DBZ Yaoi & Shounen Ai Fanfiction | 20+ Years of Saiyan BL Stories

by Galacia
Filter by Pairing: All Truhan
Don't Speak Future GohanFuture Trunks
Don't Speak October 21, 2015 Words: 10388 Chapters: 4 Views: 771 Mirai Gohan, blaming himself for the deaths of his friends and family, leaves Trunks and Bulma in order to train. Can the two convince him to return? Especially Trunks?

Song Used: No Doubt – Don’t Speak.
New Namek GohanTrunks
New Namek October 18, 2015 Words: 9399 Views: 279 There are some things you have to wait for, the question is are they worth it?

Song Used: Brad Paisley – P.S. This Is Austin Male Pregnancy
Insensitive Future TrunksGohan
Insensitive October 18, 2015 Words: 4485 Views: 222 Mirai Trunks returns from the future, and Gohan debates over whether to let the older demi-Saiyan know of his feelings for him…
Song Used: Leann Rimes – Insensitive
Got No Place To Go Future TrunksGohan
Got No Place To Go October 18, 2015 Words: 3928 Views: 193 Trunks feels like he’s got no place where he can go anymore. So he travels back in time but will he find his place there?
Song Used: Melissa Ethridge – Nowhere to go
Painted On My Heart Future TrunksGohan
Painted On My Heart October 18, 2015 Words: 42574 Chapters: 5 Views: 412 Sometimes all you want is right in front of you, the question is to you have the courage to take it when you have the chance?
Sequel to “Insensitive”

I will try not to do this too much but if Tora or Trunks say Chibi. it refers to Goten If Gohan says chibi it refers to Trunks. If I do this I will try and indicate who is being spoken about. (Ages: Gohan 28, Tora 32, Goten 20 Trunks 21)

Song Used: Painted on my heart
Let's Make Nii-Chan Happy Again! Future TrunksGohan
Let's Make Nii-Chan Happy Again! Abandoned October 18, 2015 Words: 12937 Chapters: 3 Views: 350 When Trunks, Bra, Goten and Pan notice that their babysitter Gohan is unhappy they decide to try and find Gohan’s friend Mirai from the future so they can ask him how to make Gohan happy.
Ghost Sauce Future GohanFuture Trunks
Ghost Sauce Abandoned October 18, 2015 Words: 4732 Chapters: 3 Views: 233 An AU connected to the Mirai timeline, except Trunks hasn’t gone back to the past. It’s also a crossover with Ghost.
As Long As He Needs Me GohanTrunks
As Long As He Needs Me September 25, 2015 Words: 5643 Chapters: 5 Views: 388 Some people will do anything for their friends…as long as they need them around, that is…Here we step into the minds of two demi-Saiyans and the lives of those around them, and see what friends are willing to do for each other.

If a chapter has been written in a specific character’s point of view, the character’s name will be placed at the chapter beginning.
Always Yours Future TrunksGohan
Always Yours September 25, 2015 Words: 14260 Chapters: 3 Views: 316 Depressed wondering leads him to the home of the one he loves.
Song Used: Bon Jovi – Always

I’m not sure if this is meant to be a one shot or a multishot but it practically was begging on hands and knees to be written. Abusive

DBZ Yaoi BL Hub

Welcome to DBZ Yaoi BL Hub – the ultimate destination for DBZ Yaoi, BL (Boys Love) fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics.
Established in 2001, we proudly offer 20+ years of rare scanlations, exclusive artwork, and high-quality Saiyan BL stories.
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✔️ PiccoHan (Piccolo x Gohan)
✔️ Truten (Goten x Trunks)
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