Alone In The Dark
by Kloak     More by this Writer
Trunks kills Gohan to make sure he won’t lose him and then kills himself.

If you get easily queasy, please don’t read this. This is between Trunks and Gohan, but Gohan and Goten are twins, and are both 17 (I know I freaked up Dragon Ball Z time line once again…but oh well) and Trunks is 18. Goten only shows up at the very end of the story, and at one point it’s observations and then point of views.

“words”= Talking
*words*= Thoughts
Gohan was running through the forest, not really paying attention to anything but the sound of footfalls behind him. He looked back, hoping he’d lost his pursuer. His hopes were doused as he saw a flash of purple in the dark, quiet night. He could hear how labored his breathing had become and he knew he couldn’t go on much longer. He finally stopped and leaned against a rowan oak, back facing the direction of the footfalls. When the footsteps slowed and then stopped Gohan closed his eyes, expected to be blasted. When a hand landed on his shoulder he whirled around.

Gohan trained his eyes on the ground , afraid to look at the purple-haired prince. The raven-haired boy felt Trunks come closer. Fingers tilted his head upward, forcing him to look into those azure pools. Trunks cupped Gohan’s face and tilted it upward as he leaned down. He captured Gohan’s lips in a gentle kiss. As he pulled away he looked into the younger teen’s glittering depths. He saw many emotions battling in those beautiful eyes but the most noticeable was the fear. Gohan trembled under Trunks’s gentle touch. His eyes quivered. The slight teen looked most beautiful just like this. A slight smile graced the Prince’s lips. He was so fragile, the one he loved but love can’t last.

“I love you Gohan and I’m sorry I have to do this. ” Trunks whispered.

Gohan whimpered softly and his eyes grew wide with fright as he realized what was about to take place. He started to struggle and Trunks chuckled at his feeble attempts. Gohan frowned at Trunks’s cruelty and fought harder. Trunks leaned forward and kissed him one last time. Trunks's lips moved to Gohan’s ear.

“I’m sorry little koi.” he whispered and twisted his hands just slightly to the right, snapping Gohan’s neck so that he died a painless death.


Trunks’ sat there on the ground, cradling Gohan’s lifeless body. If he couldn’t have him no one would, no none. Especially not her!!! She didn’t deserve his beloved, nobody’s really did. He was too innocent and pure for anyone, especially him.

Trunks looked back down at Gohan’s angelic face. Then he stood up and walked out of the forest. Once clear of the trees he took to the skies, as he did rain started to pour, getting all in his face. But Trunks didn’t care, had never cared, and would never care since he would never fly again. He landed outside of his home, walked in the house and left the door open. He looked around nobody was home.

“Good” he thought as he walked to the desk at the other end of the room and laid Gohan’s body on the floor next to it. He opened the middle drawer of the desk and checked to make sure the black object in his hand was loaded. He lay on the floor next to Gohan’s body and looked over at Gohan’s face one last time. Then he brought the gun to his head. “Godbye.” he whispered.


Goten was walking through the rain when he heard a gunshot from Trunks’s house. Goten began to run and in no time was in front of his best friend's home. He ran in the open door and almost screamed at the scene before him. There was a pool of blood next to Trunks’s head and Gohan wasn’t moving.

Goten ran to his twin's side. “Gohan, Gohan, GOHAN!!!” he screamed shaking his brother. “You can’t be dead, WAKE UP!” he screamed louder, “You’re too strong to be dead Gohan, WAKE UP!!!” But his screams were in vain , Gohan ceased to move except as Goten shook him.

Goten stopped shaking his brother, tears running hotly his face. He looked over at his best friend and knew without a doubt he was dead. “NO!” he screamed going SSJ3 for the first time. “KAMI , GIVE THEM BACK!” But as always his screams were in vain. He turned back to normal as he scrambled backward away from the lifeless bodies of his brother and his best friend. “No.” he whispered feebly.

He started to sob, not caring whether it made him weak or not. He could practically hear what his brother would say “It’s okay to cry Goten. You can even cry on me.” He sobbed harder thinking of his brother. Then he could almost hear Trunks’s voice, “Quit crying Goten, you're embarrassing me.” Now he was sobbing uncontrollably. He buried his face in his hands, not trying to stem the flow.

Then a gentle, familiar voice says “Sh, don’t cry Goten.”

“Trunks?” Goten sobs back.

“Yes it’s me, sh, it’s okay.” Trunks said.

Goten felt his head pushed up, then felt lips press to his warm and soft. He kept his eyes close until Trunks broke the kiss. He felt arms snake around him and pull him close and he finds not his Trunks, but Mirai holding him close. They sat there in a silence broken only by Goten’s sobs. They sat this way for almost an hour before Mirai spoke. “I’ll go call your parents.” he said softly to Goten. Goten nodded against Mirai’s chest as he swallowed the large lump that had formed in his throat. He felt Mirai pull away and couldn’t help the whimper that came as he felt Mirai’s warmth slipped away. Mirai gave him a comforting look then went to call Goku, Chichi, Bulma, and Vegeta to tell them what happened.


One week later

Goten felt the rain pour down around him as he looked at the faces all around him. Marron sobbed as Krillin and Juu-hachigou looked on. Yamcha had tears in his eyes and Launch was crying silently against Tien’s chest. Chauzu’s little eyes were brimming with tears before he finally cried as well. The difference in Piccolo was barely there but he noticed he was paler than usual. Gohan’s friends from school were all crying, as well as Trunks’s friends.

He looked over at Bulma and Vegeta. Bulma was crying uncontrollably into Vegeta’s chest. Vegeta looked up and into Goten’s eyes before letting them return to the top of his wife’s head. And Bra, Bra walked over and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her as she started to cry on him. He patted her head comfortingly.

He looked at his own mother and father. His father looked very distraught as he held a sobbing Chichi. He looked up at Mirai as he patted Bra’s back. She pulled back and kissed him on the cheek before moving away. Mirai was staring into his eyes intensely.

Everyone started to leave. “C’ mon Goten.” his father called. “I’ll be home in a little while Dad.” Goten replied. His father just nodded and took his mother to the car.

As soon as everyone left Mirai opened his arms in invitation for Goten. Goten walked into those arms grateful. He felt bad for Mirai. He’d lost Gohan twice. But as Mirai wrapped his arms around him all he could do was think, how unfair it all was. He missed his brother and the cheery smile. He missed Trunks’s and his constant teasing. He missed all of it. He missed Gohan being angry and then forgiving him. He missed the way he and Trunks fought over whose dad was stronger. He missed everything. He missed the happy times and the sad times, he missed all the sparring matches and the times they all talked. He didn’t realize it but he was sobbing against Mirai, ruining a new shirt but Mirai didn’t care.

Mirai just kissed his forehead and made little shushing noises every once in awhile. Mirai pulled his head up and kissed him gently. It was a brief kiss but Goten knew it was meant to calm him. In spite of all his efforts to stop crying the tears kept coming.

“Sh, Goten, It’s alright.” Mirai said soothingly.

“No, it’s not alright Mirai. I lost my brother and my best friend. They were my only friends. What am I going to do?” Goten sobbed.

“For starters, you’re going to stop crying.” Mirai said, “Then we’re going to discuss our relationship. Okay?”

“Okay.” Goten replied. He stopped his crying and Mirai took his hand and led him away from the caskets baring the first friends Goten ever had.


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