Saiyajin Additions
by Ouji-Chan     More by this Writer
Vegeta is carrying Goku's baby.
Male Pregnancy

Chapter 01 : Thanksgiving announcements
Author's Notes : This is my first mpreg fic. I figured since I'm carrying my mate's chibi why not write about it in one of my fics? I've known several people who've been pregnant and dealing with my mate and my own experiences I can't figure any way to write this without making an attempt at humor. So I've created yet another loosely linked story to my previous ones. Also, I know that in Japan they don't have the same holidays as we do here, but does it really matter?


Goku hummed a carol happily as he pulled the box of Christmas decorations out of the storage nook in the garage. It was always best to change the house over from the fall theme to the winter on the day after Thanksgiving. The tall Saiyajin's mouth watered as he paused to think about the feast that his mate was preparing for the coming holiday. Vegeta had insisted on cooking and he always made delicious meals.

He could sense the ouji bustling about the kitchen getting things ready for the big day. Tomorrow they would wake up early, prepare their part of the dinner then pack up everything and head to Capsule Corporation for the Thanksgiving party Bulma had planned. Goku grinned in anticipation and headed into the kitchen. He leaned against the doorframe and watched his love pull bowls out and check ingredients.

"I'm really glad you decided to go to Bulma's willingly this time Veggie. I kind of feel bad having to almost force you most of the time you know." He smiled faintly at the shorter male. Vegeta waved a hand carelessly over his shoulder.

"Well it's like you've said before Kakarot, we do only see them a few times a year. Besides I can't let that ex-harpy of yours think she's the only one who knows how to cook." The slight SaiyaJin chuckled and turned to stare at his mate. "You've been begging to let everyone know anyway. There's no point in getting upset when they'll find out eventually, so I might as well get it over with now." Vegeta placed his hands on his stomach and rubbed the rounded bulge gently.

"It will be fine love, I'm sure of it. The dinner will be great and everyone will be so surprised when we tell them the news." Goku nodded to himself as he walked around the counter to wrap his arms around his mate. His smile widened as Vegeta nestled back against his chest.

"Surprised hm? I think that's putting it lightly Kaka, but perhaps you're right." Vegeta gazed down and smiled as his mate's hands covered his own and caressed his abdomen. He was unaware of his lover's eyes watching him intently but he felt the SaiyaJin move and kiss the back of his neck.

"You're so beautiful Vegeta. My lovely royal mate. Don't worry koi, I know for a fact that Bulma will be excited about it. The others will be happy for us too." He nuzzled his nose into Vegeta's ebon spikes, sniffing lightly of the ouji's spicy scent. Vegeta chuckled and purred deeply in his chest. He turned in his mate's arms to kiss his warm inviting mouth.

"Trunks and Goten will at least be thrilled to have a new sibling." The ouji smirked at his mate and then frowned. "Now about the dinner. You've been in the sugar again! Don't try to tell me you haven't because I had it precisely measured and there is less in the bag today than there was yesterday!" He jabbed a finger at his retreating mate's stomach. Goku grinned and continued to back up.

"Now now Vegeta, it was just a little tiny handful. I left enough for you to use honest!" Goku sweatdropped as his mate picked up a damp hand towel and began twisting it in his hands. He turned and bolted out of the room as the ouji snapped it. The taller SaiyaJin yipped from the sharp sting in his rear and decided to stay out of the kitchen for a while.

"Next time it won't be a towel I'll snap your tight ass with Kakarot!!" Vegeta shouted from his cooking domain. Goku blushed and went to see what sports might be on.


The two SaiyaJin stood next to their front door and pulled their long coats from the front closet. Vegeta carefully buttoned his over his protruding abdomen and glanced up at his mate.

"You have the food?" He waited as his lover pulled the capsule from a pocket and showed it to him.

"Vegeta are you sure you don't want to just teleport over there? It would be easier on you and the chibi if you didn't fly." Goku frowned nervously at his slender mate. He flinched at the glare he received in return.

"If you think for one second Bakarot that I, the SaiyaJin no Ouji, am incapable of flying simply because I'm pregnant then you are dead wrong. You dare to think I am too weak to fly? Is that it! Well Kakarotto allow me to show you just how mistaken you are!" The ouji snarled as his aura flared brightly around his body moments before he blasted into the sky in the direction of Capsule Corporation. Goku scrambled to lock the house before rocketing after the fading form of his mate.

"Vegeta wait up! Hey!" He huffed softly as he finally caught up to his lover. He peeked cautiously at Vegeta's face only to wince and sweatdrop at the angry scowl he saw. He mentally sighed and prepared himself for a long evening.

Vegeta remained silent the entire time they flew and even after they landed and rang the bell he refused to speak.

"Vegeta? Veggie chan, you have to talk tonight. Please koi?" The taller SaiyaJin wrapped his arms around his slight mate's shoulders and turned him so they were facing one another.

"Love please, I'm sorry I made you mad. I really didn't mean that you were weak. I was just trying to-I mean I thought that it might be easier on you if-well, Veggie I'm drowning here. I love you and I didn't mean to make it sound like I thought you're weak. You know I don't think that at all. Forgive me?" Goku eyed his stoic partner with nervous anticipation. He watched the SaiyaJin stare coolly into his eyes.

"Hn. You always did put your foot in your mouth Bakarot." Vegeta shook his head and allowed a faint smirk to twist his lips. His mate half smiled at him.

"So you forgive me then right? Please Veggie?" Goku offered his mate his infamous puppy-eyes and nuzzled the smaller SaiyaJin's cheek.

"All right all right! I forgive you! Now get off me before you start to drool!" Vegeta snorted as his mate kissed his cheek happily. The two of them turned as Bulma greeted them at the door with a smile.

"It's about time you got here! We were just about to go out looking for you two. I mean Goku you're usually late but when food is involved you're not this late! What took so long?" The blue-haired genius arched a delicate eyebrow at her friends.

"Hehehe, sorry Bulma. I guess we just got busy preparing things and forgot the time." Goku placed his hand behind his head and started to laugh when Vegeta unceremoniously elbowed his gut.

"Don't you try to blame it on me! Especially when it was a certain third class peasant who simply had to watch the last fifteen minutes of a movie he all ready owns on video!" The ouji snickered as Goku tried to defend himself to Bulma and padded into the kitchen to open the capsule they had brought.

Bunny sang and danced around the kitchen while getting platters and dishes prepared for the serving robots waiting by the far wall. Vegeta popped their capsule open and allowed the woman to give him a quick hug and compliment his handsome appliance like usual. He surveyed the table and counters of food. Six twenty pound turkeys, four large bowels of mashed potatoes, three platters of stuffing, two bowels of sweet potatoes, green beans, corn, dumplings, gravy, salad and various raw vegetables. Not bad though it would not last long with all the SaiyaJin who were gathered.

Vegeta walked into the dinning room and sat down next to his mate. On his left were Bulma and Yamcha, then two empty chairs. Across from him sat his son and Goten, Gohan sat between Videl and Piccolo who was beside the boys. Krillin sat next to them with his wife, daughter and brother-in-law and coming back around were ChiChi, Ox King, Puar, Oolong and Roshi next to Goku.

The table was loud with several conversations until Dr. Briefs and Bunny took their seats and Bulma tapped her fork against her glass for attention.

"Ok everyone, first of all I want to welcome you all for our little feast here. Also I think we should just take a moment to list a few things we're thankful for since this is Thanksgiving. I'll start by saying I am thankful for all of my dear friends, some of whom I met a long time ago, and some who are still new, but you are all dear to me in your own ways." She smiled and nodded to Yamcha who blushed a bit while looking at his plate.

"I'm thankful to Vegeta and Goku for getting together because if they hadn't, well I might not have gotten Bulma chan back." He smiled as Bulma gave him a kiss and ignored the snickers from Roshi and Oolong.

"Well I'm thankful that we have such excellent fighters to protect us when we need it, and I'm also very thankful my new invention is finally working!" Dr. Briefs attempted to go into an explanation but his daughter quickly cut him off by asking her mother to speak. The doctor blinked and sat back in his chair as his wife blushed and expressed her gratefulness for all the people to have as houseguests.

"We're thankful for lots of people to play jokes on! Right Goten?" Trunks grinned at his younger friend who frowned.

"Nuh-uh Trunks, I'm thankful for food!" Goten nodded to himself as his friend rolled his eyes. Gohan chuckled at them and waited for Piccolo to mumble his comment. The NamekJin seemed hesitant to say anything but he finally conceded that he was thankful for Gohan and Videl for making him a part of their lives. Bulma grinned and laughed.

"I knew it! So when were you three going to make it public hmm? It's not like we all didn't know but still? When were you going to tell?" She leered at the blushing trio. Gohan squirmed uncomfortably in his seat while Piccolo glared and Videl laughed nervously.

"Well actually we were going to announce it tonight. Ahmn Videl?" The Demi- SaiyaJin smiled to his lover who blinked and accepted the attention of the guests.

"Ok you all know we've been together for a while and we're finally going to make it official. Gohan proposed to me and to Piccolo last night. We haven't decided on a wedding date yet but it's going to be soon." She grinned as the women insisted on seeing the rings on her finger and the NamekJin's. Piccolo reluctantly held his hand out briefly for them to 'ooh' and 'ahh' at before whipping his hand back under the table.

The round continued around the table with Krillin and his family who were thankful for mostly the same things as everyone else, their loved ones and in Juunana's case, acceptance and a chance to prove he had changed. ChiChi announced she was thankful for the upcoming grandchildren she expected from one of Gohan's mates. The Demi-SaiyaJin and his lovers turned delightful shades of red and purple as everyone laughed and cheered them on. Eventually the turn came to Goku. He glanced at his mate and smiled while standing up.

"I have so much to be thankful for. I honestly don't know where to start guys. My life has been full of adventure, excitement, and happiness that even when I look back at the sad times I still have so much to be glad about. My dear friends, my children, and all the people I've met in my life have all left a part of themselves with me that will always remind me that I'm never alone. That is one of the greatest things I could ever have, and one I am so thankful for. I'm also thankful for food like Gotan said." Goku grinned as the table laughed softly about the famous Son appetite. He turned and pulled Vegeta to stand beside him and asked his mate to unbutton his coat.

I'm very thankful for Vegeta. I don't think I would be the SaiyaJin I am today without my Ouji. No one could ever mean as much to me, or touch my life the way he has. Vegeta and I have a little announcement of our own to make tonight. We're going to have a baby!" He put his arm around his love's shoulders and held him close as the small under-coat Vegeta had been wearing fell onto the chair to reveal his swollen stomach. Silence reigned throughout the room until Bunny squealed excitedly and a few people fell out of their chairs onto the floor.

"Vegeta, you're really pregnant? How?" Bulma stared in awe while slowly touching the ouji's belly.

"I don't think you want to know all the details woman, needless to say I'm almost due." The SaiyaJin smirked at Bulma's expression and placed his hand over her own.

"I would, appreciate it if you would help when the time comes for me to deliver." He asked softly since he didn't want too many people to hear him dropping his tough appearance. Krillin and Yamcha were still trying to get back in their seats after the initial shock. Bulma smiled and nodded to him. She was more than happy to help out.

"Well this is great! Gohan's got himself a harem! Goku's got Vegeta pregnant! Say ChiChi! Care to be my woman?" Roshi flashed the shocked female a lewd grin and was promptly punched out of his chair and into the next room. Oolong sighed to himself.

"Dirty old man, he never learns." The pig glanced nervously at ChiChi as she dusted her hands over his head.

"Ahemn, ok everybody let's eat!" She bellowed. Food was served onto plates and the feasting began. Goku paused momentarily from his frenzied eating and kissed his mate's cheek.

"See love? I told you it would be all right." He grinned and winked at his royal lover and turned his attention back to the food. Goten and Trunks fought over the dessert until ChiChi informed them they wouldn't get any without eating their vegetables. Gohan and Videl tried to coax Piccolo into having something other than water and finally tickled him to get his mouth open so they could stick some turkey into it. The NamekJin stewed while chewing the roasted bird. Conversation was cheerful and lasted well after the food. Many questions came up about wedding plans and baby nurseries until it was time for the guests to head for home.

"Bye everyone! We'll see you soon!" Goku waved as he took Vegeta's hand and teleported them home. He kissed his mate's lips firmly once they were in their own house.

"Happy Thanksgiving love." He murmured against the ouji's soft lips. Vegeta smirked into the kiss and tugged him to the bedroom.

"It's not over yet Kaka chan." He snickered as his mate swept him off the floor and carried him the rest of the way to the bed.


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