gohan had already placed some of Trunks’ things in a duffle bag, and then left an open suitcase for him on the bed to get out his clothes. He couldn’t pack them up himself, he was starting to feel disgusted whenever he touched any of his belongings.

Trunks had to go. He would tell him to leave the very second he got back for what he did to him and their love. Gohan would be damned before he let that little rich brat walk all over him, he’d put up with enough of that when he married Videl!

He felt so much anger, hate and betrayal directed straight at the little kisama for what he did. Trunks used him, he swore he would never hurt him and he did in the worst possible way. He made him think that he was in love while probably laughing behind his back all the time, for being so stupid. Whenever Gohan thought that he was making love to him, or being made love to, it was always just a sick little bastard using him for the emotionless pleasure of it.

‘I hate him.’ He thought while practically blind with his own rage. The sad thing was, was that it wasn’t true. Gohan still loved him despite all of what he’d seen. He’d handed his heart over to the purple haired demon one hundred percent, and he unfortunately still had it in his disgusting claws.

Part of him wanted to pretend that he’d never seen the pictures. Part of him wanted to just forgive him and continue to live in his little fantasy world where everything was alright and he was still loved, but his better half knew that, that was just being stupid . Trunks had to go. Today.

The sound of the door suddenly opening wide and then closing, signalled that Trunks was home early. Just like he promised. Gohan promised himself that he wouldn’t go insane on the little bastard like he deserved, and be the mature one about this while he waited for him in the kitchen.

“Gohan?” Trunks called out as he searched through the spacious apartment. He looked through a doorway in the living room that led to the kitchen, and when he saw his Koi standing there and waiting for him, he smiled.

“Hey there, Valentine.” He said happily while walking up to him and wrapping his arms around his neck. He reached his face up to kiss him, but Gohan turned away in disgust.

Trunks gave him a confused look before worriedly asking. “What’s wrong, Go-chan?”

He snarled slightly when he heard the question. ‘Like you care what’s wrong!’ He thought angrily. He slowly reached his hands up and peeled Trunks’ arms off of him, like they were something slimy and disgusting that most people would hate to touch.

Once again Trunks gave him a confused look that was mixed in with a little hurt, while Gohan stared at him uncaring, and right in the eyes. ‘I have to do this.’ He thought determinedly, he couldn’t let Trunks’ innocent eyes fool him. This brat was a monster, plain and simple, and he *wouldn’t* let him do this to him any longer!

“Pack up your stuff and get out.” Gohan said it with no emotion in his voice, but his heart ached when the words left his lips.

Trunks looked shocked at that, and his mouth just hung open in some kind of stupor. “W-what?” He choked out in disbelief before giving a nervous smile. “T-that’s a joke, right? You’re joking….right? Because it’s not funny!” He cried out in a state of anger and fear.

Gohan just kept on his expressionless face as he replied. “No joke.” He said while pointing in the direction of the room that used to be their bedroom. Unfortunately the I-don’t-care look melted away from his face and his charade ended when he just couldn’t control his anger any longer. “Now pack up your shit and get the fuck out!” He shouted in hatred and rage.

Trunks backed away in shock and looked up at Gohans scowling face fearfully. What had he done? He slowly made his way to the bedroom anyway, walking like some kind of zombie as he went. ‘This has to be a joke. This is just some sick joke he’s playing, it has to be!’ Trunks thought frantically as he went, while a few unshed tears clouded his vision in the fear that his Koi was actually dumping him on Valentines day.

But when he opened the bedroom door nervously, hearing it creak as he did, and saw that there was a duffle bag full of his things and a suitcase that was just waiting to be filled with clothes on the bed for him, his thick tears started to flow quickly down his face. He quickly looked back at Gohan in shock, just to see the scowl that had deepened on his face.

“Hurry up already. I want you out of here within the hour.” He said heartlessly. Trunks made a small choking sound when he said that, but he turned into the bedroom and went over to the suitcases anyway. Gohan was leaving him? Why?

First he slowly opened up the duffle bag, he just had to see for himself. When he saw his disk man, Cd’s, radio, spare watch, organiser, and all of the framed pictures of him and Gohan inside, he started to flat out sob in the horror of it all. Gohan was dumping him! And on today of all days too!

Gohan watched heartlessly as Trunks started to pack up his clothes and shakily place them in the suitcase while he sobbed, but on the inside his heart was breaking. He wanted to go over there and hold him to make his tears go away, like how he did when Videl so ruthlessly left him, he wanted to take it all back and say that he didn’t mean it and that he wanted him to stay, but he couldn’t. ‘Be strong, you have to be strong! Don’t let his tears fool you!’ He thought while fighting back his own sobs of pain.

Trunks picked up his suitcase and put his duffle bag over his shoulder, before walking out of the room with his head down. It was bad enough Gohan could hear him sobbing, but he didn’t want him to see his tears. Gohan followed closely behind him while they both headed for the door, for some reason he just wanted to make sure that he left for good.

Trunks reached out his shaking free hand and turned the knob of the door, opening it slowly, but when he saw the hallway he just snapped. He dropped the suitcase and quickly turned around with a pleading look in his eyes, but determination in his voice as he reached out and grabbed Gohans shirt. “Go-chan, please don’t do this! I love you! Please don’t leave me!” He cried out.

Gohan really had to fight back his tears with the little show that he was putting on. “Just leave already, Trunks!” He yelled out in desperation and anger. Trunks was starting to make him feel guilty and he just had to get him to leave.

Trunks however, didn’t move. “Please, Gohan, just tell me what’s wrong! Tell me what I did and I’ll fix it, I will! I’ll change if you want me too!” He cried out desperately.

Gohan just seethed at that statement, and he had to fight back to keep from punching him in the face for doing this to him. “You can’t take it back and you can’t change! It’s too late, Trunks! I know what you’ve been doing!” He screamed out in total rage while Trunks gasped in horror. “I found out about it this morning!”

More thick tears poured down Trunks’ face, but they came faster this time. “Y-you know?” He asked shakily. “That’s why you’re leaving me? Over that!?!”

He just seethed at how Trunks could so easily admit his cheating and then act as if nothing was wrong with it, but he didn’t get a chance to say anything else as he continued to desperately cry out to him.

“Gohan if that’s what’s bothering you then I won’t do it! I’ll take it all back and we can just go back to the way things were before this happened! Please Gohan!” He was begging now, and Gohan just couldn’t take anymore of it.

He quickly picked up Trunks’ suitcase and then proceeded to push him out the door, he was so rough with him that he ended up slamming his back into the into the hallway wall. Gohan then threw the suitcase in front of him to take. “You knew perfectly well what I went through with Videl and you try to pull something like this!?! You can’t take it back! It’s too late for that now!” He shouted while turning his back on him.

Just as he was about to slam the door on him though, the sound of Trunks’ sobbing made him turn back around to look at him. Gohan wanted to cry at the sight. Trunks was fumbling with the suitcase in his hands while trying to balance the duffle bag over his shoulder while sobbing uncontrollably in pain.

‘Why does it have to be this way?’ Gohan thought miserably. He wanted nothing more than to just go over there and to forgive him, wrap his arms around his shaking form and make it all better for the both of them.

“Trunks…” He said hesitantly. I wouldn’t hurt to forgive him just this once would it?

Trunks looked up at him with tears still in his eyes, but a new flash of hope in them. Was he going to take him back? Was he changing his mind?

Gohan saw this look and immediately went back to being heartless. ‘I can’t take him back! He’ll just hurt me again!’ He thought while putting his sneer back in it’s place. “I don’t *ever* want to fucking see your disgusting face *ever* again!” He shouted in pure anger and betrayal.

Trunks looked up at him with the most hurtful and shocked expression on his face, but Gohan didn’t really see it as he quickly slammed the door loudly, and then locked it behind him.


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