Hotel Romance
by N3k00-Ch4N     More by this Writer
Two part long fic inspired by "Ikoku Irokoi Romantan" OVA with the exception that instead of meeting in a luxury cruiseship, Gohan and Trunks were going to meet in a five star hotel.
Hope you like it! "Dragon Ball" does not belong to me but to Toriyama-san. Its anime adaptations are owned by Toei Animation as well as his films, the OVA that inspired me to write this story belongs to the mangaka Ayano Yamane but this fanfic is from MY property.

Dedicated to Lord Truhan and my mom ^^

Part I
Warning: Highly explicit yaoi content... who I am cheating? Nobody pay attention to the warnings anyway.

A large, shiny black limousine was driving that afternoon on Tokyo road. Once it reached the city downtown, passers-by passed under the high skyscrapers and restaurants that the city offered and a young man with blue eyes watched the glamorous shops through the window of the limousine completely bored and with an expression of indifference in his face, he turned his gaze to his mother who was talking on the phone, possibly with his fiancée mother whom he did not know in person and laughed at what they were talking about, his father was sitting in an individual seat in a corner of the limousine with arms crossed and looking at the window ignoring the phone conversation, so he imitated his father action and ignored his mother talking on the phone focusing his eyes again on the window.
When the limousine arrived to its destination, a luxurious five-star hotel, two uniformed men walked towards the vehicle, opened the door and let Bulma get out of the limousine first followed by her husband and son. As soon as they got out of the limousine, Bulma held her purse firmly and began to climb upstairs into the hotel lobby. Once they entered, Trunks took a short second to appreciate the elegant decoration and luxury furniture that were part of the hotel but that moment was pretty short because he heard his mother calling him to come where she and his father were, who just stood there with his arms crossed looking at everything with indifference, something very typical of him.
“Well, Trunks. We're already here, tomorrow night you'll get married, aren’t you excited?" Bulma asked smiling at her son.
“Yeah sure. I'm very happy for this mom” Trunks answered feigning excitement, Bulma looked away to the main hotel staircase just to see a couple walked down them and smiled excitedly.
"Oh, dear, they're here!" Bulma exclaimed enthusiastically, she gently pushed her son aside and approached to the couple “how glad I am to meet you, not that it bothered me to talk to you on the phone but it's more comfortable to talk personally. You don’t think so?”
“I don’t doubt, it's more comfortable, I'm also happy to meet the mother of my daughter's fiancée” Mai’s father commented.
"Excuse me for not introducing myself, my name is Bulma Briefs" the light blue haired scientist introduce herself, she turned her eyes towards Trunks and Vegeta who stood with his arms crossed, oblivious to the conversation “and there is my husband, Vegeta and my son, Trunks”
“It can’t be possible! Is that man so young and so attractive your son Trunks that you always told us?" Mai's mother asked approaching to see the lavender haired young man, Trunks looked away and he was a little startled to see that the his fiancée mother (whom he had not seen yet) approached towards him and took his face with both hands “you are so adorable, you look very much like your mother had someone ever been told you?”
“N-No, madam. In fact, many people tell me that I look more like my father" Trunks replied as he laughed nervously with his fiancée's mother. He did not realize that someone was watching them from the bar located precisely in the lobby of that luxurious hotel, and that someone who was watching Trunks carefully was a young man with black hair and black eyes bright as the same night, he could not understand why he watched the lavender haired young man, but for some reason something in him attracted him, it attracted him too much but he was taken out of his thoughts when he heard the bartender guy calling him.
“Gohan! react! I need you to take these drinks to table six and quickly" the bartender told him, taking him out of his trance.
“Uh? Y-Yes, I'm going right now. I'm so sorry" Gohan apologized, making a slight bow in front of his co-worker, he grabbed a tray, placed the drinks and started walking towards the table where some people were waiting for their orders. He stopped for a moment and looked away to see that lavender haired young man one last time, he smiled and went on with his work.
“By the way, where is your daughter? I haven’t seen her go downstairs with you" Bulma asked when she saw that her son's fiancée was not there with her parents.
“She’s still getting dressed, it will take a while to go downstairs, what do you say if we went into the restaurant and we wait for her there?” Mai's mother suggested, everyone agreed to her suggestion and they walked to the hotel restaurant.
Once they entered at the elegant restaurant and everyone took a seat at a round table near the window, which offered a magnificent view of the city, a waiter came to give them tonight menu, put a bread basket for the customs and served ice water in the medium-sized crystal clear glasses, because the large ones would be used for the wine, as soon as the waiter left after serving the water, all the restaurant customs and guests of that hotel looked away amazed to see a young woman but beautiful long black hair that fell like a waterfall on her back and eyes of the same color move elegantly through the restaurant. She wore a beautiful aquamarine silk dress with shoes of the same color, Trunks remained astonished for a few moments when he saw the young woman approaching towards the table where they were sitting but he immediately reacted adopting his indifferent expression of a few moments ago and looked away to another place.
“I'm sorry I'm late, I didn’t know what to wear for the occasion and I chose this” Mai said apologizing to her parents and her future parents in-law, a waiter came over and ran the empty chair so the young woman could sit comfortably, he left the table for a few minutes and returned with a jug of water and a menu, which he placed in front of her.
“Don't worry, in fact, we were deciding that we were going to dinner, isn’t it, Trunks?” Bulma asked seeing her son but he did not listen to her, he only looked at a fixed point “Trunks? Trunks, are you listening to me?”
"Look at your mother when she's talking to you, bratl!" Vegeta shouted, causing the lavender haired young man went back to reality. As soon as he did, Trunks realized that his mother, his future parents in-law and even his fiancée were seeing him strangely, what made him blush slightly with embarrassment.
“I-I'm sorry, I... I was... I was distracted I suppose” Trunks said, embarrassed by his attitude not only with his parents, but also with his parents in-law and his fiancée “and have you decided what are we going to eat?”
The dinner went normally; they ordered Momotaro tomato soup and lobster with Champange Salmon Brut Rosé to accompany it. During the meal, Bulma, Mai and her mother talked entertained about trivial things like clothes, trips around the world, Mai's father tried to be friendly with Vegeta since they would be family starting tomorrow but the man with spiky hair did not had the slightest interest in talking to him, Trunks only listened to his mother and his fiancée conversation completely bored, how he wished he could leave, go back to his bedroom and be able to rest or at least watch television until he fell asleep, but destiny decided to change his plans when he heard his cellphone ring and he could see that he had an important message coming from Capsule Corporation, apparently he had important work to do that night and the coworkers were waiting for him in the conference room located on the penultimate hotel floor.
“Excuse me? I have to retire early, I need to finish some things from work" Trunks said, who got up from his chair respectfully.
“What? are you leaving so soon? But we haven’t even ordered the dessert" Mai said without understanding why her fiancée was leaving so early from dinner.
“I'm sorry, but this is something of the utmost importance and I can’t let it go” the lavender haired young man who started walking to leave the restaurant “If you allow me, I have to leave now. Have a nice night”
Without looking back even, Trunks left from the restaurant leaving his family, his parent in-laws and his fiancée alone. He began to walk down the hall until he came to the elevator, he did not realize he had passed by the bar where Gohan worked, who did not lose a second, he put down the tray where he was taking orders abruptly against an empty table and ran out of the bar ready to follow the lavender haired young man who called his attention so much.
Trunks come inside the elevator and waited patiently for it to reach the indicated floor, Gohan hid behind one of the furniture that decorated the hall, he peered at Trunks and the elevator that had already opened, then came out of hiding to reach it and go to the same destination with him but to his bad luck, the elevator door had already been closed.
“By the way” Gohan thought with his hands tucked into the pockets of his uniform pants huffing softly “I'll have to wait for the next elevator to reach him”
The elevator door opened and Trunks came out of it, he started walking towards two huge black metal doors with silver details and next to the door there was a small plaque on the wall that read "Conference Room – Sala de Conferencias". Gohan came out of the other elevator, which came a few seconds after the one that Trunks had taken, just left the elevator, the dark haired young man began to look for him and immediately saw him enter the conference room, was running towards there to enter and spy on it closely but when the door arrived it had already closed. He tried to open it but then he remembered that without the magnetic key he could not enter and he did not have a magnetic key to enter there, so he had no choice but to stick to the door and try to listen to what was happening in there. The minutes passed and no matter how hard he tried to listen, he could not know what the young man with the lilac hair was doing inside the conference room, after half an hour, Gohan's neck was numb from being with his ear stuck at the door so long, he heard the knob move and knew that Trunks was about to leave the room, quickly he moved away from the door and began to look around but there were not many places to hide. He was about to surrender and let it be discovered when, suddenly, he could see a pot with a decorative plant not far from the conference room, he immediately went to hide in that place, through the leaves of the plant, he could see Trunks coming out of the living room adjusting the sleeves of his white shirt, damn it! Even in that kind of simple actions he looked fucking cute, for leaning on the edge of the pot, he accidentally moved it a bit and that made the lavender haired young man look away towards the pot.
“Uh? Hello?” Trunks said approaching to the pot “is anyone there?”
“Oh no! I get discovered what can I do now?” Gohan thought fearing that this young man could find him and ask what he was doing hidden behind a pot, he could hear Trunks steps approaching towards the pot, he should think about something to get rid of living an uncomfortable situation! and quickly!
“Hello, could you hear me? Is someone hiding there?" Trunks asked getting closer to the pot, he put his hands on the decorative plant leaves and ran them a little to see the person hiding behind the pot but when he did it, he did not see anyone there “uh? um... I thought I could find someone hiding here but I see I was just imagining things, maybe fatigue is playing a joke on me”
Without losing more time, the lavender haired young man left to take the elevator to the floor where his bedroom was located. Gohan was hidden behind the corner of one of the walls of the corridor, his heart was beating too fast and his breathing was accelerated, a false step and almost he ended up being discovered but he was relieved a little knowing that it never happened, he quickly settled down the waiter's uniform and went back to work, since his shift had not yet finished and there were a couple of hours left until he went back home.


The next day, the hotel was very moved since very early in the morning. Bulma, Mai and her mother left from the hotel and went to different shops to choose the flowers for the altar decoration, they were choosing the wedding dress that the dark haired girl would wear that day, because in just a few hours she and Trunks would get married in one of the most elegant rooms of the hotel, the reception would be given in the restaurant but in spite of everything, the couple had to come back in the afternoon to be able to choose the dishes that would be served at dinner and also the wedding cake. Trunks, Vegeta and Mai's father spent the entire morning looking for activities to spend time and have fun, after all, that would be the last day Trunks would spend begin single, since in a few hours he would get married. The lavender haired young man tried to have fun but in spite of everything, he was still not happy with the sudden decision that his parents had taken, he could not believe that they were (technically) forcing him to marry a woman he did not know and from whom he knew absolutely nothing about her.
After finishing the activities planned for that morning, Mai and Trunks went back to the hotel and went to the restaurant where the V.I.P reception would take place after the ceremony to choose which dishes would be served on the dinner menu that night, as well as, a pastry consultant would come to the hotel with a catalog to choose their wedding cake. Bulma and Mai's mother laughed at each other in low voices and then went to the main room to take care of the altar decoration, Vegeta sighed frustrated and only took care of taking his son's suit to the dressing room to be able to dress up that same night, because a couple of hours before the wedding, the couple had to spend time apart, none of them could be seen before getting married, many people believed that it was an omen of bad luck but Trunks did not believe in those things, much less his father.
The night came and with it Trunks and Mai wedding. Many people had been invited to the young couple celebration, whose soon would unite their souls forever, people wrote their congratulations and wishes to the couple in the photo album and then go to take their place in their respective seats. Inside her bedroom, Mai was sitting on her bed with her ready-made bridal hairdo and wearing a white bathrobe from the bedroom covering her half naked body, the young woman clutch her hands tightly one the fabric of the robe while tears fell uncontrollably from her eyes and she made an effort to not scream.
“I hate this... I hate all this” Mai thought slowly opening her eyes and looking at her own image in the mirror while she was breathing rapidly “if my parents didn’t have so much money problems I wouldn’t be getting married right now”
The young woman turned her gaze from the mirror to the white high-heeled shoes she wore on her feet, she took them off, threw them against the mirror, breaking it into pieces while she was screaming and crying because of the anger she was feeling at that moment.
Meanwhile, Trunks was in the dressing room sitting in front of the full-length mirror watching his suit from head to toe. There was no expression in his eyes, there was no shine in them; he left his thoughts when he heard the dressing room door open and his mother came in wearing a beautiful short purple night dress with a light blue kerchief around her neck that matched with his hair and eyes with a pair of black shoes.
“Trunks, you should go out and see the decoration in the main room, it's beautiful! I think I did a good job with the..." Bulma said but her smile faded when she saw her son crestfallen sitting in an armchair in front of the mirror "Trunks? what's wrong honey?”
“Mom, I must be honest about something” Trunks answered looking at his mother with pleading eyes “I don’t want to get married”
“What? why don’t you want to get married? Trunks, this is a good thing for you. It's a good thing for the company” Bulma answered without being able to believe what her son was saying.
“I... Mom, I feel that this is not for me and, besides, I feel like I'm ruining this poor girl's life. Haven’t you seen how she looked me at dinner? She doesn’t want to know anything about me; she is not interested in marrying me.”
“Nonsense, Trunks. may you have started with the left foot but I'm sure that you and that girl are destined to be together” Bulma said wanting to encourage her son but this did not help much, it just made it worse, the light blue haired woman turned her gaze away towards the black tie which belongs to the lavender haired young man's suit, which was still resting on the table “well, now put on your tie and come to the main room right now, you don’t want to make everyone wait, neither leave your future wife alone Isn’t it?”
Bulma left the dressing room leaving Trunks alone, the lavender haired young man sighed defeated, maybe it didn’t exist some magic formula to go back in time and avoid marrying Mai? Apparently there was not anyone, he turned his gaze to the marble table where he had left the black tie, he got up from his chair took his tie, left the dressing room and began to walk into the main room while he was putting his tie with some discomfort.


The ceremony went smoothly, although the couple omitted the exchange of votes because they had nothing to say, the rings delivery was made and at the end of the ceremony, everyone went to the restaurant to start with the V.I.P reception and the special dinner they would give that night in honor of the young couple. Many of the guests approached towards the main table where the couple was to congratulate them for their union, Trunks and Mai thanked them for the congratulation but after a few minutes they began to get tired, they even avoided having eye contact during the meal while everyone present ate and chatted entertained. Mai frowned her eyebrow in annoyance at having to listen to the guests voices at that farce resounding in her head, squeezing her fork hard showing that she was about to explode.
"Aaagh, I can’t go on with this!" the dark haired girl exclaimed, completely furious "why are you all so immersed in this farce? this dinner is a farce, this wedding is a farce, all of this is a farce!”
“Mai, relax, do you want it? if you wish, we can discuss it later" Trunks said trying to calm his wife by putting his hand on her shoulder but she simply moved away.
"This is all your fault!" the dark haired girl exclaimed "they forced me to marry a man whom I don’t know in the least and whom I don’t even love"
“Do you think that I am not aware that this wedding is a complete farce? Of course I am! I know perfectly well that all this was fixed, I had no other choice" the lavender haired young man replied angrily "believe me, if it were for me, I wouldn’t want to be with a woman so carefree as you are"
"What did you say?!" a loud slap echoed throughout the room, causing the guests to stop talking and turn their eyes to Mai, who was breathing raggedly with her hand raised “how do you dare to call me that way? and so you know I would never marry a man as indifferent and rude as you are!”
Trunks did not reply to what his wife said, he only looked her in the eyes defiantly for a few seconds until he finally gave in and, apologizing to all the guests, his parents and his parent in-law, he left the restaurant with a serious face and a firm posture, as if the words spoken by Mai had not affected him in the least. But as soon as he left the restaurant, he collapsed and began to cry kneeling on the floor; he was tired of always having to pretend to be proud and indifferent above everything like his father, Vegeta, for all the gods! He also had feelings; he was not made of stone. He sat up as best he could, dried his tears with the sleeve of his suit jacket and walked to the hotel bar; he needed to order a drink to forget the bad moment that had just happened.
The bar was almost as luxurious as the hotel itself, the floor was upholstered with a purple carpet, the chairs in front of the bar were upholstered with golden leather as well as the chairs placed in front of small metal tables of the same color, most of the corners of the bar were decorated with gilded columns or silvery trees that reflected the lighting of the place. Trunks was sitting in one of the many golden chairs scattered in front of the black marble and wood bar, his face was slightly blushed and his eyes slightly red from having been crying, next to him there were two empty highball glasses, he looked away to the bartender, who hurried to finish the third highball that night and placed the glass in front of the lavender haired young man.
"Here's the bill, Mr. Briefs" the bartender said, handing him a paper and a pen to sign it. Trunks looked at the paper carefully and then turned his gaze to the drink.
"Yes... thank you very much" Trunks thanked him without looking at him, the bartender bowed slightly and left to attend to other customers. Trunks took the glass and stared at it for the second time “now I'm going to toast..." he looked around for someone to give his toast to but did not find anyone interesting until a certain dark haired young man went by picking up the empty glasses and the napkins used in the tables “I'll give it for you”
“Uh what?” the dark haired young man said leaving the tray with empty glasses on a clear table and approached slowly towards Trunks looking around “why do you want to toast for me?”
"Because..." Trunks said but he stopped for a moment to think about what he would say and when he finally got it, he spoke “because I think that at least your life must be less miserable than mine” he added to then drink his drink carelessly.
“Oh poor. Whatever is happening to you, I'm very sorry” the dark haired young man said putting his hand on Trunks shoulder as a comfort “you... no... wouldn’t you want to talk about this with me?”
“Why should I do it? What's more, I don’t know you and I don’t even know what your name is" Trunks replied.
“Because you have no one to talk here except me and I thought you would need a friend” that dark haired young man said taking a seat in an armchair next to Trunks “by the way, my name is Gohan”
“Nice to meet you, Gohan. My name is Trunks and I am happy to have you as a friend to talk about my problems.”


Time passed and between drinks and talks, Trunks told Gohan how miserable his life was, how horrible it was to feel pressured by your parents since childhood, always having high expectations of his person. He told him how unhappy he was to marry Mai and he also repeated the words she had told him during their discussion at dinner.
“The worst thing is that my parents never asked me what I really wanted” Trunks said on the verge of crying and with his face blushed as a result of alcohol “I never asked them to organize my life, I never asked them to marry me, there are so many things what I want to do. I feel like I'm still too young to be tied to someone”
"And what are those things you want so much to do?" Gohan asked curiously, he was also drunk but not enough to be uninhibited.
“I... I want to live my life, I want to go out and know the world with someone who really loves me” Trunks answered seeing his glass slightly empty “but that will not be possible”
"Of course it's possible, anything is possible, don’t think like that, Trunks," Gohan said taking his friend's face so that he would face him as he wiped the tears with his thumb. Trunks smiled as he took Gohan’s hand with his own “maybe I could help you reach your goal”
"Thank you, Gohan" Trunks said smiling slightly "you're a good friend and a good listener."
Both young people were looking at each other in silence for a few seconds, Trunks turned his eyes for a second towards his friend’s lips, for some reason they looked so tempting and appetizing, what would they taste? He wanted to taste them but at the same time he did not want to do it, he was drunk but not to commit such stupidity as wanting to kiss a friend. Seeing that Trunks did not take the initiative, Gohan decided to cut the distance that separated them with a tender and soft kiss, a kiss which at first, Trunks refused to take back. Little by little, the lavender haired young man gave way and the kiss was taken back, which became intense and passionate with the passing of the seconds, Gohan placed his arms around his waist as Trunks directed his hands to the young man’s head to bring him closer to him and deepen the kiss while he entangled his fingers in his hair.
They broke apart minutes later to breathe, the watch that Gohan wore on his wrist began to sound indicating that his shift had ended a couple of hours ago; therefore, the hotel bar would close in ten minutes. Both young men got up from the seats where they were sitting and left the bar hugged, walking awkwardly, crashing against the furniture and the lobby decoration while they’re laughing, Trunks turned his gaze to Gohan and gave him a lascivious smile, the dark haired young man smile too, because he already knew what that gesture meant.
Trunks led the young waiter by the hand down a long corridor as he checked the number of the room doors and Gohan laughed loudly, forcing Trunks to ask him to be quiet because most of the hotel guests were asleep. Until they reached the end of the hallway where there was a double door that had the word "Honeymoon Suite" engraved on a gold plaque, this bedroom was only reserved for just married couples who came to spend their holidays staying in that hotel suite. The lavender haired young man reached into his jacket pocket, extracting a small white envelope with golden details, he opened the envelope from which he took out the black magnetic key with the name of the hotel written in silver letters that gave him access to the room, the card passed by a reader who barely made contact with it, the light changed from red to green.
They entered on the room, Gohan pushed Trunks until they hit the white sofa belonging to that luxurious room, the dark haired young man removed the red pillows except for one and abruptly pulled Trunks who hit his head lightly against the soft sofa.
“Ouch” Trunks complained with one open eye, holding a hand to his head to relieve the pain “what the hell is wrong with you, Gohan?”
He could not keep talking, because he felt how Gohan placed himself on top of him causing the sofa to sink slightly. The dark haired young man approached to Trunks, he took his right cheek with his free hand and they join their lips again in a new kiss, intertwining their tongues in and out of their mouths with lust and passion at the same time. Trunks thought they would continue to kiss the whole night but Gohan had other intentions, barely had a chance to break apart to breathe, the dark haired young man looked at Trunks straight in the eyes with accelerated breathing.
"Trunks, I never realized how attractive you are" Gohan exclaimed, astonished by the beauty that the lavender haired young man possessed, even with the blush of alcohol, his disheveled hair and bright blue eyes “I want... I want to keep touching you”
“What are you waiting for? do it, after all, we have all night for us" Trunks replied, laughing slightly at the nonsense that Gohan had just said. Gohan laughed with him, then he lowered his head to the lavender haired young man neck, which he began to kiss tenderly giving a gentle tickle to Trunks, who could not help but tremble and moan softly under the light touch of his lips, as light as if a feather will brush his neck. He began to carefully remove his jacket and untie his tie while kissing his neck, Trunks took one of his hands to the Gohan’s hair clinging it to them without ceasing moaning, but when the dark haired young man was about to take his shirt he stopped to see him again in the eyes, Trunks looked at him worried, thinking that maybe Gohan had repented.
"Would you rather keep this here or better go to the bed?" Gohan suggested, Trunks did not answer; he just smiled and pulled him back to him, joining his lips in another kiss.
“Better in the bed...” Trunks replied without stopping kissing him “it’s... much more comfortable”
Gohan nodded and without wasting time, he loaded Trunks by placing his arms under his legs as the lilac-haired youth tangled his legs around his shapely waist. He had some problems to walk without stumbling but in spite of everything, he was able to reach the luxurious bed in that room, he laid Trunks gently on it and placed on top of him sinking the mattress, which made the young man wonly a few inches below him. Both young men cut the distance that separated them with a new kiss, they began to touch each other over the clothes while Trunks directed his hands to Gohan’s hair tossing it, Gohan’s hands went to his now lover shirt unbuttoning the buttons one by one, when he finished, ran a little shirt to be able to remove it leaving exposed his slightly tanned chest. He breaks apart a moment to remove his vest and his shirt belonging to his uniform, he approach to Trunks again as he lowered his hands down his torso to reach her nipples, which began to pinch and twist slightly shaking the young man under him, this only made his blush grow bigger and if it grew up more Trunks would be mistaken for an apple, a pretty lavender haired apple from Gohan's point of view. Gohan's hands slid down his waist until he reached the edge of his black pants, began to unbuckle his belt, took it off with the lavender haired young man’s help and once he finished removing the belt, he lowered his pants along with his knee-length with his underwear revealing a cock that was more than erect but first, he ascended to his chest where he licked and bit his nipples, he continued licking his chin and pectorals. He licked his belly, then his hips, then his thighs until he stopped at his cock.
"Trunks, do you want to continue or... I better stop?" Gohan asked, afraid that the lavender haired young man would dislike what he was going to do.
“N-No... go on, please! and don’t you dare to ask me something like that again" Trunks replied annoyed as some tears showed through his blue and bright eyes because of the saline water accumulated in them. Gohan nodded and without even hesitating, he brought his face back to Trunks erection. First he licked the tip lowering down to the base, causing Trunks moan rhythms to increase, then he put the whole erection in his mouth and began to suck it with rhythmic movements but moderation at the same time “aaah... G-Gohan... Gohan!" the dark haired young man deftly moved his head up and down, causing Trunks to melt with pleasure underneath him and moan as if there were no tomorrow. Unconsciously, Trunks brought his hands to Gohan's head, entangling his fingers tightly in his hair as he threw back his head and let it consent him in his own way. Until, after a few minutes, he felt that he was approaching to his limit “I-I ah... I'm going to cum!”
After saying that, Trunks closed his eyes tightly clutching his hands to the sheets of the luxurious bed as he ran into Gohan's mouth, he swallowed everything and pulled Trunks' member out of his mouth as he watched the lavender haired young man perversion and lust while licking lips.
“That was delicious” Gohan commented while he gave a lascivious smile to his lover, Trunks felt his heart beat with force only to see the young man with dark hair smile like that. Suddenly, he saw how Gohan break apart from him and was on his knees on the mattress “but don’t think that this is over... the best part is still missing”
He brought his hands to the edge of his pants belonging to his waiter's uniform, beginning to undone his belt, unbutton the button that was hidden under the belt buckle and unzip the zipper. He lowered his pants and his underwear revealing his more than erect cock, which claimed out for a little attention, he approached to Trunks once more, he took his face with his hands and kissed him while he moves his hips brushing their cocks, which caused the lavender haired young man to moan inside the kiss. They break apart leaving a thin thread of saliva joining their mouths, Gohan turned his gaze to his right hand which slid shamelessly to Trunks asshole and without previous lubrication he introduced the first finger in that narrow passage.
“Nnngh... G-Gohan, it hurts” Trunks commented emitting a moan of discomfort.
"Don’t worry, I promise you will soon stop hurting" Gohan replied, noticing that Trunks was beginning to get used to the intrusion, the dark haired young man introduced the second finger inside him while moving both fingers opening them like scissors to expand his narrow passage furthermore. When he felt the young man's entrance moisten by the stimulation, Gohan carefully removed his fingers, positioned his cock rubbing it a couple of times against its entrance causing Trunks to moan and growl in impatience.
“Gohan... stop playing and do it all at once!" the lavender haired young man exclaimed impatiently.
Without wasting no more time, Gohan introduced his cock inside the young man causing him to emit a new moan of pain and discomfort so Gohan had to wait for Trunks to get used to that intromission, after a few seconds, the lavender haired young man began to move his hips, making it clear to Gohan that he could continue. He began to move slowly and smoothly so he do not hurt him but as time he went by softly, Trunks began to move his hips further in search of Gohan thrusting him deeper and stronger, which the dark haired young man did it without hesitation.
"Trunks ... aah Trunks!" Gohan moaned, still penetrating the young man beneath him.
“Gohan... ggh t-this... this feels weird agh!” Trunks exclaimed who rocked back and forth on the luxurious bed “don’t you feel that way?”
“Of course not" Gohan replied “this is something completely normal for me”
“Hyaah! Gohan... Gohan, more please!”
“Hmm, how do you order?”
The minutes and hours passed, both young men never get tired of caressing their bodies, biting each inch of their skin or putting themselves in different positions over and over again. The room was beginning to flood with the scent of alcohol and unbridled sex, Gohan enjoyed seeing the lavender haired young man blushed face, his body was shining with sweat and his sweet moans were like a soft and delicious music for his ears.
“Gohan! nnngh... I can’t hold it anymore" Trunks exclaimed who was feeling his orgasm coming again.
"Me neither... ggh..." Gohan moaned who, without being able to give any advance warning, cum inside Trunks and he cum between his abdomens. Both men remained in the position where they were not moving while trying to catch their breath, when finally they calmed down a little, Gohan carefully removed his cock of Trunks inside while he leaned next to him on the side of that bed. Trunks took the bedsheet he had previously been clinging to and covered himself and Gohan with it, he watched his lover who was sleeping soundly by his side, without hesitation he approached slowly, he gently rested his head on his chest and little by little closed his eyes, letting herself be carried away by the comforting hug of the dream.


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

