New Namek
by Galacia     More by this Writer
There are some things you have to wait for, the question is are they worth it?

Song Used: Brad Paisley – P.S. This Is Austin
Male Pregnancy

“What did you say your name was again?” Asked the annoying voice on the other line. “Gohan Son, I wanted to talk to Trunks.”

“Well, I’m sorry he can’t be disturbed right now. You’ll have to call back later.”

‘I can’t call back later I leave for New Namek in ten minutes.’

Gohan thought to himself. “Alright fine, hang up and I’ll leave him a message alright?” Gohan asked.

“Whatever.” Said the voice on the other line.

‘Probably one of those fangirls he takes to social events to keep his parents off his back.’ The older saiyan thought to himself. ‘Trunks, I wish I didn’t have to go… But there’s somethings I need to do.’ That was when it occured to him, he couldn’t leave what he had to say in a phone message. What if the bitch got to it first? She could destroy it or something. A letter, one of the others would make sure Trunks got it. Gohan thought about it carefully and wrote what he had to say. It would take hours to say it all, but he didn’t have the time now. So, he did just enough to perk the other man’s interest, then explained why he had to go to New Namek, but he would return be back in a few months. ‘That will be plenty of time.’ Gohan thought to himself ‘For both of us.’


(7 weeks after Gohan leaves. Trunks’ P.O.V.)

Seven weeks has it really been SEVEN weeks since Gohan took off without a word? Where has he gone to anyway? Something for school knowing him. He was always the nerd doing something extra for some teacher. I think that is one of the first things I realized about him. He hates to disappoint people, if they have an expectation of him he tries to achieve it. I stop to think about how many years of school ahead of him he must have if he tries to achieve everything his mother wants for him. He’d be in school for the next 40 years at least! I can’t help but chuckle, that is one of Gohan’s flaws, but he has so many strengths if he’d just realize it. I get up when I hear a knock on the door… ‘Gohan?’ I wonder briefly, Nah I wish then I’d have an excuse not to go out with Tina, Teresa or what ever the hell her name is. I open the door. “Hi Trunks, long time no see.” Unless I am ready to take a drastic turn with my moral compass and go out with married men, I am probably not getting out of that date tonight. Damn.

“Hi Goku.” Date with Goku, yeah VERY ACKWARD, and illegal for one of us. “What brings you here?” I ask. I’m curious after all I moved out of my parents house months ago so it wasn’t like he thought my dad was here. And I train with Goten and Piccolo so it’s not like he was here for training purposes. ‘Who’d have thought?’ I asked myself again. I was happy for my best friend but… You have to admit PICCOLO?

‘Well that leaves Gohan available for me right?’ Alright where the hell did THAT come from? I quickly bring myself back together before I completely space out. Not that Goku would mind, he was looking a little embrassed. “I have something for you. I forgot about it I guess.” Needless to say, if it doesn’t have to do with his family, sparring, eating or fishing Goku can be a little absentminded. “I found this on the table, it’s for you.” It was a letter. “Who it’s from?” I asked curiously. “Gohan left it for you before he went on his trip.”

“Right his trip. where’d he go anyways?” I ask curiously.

“New Namek.” Came the reply.

NEW NAMEK? And he says it as calmly as if Gohan isn’t further away then West City? “New Namek?” I practically squeeked. I don’t know why it was just an automatic reaction. Gohan was further way then I had imagined. “When will he be back?” I asked again.

“I don’t know.” Goku answered. “When he finds what he’s looking for I guess.”

How the HELL could Goku be so fucking CALM about all this? Gohan isn’t even on the same PLANET?? And why am I practically hyperventating over all this? Makes absolutely no sense whatsover. Gohan is a grown man an one of top ten fighters on Earth easily. It’s not like he can take care of himself, besides New Namek is peaceful and if anything serious were happening King Kai would tell Goku and the other Z fighters right away. He doesn’t allow that kind of thing in his quadrant. If not him then Dende, it’s his homeworld so I’m sure he still has loved ones there. I calm myself again. “So he’s training?” “Sort of.” Goku answered. I look at the envelope curious about it’s contents and connection to Gohan. It must have been obvious because Goku took his leave moments later but I barely took notice I was too interested in what the letter said.

“Hey Trunks,

Just thought I’d drop you a line. Sorry I haven’t been around so much lately, school’s been a killer. Well, I thought you’d like to know I’m taking your advice and taking a break from school, (and my mother but no need to get into those grisly details.) Sooner or later she is going to realize that Goten is happy and if that is the case who cares who it is with right?”

‘What do you really think about that Gohan?’ I ask myself thoughtfully. I can remember that when Gohan first heard, he didn’t seem upset in any way, surprised a little but he was congratulating his brother. Goten seemed thought neither he nor I would understand, but we did all too well. Hey come on, I got out and partied for a couple of weeks just out of usual teenage rebellion. Although one of said nights of partying found me on a date with 17. I must have been more drunk than I thought. Although I remember telling Gohan he needed to loosen up, maybe I was drunk at the time I don’t quite remember.

“Well, I’m taking a trip for a while to figure some things out. But, if you need me you can leave a message with Dende or Piccolo and they’ll make sure it gets to me. (I already talked with them about it and they promised that they would. If they don’t… well, let’s say I know how to blackmail them properly.)”

I find this part strange. ‘Gohan… blackmailing? I guess he learned a couple of things they teach in high school out side the classrooms.’ I think to myself but get back to Gohan’s letter.

“It’s funny but, Piccolo told me a little about Namek theology once. He said that its believed that before we are born certain souls were broken in half and then sent to bodies throughout the universe. Sometimes these halves encounter each other and those individuals will feel a bond develop between them. Friendship, Loyalty, Love, are bonds that are easily forged when this happens. I just thought it was interesting because their are times I feel like part of me is missing and it is out there somewhere. And if I just take the time to leave the regular grueling and demanding everyday life behind I could possibly find it. I have heard Piccolo mutter about how peaceful New Namek is and I figure I’d go there for a little while and think things over. I’ll be back sometime soon, well sooner then my father’s training expeditions promise.


And that was it. The end of the letter, I couldn’t help but feeling there was a secondary message there but couldn’t figure out what it was. ‘Hurry on back Gohan’ I thought desperately. ‘I’m going to be bored out of my skull without you.’


(Three months later after Gohan leaves.)

There was a flash in the woods and a man appeared. Travel was easier this way, no space ship just a blink and you’re there. The only catch, you had to be headed towards a certain person in particular. “Hope Goten and Piccolo don’t mind me just dropping in like this.” Gohan mused and knocked on the door. The door opened and Piccolo was there, “Long time no see.” Piccolo said gruffly in greeting. “Hey old man, taking good care of my brother?” Gohan asked. “Of course.” Piccolo replied. As if there really was any doubt in the older Son brother’s mind that he was capable.

“Hey Gohan.” said Goten happily. He seemed a little worn out though. “Hey Goten, just finished training?” Gohan asked. Goten only seemed that tired after a vigorous training session. “I just haven’t been feeling well.” Goten answered. Gohan looked at his brother in concern. “You’re sick?” he asked.

“Just the flu, even mighty half-saiyans fall victim to the nasty flu bug once in a while.” Said Goten. “It’s only been a day, Gohan.” “When’s the last time he was like this?” Gohan asked Piccolo.

“A couple of weeks ago I think he’s been trying to hide it from me.” Piccolo responded.

“He’s still here.” Said Goten crankily. “Fine, I’ll leave and you can talk about me all you want.” He went to get himself off the sofa, something didn’t seem right.

“Have the two of you consumated your relationship?” Gohan asked curiously, trying to get a feel for the situation.

“If you mean have we had sex? Yes.” Said Goten again. “And if it’s any of your business he has been too busy with other things and concerned” about my “possibly failing health” to give me any for the last fucking twenty days!”

“Are you sure?”


“Weight…” Said Gohan “Are you pregnant Goten?”

“Pregnant? Don’t be ridiculous guys don’t pregnant.” Said Goten. More or less dismissing the matter with a wave of his hand. Both Gohan and Piccolo looked at him again with concern. “It’s just the flu, I’m fine.” Goten insisted.

“Piccolo go to the kitchen and get him some soup. Goten you are coming back to this couch right now.” Said Gohan in a tone so much like Chi-chi’s it left no room for disagreement. “What’s been going on bro?” Gohan asked helping Goten back onto the couch.

Boys don’t have babies.” Goten repeated “Freaks of nature might. and that’s what they’ll all think won’t they? What will MOM say? Crap Gohan I’m a complete freak of nature! Will he even love me anymore? We haven’t even talked about getting married yet! What’s he going to think about THIS??? Everyone says that kids annoy the heck out of him…” Goten sat there rambling almost incoherently.

Gohan just let him ramble, realizing that all this had been stewing in his younger sibling for some time. “Okay so you think you may be pregnant but are scared that you may just be. Because if you are everyone will flip out and Piccolo won’t love you any more. am I right?” Goten only nodded and snuggled closer to his older brother looking for comfort. A clang was heard from the kitchen a moment later Piccolo was there, in that moment Goten went from weepy to down and out miserable. Piccolo stared at Goten almost speechless, what he had just overheard from his love’s mouth obviously surprised him. “You suspect you may actually be pregnant?” Piccolo asked kindly Goten shrugged. “I dunno, I was going to wait till you went to your appointment at C.C. then go to the store and find out.” He admitted. “What makes you think kids annoy me?” Piccolo asked then.”Well you know back not too long ago you did always seem pretty grumpy….”

“Okay, I’m not suggesting that we open a day care or something but… If they are ours I can definately assure you that I am not going to drown them in a lake or blast them into orbit in a space ship.” Said Piccolo. “Do you really think so poorly of me?” Goten was at loss at what to say “I dunno I just never really thought about it. I mean you and kids never really seemed like a good idea.”

“You are right about marriage we never did talk about it, but… that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t consider it if I thought you were actually interested.” Almost like magic Goten was no longer weepy.

“You really mean it?” He practically squeeled.

“Prone to mood swings, flu like symptoms, unexplained weight gain, I’d say the money is on you becoming a daddy sometime soon Piccolo.” Gohan said with a smile.

“You’re okay with this?” Piccolo and Goten asked in unison.

Of course, just remember to invite me to the wedding huh?” Gohan asked.

“Wouldn’t dream on forgetting.” Said Piccolo.

“Here’s what we will do okay?” Gohan said calmly. “Piccolo you go to your appointment at C.C. I am going to go with Goten and we will get a pregnancy test. We’ll meet you at C.C. when we know for sure right?” “Sounds reasonable.” Said Piccolo his eyes going from his former student to his mate. “Goten are you alright with this?” Goten nodded. “I’ll be okay. See you soon.”

“Right.” said Piccolo. “Nothing wrong with getting there early the sooner we know the better.” And with that set off flying for Capsule Corp. “What are we going to tell dad and mom?” Asked Goten curiously after Piccolo was gone. “First let’s make sure you really are pregnant. Then we can talk to Bulma about alternatives. My suggestion is talk about getting married and before you tell anyone about the pregnancy tell them about the proposal. That will make things a bit easier.” Said Gohan getting his brother’s coat and keys and directing them to the car. Goten looked at him .”Let’s not take any chances right now. You’re health is poor heaven only knows what affect that will have on your flying skills.”

“I can fly I’ve already done it.”

“Were you like this?”


“You’re not flying.” Gohan answered firmly,and took his brother to the car.


The anticipation made the time between buying the test and going to C.C. seem to take at least double the usual amount of time it would take. “So?” Piccolo asked when they arrived. “We decided to do it here in case he fainted or something.” Said Gohan. “Personally I think it’s because now that he knows we aren’t angry or something he would rather have the support.”

“You’re probably right.” Said Piccolo. So they waited for the younger Son to come out of the bathroom and tell them. There was a noise from the bathroom, one that made both of them want to break down the door but they restrained themselves long enough for Goten to come out and show them the test. “According to this he’s pregnant.” Said Gohan. “We might want to check with Bulma though. I mean… he’s half alien and a guy so it may be a false reading blood work is more percise on this type of thing.”

“Blood work? Just great, so how much of my blood do the giant misquitos want?” Goten muttered unhappily.

“It’s Bulma so it shouldn’t be too much.” Gohan tried to assure him.

“This better work.” Goten muttered, and then he turned agitated”This is ridiculous, I have nothing but questions and no answers! WHERE’S TRUNKS WHEN I NEED HIM?” Goten wailed.

“How about I get Trunks and you stay with Goten?” Gohan suggested. “There’s something the two of you need to discuss remember?”

“We don’t need to.” Said Piccolo. “You go get Trunks I think Goten and I have an announcement to make. He looked at Goten, who’s eyes lit up. “You’re serious?” He asked. “Of course I will.” Goten kissed Piccolo right then and there Gohan laughed at that. “Save some of it for the honeymoon you two.” He laughed. Gohan thought for a minute. There was two places Trunks would probably be either at work or his apartment. Gohan decided to try the apartment first as it was the most likely.


Trunks decided that he loved going home early. It felt almost like cutting out of class in a way, both felt great when you had gotten away with it. Not that he had done anything wrong but the idea of being home opposed to sitting another hour in supervising a bunch of whining, bitching three year olds that were the board of directors at Capsule Corp and stopping them from killing each other. ‘Maybe next time I should just let it play out there would be less of them for me to worry about.’ He thought for a moment. ‘Nah too much extra paper work, plus a lecture from mom, and dealing with the insurance people… wouldn’t be worth it.’ But it was a delightful thought. Then came the knock on the door. ‘So help me if it is another Jehovah Witness… I’ll help arrange a meeting with their Jehovah.’ He thought to himself. However, at the sight of who was at his door the violent thoughts quickly left his mind. “Hi Trunks.” Said Gohan. “G..Gohan you’re back.”


“When did you get back?”

“A little while ago actually.” Gohan admitted. “Stopped in to see Goten first though.”

“How are they?” Trunks asked.

“Well, I’ll leave that for them to tell you.”

“Come on you know I hate being caught with my pants down. I’ll act surprised really.”

“They’re planning to get married.” Gohan answered.

“Really when?” Trunks asked surprised. He was happy for them but this was a surprise.

“With luck before the C section.” Gohan answered.

“C section? Gohan… Why would either of them need a C section? That’s for…”

‘Whoops.’ Gohan thought to himself.

“Goten’s pregnant?” Trunks asked “Wow that’s wow. I’m happy for them but how’s your mom going to take it?”

“She’s always wanted Grandkids.” Gohan answered. “After some time to think about it she ought to be thrilled.”

“She’s not going to plot to kill Piccolo in his sleep or anything?” Trunks asked.

“I doubt it. I think she’s adjusted to the fact that Goten is happy and Piccolo is what makes Goten happy.”

“You’re probably right, so how was your trip?” Trunks asked. They took sometime to talk about the things that Gohan had gotten to do on New Namek and what he and Trunks had both been up to over the last few months. When Trunks realized he should excuse himself and change if they were going to see Goten and Piccolo and probably just about everyone else at his parents’. While he was getting ready Trunks allowed himself to absorb some of what they had been talking about. Gohan seemed happier and more relaxed then he was several months ago. However, while he had been gone Trunks realized there were a few things he might want to discuss with Gohan, but touching on them were tricky. He knew Gohan wasn’t happy in his relationship before he left for New Namek, and Trunks realized he had been growing awfully restless as well. Maybe they could give each other a try right? It couldn’t hurt. The only reason these thoughts had even occured to him was how empty everything seemed to be when Gohan was gone. At first Trunks figured it was because an old friend and confident was no longer around but it seemed more than that. Or was it? He had been batting this around back and for sometime now. Did he like Gohan that way? or was he just worried about losing an old friend? He had drifted apart from many aquaintances over the years but his friendships with the Son brothers had always been strong. When one wasn’t around the other could always be found. A good half of all the crap he had been able to get through in his life had been because of their help and friendship.

“Trunks?” Gohan called.

“Sorry, slight wardrobe rebellion I’m coming.” Trunks called back ‘Wardrobe rebellion?’ He thought with a groan ‘That’s so lame.’ Gohan was laughing however so it was worth it. After Trunks deemed himself presentable to see his parents Gohan and Trunks left for C.C.


By the time they arrived the news of Goten and Piccolo’s engagement had reached most of the “Z family” and there was a reunion/celebration in progress. Everyone was either talking/laughing or consuming food. Piccolo looked slightly embarrased but happy and Goten seemed relieved that every one was taking their engagement so well. He was overjoyed to see his best friend again. “You found him!” Said Goten happily as he hugged Trunks. Who, was rather surprised by his friend’s choice in greeting. Gohan mouthed the words “Mood Swings” and “Hormones” to Trunks and rolled his eyes. Trunks laughed it was good to have Gohan around again. The party had gotten into full swing by the time Gohan found some time to talk to Trunks again. “I was thinking.” Started Trunks. “There’s trouble waiting to happen.” Gohan joked.

“Very funny,” Said Trunks. “But I was thinking about a few years ago at my 16th birthday party. You remember it right?”

“Vaguely.” Gohan answered. Although that was a lie he remembered it very well and still wanted to hurt the guy that was responsible for the things that went wrong that day. “You were trying to tell me something that day.” Trunks continued. “I don’t think I remember.” Gohan answered. although that was probably a lie too, he did for the most part and it was a little embarassing. Something along the lines of “Teenagers are stupid creatures don’t dwell on it.”

“It gets better than this, but be ready for the hard times to.” And “If you ever need to talk I’m always here.”

“I was just thinking…” Trunks started and then he heard it.

“TRUNKSIE THERE YOU ARE!!!” Came the way too happy high pitched voice from across the lawn. ‘Trunksie?’ Gohan thought with almost disgust, that had to be the bottom of the lame nickname barrel.

‘I can’t believe she actually called me that in public.’ Trunks groaned. Time to face the music that was Tina, his current “girlfriend”. “You forgot we had a date tonight didn’t you?” Tina pouted to Trunks.

“Actually yes.” Said Trunks. “My best friend has just announced he’s getting married and his older brother just came back from a long trip.”

“Oh.. Go..Gordan?” Tina asked. “He tried to leave you a phone message or something a while back.”

“Gohan and what do you know about that?”

“He called you weren’t there so he said he would call back and leave a message on the machine.” Said Tina with a shrug. “Except he never did.”

Trunks looked at Gohan. “I decided a letter would be easier that’s all.” Said Gohan.

‘And more private. ‘

“Right, I got that letter.” Said Trunks, but that wasn’t the point Gohan was gone for a whole flipping 12 weeks. And there was nothing he could do but wait for him to come back. “Sorry Tina this is Gohan Son, Gohan this is Tina Winters.” Both were gracious enough to shake hands. “Nice to meet you.” They said, but yet something seemed almost eerie as if neither one really meant it. “You wanted to tell me something Gohan?” Asked Trunks.

“It can wait.” Said Gohan.

“Well, there was something I wanted to talk to you about.” “Sure, Trunks what is it?” “Well…”

At that point Gohan’s watch began beeping like crazy. “Aw crap. I’m sorry Trunks I got to go. I’ll see you soon promise.”

“Go?” Trunks asked at that minute while Tina was talking to his mother and everyone else’s attention was otherwise engaged Gohan disappeared in front of Trunks’ eyes.


(Two months after the party)

It was almost another two months before Trunks saw Gohan again. ButTrunks and nearly everyone else was too busy to realize it. Trunks had even asked Piccolo what had happened that day. Piccolo replied that something had come up on New Namek and Gohan was requested back by Guru. Although Piccolo didn’t know why and neither did Dende. However the big day of Goten and Piccolo’s wedding arrived and Gohan appeared again to be there. He was the other best man after all. Once the ceremony performed by Dende was completed Trunks had time to talk to Gohan at the reception.

“You sure left in a hurry.”

“Sorry about that.” Said Gohan. “Things came up and Guru called me back to New Namek. Something about pirates polluting the water supply but we fixed it. It was a whole big mess.”

“Sounds like it.” Said Trunks. “So how long are you here this time?”

“I don’t know.” Said Gohan. “But as long as I get my schoolwork done mom doesn’t care where I am. And the Nameks seem more than happy to have me around so everything is pretty good right now.”

“Good.” Said Trunks.

“How are Sharpner and Videl? Have you heard anything from them?” Gohan asked.

“Yeah they’re doing fine. They were disappointed that you couldn’t make it to the wedding, but Goten and I went in your place.”

“I appreciate it.”

As the night drew on and everybody wasl talking and having a good old time. The newlyweds took off for their honeymoon, with heartfelt goodbyes from everyone and a few threats. “You treat my baby right or I will find you and make you pay for it.”

“I will take good care of him, Chi-chi.”

“I mean it.”

“I know you will, but I will beat you to it.””What?”

“I would never allow harm to come to your son.”

With that they were gone before anyone could work out exactly what that meant exactly. “Come on Trunks let’s get you home.” Said Gohan. Seeing that the younger man seemed to have reached his limit of fun and alcohol. “Why Go-chan? It’s so fun here.” Said Trunks.

“The party’s over.” Said Gohan.

“We’ll just find another one then. Or we can always start our own.” Said Trunks.

“Tempting offer but you have work sometime soon.”

“Mom will let me off.”

“Don’t count on it.”

“Then I’ll let me take the day off. I am my own boss really.”

“Don’t let your mom hear you say that.” Said Gohan as he lead Trunks to the car.

“Why drive when we can fly?” Trunks asked, and took to the air.

“Trunks! What does he think he’s doing?” Gohan asked and took off after him. He found Trunks floating lesuirely over a lake just inches over it. “There you are.”

“I was waiting for you. Gohan? Can I ask you a question?” “Sure Trunks what is it?”

“Do you think, that if something is valuable to you, you should fight for it? I mean, no holds barred, burn bridges if necessary, let nothing in heaven or hell stop you, fight for it?”

“I guess it would depend on what it was. But when you really truely love something yes. Now that doesn’t mean you always will though. Sometimes if you really love something you have to let it go.”


“I don’t know.”

“Does this have anything to do with Videl?”

“No.” Gohan answered. “I loved her but I wasn’t IN love with her. I knew Sharpner would take good care of her.”

“How’d you figure that?” Asked Trunks.

“I told him if he didn’t I’d kill him.” Gohan answered.

“You really did that?”


“And he took you seriously?” Trunks asked.

“If he knows what is good for he will.” Gohan answered.

“That sounds more like my dad’s way of doing things.” Trunks told him.

“It was Videl.” Gohan answered as if that explained his motive. “Now about this thing that is valuable to you.”

“Don’t worry about it, I can handle it.” Said Trunks. “I just wanted your take on it.”

“Glad I could be of help.” Said Gohan. Trunks looked at him then, Gohan was at a loss to explain the look only that for some reason it was important. “Gohan, I don’t know if it is time yet. Nah I am half drunk out of my mind definately not. But there is something we need to talk about is that okay with you?”

“Sure Trunks, you care to tell me what it is about?”

“Later, maybe when I know you will take me seriously.” Said Trunks. “I do have to prove myself after all.”

“Trunks, you don’t have to prove yourself to me.” Said Gohan. “I accept you for who you are. You should know that.” Trunks shrugged it off though. “Trust me.” He answered “I don’t know if you would understand this.”

“Is that a challenge?” Asked Gohan. That made Trunks turn back to him, again with that odd look but now it seemed even stronger, more powerful, if Gohan had to come up with one word to explain the complicated look he was being given. Oddly enough it would be Desire. Before Gohan could blink they were on the ground and Trunks had him against a tree. Trunks kissed him then. It tasted really good essentuated by the light taste of what ever it was Trunks had been drinking that night. The kissed deepened as Gohan returned it a little but Trunks was definately dominating. His tongue when over Gohan’s lips in a request for entry, Gohan allowed it. Not quite sure why he was, but he did. Trunks seemed to take all this as an invitation to push even further. “Trunks.” Gohan tried to speak.

“You’re drunk, you don’t want to do this.”

“Are you asking me to stop?” Trunks asked “Are you sure that is what you want me to do?” Gohan was about to reply when the hard on he was getting in his pants became obvious to Trunks. “I don’t know Gohan, I am getting the idea the answer is you do want me to continue.” Gohan hesitated. This wasn’t right, he liked Trunks sure as a friend and even beyond that but Trunks was drunk. They shouldn’t be doing this, but before Gohan could word this new arguement he felt a brief bit cold and then surrounded by warmth. “Trunks.” he moaned. At that moment he realized he didn’t want it to stop he just.. would have to make sure it didn’t get out of hand that’s all. He was the sober one right? He bit back the request part of him wanted since Trunks showed to be so willing. That was the one thing he WOULD NOT ask for not now. It wouldn’t be right.



“Are you enjoying this?”

“Yes. I am.”


‘Please don’t only be letting him do this because he’s drunk please.’ Gohan thought inspite of himself. “Trunks we need to stop.”

“Why Gohan?” Trunks asked. “I mean you are happy again.” “Happy?”

“At peace, content, not stressed out.” Trunks clarified. “I don’t want you to be upset if I can help you.”

“And you think you need to do this to help me?” Gohan asked.

“No. I am doing it because I want to.” Said Trunks. Gohan stared at him. Could he mean that? REALLY mean that? If he did than Gohan really had to stop Trunks or the self loathing Trunks would feel afterwards would shoot everything down before they began. “That’s why we have to stop Trunks.” Gohan explained. “You’ll be upset when the alcohol wears off. And think you did some thing wrong, or that I took advantage of you while you were drunk.”

“You’d never do that Gohan.” Trunks corrected him.

“I’m not stopping you am I?” Gohan asked. “I am letting you do something you would never do if you were sober, and I am the one benefitting from it. Explain how I am not taking advantage of the situation.”

“Don’t want to think.” Said Trunks.

“I know. It all really sucks doesn’t it?” Gohan asked.

Trunks nodded, “Please can we just stay here like this?” He asked. “I won’t do any thing I swear just… sleep like this?” Realizing it meant a lot to the younger man Gohan nodded. “Of course.” he answered. After pulling his boxers back up Gohan went to put on his pants. Trunks allowed this but stopped him when he went to put the shirt back on.

“Do you have to?” He asked.

“No.” Gohan answered.

“Could you keep it off then?” Trunks asked. Gohan nodded and left the shirt off and made sure Trunks did too. Then they feel asleep in one another’s arms.


When Trunks woke up he was back in his apartment and it was 2 p.m. in the afternoon. ‘Of course he’s gone.’ Trunks thought to himself. But he saw the note on the table.

“It was good talking with you Trunks. But we never did get around to what you wanted to tell me. I guess we’ll have to do that later. There is some hangover remedy on the counter. (You’ll need it, trust me on this.) “Trunks smirked but did as he was told “I hope you enjoyed this weekend, I know I did.


Trunks stared at the note, and then looked at the calendar. HOLY CRAP IT WAS MONDAY!!! And Goten and Piccolo were married on Friday. Did he and Gohan really spend the whole weekend together? That was great! No wait that was probably bad. He re-read the note, good in his public display of drunkeness he didn’t screw up and tell Gohan he loved him or something equally lame. Although it would help if he did remember what he did do…


(Capsule Corp)

“Honey where did all these bottles come from?” Asked Bunni Briefs.

“What bottles mom?” Asked Bulma joining her.

“The ones that say “Tequilla” “Vodka” and “Rum” and a few other things.”

“Mom we didn’t order that many cases…”Bulma’ s eyes bulged out in horror and then rage “YAMCHA!!!! KRILLIN!!!”

Said males over heard the loud screech and decided they were going to take a VERY long camping trip. Perhaps spiking the wedding to help loosen everyone up was in the perfect 20/20 vision of hindsight a VERY BAD idea.


(New Namek)

Gohan having once again received the insistant call from Guru went to the elder Namek wondering what had gone wrong this time.

“Guru what’s going on what happened?” He asked.

“Some of the children gathered the dragonballs and made a… rather unusual wish.” Guru explained.

“Unusual? How bad was it?” Gohan asked. Unusual was usually a bad term when one was discribing wishes made on the dragon balls. Although the story of Oolong asking the dragon for underwear to prevent Emperor Pilaf from making his wish was kind of funny really.

“Well,” said one of the tribe leaders looking rather uncomfortable. “You know how Nail was supposed to be the last of the Warrior Nameks?”

Gohan remembered and thought in past years the Nameks got several other jobs and ablilities the Warrior type had yet to return. “They wished that the warriors came back?”

“Close, they wished that the blood of the warriors be rewakened.”

“So anyone that had the bloodline… could be warriors, that wish could affect more than this generation it would affect future ones but not the past.” Gohan mused. “Smart kids.” The elders looked at him funny. “I mean think about it they just guaranteed you generations of future warriors.”

“And since they’re arent any more they are useless to us without proper training!” One irrated elder muttered.

“I guess that leaves me to do it then.” Said Gohan.

“What?” Asked Guru.

“I’m going to stay and train the new warriors, and do what ever it takes to get them ready.” Gohan explained. “Are you sure?” Guru asked. Knowing full well this would once again take him from earth for the Kais only knew how long. For a moment Gohan remembered that weekend. He needed to think. Could it be that Trunks… Nah couldn’t be… “Yeah.” He answered “I need some time to clear my head.”

“There are twelve of them right now.”

“The more the better.” Gohan responded.



“Hi Goku? Have you seen Gohan today?”Asked Trunks.

“Actually yes, he seemed bothered about something.”

“Bothered? About what?” Trunks asked inwardly hoping it had nothing to do with his loss of restraint.

“He didn’t say, just that he needed time to think somethings over.” Goku answered.

“Do you know where he is?” Trunks asked, he was starting to get a very bad feeling about this.

“Nope he’s gone.” Goku answered.

“Gone?” Trunks tried not to squeek.

“Gone.” Goku repeated.

“He’s gone back.” Said Trunks despair begining to fill him.

She left without leaving a number
Said she needed to clear her mind
He figured she’d gone back to Austin
‘Cause she talked about it all the time


(One year after after the wedding)

It was almost a year Before she called him up
Three rings and an answering machine Is what she got
If you’re calling ’bout the car, I sold it
If this is Tuesday night, I’m bowling
If you got something to sell You’re wasting your time I’m not buying
If it’s anybody else Wait for the tone You know what to do
And P.S. if this is Austin I still love you

Goten watched the twins playing in their playpen as he listened to the phone ring, just as he expected the answering machine had picked up. He waited for the message to play.

“Hi, you have reached Trunks Briefs, sorry I’m not here right now. If this Mom call me on my cell I’m probably still at work and forgot to come home again. If this is Goten call me on my cell. If this is Cathy, look it’s over if you want to know why, I suggest you talk to your boyfriend. Anyone else can feel free to leave a message, unless your selling something at that point the machine will automatically hang up. And if by any chance your calling from New Namek, Gohan I would still like to have that talk.”


Goten did as the machine instructed smiling to himself. “Did you invite Trunks for dinner?” Piccolo asked him as he came in. “Yeah I’m trying to do that right now.” Goten responded.

“Then why are you…”

“It’s still there Piccolo. The message is still there.”

“It could be an old recording.”

“He updates them every month, it was Cathy he was telling off this time.”

“She ended up having a boyfriend?”

“Yep. I swear ever since that article that hypothesized Trunks was bisexual he’s been beating off potential dates with a stick.”


“Yeah, I think 17 is the one that submitted it. It was probablyhis own backwards way of being helpful.”

“And yet it caused mayhem. I think he did it to be funny.” Said Piccolo. “How are the brats? Still growing like weeds I see.”

“Piccolo, you shouldn’t talk about your children like that.”

“They know I love them. I just don’t express it much.” Said Piccolo defensively. Goten smiled at his mate and asked Trunks to join them Friday and he said yes. “He’s coming.” Said Goten.

“So his message barely changes…” Said Piccolo thoughtfully. “Do you think…”

“Maybe Trunks is in love with Gohan?” Goten asked.

“Actually yes Goten I think they are.” Piccolo answered. “The question is do they know?”

“They…” Started Goten.

“Don’t worry about it.” Said Piccolo. “They’re bound to figure it out sooner or later. You saiyans maybe a little slow on the uptake but you always figure these things out sooner or later.” Goten looked indignant about that but Piccolo chuckled and kissed his mate.


(One year and three weeks after the wedding)

“Come on Trunks, it’s time to go!” Said the voice outside his door.

“Brat you either come out here within 5 minutes or we will drag you out here.” Said the second voice.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Trunks shouted back. He finished making his new message.

“Hi, Trunks Briefs, thanks to my mother’s evil schemes I am being dragged camping against my will. I will be back by the end of the week so everyone just leave a message and if you know where Lookout Point” is please send take out my father is bound to destroy any attempt we have at cooking and I don’t want to try cooking squirrels over the campfire again. And Gohan if you’re out there call me we need to talk.”


(One year and two months after the wedding)

“Okay is everyone ready?” Asked Spoink.

“Yes.” Answered the other three.

“Alright, sleeping bags?”


“Flashlights? ” “Check”

“Extra changes of clothing?”



“Check, check and check”

“Mace and other weapons of defense?”

“SPOINK we want to get going before we’re 100 okay?”

“Sorry Vega. I guess we are ready.”

“Considering the extra eight packs of stuff you have over there I hope so. This is a trip we aren’t moving there.”

“I know I just… you don’t know how long it will take you know?” “Yeah I know.” Vega answered.

“It’ll all work out.” Nils said positively.

“Sure it will.” Said Nina. “I am tired of seeing Mr. Gohan sad.”

“You and everybody else.” Said Vega.

“Every one ready?” Asked Goku.

“They’re ready dad.” Said Gohan. They all gathered together and Goku used Instant Transmission to get them to Earth.


Piccolo and Goten’s house

“Thanks for taking us in.” Said Gohan.

“No problem, you said there was only four right?”

“Yeah the rest of them are visiting their folks.” Said Gohan.

“How many are there?” Asked Goten

“Twelve right now.” Said Gohan. “I hope to have this set mature and trained before the next group comes then they can be the teachers.”

“Yeah we were hoping you’d move back to Earth eventually.” Said Piccolo.

“I don’t live out there.” Said Gohan. Piccolo and Goten exchanged looks but remained silent on the issue. “Unca Gohan Unca Gohan.” Cried one little voice. “Gampa Goku Gampa Goku.” Cried the second. Two little children tottered in happy as could be.

The four students slowly inspected the two children. “They’re cute. A little different though I think.” Said Spoink.

“Of course they are.” Said Nina, rolling her eyes “They are crossbreeds of Saiyans and Nameks. “They are cute though.”

“Who you?” Asked one to Vega.

“Vega.” She answered simply.

“Why here?”

“Your uncle invited me.” She answered.

“You nice?”

“When I want to be.” She answered again.

Piccolo eyed Vega wondering why she was so familiar. “Gohan?”

“Yeah Piccolo?”

“Where did you get that one? She kind of reminds me of Vegeta.”

“You know what she reminds me of him too.”

“What’s her me?”

“We call her Vega.” Piccolo looked at him. “It made sense since she was so much like him.” Gohan said with a shrug. A thought came to him. Well, not just came to him but he got a strong urge to carry out that thought now he was capable of it. “Hey, um I better… Could I use your phone? People are going to want to know I’m back.” Piccolo nodded and pointed out where the phone was and Gohan dialed various numbers. Talked to various people and answered questions. Then he came to the last call he needed to make. He took a deep breath and and dialed the familiar digits…

“Anyone else can feel free to leave a message, unless your selling something at that point the machine will automatically hang up. And if by any chance your calling from New Namek, Gohan I would still like to have that talk.”

The telephone fell to the counter
She heard but she couldn’t believe What kinda man
would hang on that long What kinda love that must be

The phone clanked on the counter, as Gohan stared disbelivingly at the handset he had just been holding. “It’s got to be an old recording. It’s got to be an old recording.” He whispered to himself. ‘I screwed up royally there is no way in HELL he’s still waiting for me.’ “Gohan are you okay?” Goten asked peeking into the room. “Yeah I just dropped something. I guess I’m just a butterfingers to day.” Gohan answered with a smile. He looked back at the handset again. “It’s not going to bite you.” Goten said. “Are you sure you’re okay?” “Yeah.” Gohan answered looking back at it again. Goten said nothing else and left the room. As soon as he was gone though Spoink came in the room. “Whatcha doing Mr. Gohan?” “Just making some phone calls.” Said Gohan. “Can I try?” Spoink asked. “Sure.” Said Gohan. Spoink looked at the buttons on the phone and hit the redial button. Once again Trunks unbelievable message played for the two of them. “What is that about?” Asked Spoink. “Nothing, just an old recording.” Said Gohan. “He probably put an old message tape in his machine by accident.” “Answering Machines don’t have tapes anymore Mr. Gohan.” Said Nils “They work on microchips and besides the greeting message is erased every couple of weeks automatically unless you override it because you are on vacation.” Gohan looked at Nils, the young Namek’s ability with technology never ceased to amaze him. “It’s in the book in the box over there.” He answered pointing. Gohan went over to where he was directed and found the instruction manual for Goten and Piccolo’s answering machine. “Well still.” “It’s the newest type.” Nil explained patiently. “Chances are whoever you called has one similar.” “You’re probably right.” Said Gohan. ‘Then the message isn’t wrong? Trunks still wants to talk to me?’ “Hey dad?” “Gohan?” “I have to go out for a bit, would you mind watching the kids?” “Sure I think I can handle that.” ‘Don’t be too sure dad.’ Gohan thought to himself but left the house and flew to C.C.


“Gohan what brings you here?” Asked Bulma with happiness as well as surprise. “Came back to spend some time home.” Gohan answered. “Bulma can I ask you a question?” “You can ask me anything what is it?” “What is the longest amount of time you have ever waited to tell someone something?” “What kind of information is it?” Bulma asked. “I don’t know.” Gohan replied. Bulma thought for a moment and smiled. “I don’t suppose your question would bave anything to do with my son’s message would it?” “I was wondering what he had to tell me that he would wait this long to tell me.” Gohan said with a shrug. “Sounds like you need to ask him that, not me.” Said Bulma. “I want to but… it’s so hard.” Gohan admitted. “I’m almost afraid of what he’s going to say.” “Bad news?” “I don’t know.” Gohan confessed “I don’t know what I am afraid that he will tell me. Or that I’ll lose control and admit…” “Is there something you would like to tell me?” Bulma asked. “I think I may love him Bulma.”


Sunny watched the adults talked and decided to find the strange girl from earlier. “Hi.” “Hey kid.” Said Vega “What’s up?” “I wanna go see Unca Twunks.” She replied. “Daddy and Papa said they would take us to visit and they forgot again.” “Just fly there then.” “I can’t they say I’m to widdle to twy that yet.” “Well if that’s all.” Said Vega picking up Sunny. “I’ll take you there.” “Tank you.” Said Sunny and snuggled up close to the Namekian girl as she took off. “You’re going to have to give me directions though.” “No Pwoblem. First go to the big C.C. sign….”


After talking to Bulma Gohan did feel better so he went back to Goten and Picccolo’s to decide what to do next. In time to hear his brother go off. “SUNNY!” “What’s wrong?” Piccolo asked. “Sunny is gone.” “Don’t be silly how far away can she go? she can’t fly.” Said Piccolo trying to calm his mate. “But she could get hurt.” “I’m sure she’ll be fine.” “But anything can happen she could be kidnapped for an artifact, get captured by aliens, leave the planet, have her energy stolen Drugged! murdered! ENGAGED!!” “Goten…” Said Piccolo now growing greatly concerned for his Koi. “She is going to be fine.” “Bring her home, piccolo. Please bring her home.” Goten seemed a bit unstable at this point. “Mr. Gohan?” asked Nils “What is that odd smell coming from Mr. Goten?” ‘Holy Crap He’s pregnant again?’ Gohan thought but ignored the young boy’s question. “What’s going on?” Asked Vega. “Sunny is gone.” Said Nina. “and Mr. Goten is very worried about her.” “Why? She went out for a visit.” Said Vega. “WHAT!!??” “You know where she went?” “Why didn’t you say anything?” “You never asked.” Vega pointed out.

“Where is she now Vega?” Asked Gohan.

“She wanted to visit “Unca Twunks”. She told me where it was and I flew her there.” Vega explained. She looked at the collective worried faces around her. “I thought someone would remember. She said there were plans.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” Said Gohan assuring her. “Take care of him I am going to bring Sunny home.” Piccolo nodded and took Goten back to their room. Gohan left for Trunks’ apartment.


Trunks was enjoying the company of his adopted niece when the doorbell rang. “Gohan?”

“Hey Trunks, I was wondering if you had seen Sunny. It would appear that she’s missing. And Goten’s out of his mind with worry.”

“I guess he forgot this was their weekend to visit me.” Said Trunks, but he came out carrying Sunny.

“Hi Unca Gohan.” Said Sunny.

“Hey there sweetie. Your Daddy and Papa are looking for you, you know.”

“Why would they do that?”

“Because they love you and you left without telling them where you were going.” Said Gohan gently. “I better get her back to the house.” he told Trunks. Trunks nodded.

“Unca Twunks? Why don’t you come with us?” Sunny asked.

“That does make sense.” Said Gohan. “Come with us Trunks.”

“I think I can do that.” Said Trunks and they went back to the house.


“SUNNY!!” Cried Goten taking his daughter from Gohan “Are you okay sweetheart?” “Yep.” Said Sunny with a smile. “You hurt yourself or anything?” “Nope.” “You didn’t…” Sunny kissed her father. “I’m okay daddy really. Can I play with Unca Twunks and Unca Gohan now?”

“I suppose.” said Goten putting his daughter on the floor. “Thanks for taking care of her.” He told Trunks.

“No problem. I found her dropped off at my place and figured one of you remembered. I didn’t realize she found her own way to get there without either of you.”

“Vega.” Said Gohan. “Sunny convinced Vega to take her over and Vega didn’t think anything of dropping her off.”

“One of your kids?”


From a corner Vega, Nina, Nils and Spoink watched Gohan and Trunks converse. “You think it’s going to happen?” Spoink asked. “I mean they gotta talk sometime.”

“You got any ideas on how to convince them to do it?” Nina asked.

“I’ve got one or two.” Said Vega, “But let’s see if they need us or not. They may just do it on their own.”

“I hope so.” muttered Spoink. “Those noises are starting to worry me.”

“Hate to break it to you Spoink but if things work out I think we’d be getting them in stereo if they’re what I think they were.”

“They’d be on Earth not Namek.” Spoink pointed out.

“Point.” Said Nina.

“Gohan, I think we’re being watched.” Said Trunks.

“It’s just the kids don’t worry about it.” Said Gohan. “So…”

“So…” Said Trunks.

“You wanted to talk?” Gohan prompted. “At least that is what your message said.”

“Yeah my message.” Trunks answered looking nervous.

“Is this about that weekend?” Gohan prompted. “There was something you were going to tell me but figured since you would be considered intoxicated I wouldn’t take what you said seriously.” Trunks nodded as Gohan continued. “You said you loved me. It was when you curled next to me that night.”

“You didn’t believe me I suppose?” Trunks asked.

“I wanted to but I wasn’t sure if that was you or the alcohol talking.” Gohan admitted.

“They say that in wine there is truth.” Said Trunks.

“So you do?” Gohan asked.

“Do I what?” Asked Trunks.

“Love me?”

Trunks hesitated, “It’s not going to be a problem is it?” He asked.

“Just answer.” Gohan said hopefully. “I’ll accept anything you say Trunks.”

“Yes I do love you Gohan.” Said Trunks softly. “And if you didn’t stop me that night I would’ve done anything to prove it too.”

“I got that idea but I figured it would be better too…” Gohan stopped as Trunks carefully began kissing him. He didn’t fight it though. “Are you sure this is what you want?” Gohan asked.

“More than anything.” Trunks answered and resumed kissing him.

If you’re calling ’bout my heart It’s still yours
I shoulda listened to it a little more
Then it wouldn’t have Taken me so long
To know where i belong And by the way boy
This is no machine you’re talking to
Can’t you tell this is Austin And i still love you

The four kids tried not to cheer at seeing that the scene in front of them in fact they picked up Sunny and tiptoed as far away as they could from the room. “What are you up to?” Asked Piccolo.

“SHH. They are making up.” Said Nils. “We don’t want to discourage them.”

“Bout time.” Said Piccolo, and went in to tell Goten the good news.



Few months later Gohan finished with his charges and moved with his Koi. Three months after that they got married. Gohan’s students were able to come to the wedding which they found a rather unusual ceremony but enjoyed. Yamcha and Krillen although invited found themselves under careful survailiance. And Gohan and Trunks found the love they always sought for in each other.



DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

