Seeing You Again
by Freewater     More by this Writer
Trunks reflects on his life as he visits Gohan’s grave one last time.

Trunks wearily walked down the path that he’d walked so many times before. He was in the black forest. Just a short ten minute jog in the opposite direction would bring him to the ruin that was once Chi-Chi’s house. As he went thin streams of light would make themselves known to him by passing through the tree top canopy and passing over his eyes as he went. But he didn’t pay attention to the unscarred beauty of the forest. He had something to do.

All of earths fighters were buried here. Goku was buried here first because he was the first to die, but when the others went one-by-one it just seemed right to place them in an area with their best friend near, as well as the fact that the Androids only attacked more populated areas. Insuring that the graves would never be harmed. When he was young he never visited them until after his trip to the past when he finally got a chance to know them and understand just what it was that the earth was missing. That trip. The one that changed him so much. It was so long ago.

There was only one grave here that he would normally visit, and even then it wasn’t all that often. Gohans. Sometimes it made him feel guilty that he almost never visited his loves grave. But the memory of his death was just too painful. Even after all of these years he still loved him.

It had been forty years since Gohan had knocked him out on that stone cliff and gone off to fight alone. To die. Alone. Trunks was fifty-four years old now, but with genetics on both his mother and fathers side of the family, he didn’t look a day over thirty. A very good looking thirty. And he still had yet to find his first grey hair.

He stumbled on, the path seeming to get darker with the more distance he put between himself and the forest entrance, his sword unusually heavy on his back. He was exhausted. Five straight days of training, almost no sleep and even less food was doing a number on his system. This would be the last time he came here.

He could still remember his mentor perfectly. As if he had just seen him five minutes ago. This was a blessing and a curse in itself. He could never forget his sensei’s face, smile or the rare laughter that he would give when in a surprisingly good mood. But he could also never forget the pain. The darkness that completely engulfed his soul the day he found his love lying face down in a dark rain puddle. How even the cold sheets of rain couldn’t cool off his searing hatred for the bastards that did this as he screamed Gohans name out at the top of his lungs and became a super saiyan for the first time.

Trunks fought off the tears that the pain of remembrance brought. ‘Stop it. Don’t do this to yourself. You’ll see him again soon. It’s almost over.’ But he just couldn’t help the flashback of memories that came next.

The day he confessed to Gohan that he loved him was by far the finest day in the world. There hadn’t been an attack in weeks and the sun was shining brightly, like it should on any normal summer day but was rarely seen anyway. There was some trouble at first, but what came after was far worth it.

They were at their usual training spot, relaxing after another failed attempt on his part to become a super saiyan. They were just sitting there, almost no words were spoken and Gohan was scowling. Leaving the young teen to think that his mentor was disappointed with him for not being able to achieve what he already had. When in truth, Gohan was scowling because he was worried for Trunks. Not because he was disappointed in him. If he wasn’t strong enough to beat the Androids when he was a super saiyan then what chances did Trunks have in battle if he wasn’t? He felt stupid for bringing Trunks to fight at that Amusement Park with him. Because of his own stupidity he lost his left arm and Trunks was almost killed. His current attitude didn’t help to heighten Trunks’ courage any for what he was planning to do either.

Finally, Gohan got up grumbling that it was time to leave. The young teen quickly got to his feet and ran to his mentor, grabbing his only arm that was rough and scarred from battle and stopping him in mid stance. He didn’t care if his sensei was in a bad mood. If he had to wait any longer before finding out if his feelings were returned then he would die. Gohan just looked down at him in confusion while Trunks looked up at him with a determination that he’d never seen before.

“What is it, Trunks?” He asked in an annoyed tone. This caused the teen to wince. Gohan cared for his student a great deal. More than what any normal person would consider to be right, and the hurt look on his face as he spoke to him as if he didn’t care shattered him inside. But he couldn’t lose Trunks because of his own feelings. The boy looked up to him like a father or a big brother. To say that he cared for him in that way…he just didn’t want to think about the impact that could cause on his friendship with him. He would rather have a simple friendship than nothing at all.

Trunks let go of his arm and swallowed hard. “Gohan-san, I have something to tell you. It’s really important.”


Trunks started to fidget nervously, causing some concern on Gohans part.”Um…Well, you see…I….Uh…Well, i-it’s kinda like this…”

Gohan didn’t understand and was getting worried. ‘What could have him so upset?’ He thought to himself. He decided to try and speed things up a bit. “Just spit it out already, Trunks! We need to get out of here. It’s not good to stay in the same place out in the open for so long.” Trunks cringed at his harsh voice. ‘What’s the point? I’m being so stupid! I’m just a disappointment to him! Why would he ever be interested in someone as useless as me!’

He didn’t notice the tears as they rolled down his face while he backed away from his teacher. But Gohan did. He felt terrible for doing this to Trunks and mentally cursed himself out for taking his bad mood out on the one he loved. “I, uh…Never mind, Gohan-san. Forget I said anything.” Trunks put his head down and preceded to walk past his mentor.

Gohan grabbed his shoulder, stopping him. “Trunks, I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I was just in a bad mood that’s all. I didn’t mean to take it out on you.”

Trunks didn’t turn around. “You really mean that?” He whispered.

“Yes, Trunks I really mean that.” Gohan said with a smile.

Trunks slowly turned around to look at him, tears still in his eyes. “Then I’m not a disappointment to you?”

Gohan was shocked. He never expected to hear that! Trunks made him so proud every time they trained. And he thought that he was disappointed in him? This was all his fault. In an effort to conceal his feelings from the boy he made him think that he was a….disappointment? He got down on one knee and hugged Trunks close to him while he sobbed on his shoulder. “Trunks I’m so sorry! Your not a disappointment, your not! You’re a lot stronger than I was when I was your age. You make me so proud all the time!”

“Really?” He sobbed out.

“Yes really! I never meant to hurt you, Trunks, I swear! I care about you too much to do something like that!” Gohan suddenly stopped, realizing what he had just said. He almost told the teen that he loved him and would have if he hadn’t caught himself in time.

Trunks pulled away slightly and looked him in the eyes for sincerity. He found it the second he looked. ‘Gohan doesn’t think I’m a disappointment! He doesn’t think I’m in the way! And he said he cares for me!’ Trunks smiled and slowly pressed his lips to Gohans.

Gohan was shocked. Here he was kneeling down trying to comfort the younger demi while holding his own feelings back and Trunks just kissed him. Trunks was kissing him? ‘HOLY SHIT!!’

All to soon Trunks pulled away to see his mentors reaction. He didn’t see too much aside from the shock of the kiss. Trunks thought he would die when Gohan didn’t say anything. His heart shattered like glass and fresh tears formed in his eyes. ‘I’m so stupid! He doesn’t want me! Now he’ll hate me!’He let go of him and backed away. “I’m sorry Gohan-san! Please don’t hate me, I’ll never do it again I promise! I-”

“Trunks stop!”

Trunks quit his rambling’s and a trace of fear crossed his face when Gohan stood up and approached him. ‘Oh my God, I’m in for it now!’ Gohan noticed his fear as he stopped in front of him and gently placed his hand on Trunks’ shoulder. “Don’t be afraid, Trunks. I don’t hate you and never could.” Gohan bent down a little so his face came close to his. “In fact, I feel just the opposite.” He whispered as he lowered his mouth onto the fourteen year olds lips.

Trunks couldn’t believe that this was happening. This was what he always wanted! And now he was getting it! He slowly shut his wet eyes and wrapped his arms around Gohans neck and just enjoyed the feel of his mouth caressing his lips. Gohan licked Trunks’ lower lip in a silent request for entrance. He opened his mouth and felt Gohans tongue slide inside to explore his mouth and massage his own inexperienced tongue.

When they couldn’t go on any longer without air they pulled away, both breathing heavily. Trunks hugged Gohan close to him, thanking Kami that he wasn’t turned down. Gohan wrapped his arm around the smaller demi and relished the feeling of being so close to him after wanting it for so long. “I love you, Gohan-san” Trunks whispered into his ear. Gohan pulled away a little and kissed his prince softly before replying: “I love you too, Trunks.”

Trunks smiled wide, letting his tears flow freely now. But he didn’t care if Gohan saw them because of how happy he was. He chuckled. “Y’know, Gohan-san for a second I thought you were going beat me up for kissing you like that!”

Gohan looked taken back. “You really thought that I would do that to you, Trunks?”

He managed to look a little ashamed of himself for thinking such a thing about the man he would trust with his own life. “Well…It’s just that…you looked a little scary walking up to me like you were mad at me or something.”

Gohan smiled to relieve the lavender haired prince still in his arms. Out of habit, he ruffled his hair. “Sorry, Trunks. I never meant to make you feel afraid or seem uncaring towards you. It’s just that your so young!”

He frowned at hearing this. “I’m not young! I’m fourteen! Practically an adult!”

Gohan chuckled as he stood up. It was true he was practically an adult. It’s not like he could’ve had a childhood with the androids roaming around. He had to grow up fast in order to survive. “I suppose you’re right, aisuru.” He said while caressing his cheek lovingly.

Trunks grinned at the pet name. “C’mon. We should get out of here now.” Gohan said as he stretched out his hand for Trunks to take. He took his hand and they both had smiles on their faces when they flew off. Happy for the first time in a long time.

The next few months went by just fine for them. They continued their training and so far they had not seen the Androids since the incident at the carnival. Bulma soon found out about them and was ecstatic for their happiness. For this they were grateful. The last thing they needed was to be put to shame at home because of their love.

Gohan and Trunks eventually made love for the first time in their relationship. At first Gohan wanted to wait until Trunks was a little older before they took that step, but after a lot of convincing on the younger demi’s part that he was ready, they came together completely. Trunks wanted to prove that he loved him by fully giving himself to him. He had never felt anything like it before, and when he came for the first time there was nothing he could do except cry out that he loved Gohan over and over as his senses overwhelmed him. There were no regrets the next morning.

That was their first and their last time together. That day was the day the Androids would gang up on Gohan in the dark rain and kill him.

Trunks never felt more responsible for anything in his whole life. Blackness ripped at his soul when he found his Koi only moments after it had happened. Laying on the cold, hard cement, face down in a puddle of death. If he were strong enough then he could’ve been there. He could’ve fought with him! Maybe even saved him.

When he came back from his trip to the past several years later he was strong enough to avenge his master’s death. He even toyed with the bastards just for good measure when he fought them. After that the only threat was imperfect Cell. He was no problem at all and was defeated easily.

He continued to train in case another threat were to show itself. And he even took on some students of his own so he could have some help the next time an enemy came. Only people with the highest potential he could find were trained. He made many friends in doing this, but he was still lonely.

His mother tried to persuade him to move on with his life and maybe even start dating, but he just couldn’t do it. He still loved his Koi too much to betray him like that even in death. There was never anyone else.

Bulma had died when he was around thirty-five, and that left him all alone. He had no family left, and no one to confide in. His students were great but they could never understand how he felt inside. He couldn’t tell them how he felt anyway. He was their teacher and he needed to be strong for them. They might even look at him with disgust if he were to spill out his life story to them.


Trunks shook the awful memories out of his head as he stood over his master’s grave. It was a long time ago since he gave up training others and handed the position over to his top student. He felt alone so he wanted to be alone, but death never came for him to spare him from his misery. And with his health and physical shape in perfect condition, he was practically guaranteed many more years of long and healthy life. So he decided to help fate out a bit.

He got down on his knees and touched where Gohans name was engraved in the still shining black, marble stone. “Hello, Sensei.” He whispered. The trees rustled and leaves swirled around as a cool breeze ran through them, rustling his short hair like Gohan always did out of habit. As if he were answering him.

Trunks smiled lightly. He could feel his own Ki dropping to dangerously low levels. He was going to die soon. And the thought didn’t bother him one bit. He just couldn’t take the loneliness or the pain it left him with anymore. He wanted to die. So he overtrained himself, doing serious damage to his arteries and other major organs in the process. His only rests were from when he passed out from exhaustion. And with him being a half saiyan, the lack of food was a killer in itself.

He had overtrained himself before, but he always made doubly sure that he had a senzu bean on him when he did though. So he could get stronger and live to fight the Androids. This time, however, he made sure to not have them.

He could have easily cut his wrists with his sword or flown up high enough and just let himself fall to his death. But for some odd reason he felt afraid to just come right out and kill himself like that. This way was better. He would die training to get stronger. After all, no true warrior ever wants to die as an old man, alone in his bed from old age. They wanted to die fighting.

It was getting hard to breath now. Trunks coughed roughly into his hand and when he looked at it saw the blood from his lungs. ‘Good.’ He thought dryly as he wiped the blood on his old Capsule Corp jacket.

His arms and legs hurt. Every tiny move that was made was like several little needles piercing at his skin. The cuts and scratches he had all over his body weren’t helping out either. They burned like hell.

Trunks sat down beside the grave stone, took off his sword and leaned his aching back up against the hard rock. A few tears slipped down his still youthful face at the thought of seeing his love again.” Aishiteru, Gohan.” He whispered.

His heart beat slowed down, and a sense of calm overcame the prince. The light streaming in through the treetop canopy seemed to be getting darker and less noticeable with each passing second. He gave a weak smile and closed his eyes. He was tired. So tired. Sleep and blackness was pulling at him, and he wasn’t resisting. His breathing was slowing down too, but it didn’t hurt for some reason. It felt….good.

Trunks let out his last faint whisper into the winds. “Aishiteru, Gohan. I’ll see you soon.” Once again the cool forest breeze answered his faint voice. His muscles relaxed, then the darkness took him.

~_~ (*Sniff*)


When Trunks opened his eyes all that could be seen was the light. It was similar to what would be seen in a hospital room. His face fell and he groaned. “I must still be alive.” He thought aloud.

A faint and yet familiar sounding whisper came next to his ear from behind. “No, Tru-koi. Your with me now.”

He spun around to see the smiling face of his Koi. “Gohan!!!” He yelled while throwing his arms around the older mans neck and burying his now tear streaked face into his chest.

Gohan hugged him back. In death he had both of his arms again. “Koi, I can’t believe you’re really here.” His whispered in he ear, with tears filling his own eyes. Trunks brought his head up from Gohans chest and brought his face down to meet his in a long and scorching kiss with both of their tongues wrestling for dominance as they moaned happily in each others throats. As if they wanted to rekindle the memory of the others mouth by being the first aloud access to the other. They tried to go on for as long as they could but evidently you still need to breath in Other World.

They were panting heavily at this point and Trunks wrapped his arms around his Koi again. Trying to get as close as possible without crushing the man. Wanting more of him. “I missed you so much, Gohan!” He sobbed. Gohan rubbed his prince’s back soothingly while whispering softly to him. “I missed you too, Koi. And I’m so sorry for leaving you alone like that! I swear I never meant to leave you alone!”

“It’s not your fault, Gohan. You were only trying to protect me.” Trunks said in a muffled tone through Gohans gi.

“That doesn’t matter. I should’ve known that I wasn’t ready to fight them yet, but I got stupid again!”

“No you didn’t. I probably would’ve done the same if given the chance.”

“Ya, I know.” He whispered softly while still enjoying the feel of having his koi with him after so long. Gohan then tried to lighten the mood for them.

“If you HAD done something that stupid while I was around though, I would have fired myself from teaching you! Because the classes obviously wouldn’t have been working!”

Trunks let out a joyful laugh as he wiped away his tears and pulled away enough to get a good look at him. “It really is you! Oh man, look at you! I can’t believe I’m OLDER than you!”

“Hey!” He said in a sarcastic insulted tone. “You may have lived longer, but I’m still older!”

They both burst out laughing before their lips met again in a softer, longer kiss. Gohan put his hand behind Trunks’ neck in order to deepen it, as he continued to caress his full lips with is mouth. “C’mon, Tru-chan. Our families are waiting.” Gohan whispered between kisses. “Really?” Trunks asked, a little surprised. He’d forgotten that to go to Other World would mean he would see everyone else too.

Gohan Chuckled before taking Trunks’ hand and readying to leave. “Yes really. Now lets go. Bulma will be excited to see you.” Gohan leaned in closer to his face with a sly smile and whispered: “We’ll pick up where we left off after our reunion. Alright, Koi?”

Trunks smiled at hearing this and nodded his head as shivers ran up and down his spine. He spread the large wings he didn’t know he had and Gohan did the same before they both flew away and out of sight. Their voices being carried by the winds when they whispered to each other: “I love you.”


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