by Kawaii Hime Ceres     More by this Writer
Trunks and Gohan was a fairly stable couple with a bright future ahead. Things get turned upside down as Trunks goes into heat, and Gohan wants to claim him once and for all. Settling in together proves to have its shares of ups and down. Trunks takes things into his own hands, and turns the tables on Gohan. Eventually the two realize that their needs to be adjustments made to their home life before things will settle down. In the end they manage to be as happy as the next couple.

Chapter 03
Despite the fact of not wanting to do the mounting pile of dishes there was also the fact that if he didn’t do them no one would, and there wouldn’t be a clean dish left by tomorrow. He rolled up the sleeves of his work shirt while the dish water filled the sink. ‘One would think he’d get the hint, and do them his damn self.’ He grumbled in disgust as he thoroughly scrubbed a crusty dish from two days ago.

Gohan without a word about how dinner was, or even an attempt at a sincere apology added a dish to the pile. It was apparent that he hadn’t even attempted to scrap the crumbs from the dish. He did; however, give a goofy, innocent grin when he saw Trunks scowl.

Before Gohan had even left the kitchen Trunks had nearly smashed ever dish in the sink. It wasn’t his fist that had done it. It was in fact another dish. Being pissed he had slammed that last dish rather hard without realizing what he had done, until it was done. “Do them your damn self!” He yelled as he quickly, near tearing the knobs off, turned off the water.

Gohan stood there dumbfounded as he watched Trunks storm from the kitchen. Once it all settled in he realized how angry he was. Trunks was being really unfair in the maters of the home. Lately he’d been refusing to do anything pertaining to the house, unless it just had to be done. And, to top it off Trunks was denying him sex. He didn’t understand it; everything just a few weeks ago seemed perfect.

Trunks glared at Gohan one last time before slamming the door of the guest room. He didn’t bother locking it because his mood was apparent enough that he hoped the other would just stay the hell away. He quickly rid himself of his business clothes, and headed to take a nice hot bath. He hated being this angry. He knew it didn’t ever lead anywhere good, but he was just plain fed up.

Gohan may have been a teacher, but he certainly wasn’t the brightest of the bunch when it came to marital/relationship/home issues. Not of a thought of caution crossed his mind as he found the door to the guest bedroom unlocked. To his surprise Trunks clothes were laying in a hasty built pile. He couldn’t help but let all the anger melt, and to get a little bit excited when he realized the other was in the bathroom and there was steam coming out of the room.

“Don’t you even think about it.” Trunks growled knowing that Gohan was in his room by scent alone that had heightened. He slid himself further under the water. He amused himself by watching his unbound hair float weightless on the bubbly water.

Despite the warning Trunks growled Gohan sat on the toilet with a full on pout on his face. “Would you at least talk to me?” He was trying to be rational despite his rising anger. “Please, tell me what is going on? Is it the fact you don’t love me, and that you want to leave? Is it something I’ve done?” He closed his eyes hoping that Trunks was paying attention, even if only half way.

Trunks sat up just enough so his mouth was above water, but nothing else. He wasn’t going to give the other an inch of visual what was under the water hidden by a mound of bubbles. “Tell you what’s wrong…” He said in raised tones. “I’m tired of being your bitch… And, that is putting it nicely.”

“What do you mean ‘tired of being my bitch’?” Gohan asked looking truly lost. He didn’t understand in the slightest what he had done. Routines just seemed too form, and he had just gone with it. That is if that was what this was all about. He was all he could figure… And, the more he thought about the more it made sense.

“Just because I’m a Saiyan with slightly different hormones doesn’t mean I’m female.” Trunks kept his voice as even as his temper would allow. “I’m just as much a man as you.” As his frustration grew he narrowed his eyes. “Because last I checked… You’re not the only one who tops, or the only one who works around here. That means we should BOTH be taking care of the house. And, until that happens I’m not giving you an inch to go by.”

Gohan’s mouth formed a complete ‘O’ it was a look of total and utter shock at the mouth full Trunks had just given. He opened and closed his mouth a couple times trying to find the words. He ran his fingers through his hair as he let out a soft sigh. “Trunks… Why didn’t you just speak up about why you were so unhappy?” He thought he finally had the words. He didn’t want to make this any worse than it already was, and he knew it was pretty bad. “You know over half the populations marital problems are caused by lack of communication.”

“So you assume that I like cooking and cleaning and picking up after you.” Trunks rolled his eyes at Gohan, and let out another growl. “Did you ever think that it was my hormones that drove me to act the way I did when we moved in together?” He gave a look that said ‘you are a total jerk’. “That really says something considering you were my boyfriend previous to all this.” He threw his hands up motioning the air before pointing a bubbly finger at Gohan. “And another thing… You aren’t a little kid Gohan, and there is no excuse for how lazy you are when you come home from work.”

All Gohan could say was ‘but’ before he was cut off from saying anything else. He noticed Trunks was intent on finishing what he had to say, or at least for the moment. He couldn’t complain after all he had just told trunks that the biggest marital issue was that couples didn’t communicate, and that communication was the key. A couple minutes later he sighed softly as a lot of it hit home. “So, then if it all goes back to fifty, fifty you’ll be back to your old self… Excluding when that ‘time’ rolls around again.” Despite anything that had been said he had managed to keep a goofy grin on his face. “Because the bed is pretty lonely without you.”

“Don’t think you’re getting sex mister… You can take care of that yourself.” Trunks barely cracked half a smile as he rolled his eyes. “You’re a big boy… Tying your own shoe laces, and all.” Despite the look on his face you could tell he was all play with little bite.

“So, can I finish undressing?” Gohan grinned sheepishly. Already in the process of getting out of his remaining clothes was an indication that he wasn’t really waiting on an answer.

“Hey.” Trunks yipped as he splashed water at Gohan. “The tubs hardly big enough for me… Let alone you as well.”

“Well damn. You should have thought about that when you used the guest bathroom. Remember we never accommodated it for our little ‘games’.” Gohan said playfully as he laughed. “Guess that means I get tops…” He gave Trunks a quick, teasing kiss. “Since you’re already on bottom.”

“I wasn’t considering giving in this easy.” Trunks growled playfully. “And just ‘cause I am on bottom doesn’t mean I have to give in easy.”

Illustration(s) for this story by various artist(s)

Claiming His Prize Claiming His Prize

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