Good Bye baby, Please don’t cry!
by Meagan     More by this Writer
Only a few months. How am I gonna tell this to everyone, especially Gohan? It has only been a year since we married. I was only in the hospital because my mother made me go and get a checkup. She does the same with all the other Saiyans just to make sure they are in good health. Who had ever thought that this was the news I would receive today.
Male Pregnancy

Chapter 02
A few days later Trunks calls and tells me he received the camera for my video blog and wants to come over to help me install it. Making an appointment for that afternoon, I walk over to Gohan who is working in the study. Grading exams is not the most fun part of his job and he often shakes his head as one of his students had written down something completely off the mark.

“Trunks is coming over in about an hour.” I tell him from the door. Gohan makes a thumbs up sign and I just leave him alone, walking away, laughing at one of my husband’s weird quirks.

An hour later I hear Trunks calling for me. He got here flying and walks into the living room through the open door of the balcony.

“I’m in my study.” I reply to him from behind my computer. My door is open and I can see him walking towards me. Both Gohan and I have separate studies so we can both focus on our work and not each other. That has happened too often in the past.

Trunks walks in with a package under his arm. He waves as he approaches me. “Hey!” He places the package on the desk and grabs a nearby chair to take a seat next to me.

I reach over for the package and open it. Inside was a webcam. Trunks starts to explain that the webcam has special voice recording in it and you can put filters up with the software. The way he talks about it makes me so enthusiastic that I have to try it out right away. We install the software and within no time we have the webcam working.

“So how do I start this blog?” I look at Trunks.

“Well the cam is already recording as you can see here in the corner. But I would start with the date of today and tell something about yourself.”

I nod and start talking. “Wednesday, May seventeen, age 785. My name is Trunks Vegeta Briefs. But everyone knows me as Mirai no Trunks Vegeta Briefs. I’m thirty two years old and expecting my first child.” I look over at Trunks for some confirmation and he helps by putting his thumbs up, indicating that I am doing a good job. I turn back towards the webcam and continue. “It all started fourteen years ago. As you see I don’t come from this timeline.” I start to tell how I ended up in this timeline. Where I originally came from and who my parents were. I also explain what the Gohan from my time meant to me and that I am married to him in this timeline. I explain that he is a totally different person but still the same, that I love him with all my heart and wish that I could be with him forever.

This is where the tone of the recording changes and I start to talk about the cancer, how I got it, and that it is in its last stage. I start crying as I tell the webcam that I have only a few months left to live. All this time Trunks watches me talk to the camera. There are also tears running down his cheeks as I talk about the last part.

“Life is so unfair.” he mutters as he wipes the tears from his eyes.

I sign off the weblog for today and not long after Gohan pokes his head around the corner of the door.

“Hey Trunks, I’m about to go cook. Would you like to stay for dinner?” My husband asks the other me.

Trunks replies with a nod and Gohan walks off toward the kitchen. I notice the slight blush that creeps over Trunks’ cheeks as he turns his attention back to me. Maybe he and I have more in common than we first thought. Maybe he has a crush on Gohan just as I had. Maybe I can leave my husband in the hands of another who can take care of him while I’m gone. Someone who I trust and know that will be good for him. Someone that shares my exact DNA. Someone who can be a father to my child. A child that will look just like him as well so there would be no weird explanation needed for that. He would be only the child's uncle that is in a relationship with the child’s birth parent.

I come up with a plan but I need to expose myself first towards Gohan. That thought, however, frightens me. Specially since I don’t want to stress him out as the stress can be harmful for our unborn child. But on the other hand, the faster I can get this plan to work the faster their relationship will bloom. That would be beneficial to both of us.

As dinner passes and both Gohan and I are lying on bed cuddled up together I bring up the topic about Trunks. First telling Gohan that he would be over more often. As I tell this I watch his face carefully for any reaction. And yes, there it is, the slight hesitation in answering. I knew it! My husband has a crush on the younger version of me as well. As Gohan slowly drifts off to sleep I think about when to start putting this plan into action.

It is about four weeks later, and in this particular morning all odds turn against me. I had planned to tell Gohan about the cancer today. I had had it all planned out. We were supposed to go out and have a fun day going to picnic in our favorite spot near a lake where I would tell him. But no, faith has something else in mind.

I groan as the need to vomit hits me again and I lean over the toilet. So much for going out today. If this keeps going I’ll be stuck in bed today. It is still early in the morning, the sun is not out yet so I hope I can get away with it without Gohan noticing. But again my luck has run out as Gohan hears me and walks into the bathroom with a worried look on his face.

“Trunks, are you alright?” He sits down behind me as I did for him when he was plagued with morning sickness.

He runs his hands over my sweaty back. I groan again as the next wave has me putting my head back into the toilet. Wave after wave of nausea hits me. It even keep going as my stomach becomes completely empty of his content. The dry heaving is getting painful and I have tears running down my cheeks. I am exhausted when it finally stops.

“I’m fine now.” I can finally reply to him. I reach up and flush the toilet. Getting up I have to grab the edge of the sink to not fall down on the floor as the world spins around me.

Gohan was right beside me in an instant and keeps me from collapsing. He puts on the water tab and fills a glass with it. I take some big sips and flush my mouth with the freshwater.

“Thanks” I tell him as I hand the glass back to him. He supports me as I turn around and with his help I walk back to the bed.

“Hold up.” He tells me as he helps me to sit down on our bed. “Let’s get you fresh pyjamas.”

He grabs a clean one from the closet and starts helping me get the old one off. He pulls the top half off. I am waiting for his reaction and he does not disappoint me as I hear him gasp. Looking at him, I can see that he has taken a step back and has his hands over his mouth.

“Trunks!” He lets out a cry.

In the last four weeks my body has gotten thinner. I have tried to hide it beneath baggy clothes and because I always have had an athletic build with lots of muscles I could hide it up until this point pretty easily. But now that is over. The cancer is really eating my body from the inside out and is showing.

Gohan walks over to me with his hand stretched out, touching my once muscular chest that is now nothing more than a sickly ghost from its former self. It has gone to the point where one could count my ribs.

I feel his fingers brush over my skin. “Gohan...” I begin but he places a finger over my lips. Slowly, his fingers brush over my chest, touching my ribs as I hear him sniffing. I look at his face intently to watch every emotion going over it. It goes from shock to anger to disappointment that ends in sadness. “Gohan.” I try again. He looks at me waiting for me to continue. “I…” I really try, I really do, but the words just don’t want to leave my mouth. I just can’t tell him.

“Please, Trunks. Please tell me what is wrong with you.” He is crying and I feel my heart break. This beautiful man in front of me is crying and I am the cause of it. “Didn’t we promise each other in sickness and in health? Don’t you remember our vows? Please, Trunks, tell me what is going on with you.” He is right, of course he is right and he has a right to know what is wrong with me, his husband.

Tears start to run down as I choke out that I have cancer. As soon as those words leave my mouth the floodgates open. Gohan pushes me down on the bed and buries his face into my neck and I do the same with him. We cry together for a good ten minutes before we calm down. As our crying calms down to just sniffing, Gohan asks why.

I know he means why didn’t I tell him before. Why didn’t I trust him with this. “I didn’t want to stress you out more.” It sounds like a lame excuse even to me as I finally say it out loud. I think that he is going to be mad at me but he surprises me by staying calm and slowly asking me the questions he wants to know. When did it start? When was the first time I got diagnosed? Was there anything that could be done for me? And after I tell him that they were done treating and that I have only a few months left he becomes quite.

From the time I started thinking about how to tell him to all the reactions he gave me, this never came up in my mind. He doesn’t say anything. He only stares at me and it frightens me. “Gohan, please say something.” I beg him. But he only looks at my face and pulls me closer to him. We stay in bed the rest of the day, all the plans I had made for the two of us forgotten.

The next day I invite Trunks over again. He is going to help me film how I shave myself. It is going to be a tutorial type of film so that even in death I can still teach my baby boy how to be a man. The other reason I invited Trunks over is to put the second part of my plan in action. I have made plans for us to go out for a romantic dinner and, yes, Trunks is to come along as well. I have in mind that I would try and set Gohan and Trunks up together, telling them both that they have my blessing as long as I can be a part of it for as long as I still have to live. I can see it all before me; Gohan looking at me with big eyes and Trunks having his mouth drop as I mention to them that I know they have a crush on each other and that I would like for them to start a relationship together.

I am grinning to myself in the mirror and get pulled out of my thoughts by Trunks who looks at me from behind the camera with a bemused smile. “I would like to know what you are laughing about. But I have a feeling you are not going to tell me.” He laughs out.

“You are right on that part, little me. But you will find out soon enough.” I smirk at him, the same smirk that our father has perfected. It really was the trademark of the Briefs, even our little sister would smirk like this when she had something up her sleeve, and she is only four years old.

Trunks knows what this smirk meant but he decides to let me have this moment and I am grateful for that. We continue filming and before we know it we hear Gohan yelling that he was home. That means that it is almost time for us to leave on our romantic dinner. We wrap up our tutorial clip and make our way downstairs to where Gohan is. I greet him with a soft kiss on the cheek and pull him to the breakfast bar and sit him down. I point to Trunks to do the same. He sits down and looks at me with questionable eyes.

“Trunk, my love. What do you have up your sleeve?”

Leave it to my husband to get straight to the point. I smirk at him as I tell them both the plans for this evening and that we are all supposed to dress up in our best outfits. “And don’t worry Trunks. I also have something for you to wear. It is in the guest room.” If everything goes as planned he would stay over the night.

We all go to our rooms to change and would meet downstairs in twenty minutes. While Gohan takes a shower I pull out the outfit I want him to wear this evening. It is a black suit with a white button down shirt, a black blazer, and a red tie. I am sure this would look so good on him. For myself I have a similar suit but this one has a bluish shine over it.

When Gohan gets out of the shower I guide him to the clothes I picked out for him and he starts dressing.

“Where are we going Trunks?” he asks as he puts the suit pants on.

“That is for you to find out.” I say back to him and walk out the room. I wait for them in the hall in front of the elevator. I don’t have to wait long as Trunks walks up to me in the outfit I picked for him. It is also a suit but this one is more gray/silver looking and it pulls out the blue of his eyes. Together with a black button down shirt and a blue tie he looks stunning. We both watch as Gohan makes his way over to us. I look at my husband in the eyes and I can see the appreciation he held for the both of us. Looking at my other self I can see a faint blush going over his cheeks and he lowers his eyes right after. They both try so hard to hide the fact that they have a crush on each other.

I drive us to one of the most exclusive restaurants in the city. It is one you could only get in if you were on the wealthier side of society. Upon arriving, a servant drives our car to a parking spot.

“Mr. Briefs, welcome. If you would follow me please.” The front house manager leads us to a private booth that is on the left side of the restaurant. It is completely walled in so that the customer really has privacy while they are eating. There even is a japanese style sliding door to get all the privacy you need.

Gohan looks in awe as he takes a seat at the head of the table between Trunks and myself. A waiter comes over and weare handed a tablet were we can order our food and drinks. The waiter takes our drink order for the first round and leaves, closing the sliding door behind him. We order our food on the tablet while we wait for our drinks to arrive.

I take a hold of one of Gohan's hands that are nervously fumbling in his lab. I look at him, amused. Does he suspect something? Who knows, but I think that I have done a wonderful job in hiding my plans. I bring his hand to my lips and place a kiss on our wedding ring. After that I pull him over against my chest. I force him to look at Trunks.

“Trunks.” I begin, but right then our drinks arrive and I have to wait until the waiter iss gone to continue. “You have a crush on Gohan, am I right?” I ask bluntly. He almost chokes on his drink and coughs as he tries to answer that he has no crush on Gohan. “I know you do, little me, because you are me and I have had a crush on Gohan for as long as I can remember. And I like it.”

Let’s just say they were not expecting that. They both look at me with a gaping mouth as I continue.

“Trunks, I told everything to Gohan yesterday. Or rather he found out. But he knows that I don’t have that long anymore. I want him and the baby in good hands when I will be unable to take care of them. I want to leave them in your hands as I know that you will cherish them just as I would. You would never let my baby forget that I was his daddy and that you are the proud uncle. But at the same time I know that you would treat him as if he was your own son.” I have to pause as I feel tears sting my eyes and I wipe them away. “I want you two to form a relationship just as Gohan and I have. And I hope one day that you will marry him. For the remaining time I want us three to enjoy the time we have left together. And I hope that you are open for that as I know that Gohan would be after hearing this request from me.”

With a nod our next chapter in life begins. We have a wonderful date together, the three of us. As I predicted, it is so late at night that Trunks stays over. He sleeps in the guest room but soon I will make sure that he will sleep next to us.

We spend the next three weeks going out on dates. Sometimes all three of us together, sometimes only Gohan and Trunks as I want them both to get comfortable with being just the two of them. It is now eleven weeks since I got the verdict that I only have a few months left to live and my body is getting weaker and weaker. Luckily for me, I can still move around and enjoy life as of right now, but I know that soon even that joy will be over.

Trunks and I spend the day preparing the nursery. It is going to be our surprise for Gohan and I am determined to finish it while I still can. As for tonight we have yet another date planned. We are going to have a romantic candle light dinner at our house and we all know what is going to happen after. You can feel the air charged with sexual energy. For the past few dates, we have been flirting with each other and stealing some kisses here and there. On one of those dates we were walking in the park late at night and I had pulled Trunks towards me and bluntly kissed him in front of Gohan. My husband had the most lust filled eyes I have ever seen on him. When Trunks and I seperated we looked over at him and I guided Trunks to kiss Gohan like that as well and he did. It was the most arousing thing I had ever seen. The soft moan that escaped my husband’s lips had sent a spark to my groin and I could feel myself get hard. As they pulled apart I could see them both sporting a bulge in their pants. At that moment I knew that we were ready for the next step in my plan.

At dinner that evening I have to hold in my amusement. As for both Trunks and Gohan, they are a nervous wreck. Gohan had spilled his glass of grape juice and Trunks keeps stumbling over everything.

“If I didn’t know better I would have thought that you both were still virgins.” I have to make this comment and they both blush at it, they both look so adorable. I press my hand against my mouth to hide my amusement. The air around us is charged and suddenly I lose all my appetite in the food on my plate, now I have a different hunger. A hunger that can not be satisfied with food. A need that hungers towards the pleasures of the flesh.

I get up from my chair and walk around the table. Trunks is leaning back in his chair in the perfect position for me to sit in his lab so I do. I grab his hands and guide them around my waist. I lean in and place my lips on his. The kiss is slow and sensual. There is no need to rush as we had all night. We separate as we hear a whine coming from our left. Gohan is watching us intently. I reach out to him and pull him toward me. I grasp his lips and probe my tongue inside while I grind down on Trunks’ groin. I can hear him groan as he watches us make out. I pull back from Gohan as the need for air becomes too much. I put my hand against his cheek and guide him towards Trunks.

“He is feeling left out my love. Would you please take that feeling away for me?” I say in a seductive tone. I can feel Trunks hardening beneath me as I keep grinding myself down on him. The pleasure and the show that is performed before me makes me uncomfortable in my pants. They both look so good as they kiss each other with passion. When they seperated to breath I get up from Trunks’ lap pulling the young man with me. I kiss Gohan again quickly and grab both their hands. I start to pull them after me towards the stairs up to our bedroom. Just before dinner I had placed a chair in front of the bed and some necessities on our night stand, ranging from lube to a vibrating butplug. I let go of their hands and sit down on the chair.

“Now my lovelies,” I begin, “I want to watch you two undress each other.”

They both start to object, telling me that I have to join them but I cut them off quickly, telling them that I want this. Would they deny me this pleasure? After some more complaints I get them to agree with it. I see the look in Gohan's eyes. He is going to make me cum in my pants by performing the most beautiful show he can muster.

Gohan walks around the bed and crawls on top of it, sitting up on his knees, hands stretched out towards Trunks. I see Trunks hesitate for a moment and he looks at me as if asking permission. After I nod at him he walks towards my husband. Trunks crawls on the bed and sits down on his knees in front of Gohan. I have a good side view from my place at the end of the bed. I watch them as they start kissing, first it was soft and sweet but soon it becomes passionate and demanding. Gohan has his hand under Trunks’ shirt, pulling it upwards as his hands explore his back. Trunks is grabbing at Gohan's ass. I know he liked that as soft moans can be heard from my husband.

Soon the shirt is in the way and Gohan rips it off, not even taking the time to pull it over Trunks’ head. My husband must have been eager to get this show going. He leans down and sucks one of Trunks’ nipples into his mouth. Trunks leans backwards, grabbing hold of Gohan's head and pressing himself against that mouth. When both nipples are red and perky he pulls Gohan up and attacks his mouth again. His hands are frantically working to get all the buttons on Gohan's shirt open. Giving up he gives a hard tug on Gohan's shirt. You can hear the buttons pop off and hit the ground around the bed.

I place a hand on my pants and press down until I felt it hurt a little to get my arousal under control as I keep watching them playing on the bed. Trunks is replaying the work Gohan did on his nipples. My husband has his head thrown backwards as he encourages Trunks to continue as he brushes his hand through his hair. Slowly Trunks kisses down Gohan's chest and pushes him down on his back on the bed as he dips his tongue into his belly button. He undoes the button on Gohan's pants and together with his boxer slides them off in one go. Gohan's erection bobs up as it is freed. Trunks looks at it as if he just unwrapped the most precious prize. The only thing I can think of at that moment is that he should always keep looking at Gohan like that. He is a treasure that should never be taken for granted.

I slide forward in my chair as I see Trunks licking the cock in front of him up and down. My husband looks beautiful in that moment, lying on his back with the slight baby bump showing as he is just over half way through the pregnancy. His cock is erect and inside the mouth of my other self. I can see that he is really enjoying himself as Trunks bobi his head up and down that good tasting cock, taking him as deep as he can without gagging.

“Is he doing a good job, Gohan?” I ask him. He turns his head towards me and sees the clouded dazed look that only a person that was high on pleasure can give you.

“Yesssss.” He purrs.

I see him buck his hips onto that mouth that is pleasuring him just the way he likes it. “Don’t let him cum yet, Trunks.” I order, and just before Gohan would have reached his limit, Trunks pulls off. My husband whines at the loss of contact. “Gohan, I want you to take him.” I command.

Gohan looks at me as he sits back up, pulling Trunks close to him. He kisses all over Trunks’ chest as he works to undo the button on his pants. He pulls them off and positions Trunks with his back towards him. This time they are positioned with their back towards me. I know Gohan did this on purpose so I can have a good view of what he will be doing to the man that is on his hands and knees in front of him. Gohan leans in and licks Trunks from behind. The younger man lets out a yell of surprise as if he was not expecting this kind of pleasure. Gohan keeps working to soften up those tight muscles. He adds one finger when he deems them loose enough while he still keeps licking that hole to keep the finger inside moist.

Unlike Gohan, us dominants are unable to produce slick to make the way inside easy. With his other hand, Gohan is frantically searching for the lube so I hand the one that is closest to me. He pulls his finger back and undoes the cap, squeezing a big glob of the lube on his fingers. He makes sure to spread it around the ring of muscles and presses two fingers inside this time.

“Holy Fuck!” Trunks yells out. Gohan must have brushed against his prostate as I can see precum leaking from his cock. Gohan is still working on opening Trunks up, making scissoring motions, pulling the fingers out and pushing them back in. When Trunks starts to push back on those fingers inside him, Gohan adds a third one again brushing over his prostate that again gets a big reaction from Trunks. I see Gohan smirking as he looks at me. He is showing off.

‘Fuck him.’ I mouth to him. While he watches me watch him, he gets up, removing his fingers from that tight hole and slicks up his cock. Placing the cock at Trunks’ entrance, he looks at me as he slowly sinks inside. He holds still the moment he is all the way inside, giving Trunks time to adjust.

I am palming my own erection as this show before me gets better and better. Gohan has started a low rhythm and Trunks has been moaning with every thrust inwards. Soon Gohan's attention is completely on the man in front of him. I take this moment to undress myself. I walk behind Gohan and grab him around his waist. I slide inside him with practiced ease and he gives a shocked moan. That heat around my shaft feels good. I push Gohan until he is bent over Trunks and start a brutal rhythm that has them both moaning.

“Trunks, so good.” My husband says between moans. I change my position a bit and like this I am hitting Gohan’s prostate with every thrust. Gohan has his hand around Trunks’ cock and is pumping him in time with my thrusts. I feel Gohan getting tighter around me and know that he is going to cum any moment now. Just a few thrusts later, Gohan screams out our name as he comes hard. I can feel him constricting around me. Trunks also falls over the edge as Gohan releases inside him and I follow right after. We fall together on the bed all spent.

“Damn, that was a good show.” I manage to chuckle out. Gohan just looks at me with a sated face. We manage to crawl up towards the head of the bed and pull the cover over us. With Gohan between Trunks and myself we fall asleep.


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

