DBZ Yaoi & Shounen Ai Fanfiction | 20+ Years of Saiyan BL Stories

by Kloak
Filter by Pairing: All Truhan
Pirates Of Vegeta-Sei Future TrunksGohan
Pirates Of Vegeta-Sei Abandoned December 12, 2015 Words: 2466 Views: 186 Pirate captain sends his sons Gohan and Goten out to kidnap a bride for Gohan.

The time line is all screwy because it doesn’t have anything to do with DBZ, yeah. Oh yeah, Goten and Gohan were raised by Vegeta, go figure.
White Day GohanTrunks
White Day December 12, 2015 Words: 2820 Chapters: 3 Views: 267 To celebrate White Day, Gohan and Trunks are sent on brief chores to pick up their fathers’ gifts. While doing this, a chance encounter occurs involving them and an old family friend.

There is no Videl. Gohan is one year older than Trunks and Goten, who are the same age. Yes, I realize this screws up the entire DBZ theme, but I’m screwy, so, oh well. Vegeta and Bulma are divorced, as are ChiChi and Goku. Vegeta is in love with Goku, who’s in love with Yamcha, who’s in love with Vegeta. Confusing,isn’t it? Trunks’ first boyfriend was Goten, and Gohan thinks he’s bi. Goten and Trunks are 16, and Gohan is 17. Okay, here’s what White Day actually is. In Japan, Valentine’s Day is for women to give gifts to men. White Day is like Valentine’s Day, except the opposite, guys give girls gifts. In my story, however, guys are giving guys gifts because I am really nutty and it wouldn’t be yaoi otherwise. *thoughts* ^telepathy^
In His Arms Future GohanFuture Trunks
In His Arms December 12, 2015 Words: 87 Views: 135 Even for the lost there can be a place.
Alone In The Dark GohanTrunks
Alone In The Dark Abandoned December 12, 2015 Words: 1445 Views: 162 Trunks kills Gohan to make sure he won’t lose him and then kills himself.

If you get easily queasy, please don’t read this. This is between Trunks and Gohan, but Gohan and Goten are twins, and are both 17 (I know I freaked up Dragon Ball Z time line once again…but oh well) and Trunks is 18. Goten only shows up at the very end of the story, and at one point it’s observations and then point of views. Deathfic

DBZ Yaoi BL Hub

Welcome to DBZ Yaoi BL Hub – the ultimate destination for DBZ Yaoi, BL (Boys Love) fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics.
Established in 2001, we proudly offer 20+ years of rare scanlations, exclusive artwork, and high-quality Saiyan BL stories.
Explore legendary pairings like:

✔️ Truhan (Gohan x Trunks)
✔️ Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta)
✔️ PiccoHan (Piccolo x Gohan)
✔️ Truten (Goten x Trunks)
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