Sleeping With The Past
by Saiyajin Raven 69     More by this Writer
Mirai Trunks returns to the past to wish himself to Vejiitasei for a day, to experience life on the planet for himself. He arrives on the night of the full moon, and becomes involved in a Saiyajin mating ritual.

The story continues when he returns, intent on making Goten his mate.

Chapter 03
Chaos. The entire city was in chaos. Frightened and excited Saiyajins alike were running and flying to get away from their hunters. Many were obviously caught up in the thrill of being chased by their intended mate, not all of the night's prey were unwilling. These were the Saiyajins who proudly wore their golden circlets around their foreheads, their blood pumping hot through their veins, their scent strong with arousal.

Then there were the ones with terror in their eyes. These were mostly the weak, or those who weren't wearing the golden symbol of having been declared by a hunter. For these individuals, there was no guarantee that they'd see the suns rise over Vejiitasei again. Very little hope was carried in the hearts of these panicked numbers that they would survive this most barbaric Saiyajin rite.

As he flew through the unfamiliar streets and alleys of this alien city, Mirai was unsure as to which category he fell into; the willing or the unwilling. On one hand, he knew he was fortunate to have been declared by Bardock. Letting his mind wander back over the events of his hours on Vejiitasei, he couldn't control his arousal. There was no denying that Bardock was the most exciting, most virile being he'd ever encountered. The Saiyajin warrior was the personification of sex. The way he glided when he moved, his deep, husky voice, his chiseled body, the raw power that he exuded, it all added up to an irresistible sum of sexual magnetism. And that just barely scratched the surface of what the man truly was. The ways he brought Mirai's body to the heights of ecstasy with such ease, the passion that he showed him in their moments in the desert, just remembering those events made his mind foggy and his body betray him.

If he could get past those visions that his new, fully Saiyajin physiology, with the primal instincts that went along with it, kept flashing in his mind, he'd realize that the kindness and respect that the warrior had afforded him completed the perfect package of the ideal mate that was embodied by Bardock. His beauty, his passion, his power and his kindness all merged into one flawless being, and his body wanted him desperately. Every inch of his flesh burned to be touched by the warrior's skilled hands and mouth. His tail thrashed in agitation behind him, refusing to be wound about Mirai's waist as he flew blindly through the vast city, quickly approaching the boundaries of civilization, crossing into the desert wilderness.

On the other edge of the sword, his mind had to grasp the reality of the situation he was in. He was on a planet that had been destroyed decades ago, literally being chased by a dead man. He had only a few hours before his wish would expire, returning him to a different time and place. If he did allow himself to be caught by Bardock, not only would his own emotions be a tempest of confusion, but he'd have to leave the beautiful warrior with no explanation. It wouldn't be fair to either of them to allow any further involvement.

His mind wandered back in time to just before he'd arrived on Vejiitasei, back to the beautiful young man he'd watched grow up, waiting until he was old enough to approach. He'd loved him for so many years, waiting as time passed agonizingly slowly until this day when they finally came together at long last. He'd spent so much time dreaming about Goten, loving him from afar, over time and distance. His heart wouldn't allow him to throw that all away just to sate his body's raging lust for the man who was hunting him down to claim him as his own.

By his estimation, he'd been eluding his would-be captor for almost two hours. That added up to his having been on Vejiitasei for roughly thirteen hours. He was growing tired, and was unsure how much longer he could keep up his frantic flight. He'd used up so much of his energy in keeping away from Bardock, that he seriously doubted his ability to ascend to super Saiyajin. He hoped that if it did come down to a fight, he'd still be stronger, as the warrior had to be tired as well from his chase.

He had been flying at top speed over desert terrain littered with sparse plant growth and scattered bodies of water. He'd witnessed many hunts come to an end as the hunters had caught up with their prey. Many of the pairs had transformed into Oozaru, having looked fully into the face of the moon. If he would admit it to himself, he was deeply terrified by the giant apes rampaging through the country side, some of them coupling together still in their primal form. He knew the effects of looking into the moon, although he had never experienced the Oozaru form first hand. He had no desire to do it now.

Thankfully, the majority of the captures he had witnessed had been joyful unions of couples who had planned to mate on the night of the full moon. He only saw one that he had no doubt was an unwilling participant being captured. He shuddered as the man was taken back in the direction of the palace, screaming and struggling against his captor to no avail. His nature spurred him to pull back to try to save the man, but logic reminded him that no matter what happened that night, none of the participants would still survive after a few weeks time, when Frieza would destroy the planet and all of it's inhabitants.

He was the only living being on this planet that would still be alive when all was said and done, and he needed to save his own hide. He really had no fear that Bardock would kill him. Even if he was unable to ascend, he had no doubt that he was still stronger. From their brief contact in the hours he'd been on the planet, he didn't think the warrior would kill him even if he could. He understood that the man was a military commander, and undoubtedly had the blood of millions of innocent beings on his hands, but he could sense that the man killed only out of necessity; it was his job, his duty. Mirai knew that he took no pleasure in the act, and that he had nothing to worry about. The warrior had spoken his desire to claim him as his mate. He'd even told him that he intended to keep him around for a long time. What reason could he have to harm someone that he obviously had some feelings toward, no matter how brief their encounter had been?

He scanned the landscape for somewhere to hide. His exhaustion was getting the best of him, and he knew he needed to stop and rest. There was no sign of Bardock behind him; if his luck would hold out, he would be returned to the Earth before the warrior was able to track him. In the distance, his gaze landed on a mountain range that looked like promising shelter. He flared his ki to its maximum, flying even faster than he had been before. His suspicions were confirmed when he felt his ki hit its apex, and he was still short of ascension. His only hope was that he wouldn't be found within the craggy walls of the mountains.

He cautiously lowered himself to the ground, and walked across the rocky terrain, hoping to find some sort of cave to rest in. He was fortunate to locate a large, dry cavern which seemed to go on for hundreds of yards. He would be safe here, he thought as he carefully stepped over rocks and errant plant life. He soon found himself deep within the mountain, and felt that he could finally breathe easily, certain that he wouldn't be found by the graceful warrior.

His thoughts once again drifted to their first meeting earlier in the day, how confident the commander was that he would want his claim. His body again responded to the visions of his predator. He shivered when his imagination swept him away with images of being roughly taken by Bardock. As exciting as their encounter had been, it left him unsatisfied, wanting more from the overwhelmingly seductive warrior. He wanted to feel his immense cock slamming into his body, his fingernails ripping his skin, teeth biting his flesh. He'd always preferred being on the bottom, but had never experienced the untamed, uninhibited sex that he had so longed for, and Bardock promised to deliver.

His mind was clouded with lust, and he let caution fly to the wind as he hastily stripped himself of his armor, letting it drop to the floor of the cave with a thud. His gloves followed the armor's path, before his hands unceremoniously began pulling at the shoulder straps of his bodysuit, peeling the stretchy material away from his sweat-slicked skin. His erection sprang free from the fabric as he lowered it past his hips, and he roughly grasped the rigid member in an attempt to relieve the pressure building up in his loins, brought on by the erotic images of the scarred warrior.

He pumped his painfully hard arousal rapidly, the friction of his dry hand working the delicate flesh making him throb and ache deliciously. He threw his head back, tossing his long black spikes in an arc behind him, his eyes tightly closed. A choked howl was wrenched from his throat, as the visions of Bardock pounding into him brought him to an intense climax, his seed splashing onto the rocks below him.

He dropped to the ground, panting, with his eyes still closed. He lay there for long moments, trying to regain his composure, when a nearby sound jolted him back to reality. He sat up abruptly; his frantic eyes scanned the cave in the darkness, finding nothing had changed since he'd entered. He exhaled the breath that he'd been holding, telling himself that it was just in his imagination. He began to pick himself up from the rocky ground, when he found a hand on his shoulder, pressing him back down.

"Miss me?" The object of his fantasies was staring down at him with a predatory grin and a dangerous sparkle in his eyes.

"SHIT!" Mirai shouted, as he jerked from the firm hand and moved to get away from the grinning warrior. He stood up, only to realize his state of undress with his bodysuit tangled around his knees, preventing his escape. He stumbled, pitching forward to catch himself with his hands, his naked rear end jutting up in the air in his clumsy attempt to right himself.

"So you DID miss me, hn?" the scarred man chuckled. "Here you are, ready and waiting, and in position!"

"NO!" Mirai screamed, as he struggled to regain his balance. His usually graceful movements were anything but as he scrambled away, attempting to pull his bodysuit up to cover his nudity.

Bardock laughed evilly, "Do you expect me to believe that you weren't thinking of me fucking you just now? That I wasn't the one you were fantasizing about as you jerked off?"

"No! I mean, yes! NO!! Stay away from me!" Mirai was frantically pulling at the straps of the black bodysuit, backing away from the commander. Bardock was in front of him in an instant, he had moved so fast that Mirai couldn't follow his movements as he snatched at the material and ripped it in half down the center, tearing the uniform completely off of Mirai's body.

"That's more like it. You don't need that anymore, now that I'm here."

In all his years of fighting countless enemies, Mirai couldn't remember being so terrified. He had no fear of being killed; it was all the circumstances and repercussions of his joining with Bardock that frightened him. He was desperate to have the warrior's hands all over him, to take him forcefully, and fuck him senseless. He wanted nothing more than to submit to him, and obey his every desire, but his racing mind told him that it would be the biggest mistake he had ever made if he allowed himself to do so. He must fight. There was no other way. He couldn't let anything further happen between them, no matter how much he wished he could just fall to his knees and worship the sex god before him.

He snarled at Bardock before he took off running into the night, wearing nothing but his boots and the gold circlet of the warrior's declaration. He launched into the air as he reached the opening of the cave, powering up as high as he could. A roar came from behind him, as his hunter took to the air as well. It wasn't long before Bardock had caught up with Mirai, and he roughly grabbed at his ankle, pulling him toward himself until Mirai's back was against his chest.

The Saiyajin warrior growled seductively in his ear, making Mirai's heart race in his chest. He couldn't fathom how Bardock could have so much energy left! He had flown away from him at top speed for two hours, with a fifteen minute head start! He'd only been in the cave about half an hour when he was found. How could he possibly be so relaxed and energetic at the same time?

"How?" he rasped, his voice failing him as brawny arms wrapped tightly around his torso.

"How what?" the warrior snarled.

"How do you have so much energy? I'm exhausted! Surely you used up as much energy as I did running, by chasing me!"

The older Saiyajin's hand drifted down to encompass Mirai's rock hard erection. "Your arousal was so strong that you left the perfect scent trail to follow. All I had to do was look at the moon, turn into Oozaru, and walk along behind you." He shrugged, as Mirai weakly tried to struggle out of his firm embrace.

"Stop this! Let go of me!" He tried to wriggle free of the strong arms, but each time he'd move, the hand stroking his arousal would tighten, making him gasp and buck his hips.

"I've already caught you. There is no use in trying to fight me, I've won. You're mine now." Bardock's voice was husky, and dripping with desire, making Mirai shiver uncontrollably. "You can't deny that you want me, just submit to me. Let it go."

"I can't." Mirai whimpered. "I won't be here tomorrow. You don't understand. It isn't fair to either of us to go through with this. You're trying to claim a mate that won't even be here when you wake up!"

"I told you this morning…I can change your orders. Whatever they are, I can alter them." Bardock was growing impatient, his seductive voice rising in volume with his agitation. He ground his arousal against Mirai's rear as they flew, parting his legs with his knee. He abruptly shifted direction, and began plummeting toward the ground, never loosening his vise-like grip on his captive.

Mirai closed his eyes as his emotions did battle within him. There was certainly no denying his arousal, his desire to let the warrior have his way with him was very strong, but he just couldn't allow it. He still had about nine hours before he would be returned to Earth, and he was exhausted beyond reason, but he had to fight. He had never been one to engage in sex without emotion. Never had he had a one night stand, and regardless of the adrenaline and testosterone flowing through his veins at high speed, his heart and his pride wouldn't allow him to start now.

When they touched down on the soft, sandy ground, Bardock loosened his grip, finally releasing his hold on Mirai's arousal, to turn him around to face him. Mirai took the brief advantage, and spun around, his fist making contact with the scarred warrior's jaw, knocking him a few steps backward. His coiled muscles sprang forward, launching his tired body back into the air, trying to put as much distance between himself and his pursuer as he could.

Rubbing his jaw, Bardock emitted a roar as he leapt into the air to follow. As he felt the warrior approach, Mirai turned in midair, and brought his knees toward his chest, and kicked his booted feet into the warrior's abdomen with all the strength he could muster. He succeeded in knocking the breath from his adversary's lungs, gaining himself another chance to elude him as he coughed and sputtered, with his arms wrapped around his bruised middle.

Mirai flew toward a nearby mountain range, hoping his luck would hold out long enough for him to find another cave to hide in. In his mind's befuddled state, he knew that Bardock couldn't sense his ki without his scouter, but forgot that his scent left an undeniable trail leading directly to him.

Bardock immediately understood that his quarry was meaning to hide from him, and a wicked grin spread across his face, knowing that Mirai was backing himself into a corner. He made a show of his attempt at recovery from the kick to his stomach, giving his target a false sense of security as he believed that he was getting away. He allowed Mirai to swoop into the mountains before he resumed his chase.

Dropping to the rough, rocky ground, Mirai sped over the terrain, searching for a cavern into which he could escape. He could hear the hunter swearing at him as he fumbled along the walls of the great mountain, and he let out a relieved whoosh of air from his lungs as he all but fell into a deep niche in the rocky wall. He surveyed his surroundings as his heart pounded against his ribcage, and deemed it to be suitable shelter. The cavity ran about 30 yards into the craggy landform, affording him darkness in which to shroud himself. He automatically suppressed his ki, hoping to reserve what little energy he had, as he curled into a corner of the cavern, the humor in his situation hitting him. There he was, completely naked except for his boots, cowering in a corner hiding from the angry, cursing warrior that he could hear searching for him outside, with an erection that could shatter stone.

Outside, Bardock delighted in playing his game of cat and mouse, and continued his ploy of making all the noise he could, swearing at the top of his lungs, fighting to keep the amusement from his voice. His nose had led him directly to Mirai's location without fail, but he wanted to draw out their game, making the anticipation of finally having the glorious Saiyajin that he was chasing writhe underneath him all the more enticing.

Sitting with his arms wrapped around his shins, and his head resting on his knees, Mirai snapped to attention when he realized that the racket outside had silenced. He breathed a sigh of relief, allowing his head to fall back against the wall of the cavern as his eyes slipped closed. He knew that he shouldn't be so quick to let his guard down, but his mind and his body were too exhausted to care. His breathing became slow and even, and he slipped into a light sleep, not even noticing the ki of the grinning warrior just outside the entrance of his shelter.

Dark eyes that had no trouble cutting through the darkness witnessed the change in the delectable naked form in the back of the cave. He watched for several moments as Mirai's body relaxed, his arms dropping from their tight hold on his legs, allowing them to slide down against the ground, spreading apart slightly. That was as much as the scarred warrior could stand, as the sight of the still proudly standing erection beckoned him into the darkness. He stealthily padded over the stony floor, as if he were a panther about to pounce on an unsuspecting deer. When he reached the sleeping form of the beautiful Saiyajin, he silently knelt before him, lowering his head while keeping his eyes locked on the peaceful face above him. He opened his mouth, and began to gently, slowly take the engorged penis into his warm wetness, tenderly swirling his tongue over the delicious hard flesh. Mirai moaned in his sleep, shifting his position, unconsciously spreading his legs farther to allow Bardock easier access to his desire.

Bardock smiled around the cock in his mouth, thoroughly enjoying the languid movements of the body in front of him as he reacted to his ministrations. He began moving faster, increasing his suction on Mirai's length, forcing deeper moans from the younger Saiyajin's throat and purring from his chest, before he woke with a start, finally realizing that this was more than a dream.

"NO!" he shouted, as he tried to scramble up the wall, away from his tormentor. Bardock snatched at the lashing tail, gripping it mercilessly, ripping a scream of pain from his captive, and effectively immobilizing him as he dropped back to the stony ground. His head reared back as he howled to the night his despair of being captured. The combination of the pain of his tail being viciously squeezed, and the supreme bliss that the mouth was lavishing upon his erection made him come unhinged. He panted and wheezed as the assault continued, and he had no control over his limbs as his legs convulsed and his hands scrabbled for a hold on the hard surfaces surrounding him.

Bardock gradually loosened his grip on the squirming tail, allowing pleasure to overtake pain in Mirai's clouded mind. Every muscle in his writhing body clenched as the intensity of the motions of the lips, teeth, and tongue that were driving him beyond ecstasy increased their exquisite onslaught of his arousal. His voice was raw from wailing his desire, the sound bouncing and echoing throughout the stony enclosure. With one final roar of Bardock's name, his orgasm swept over him like a tsunami, his seed bursting forth from his loins with such explosive speed that it nearly choked the scarred warrior as he tried to devour every last drop.

When he'd drunk all that he could, Bardock let the softened flesh slip from his mouth. "Delicious." He rumbled seductively, a thin line of semen trickling down his chin. He swiped at the wet trail with his index finger, and brought the glistening digit to Mirai's face. "Open." Bardock commanded.

With glazed eyes, Mirai obeyed, letting his jaw go slack enough for his lips to part slightly. Bardock slipped his finger into the warmth, stroking it across the pink tongue. At the salty flavor of his own fluid, the younger Saiyajin closed his lips around the invading digit, allowing his eyes to drift closed and a purr to begin rumbling in his chest. Bardock's own painfully hard erection was throbbing within the confines of his still intact uniform, the erotic display before him of the beautiful mouth obediently suckling his finger making his blood burn in his veins. He withdrew his hand, and swiftly stood to begin removing his restrictive clothing, causing Mirai's eyes to snap open, and his mind to clear of the erotic, satisfied haze that had been clouding it.

With a gasp, he lunged past the larger Saiyajin, who was occupied with tugging his armor over his head, and he ran for the opening to the cave on uncertain, wobbly legs. Bardock let out a frustrated snarl as he threw the armor down to once again give chase. "Damn you!" he roared. "Why can't you fucking accept that I've caught you? Stop running from me!"

He caught up with Mirai just outside the cave's entrance, and tackled him to the rough ground. They rolled down the steep side of the mountain in a tangle of limbs before coming to rest at the bottom. Bardock's skull had come into contact with more than one boulder on their descent, and he had to shake his head to regain his senses. Mirai took the opportunity to flee once again, his desperation and a rush of adrenaline giving him the fuel to move faster than he had been able to before.

"FUCK!!" Bardock's rage grew as the smaller Saiyajin escaped him again. "IT'S OVER! You've lost the game!" he screamed as he went after Mirai. "Why won't you fucking give up?"

Mirai gave no response as he kept flying at top speed; his desperation was ruling him now. All reason was lost in his reckless bid to get away; he swooped and turned erratically, trying to shake the enraged Saiyajin behind him. He flew mindlessly, not paying attention to his surroundings, looking back over his shoulder as the warrior closed in on him. His escape was abruptly halted as he flew too low over an oddly shaped tree, catching a strap on his left boot on a pointed branch. He hurtled toward the ground, too startled to gather his wits and stop his fall, the tree's branches deeply scratching his skin. Bardock dove from the sky, catching Mirai just before he made contact with the sharp rocks below the tree, and held onto the struggling body as he flew them to an outcropping of soft grass and smooth boulders, around a serene lake similar to where they'd first met earlier in the day.

When they landed, Mirai kept up the struggle, even though he was rapidly weakening. His resistance continued to rile the anger of the larger man, and he lashed out with his fists, pummeling Mirai's face, chest and stomach before the smaller man doubled over onto the ground, face bloody and body swiftly bruising. "Why do you fight me? I didn't want to hurt you! Why are you making me hurt you?" Bardock shouted at the cowering figure.

Bardock resumed tearing his own clothing from his body, his erection appearing as angry as he was, as he lifted Mirai's form, throwing him face down over a large round boulder. He roughly lifted his lower half, angling the unresisting body over the rock to a better position, and began laving his tight entrance with his tongue. Mirai moaned under him, once again being torn between pain and pleasure as the unfamiliar sensation made him squirm against Bardock's mouth, wanting more.

When the puckered opening was dripping with saliva, Bardock pressed his thumb into the entrance, eliciting a hiss from Mirai. The warrior panted with anticipation as he stretched the opening. As angry and frustrated as he had been made by this gorgeous piece of flesh in front of him, he still had no desire to hurt him anymore than necessary. He pressed his other thumb in the loosening channel, holding onto the firm ass cheeks as his thumbs stretched at the ring of muscle. Mirai bucked against the intrusion, his raw vocal cords being abused once more by the racking sobs and shrieks that he was emitting.

Bardock spat in his hand and slicked up his erection, before plunging himself in the hot depths of Mirai's body. He was fully sheathed with one fierce thrust, and he quickly worked up a frantic pace, pounding into the yielding flesh below him. He firmly held Mirai's hips in place, his nails digging in, small rivulets of blood ran from each wound. He lifted the younger man so that he would not pound his pelvis against the rock and injure him anymore than he already was. He worked himself into an erotic frenzy as he slammed into the body faster and harder, finally roaring as his seed exploded into the limp form. He took a few moments to calm himself, before he pulled out of Mirai with a low moan.

He gathered the slack body in his arms, gently laying him down on his back on the soft ground. He grunted as he lay down next to him, drawing him close in a comforting manner. Strong fingers stroked through the sweaty, matted black hair of the exhausted Saiyajin, as the warrior gazed down on his face apologetically. Dull black eyes were barely slits as Mirai registered the gentleness that had returned to the older man's countenance, and he weakly turned his head toward him, licking his dry lips.

Bardock lowered his head, pressing his own lips to the moistened mouth gently. "I didn't want to hurt you. Forgive me. I lost control."

Mirai's eyes slid closed as he cleared his throat, but had no voice left to speak with. He nodded his head in acceptance of the apology, and Bardock smiled down at the exhausted young man. "Sleep now. It's nearly morning. I'll make it up to you when you wake up." Bardock lay back down, pulling Mirai fully against him as they both drifted off to sleep.


Just after the golden light faded, and Goten's eyes were able to focus again, another burst of light appeared. When it dissipated, in the place where the beautiful, sexy, proud Saiyajin had just stood, laid the same Saiyajin, only broken, bloody, unconscious and naked except for the boot on his right foot.

Goten rushed to his side, dropping to his knees to cradle the limp body in his arms. He rocked the unresponsive man, as he sobbed in confusion and fear. "What happened to you, Mirai? What in Kami's name happened?"


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