Good Bye baby, Please don’t cry!
by Meagan     More by this Writer
Only a few months. How am I gonna tell this to everyone, especially Gohan? It has only been a year since we married. I was only in the hospital because my mother made me go and get a checkup. She does the same with all the other Saiyans just to make sure they are in good health. Who had ever thought that this was the news I would receive today.
Male Pregnancy

Chapter 04
“Are you ready to go, Mirai?” I turn around and see Dende standing behind me.

“Good to see you, Dende, I am ready to go just let me say goodbye everyone.” I reply as I give him a hug.

It has been close to twenty four months since I made those wishes on the dragon and today is the day I am to leave this place and go back to my life. Dende has been visiting me on and off for the time I have been here. He told me that my family found my video blog where I told them that I would probably be dead. Although they never found my body they held a memorial and they made a grave for me in the woods close to the lake were we had our first kiss. He also told me that Gohan gave birth to a healthy son and that he named him Mirran a combination of my name with his. I can’t wait to see him again. I know in my heart that he will be angry at me for leaving him for almost two years but it was either that or leave forever.

I say my goodbyes to the friends I made in this place and walk back over to Dende.

“Just place your hand on my shoulder.”

I do as he instructed and right that second the scenery changes around me and we are back on Earth on the lookout to be exact.

“Welcome back.” A deep voice says. It takes me a second to orientate myself and notice Piccolo standing nearby.

“Thanks.” I smile at him. “And thank you, Dende, for coming to get me.” I say to the Namek that is standing behind me.

“It is a full moon tomorrow night.” I look back at Piccolo who points towards my middle were I have my tail wrapped around my waist.

I got my tail back during the process of healing my cancer. It was a nice side effect. I never had a tail in the past and now I cannot imagine living without it. “I’ll keep that in mind, thank you again.” I turn around and walk towards the end of the platform. “Well, I’ll be off, thanks again for everything, Dende, Piccolo. See you guys soon.” With those words I jump over the edge and let myself free fall until halfway the tower at that point I gather my ki and shoot myself in the direction I notice Gohan's ki coming from.

Twenty minutes later I am held still above a fancy looking house where I feel Gohan’s ki inside. It has a big lush garden with a swimming pool, a big swing set on a grass field that reaches up to a river. The driveway is massive as it has the classic turn going around a fountain that is standing in the middle with the driveway going around it. On the left and right side of the house is a small forest with the nearest other house being miles away. The house itself has three floors and on the left side of the house is a round tower going up to the fifth floor. You can describe this house as a mansion, it is so big.

I circle around the house, keeping my ki down as to not alert the people living here. I find some rather big windows, and looking in, I can see a living room. There is a fireplace that is not on at the moment as it is summer, and some comfy looking couches and a television. It is what is playing on the television that shocks me. I am looking at myself as I am shaving. In front of the television with the back turned towards me is a toddler, sitting down and pointing towards the screen.

I make my way over to the garden where I see the garden door open. I walk inside, the room I enter is a big kitchen with a cooking isle and a breakfast bar that opens into the dining area. With his back towards me, busying himself with preparing food, was Gohan.

“Trunks, could you slice the baguette for the barbeque?” Gohan says without looking back.

I take a moment to look at him. I don’t register the tears that fall down my face. I must be taking too long because Gohan turns around and drops the thing he was holding in his hands. His face turns white as if he had seen a ghost. The noise that was made by the things falling on the floor has the other me rushing into the kitchen. He starts to say something but when he notices me he just holds still in the doorway to another part of the house. We all stare at each other for a good two minutes before an “Amma” snaps us back to reality.

My son had made his way into the kitchen and is pulling at Gohan’s pants to get his attention. Gohan leans down and lifts the child up into his arms.

“I’m right here baby, everything is alright, see?” He says to the toddler in his arms.

This allows me a good look at my son for the first time. His hair is black with a lavender shine over it in the right light. He has my blue eyes and facial features but he has the classic Son smile. The innocent smile that is able to melt the hearts of even the coldest people.

“Gohan, he is beautiful.” I whisper as tears fall down my face. I am frozen in place looking at my husband and child.

It is Trunks who gets me out of my frozen state by capturing me into a bone crushing hug. I feel his tears wet my shoulder as I do the same to him. His tail wraps around mine in comfort.

“Welcome home, Mirai.” He says with his face buried into my shoulder. He pulls back and places both of his hands against my cheeks. With his thumbs he brushes away my tears and I feel myself leaning into his touch. I smile at him through my tears that just don’t want to stop falling. Trunks leans in and presses or foreheads together as he closes his eyes while I do the same. All the while, Gohan with our child in his arms watches us closely. I see from the corner of my eye, his eyes widening as Trunks brushes his lips against mine. It is a tiny flutter but it leaves a tingling feeling and I run my fingers over my lips looking at Trunks as he pulls away and walks over to Gohan, taking the child from his arms. He pushes Gohan towards me and I see my husband hesitate.

“Trunks could you take care of Mirran while Mirai and I have a talk?” I hear Gohan ask of Trunks. He doesn’t wait for Trunks to respond and grabs my arm with a tight painful grip and pulls me after him outside to the garden.

When we are halfway between the house and the river he stops and turns around towards me. He now looks angry. I must say, somehow I did suspect this reaction from him knowing my husband the way I do.

“WHAT THE HELL, TRUNKS?!” He starts yelling.

The only thing I can do is stand there and let it all come over me.

“I thought you were dead…”

That was the last thing he says before the flood gates open and I move the moment I see him crying. I want to gather him into my arms and hold him close but he yells at me to stay where I am.

“Why?” He asks in a voice just above a whisper and I have to strain myself to hear it. He has his head lowered to the ground and his hands are tightly gathered in a fist. He is shaking with emotion.

Without giving me any warning, he comes at me and his fist connects with my jaw. This is a bit unexpected but I do deserve it. I left my husband after all. I let him take out his anger on me, not bothering to dodge the punches at all. I only make sure that my ki is slightly below his so that it does hurt but will not leave any unfixable damage.

After a good twenty minutes of using me as his personal punching bag while crying, he starts getting sloppy. I see the anger leaving him slowly and I know that this is my chance. I grab his next fist that is going towards my head and pull him against me. I press my lips against his. He responds to me immediately and we both fall to the ground with Gohan on top of me.

Even while we are both crying, the kiss becomes more passionate. His hands are pulling up my shirt and I let him. I know he needs to feel close just as much as I need it. Gohan makes quick work of removing my shirt and soon a cold breeze is running over my naked torso. He pushes me down on the grass. He sits up and removes his own shirt. We don’t spend time on exploring each other. This is a primal thing, something that will confirm to the both of us that I am here, alive, and free of the disease that almost killed me.

I sit up and capture his lips, biting at them as I work on opening his trousers as he does the same with me. He pulls my trousers down just enough to free my cock as it bounces up. I grab the waistband of Gohan’s pants and pull them down to the crease of his knees while I turn him around. I fold him in half to expose his already leaking hole. I place the tip of my erect cock against his opening and push in.

There is no preparation, there is no foreplay, there is no waiting for him to adjust as I set a brutal rhythm. He has his eyes focused on mine as I have mine on his. We both stare at each other, unable to blink as we both moan in pleasure. He even keeps staring at me in the eyes as I hit his prostate and he screams out my name. Sweat droplets are collecting at my temples as I try to hold back my orgasm. I change my angle so I can hit his prostate with every thrust and just before we both scream our release, I feel something click in the back of my mind. It feels like our connection came back to life. The power of my orgasm is so overwhelming that I have to close my eyes as I scream his name, and I hear him scream mine in pleasure at the same time.

When I open my eyes again I see Gohan watching me and smiling up at me. He holds out his hand and I push my cheek against it, kissing the palm of his hand.

“I missed you so much, Trunks.” He whispers.

I stay inside of him for as long as is possible, but soon my flaccid cock slips out and I whine at the lost contact. He chuckles at that, and to me it sounds like the best sound in the world. He lowers his legs and pulls me on top of him. We make out, in between kisses we talk about the past two years; the birth of our child, his bonding with Trunks, the healing I recieved.

It is getting late and his stomach gives a growl, making mine respond with an even harder cry for food. We both laugh as we get up. I want to readjust my cloth but in our eagerness most parts of our clothes got ripped.

“I will get you something new to wear at the house.” Gohan says as he looks at the leftovers that was my shirt in my hand. I just shrug my shoulders and drop my pants to the ground as they also are ripped, not as bad as the shirt, but I would have to keep them up while walking back to the house, so I opt to go naked since Gohan is doing the same thing.

We walk back together, hand in hand, laughing and making jokes. It takes us a few minutes since Gohan pushed us while he raged at me quite a bit from the house. As we get closer I can smell meat getting grilled on a barbeque. Trunks turns his attention from the barbeque towards us as we walk up to him. He is smiling in amusement and shaking his head without saying anything. I am almost sure that they are talking telepathically and are keeping me out of the conversation on purpose. I don’t really care much as two blue eyes identical to mine get my attention. I stare at him, my son. He is beautiful for a toddler. I can see that once he is grown up he is going to be a heartbreaker. Men and women will line up for him.

I slowly move toward my son who is sitting in a high chair with an empty plate in front of him, waiting for his dinner. I reach out a hand towards him and he takes hold of it, squeezing a finger with his chubby little hand.

“Hi.” I choke out, too overwhelmed with emotion. What are you going to say to a toddler? It is not as if they can understand everything you are saying to them. He laughs and smashes his chubby little hands playfully on the table next to his plate. I reach out and stroke his cheek with one finger. I chuckle as he grabs his fork that was next to the plate and hands it to me. He looks at me with big eyes. I see some baguettes cut up in pieces near us and grab one. After I peel the crust off, I hand it to my son. He grabs it in his chubby little hands and brings it to his mouth. Smiling, he nibbles at it. He makes little noises as he smacks on the piece of bread. It is so adorable to watch that I completely forget about the other two people that are still here.

“He is adorable, right?” Gohan says as he suddenly is standing next to me.

“He sure is.” I respond fondly. I look at Gohan who is still naked and I can see some fluids that are drying on his torso that will need some scrubbing to get off once it is fully dried.

“Let’s go take a shower.” Gohan extends his hand towards me and I take a hold of it.

“Don’t take too long, you two. Dinner will be ready soon.” Trunks calls after us as Gohan leads me into the house towards the stairs to the first floor.

I don’t know where to look as we walk up the stairs. Gohan is walking in front of me and watching his beautiful naked butt makes my cock come back to life. So I look at the floor instead, bumping against Gohan's back as I hadn't noticed that he stopped walking. Gohan looks at me and if he sees my half erect cock he decides not to mention it.

He opens the door and I walk in behind him. This must be the master bedroom, I can smell Trunks and Gohan’s scent mixed together in this room. The room is big, on the left wall from where we entered is a fireplace with a rug in front of it and some chairs. Behind the chairs with the headboard against the right wall is a massive bed. It is big enough to fit at least five people. On the wall in front of us there are two doors, one led to a walk in closet and one to a massive bathroom. That is were Gohan walks to, motioning for me to follow him.

The bathroom is modern. On the entire left wall of the bathroom is a shower with multiple shower heads that is walled off by see through bricks that give a spacious effect. On the other side of the see through wall is a corner tub that has what looks like massage jets in it. On the right side is a wall with two sinks and behind it a toilet. In the middle stands a rack with towels and other necessities that one could need.

Gohan grabs two towels and walks us to the shower. He turns both knobs on and when he thinks the temperature is acceptable, he pushes me under it. He gets in behind me and I pull him against me. It is an impulse, I just need to feel him against me again. I feel his muscles tense for a moment before he relaxes into my embrace. It is good to feel him again against me, to breath in his scent that is unmistakably Gohan.

I let my hands run up and down his sides and back, stopping just above the rounding of his ass and avoiding his tail that curls and uncurls at the tip. I don’t remember how long we stand like that in each other's embrace but it ends all too soon for me. Gohan leaves my arms and is reaching for a rack that is attached to the wall that holds shampoos and shower gels. I see Gohan picking a red one and as he pours it into his hands I can smell cinnamon.

I am not expecting Gohan to wash me but that is what he does. He places his hands on my torso just above my nipples and spreads the shower gel across it. Everything tingles with pleasure after he is done soaping me up my front. He makes a gesture that I should turn around and face the wall away from the showerhead so I do. I grasp for air as he spreads my cheeks and places a soap soaked finger against my entrance. I feel him gliding over it up and down it has me groaning for more. My cock stood at attention from the moment he touched my anus. Just a few moments later I feel water running down my hole as Gohan washes the soap away. I bite my lip to not let my disappointment show as I thought that this is it for now.

I’m not expecting for him to kneel down behind me and lick my entrance with his tongue. I yelp and buck my hips forward away from that unexpected sensation. I feel Gohan digging his fingers into my hips to keep me in place as he sinks his tongue into my anus. The pleasure was overwhelming and I am moaning in pleasure, telling him to keep going. The heat of his tongue against my back and the cold of the tiles in front of me makes for a welcoming diversity. Precum is leaking from my cock with every inward thrust of his tongue.

“Oh, my god, Gohan, it’s too much!” I am overloaded with sensation and feel my balls tighten to prepare me for release. The only response I get is for something furry wrapping around my cock and squeezing it at the base. My body shakes with agony, unable to spill my seed as my orgasm is held off at the last possible moment.

“Holy Fuck!” I say between groans as Gohan continues to lick my entrance. I can hear him moan as he tastes me on his tongue and soon I am moaning in pleasure again. And just as before, he stops my orgasm at the last possible moment again.

I scream in frustration as it feels painful to not be able to release. Everything feels overwhelming, my whole body has become sensitive to just one touch. It feels like I am burning everywhere he touches me as he works me a third time close to orgasm. I want to protest because I know that I can not handle being withheld from orgasm another time.

Just before I can release he pulls back and I am about to turn around and smash him for his cruelty had I not felt the tip of his cock press against my entrance. As a dominant Saiyan I don’t produce the lubricant he does as a submissive to make for a smooth entrance but with all the licking he did on my hole his cock sinks in with ease. The moment he bottoms out against me I release with a painful scream against the tile wall. My body shakes from the force of my orgasm. Gohan has to keep me on my legs as he pulls back and pushes back in with a powerful thrust prolonging my orgasm. Seed is spilling from my cock with every thrust in as he hits my prostate dead on.

I am mumbling things like “Please, no more” and “Stop, too sensitive” but even to my ears it sounds weak and the moan I let out just a second later is also hinting on the pleasure I am feeling. Gohan is slowly powering up and I have to increase my ki to keep him from hurting me with his increased speed. I press myself against the cool tile wall and move my hips in synch with his, meeting him halfway every thrust in. Gohan’s tail is back around my cock but this time instead of squeezing, it pumps my cock urging me to release again. I can feel Gohan’s thrusts getting more powerful and I can feel him release against my prostate, which sent me over the edge again. My whole world is blinded by stars before it all becomes black.


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