by Kawaii Hime Ceres     More by this Writer
Trunks and Gohan was a fairly stable couple with a bright future ahead. Things get turned upside down as Trunks goes into heat, and Gohan wants to claim him once and for all. Settling in together proves to have its shares of ups and down. Trunks takes things into his own hands, and turns the tables on Gohan. Eventually the two realize that their needs to be adjustments made to their home life before things will settle down. In the end they manage to be as happy as the next couple.

Chapter 01
Gohan blocked himself defensively against Vegeta. Both of them were having a spike of power, and a need to dominate. That need to dominate wasn’t over a piece of property or anything of the sort, it was over Trunks.

“Why are you insisting on this Gohan?” Vegeta spat back as he managed to deal a blow. He crossed his arms and threw them up to protect his face. He had the need to fight, a need for dominance. He knew they both did, but he could control himself… He hoped.

“Because you are a Saiyan just like me, and you have the same desire…” Gohan snarled as he managed a couple blows to Vegeta’s groin, and shoulder before he was sent into a spiral, and thrown into the earth.

“I don’t want to mate my fucking son.” Having managed to get the upper hand for the moment Vegeta smirked due to his momentary victory. But it was this cockiness that caught him off guard to Gohan’s oncoming ki attack.

“Just because you don’t want to, doesn’t mean you won’t.” Gohan said panting heavy after he shot off the attack. He never saw Vegeta’s foot coming. He stumbled backwards when the blow was dealt to his head. “Fuck Vegeta.” He growled and charged toward the other male putting them both skyward again.

Vetega raised an eye brow. “You’ve got to do better than that.” He laughed as he wiped the blood from his mouth. “I may not want to fuck my son, but I do want my son to have a mate I consider worthy.” He gave a hand motion that said ‘come on, give it all you got’.

“I will have him as my mate…” Gohan said as he mocked Vegeta by wiping blood from his own mouth. At this moment he didn’t care about physical appearance. He cared about winning, and claiming Trunks as his mate.

After that talking seemed to cease, and strategy seemed to increase. They upped their power, going golden. Eyes narrowed, teeth gritted, kid gloves off; it was on. Blows dealt, blood spilt, earth torn asunder they didn’t stop. The locked one another in powerful holds as they struggled for Trunks.

It was a defining hit on Gohan’s part; one to remember. A gut wrenching blow that sent Vegeta once more into the earth, but this time it knocked him unconscious. No more cynical laughter or snide remarks. It was his own heavy breathing he heard.

Gohan took no time celebrate his victory. Still full of adrenaline he heaved Vegeta from the rubble and headed off towards Capsule Corp. He burst into the doors to find Bulma and Trunks sitting at the kitchen table. The air about the place was light, and both seemed to be filled with laughter until he dropped Vegeta onto the kitchen table.

“Gohan…” Bulma and Trunks said with a start as they jumped out of the chair and away from the table. Bulma then scrambled out of the room and towards the bathroom for first aid supplies leaving Gohan with Trunks and an unconscious Vegeta.

Gohan pulled Trunks flush against him, and then curled his fingers in the others long, purple, silky locks. He inhaled deeply as he licked his lips. “I’m sure you know exactly what this about.” His free hand slid down the others spine, and gripped his ass.

“Do I?” Trunks stammered having been caught slightly off guard. He locked eyes with Gohan, and tried to be as subtle as possible with any movement he made. He was trying his best to play innocent. He couldn’t help biology or chemistry.

With adrenaline still coursing through Gohan’s body he felt invincible. He tipped the others head, and forced them into a dominating kiss. His hands eagerly explored the ‘prize’. He wanted to taste, to touch every available inch of Trunks.

Trunks couldn’t control the feelings he was experiencing. He didn’t know how his body knew, but it did. This male was the one to dominate him. He felt hungry, lustful and that the only thing/person that could satisfy him was Gohan.

Gohan’s reality slipped away as he became intoxicated with Trunks. He tore at their clothes and pressed Trunks against the wall. He needed, wanted every inch of him. He nipped at the others lips, and jaw line.

Bulma could have sworn she was only gone a few minutes to collect supplies, and she felt it certainly was not enough time for Gohan to be claiming Trunks as his; in her kitchen of all places. She was sure that was what this was about. After all the only other strong Saiyan that could stand in the way of what Gohan wanted was Trunks. “Gohan! Trunks!” She blurted out, and found the nearest wettest rag she could find and threw it at the two of them. “Out, out, out of my kitchen!”

As much as the two wanted to through caution to the wind and just have a good roll in the woman’s kitchen the cold, wet rag that hit their heated flesh made them jump apart. It was completely unexpected, and they completely expressed their disapproval before they both growled and stormed out of the kitchen.

The nerve of them thinking they can do their thing in my kitchen, Bulma thought. “Pigs!” Though she didn’t know how she could say because she’d have done the same thing in a minute herself with Vegeta if the occasion arose.

Illustration(s) for this story by various artist(s)

Claiming His Prize Claiming His Prize

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