Never Again
by Freewater     More by this Writer
Trunks refuses to let Gohan see his daughter Pan. Why? And what is Gohan willing to do to get what he wants? This will be an Alternate Universe fic. Pan was never born to Videl.
Male Pregnancy Rape

Chapter 01
Children were so innocent. So innocent that the word “worry” was nothing more than a grown up word. Because all they ever had to worry about was when their next recess was going to be, or what they were going to have for dessert after supper. And maybe even, for the more mischievous of them, was whether or not they would get caught stealing cookies before meals.

Watching them play right now, from just across the street, he could see them. Beyond the cross wire fence as they ran around the schoolyard. Laughing and playing tag with friends as though there was nothing else in the world but fun and laughter.

How he wished he could go back to such simpler times.

Or better yet, he wished that he could be a part of it.

There she was, so close yet just beyond his reach, the only child within that entire yard that caught his eye. The most beautiful of the lot. His daughter. The daughter whom he never had a chance to be a father to. The daughter he’s only ever held once before.

The daughter that didn’t even know he existed.


Even for an untrained saiyan, she was still rather strong, and was forced to hold back most of her nine year old energy just to be able to play a simple game of kick ball with her friends. But even that proved to be not enough as her next kick sent the soccer ball flying high over the fence and out of the reach of the other children, who all groaned in disappointment with the loss of their toy.

It bounced in the middle of the road, and headed straight for where Gohan stood.

He caught it easily enough, and with their prize in his hands all the children playing with the item were suddenly aware of his presence.

He blinked at them, not sure if he should return the item or run for dear life now that he’d been caught. But at the sight of Pan’s pleading blue eyes amongst the group of children, his legs seem to develop a mind of their own before he walked across the street to where they waited.

Most of the children backed away from the fence as he approached, being wise to do as their parents wished and not go near any strangers.

All except for Pan, and Gohan couldn’t help but smile at her bravery.

She was most likely given the same talk to not go near anyone she didn’t know, but being part saiyan made her fully aware of how she could probably beat up anyone foolish enough to attempt to kidnap her.

“Is this yours?” He asked softly, holding out the ball for her to see through the fence.

She nodded her head. “Yes. Can I have it back please?” She asked, as though expecting him to keep it if she wasn’t polite enough.

He smiled at her again. A cute young girl with manners. It was adorable.

Taking two more steps until he was right up against the fence, Gohan reached up and dropped the ball over the other side for her to catch before backing away again.

“Thank you.” She said shyly, pushing away stray black hairs that had worked their way out of the bandanna. And Gohan smiled again, thrilled that he was even talking to her. Because he’d never heard her small voice before, and it was like a dream getting the chance to.

“You like kick ball?” He asked, as though to stall her before she left to go and play with her friends again.

Pan nodded. “My daddy says I’m not supposed to talk to strangers.” She said meekly.

Gohan suppressed a wince. “Well, I used to know your daddy if that helps.” He said desperately, and Pan smiled at him brightly.

Inside, he was bubbling with joy at the sight, while another part of his brain pleaded and prayed to God that none of the teachers would come outside just to see a grown man talking to a young girl beyond the school fence.

Not only would that be plain odd, but they would probably start watching out for him in case he was a pervert of some kind.

“How did you know my daddy?” She asked suddenly, snapping him out of his mixed thoughts.

For this, Gohan had to stop and think. How was he supposed to answer that? Pan wasn’t even supposed to know about him, much less be talking to him. And lord only knew how Trunks would act if he ever found out.

“We, uh… used to be friends.” He explained nervously.

“Did you ever play kick ball?” She then asked, holding up the soccer ball for him to see.

He chuckled. “No, we never played kick ball, we were just friends.” He explained, knowing fully well that it wasn’t entirely true.

Goten was a better friend to Trunks than he ever was. He was more of a close acquaintance, but Gohan had no idea how else to explain himself without sounding like a psycho.

“When were you friends?” Pan asked, forgetting about her own friends with her questions, some of whom had left to find something else to do while the others impatiently waited for her to remember that she still had their ball.

If he could have, he would have ruffled her hair, but the fence was in the way. “A long time ago.” Was all he said.

And then his worst nightmare was confirmed.


They both snapped their heads up in time to see Trunks marching towards them, and Gohan’s heart dropped at the sight of the snarl on his face.

“Daddy!” Pan cried, throwing the ball to her friends, who had accepted the toy greedily before running off with it, happily running up to him. But she stopped short at the sight of the enraged look on his face. “Daddy?”

“Go inside the school, Pan.” He ordered. “I don’t want you talking to this man.” He hissed, eyes that spelled murder boring into Gohan’s chest. And he winced.

Pan didn’t move. “But he’s not a stranger, daddy, he said he knew you–”

“I don’t care what he said! He’s lying! Now go inside and wait for me in your classroom!” He roared angrily.

Pan, now knowing that her father was most certainly in a foul mood, yet not knowing why, wasted no time in doing as she was told before running off. Most of the other children staying clear of the angry adult, went to the other side of the playground where they wouldn’t be noticed.

Gohan let out a sad sigh, watching her leave, but then a pair of blue eyes locked onto his, and they were not happy in the least.

“Just what the the fuck did you think you were doing?” Trunks hissed menacingly through the fence.

Gohan tried not to cringe at the sight of him. “I just wanted to see her, Trunks. She’s my daughter–”

“Bullshit!” The lavender haired man snapped, effectively cutting him off. “She is my daughter. Mine! Not yours!” He sneered, his voice filled with boiling hatred for the other demi saiyan.

Gohan took in a shaking breath, swallowing over the painful lump in his throat as his eyes shined with tears. “Trunks, please, I just want to see her. It doesn’t have to be often–”

“I don’t want you to ever come near her ever again.” He hissed cold heartedly towards the pleading man before him.

He was actually amazed that he was even seeing him. It had been nearly ten years since Trunks had seen Gohan last, just after Pan’s birth. And now, after he comes to pick his daughter up early from school for a dentist appointment, he actually finds him talking to her!

Who the fuck did he think he was?!

“I’m filing a restraining order against you, Gohan.” He sneered hatefully, not showing any compassion at all for the heartbroken look on his face. “Don’t ever come near me or my daughter ever again.” And with that, he ended the unwanted conversation before turning around to walk away.

“Trunks wait!” Gohan can called, jumping over the fence and following him. Desperate just to get him to speak with him again.

When Trunks didn’t turn around or slow down, he put a hand on his shoulder, and it was immediately shrugged off. “DON’T YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!” He roared out in a rage, causing Gohan to shrink back a little.

Tears began spilling down his cheeks. He was so close, so fucking close. He couldn’t just turn away from him now. “Trunks, please, I-I’ll do anything, I… I just want to see her.” He begged, knowing that his pleas were falling on deaf ears.

Trunks sneered at him. “You should have thought of that before you…” He couldn’t bring himself to say it, instead he cringed at the very thought. Knowing he’d struck an equally sensitive nerve on Gohan by even bringing it up through the halfway bond they shared, and he forced himself not to care.

“I’d advise you to leave here, Gohan.” He said, trying to hide the hurt he felt over bringing up unwanted and extremely painful memories. Memories he wished a million and a half times over to forget. “You’re not a parent to any of the kids here, so you should leave before somone see sees you and calls the police.” He said, inwardly sighing in grateful relief when the other demi nodded his head through his many miserably tears. Taking off into the air before flying away, not caring if any of the children had seen it with the knowledge that no one would believe them if they told anyway.

Trunks sighed, watching his form getting smaller and smaller in the air before he completely disappeared from sight amongst the clouds.

Running a shaky hand through his short lavender hair, he let out a another sigh of pain before turning around and slowly making his way into the school where he knew his daughter awaited him.

“What a day.”

Illustration(s) for this story by various artist(s)

Completing the Bond Completing the Bond

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