Sleeping With The Past
by Saiyajin Raven 69     More by this Writer
Mirai Trunks returns to the past to wish himself to Vejiitasei for a day, to experience life on the planet for himself. He arrives on the night of the full moon, and becomes involved in a Saiyajin mating ritual.

The story continues when he returns, intent on making Goten his mate.

Chapter 05
"NOOOOOOO!!!" he roared as he burst into the room, splinters of the wooden door showering down around him. The two men on the bed separated in shock, scrambling to put their discarded pants back on as the super Saiyajin continued raising his power level.

Goten threw open the window once he had his jeans pulled up, and grabbed Mirai by the wrist, both of them flying as fast as possible away from the small house. Trunks pursued them closely, throwing errant ki blasts at the couple, too blinded by his rage to properly aim. The two lovers easily dodged the beams of energy, increasing their speed toward the leveled desert sparring ground that was frequently used by the Z Senshi.

When they arrived, they turned to face the seething demi-Saiyajin, hovering in the air side by side. "Trunks, stop this!" Goten shouted frantically, as he batted away a stream of energy that was aimed directly at his chest.

"No! I thought my fight was just with him, but you betrayed me, Goten! How could you do that to me? We've been together since we were kids! How could you fuck him after I'd been gone from the house for not even an hour?" Trunks spat bitterly.

"Oh please!" Goten snorted. "How did I betray you? You don't give a shit about me, Trunks! You just don't want anyone else to have me!"

"That's not true! We've been friends forever, Goten! How can you say I don't care about you?"

"Because you make it pretty fucking obvious that you don't! You don't listen to what I have to say, only your opinion counts! We do what you want to do, when you want to do it! You just expect me to be at your beck and call! When you want me, you expect me to be there, but if you don't have time for me, I don't hear from you for days!"

"Ahhh!" Trunks screamed as he let loose another beam of ki directed at Goten. Mirai flew in front of his lover, blocking the blast.

"NO! Your fight is with me, Trunks! Leave Goten out of this, and fight me!" He screamed.

"Fuck you, Mirai! Oh wait, Goten already…DID!!" Trunks put emphasis on the last word by throwing another energy stream at Mirai, who met it with crossed arms, blocking the powerful blast, before flying as fast as he could to meet Trunks' face with his fist.

Trunks was stunned by the speed and force behind the punch, but he shook it off quickly, and retaliated with a knee to Mirai's stomach, and an elbow to the side of his head, which knocked the Saiyajin several yards away. Trunks was momentarily distracted when he looked around the area, searching for Goten. Just as their eyes met, Mirai performed a roundhouse kick to the back of Trunks' head, forcing him to fall out of the sky, and hit the desert floor with a crash, creating a crater in the dry ground.

Like a shot, he was back up in the air, fists and feet flying in an attempt to better Mirai, but each blow was blocked or returned with an even more powerful blow. There was no doubt that Trunks was outmatched. He had grown up in relative peace, without much desire to train his body into the superior condition that Mirai was in. Because his future self had lived a terrible life, with years of battling the androids in his timeline, his body was finely honed for fighting, and held much more strength and power, even before his transformation to full blooded Saiyajin. Trunks was soon bloody and beaten, while he hadn't gotten many direct hits in on his adversary.

"Mirai, stop it! He's lost the fight!" Goten shrieked, flying in closer to the fray, facing the irate demi-Saiyajin. "Trunks, just give it up! You have no say in what I do, or who I do it with! If you'd made the effort to be a boyfriend to me, to be my mate, none of this would have even happened, but you never did! You don't care about me…you just want to possess me, not to love me! Mirai loves me, Trunks! I've been waiting my entire life to hear someone say that! I finally have someone who cares; can't you just leave me to be happy?"

"I will never give up! You're mine, Goten! If I can't have you, then neither can Mirai!" He gathered the remaining energy resources that his body held, and positioned his hands in front of him, aimed at the Saiyajin. "BIG BANG ATTACK!"


Hundreds of miles away, the immense ki levels had not gone ignored. "Geta, do you feel that? What's happening? That's not just a spar!"

"Yes, Kakarot, I feel it. It's both of our brats, but who is the third ki? It's stronger than the other two."

Goku looked at his companion seriously. "I don't know, it might be a new enemy; we'd better go check it out." He took Vegeta's hand in his, and put the fingers of his other hand to his forehead, as they blinked out of sight.


The immense wave of energy was hurtling directly at Mirai, but just before it reached him, Trunks angled his hands, directing the beam toward the unprepared Goten, who had no time to block or dodge. He was knocked out of the sky, instantly dropping out of super Saiyajin as his golden hair turned to black.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Mirai screamed, racing to catch his injured lover, reaching him just before he hit the ground. Just then, he sensed another large power level entering the area, and he looked up frantically.

"Gohan! Trunks is trying to kill Goten! Get him out of here!" he yelled to the older demi-Saiyajin, who had seen the blast hit his little brother as he approached the scene. Gohan took his brother in his arms, nodding quickly at Mirai, and blasting out of the battle zone, sensing two other presences appear onto the scene.

Goku and Vegeta had arrived just as Mirai screamed at Gohan, and had heard what he'd said. Vegeta looked at the stranger holding Goten, and gasped. "He's Saiyajin!"

"Yeah, but how does he know the boys by name? And he's helping Goten, and Gohan seems to know him, too!"

Gohan flew quickly toward his father and Vegeta, cradling the unconscious Goten in his arms, as the battle raged on behind him. "Dad! Vegeta! You've got to stop them, they'll kill each other! They're fighting over Goten, and Trunks went nuts, saying if he couldn't have him, then neither could Mirai!"

"That's Mirai Trunks down there?" Vegeta asked incredulously.

"Yeah, he made a wish and went back to Vejiitasei for a day as a full blooded Saiyajin. I'll explain later, just stop them!"

The two Saiyajins flew down to the battlefield as a golden Mirai was raining blow after blow on the fallen Trunks, who'd exhausted his strength with the intensity of his attack on Goten, and had reverted back to his normal form. "Why did you do it, Trunks? How could you hurt him like that? Are you so fucking full of yourself that you have to prove to him that his life makes no difference? You'd rather see him dead, than see him happy with someone other than you?" His voice was low, and his tone beheld deadly intent, as he continued attacking the downed demi-Saiyajin.

Goku flew behind the furious Mirai, looping his arms around the chest of the transformed Saiyajin, having to raise his power level to contain the younger man's fury. "Goku, leave me alone, let me finish him! He tried to kill Goten! He doesn't deserve to live!" Mirai screamed, madly trying to escape Goku's strong hold.

Vegeta took advantage of the struggle between Goku and Mirai, and swooped down to gather up his bloody son, taking him off of the battlefield, and flying to where Gohan sat holding Goten. Trunks turned his head painfully, seeing Goten out of the corner of his eye. "Is he dead?" he croaked at Gohan.

"No, but you hurt him very badly, Trunks. How could you do that to him? Why?" Gohan responded in a gruff voice.

"He's mine, Gohan. I won't let him go, he belongs to me."

Vegeta snorted at his son, thoroughly disgusted with his actions. "I don't see a claim mark on either one of you, brat. You have no right to prevent him from being with another."

Just then, Goku and Mirai joined the four men, both having powered back down to normal. The younger Saiyajin immediately took Goten's limp body from Gohan, kneeling on the ground cradling his lover. "Goten, wake up, it's all over." The youngest demi-Saiyajin groaned, turning his face toward Mirai's chest. "That's it, love, you'll be ok."

"Well this is déjà vu in reverse." Gohan chuckled. "At least they're both dressed, this time." He briefly explained the events from that morning to the curious Saiyajins, before they turned their attention to Mirai.

Goku was the first to address him. "What was this all about, Mirai? Tell me why the three of you were fighting."

"I love him, Goku." Mirai said in a low voice, his gaze drifting back to Goten as he stroked his fingers over his face. "I can make him happy, and Trunks can't. He treats him like shit, then he can't understand why Goten would want to be with someone who will cherish him, instead of just using him for sex." He glanced over at the lavender haired man briefly, before meeting Goku's eyes again. "Trunks walked in on us making love, and he just lost it." He shrugged.

Trunks lay with his eyes closed, his breathing ragged as he listened to the others talking. "He has no right to think he can take him away from me." He hissed through his teeth. "He hasn't spent his life with Goten. Our relationship is none of his business."

"Brat, he has every right by Saiyajin law. You fought him, and you lost. By law, that gives this boy claiming rights. Goten is no longer yours to have." Vegeta spoke harshly to his son.

Trunks' eyes shot open, staring up at his father in confusion. "No, that can't be true!"

"You should have claimed him when you had the chance. Now it is not your concern, your future self is free to make him his mate with no interference from you."

Mirai watched the exchange between father and son with interest, glancing down often to look at the beautiful young man in his arms, who was finally regaining consciousness. "I have no intentions of claiming Goten." He said quietly. All eyes were on him, silently questioning his statement. Goten's eyes opened slowly, looking up at Mirai, who was smiling warmly down at him, his fingers still stroking his face.

"What do you mean? I thought you said you loved him, Mirai." Gohan asked.

"I do love him, with all my heart, that's why I won't claim him. It's his decision, not mine. If he chooses to claim me, it will make me the happiest person in the entire universe, but I won't force his choice by claiming him. He deserves to make up his own mind whether he wants me, or Trunks, or neither one of us at all."

"That's very noble of you, Mirai." Goku placed his hand on the young man's shoulder, squeezing gently, and smiled at the younger man, before looking down at his youngest son held in his arms. "You ok to go back home, Goten? We need to get senzu beans for both you and Trunks…do you think you can fly?"

"No," Goten croaked. "I don't think I can fly, I don't think I could even stand right now."

"I'll carry him." Mirai stated, gently scooping up his lover in his arms, holding him close.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Baka. Just zap us home with your Instant Transmission technique. There is no need to injure the brats further by flying with them."

Goku smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey, you're right Vegeta! Why didn't I think of that?"

Vegeta just rolled his eyes once again, and laid one hand on his wounded son, and one on Goku's arm. Gohan stood, placing one hand on Mirai, who was cradling Goten, and one on his father's other arm, effectively linking all of them to Goku.

The group reappeared in the living room of the Son house, and for the second time that day, Gohan rushed into his father's bedroom to fetch senzu beans. He returned with two of them, handing one to Vegeta, and one to Mirai, who sat on the sofa with Goten in his lap.

Gohan programmed the Servo-bot that Bulma had given the Sons after ChiChi had died, knowing that neither of them could cook, to prepare a Saiyajin sized meal. He then called the University to cancel the rest of his classes for the night, telling the secretary that he had a family emergency to deal with. When he returned to the living room, he found that Trunks had healed fully, but Goten was still slowly chewing on his senzu; his broken jaw making it difficult. Mirai still held his love on his lap, his arms wrapped protectively around Goten as the younger man slumped against him, waiting for the miraculous bean to take effect. His outward injuries soon were visibly healed, and he closed his eyes as he felt the more serious internal injuries begin to repair. Soon, Goten sighed in relief, as all of his pain had disappeared.

He nuzzled his face into Mirai's neck, causing the transformed Saiyajin to close his eyes, as a soft purr emanated from his chest. He tightened his embrace, as his tail swished about contentedly, catching Goten's attention. Curiously, the youngest demi-Saiyajin caught the tip of the furry appendage, and ruffled his fingers over the silky length. "Ngggh!" Mirai grunted, as his eyes flew open, and he threw his head violently against the back of the couch, his hands frantically gripping the cushions beneath him.

Goten sat up, surprised by Mirai's reaction to his gentle touch. "Are you ok? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry!"

Mirai struggled to catch his breath, as Vegeta chuckled wickedly. "You didn't hurt him, boy. A Saiyajin's tail is highly sensitive, and can be a source of severe pain, which is why warriors kept them wrapped around their waists, to protect their greatest weakness. However, when touched with affection, it causes an intensely erotic sensation; the tail is an erogenous zone. What you just did to him most definitely did not hurt, although I think you did shock the hell out of him."

Mirai had calmed his breathing, but his face was still pink with embarrassment from his reaction in front of the rest of the Saiyajins in the room. "Whoa. Sorry about that." He grinned sheepishly. He pulled Goten back into his embrace, kissing him on the forehead before whispering in his ear so that the rest of the room could not hear. "Don't do that again, or I'm going to have to take you back upstairs!" He said seductively, darting his tongue out to briefly lick at Goten's earlobe before he drew back.

Goten shivered as the warm breath and tongue tickled his ear, a grin spreading across his face. "Sorry, I didn't know. I won't do it again."

"Um, guys?" Goku said, bringing the snuggling couple's attention to him. "I think we've got some stuff we should discuss here, so can you break it up?"

Goten slid off of Mirai's lap, both young men blushing bright pink, as the demi-Saiyajin took a seat on the couch.

"So what happens now?" Goku asked. "Are you going to claim him, Goten? Will you just stay here permanently, Mirai?"

Goten's eyes widened in surprise at his father's direct questions, and he stuttered a bit in response, not knowing how to answer. Mirai squeezed his hand, before answering for him. "Well, I've been thinking about it, actually. I don't think it's fair to Goten to expect him to make up his mind immediately. What I'd like to do is take him back to my time, so that he can make his decision without any distractions. It's peaceful there now, so other than being smothered by Mom, we can have some time together without interruptions."

Trunks leapt from his chair, and advanced toward the couch. "NO! You can't do that!" He shouted, his eyes blazing with a tempest of emotion. "It's bad enough that you've come between us…you can't take him away from me completely, I won't let you!"

Vegeta stood, grasping his son's shoulders from behind. "Boy, I told you it is none of your concern. You have no say in what either of them do…you blew your chance to keep him when you didn't make him your mate, like I told you to."

Trunks shook off his father's hands, ignoring him totally, before turning his attention to Goten. "You can't go with him, Goten! What would you do there, anyway? You wouldn't have any friends; everyone you love is dead in that time, the androids destroyed everyone and everything! You won't be happy there!"

Glaring up at Trunks, Mirai stood his ground. "I just want to take him there to get away from everything in this time, from everyone else's opinions on the matter, so that he can decide what he wants to do with no outside influence. I fully intend to come back once he makes his decision. I would never take him away from his family; I know how hard it is to be without one." He said, as he looked at Vegeta.

"I think that sounds like a good idea." Goku said seriously. "Getting away from all of us will let these two figure out what they really want. Who knows? Maybe Mirai will decide that he doesn't want Goten after all!" he laughed.

"Hey!" Goten said, glaring at his father. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Goku gave his youngest son a bright smile. "Nothing, Goten! I didn't mean anything by it! Just that once Mirai gets to know you, he might change his mind, you never know!"

Mirai smiled down at his cross lover. "It won't happen, I can promise you that."

Gohan, who had been silent throughout the entire discussion, finally piped up. "Hey everyone, I think dinner's just about ready. You guys had better clean up, I don't really want to eat with the bloody, smelly lot of you." He laughed. "Trunks, if you want to shower at my house, you can."

"Fine, thank you, Gohan." Trunks replied, before turning without another word to go out the door.

When he had left, with Gohan following behind him, Goku looked at the remaining three men in the room, and said, "That went well!"


After a rather silent dinner, Vegeta insisted that Trunks come home to Capsule Corp with him for the night, saying that he could return in the morning. When they had gone, Goku turned to his oldest son. "Hey, Gohan…is it alright if I stay at your house tonight? I think these guys could use a little privacy!"

"Sure, Dad, I'll be glad to have you! The house is too quiet since Videl and Pan moved out, it'll be good to have company."

"Great! Thanks, Gohan!" Goku turned to speak to Mirai and Goten. "Ok, guys, we'll be back over in the morning! See ya!"

When the older Sons had left, Goten melted into Mirai's waiting arms. They stood in the kitchen, simply holding each other for long minutes, both relishing the fact that they were finally alone.

"It's been a long day, love. Why don't we go upstairs, and go to bed?" Mirai asked.

Goten answered him with a yawn. "I think that sounds like heaven."

They made their way up to Goten's room, where they both fell heavily onto the mattress. Mirai wrapped his arms around his lover, pulling him close to lie on his chest. "I'm really sorry about all the shit that went on today. None of this was what I had intended when I came back." He chuckled. "None of it! Vejiitasei was certainly not at all what I had expected. I just wanted to see my father, and see what life at the palace was like."

Goten chuckled at that. "Yeah, how many guys can say they had sex with a grandfather and grandson in the same day? We forgot to tell Dad about that whole thing."

"Let's keep it that way, shall we?" Mirai groaned. "Ya know, it's not like I wanted to have sex with your grandfather…I really didn't have any choice in the matter."

"I know, I'm just teasing you."

"When I was being chased, all I could think about was how it felt like I was cheating on you, even though we'd done nothing more than kiss. I've just loved you for so long, that I knew I had to get away from him at all costs so that I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. That's why I was so beaten up when I returned; I fought him with everything I had because I knew in my heart that I would be betraying my love for you if I let him catch me."

Goten lifted his head from Mirai's chest to look at him with wide eyes. "Really? You got beaten up so badly…because of me?"

"I love you, Goten. I mean that when I say it…I would never do anything to hurt you."

The younger man was overwhelmed by the words, the tone of voice, and by the love shining in Mirai's eyes. He felt as if his heart was going to burst right through his chest, it was swelling with so much emotion. "I love you, too, Mirai." He whispered.

Moonlight illuminated the tears in the Saiyajin's eyes, as he looked at Goten with amazement. "Really?"

Goten raised himself on his elbows so that he could see Mirai's face. "Yes, really. How could anyone not love you? You're warm, kind, selfless…you're just beautiful, Mirai. I love you." He leaned down and brought their lips together in a sweet, tender kiss, putting every bit of emotion that he held in his heart into it. He pulled back to look deeply into Mirai's glittering eyes. "Now how do I do this claiming thing, hmm?"

Mirai pulled him against his chest, squeezing him tightly, before he spoke. "Goten, I have waited so long to hear those words from you. To know that you love me…I just can't even describe how that feels. I've never been so happy in my life." He kissed the top of his lover's head, and stroked his back before he continued. "As long as I've waited, I can wait a little longer. I don't want you to claim me until you are absolutely certain that it's what you want. Just one day isn't enough. Come back with me to my time, and just be with me before you make the decision that you want to stay with me forever."

"Ok, Mirai, I'll come with you. I think we should leave as soon as possible, though. As soon as your wish wears off, we should go. I really don't want to have to face Trunks anymore than absolutely necessary."

"I agree. I can't wait to start our life together, Goten. I promise that we'll come back and live here, in this time. I meant it when I said I'd never keep you from your family, and truthfully, I'd like to spend time with them, too. Trunks was right…there is nothing in my time for either one of us, except my Mom. Maybe you can help me convince her to come back with us. If this time can stand having two versions of me, then it should be able to handle two of her, too. We'll just have to try to keep her away from Vegeta; I don't think the Bulma here would like sharing him."

Goten chuckled. "It's not Bulma you'll have to worry about her taking him from."

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind, I'll tell you later." Goten yawned. "Let's get some sleep now, I'm beat."

"Goodnight, Goten. I love you." He whispered, his tail looping around his lover's waist.

"I love you, Mirai. Sweet dreams." Goten was asleep in seconds, peacefully resting on the chest of his new found love.

Mirai lay with his eyes open for several more minutes, his happiness not allowing him to sleep. The worry about whether Goten would feel differently in the morning, when he once again resembled his love's life long friend, nagged at him a bit, but he decided that he would face that when he needed to, and for now, just enjoy the warmth of the young man lying on his chest, until he slipped into slumber.


Birds singing outside the open window woke the two lovers early the next morning, their bodies stiff from never having moved from their cozy embrace the entire night.

"Good morning, love." Goten smiled, as he gingerly rolled off of the larger man to stretch his muscles.

"Yeow!" Mirai yelped, when his tail that was still wrapped firmly around Goten's waist was tugged and rolled onto, causing sharp pain to shoot up his spine.

Goten quickly sat up, lifting his weight from atop of the twitching tail, before he gently picked it up from the mattress, and stroked it apologetically. "I'm so sorry!" The feeling of Goten's fingers running lightly over the soft fur quickly made pleasure overtake the pain, and a loud purr was soon reverberating in Mirai's chest, as he lay with his eyes closed.

Goten chuckled wickedly as he straddled his lover's thighs, his fingers stroking and petting the wriggling tail mercilessly, causing Mirai to writhe and squirm beneath him. "Oh, Kami, that feels sooo gooooood!" he moaned, raising his arms over his head to grip the metal bars of the headboard.

"Oh yeah, you like that, do you?" Goten asked in a teasing voice. "How about when I do this?" He blew gently on the tip, causing the tiny hairs to separate and bare the skin beneath, his cool breath reaching it and making Mirai quiver with the erotic sensation. The younger man grinned, and laid his hand over the massive bulge in the dark gi pants, massaging it firmly. "That's what I thought."

"Uh…knock, knock!" Goku's voice came from the open doorway behind them, as he stepped carefully over the pieces of the door that had suffered the wrath of Trunks the day before.

Both men on the bed groaned loudly, the younger one flopping down to bury his face into his lover's chest. "Daaaaaad! What are you doing here so early?" Goten whined, his voice muffled by the gi shirt.

"Sorry, guys!" he responded sheepishly. "Trunks and Vegeta are here, and I thought you'd rather have me come up and get you, than one of them."

The young men sighed in unison, before Mirai answered, "Alright, Goku, give us a few minutes and we'll be down."

"Ok. I'm gonna get breakfast started, then. Come down whenever you're ready." He said, as he carefully stepped out of the room.

Goten raised his head and looked at Mirai. "Going back to your time is sounding better and better. I'd go anywhere for some privacy!"

Mirai smiled and sat up, bringing Goten with him. "Soon enough we'll have all the time in the world for this, so just be patient. Like I said last night, I've waited for you for so long, I can wait a little longer." He kissed his love deeply, before releasing him to stand up.

"I know." Goten sighed. "But I'm really gonna miss your tail. I haven't had nearly enough time to play with it!"

Said tail smacked Goten across the rear playfully, as Mirai laughed. "Well, maybe when we get back to my time, we can convince Mom to see if she can figure out some way to get both our tails back. We were both born with them; there must be some way to cause them to regenerate."

"Awesome! I want a tail, too!" Goten said enthusiastically. "If your mom can't figure anything out, we can wait a year, and wish them back with the dragon balls!"

"Sounds like a plan to me." Mirai replied. "We'd better get downstairs before Trunks comes up looking for us!"


Breakfast went smoothly, as Mirai retold his tale of his visit to Vejiitasei. Vegeta sat with a rapt expression on his face as he listened to his alternate self's son describe the home that he hadn't seen in decades. He answered a few questions about the palace and the social hierarchy, as well as explained the full moon ritual in greater detail than Mirai had been exposed to. Trunks ate quietly, never uttering a word throughout the entire meal, only looking up from his plate every so often to glare at Mirai, or to gaze longingly at Goten when he knew no one was looking.

Gohan glanced up at the clock above the commercial size refrigerator, before looking back at Mirai. "You know, it's about time your wish wore off, Mirai. This is around the time that I noticed the dragon yesterday."

"Yeah, you're right, Gohan. Guess I'll be back to my old self, soon." He said, gazing at Goten.

Just then, a warm glow began surrounding his body, before the familiar golden light of the dragon engulfed him. Just seconds later, when the light faded, there sat Mirai in the exact condition he'd been in the day before when he had called the dragon; his white tank top and dark denim jeans once again hugged his more compact body, his soft purple hair fanned out over his broad, tanned shoulders, his eyes once again sparkling blue.

He looked down at himself, before meeting Goten's eyes once more. "Well, I'm back." He said softly.

"You're beautiful, Mirai. I'm sorry if I made you think differently yesterday."

Trunks snorted, before pushing back from the table and storming outside. Gohan stood quickly, gathering up Trunks' plates and his own, placing them in the sink, then following the younger man outside.

"Well, I think we'd better get going, soon." Goten said. "Shit! I haven't packed anything yet! Give me a few minutes to run up and grab some stuff. How long are we going to be away, Mirai?"

"Maybe a week? I don't think we'll be gone any longer than that, so you don't need much. Anything you forget, you can just pick up in my time."

"Ok, I'll be right back! Don't go without me!" he winked before he took off up the stairs, two at a time.

"Take good care of him, Mirai. He's a special boy." Goku said, as he watched his youngest disappear up the stairway.

"I give you my word, Goku. I'll never let anything hurt him, ever again." He gazed out the window, looking for his younger self, but not finding him. "I hope that when we return, Trunks will have calmed down a little. I really didn't mean for everything to be so dramatic. When I came back, I didn't know they were together, if that's what you want to call it. From what Goten says, it wasn't much of a relationship, but I'm still sorry to hurt Trunks."

"He'll get over it, eventually, but he'll have to accept responsibility for his own life, and his own mistakes, before he can move on." Vegeta said.

"I just hope that they can both move forward, and not lose sight of everything they've been through together, and everything they've meant to each other throughout their lives." Goku added. "They've been best friends for so long that I hope this isn't the end of their relationship altogether."

"I'll speak with him tonight, and try to talk some sense into him. Now, though, we've wasted too much time here. The brats can leave just fine without us watching."

"Ok, Vegeta, just let me tell Goten goodbye really quick, then we'll go." Goku said, glancing toward the staircase to see his youngest son running down, with a large black duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

"Got everything, I think! Are you ready to go, Mirai?"

"You bet I am!" he smiled happily at Goten, reaching out to grasp his hand.

"Vegeta and I are going to go, son. Be good while you're gone; don't get into too much trouble!"

Goten laughed at his father. "I won't, Dad, I promise. We'll be back soon."

The four walked outside, and found Trunks and Gohan sitting on the grass, both leaning their backs against the trunk of a huge tree, talking quietly. They stood when they saw the small group, and walked forward to join them.

"Ok, we'll be going now! See you guys soon!" Goku chirped happily, as he reached for Vegeta's outstretched hand, and placed his fingers to his forehead, disappearing from sight.

"Did I just see Goku and Vegeta holding hands?" Mirai blinked in surprise.

"Yeah." Goten replied with a chuckle. "I told you your mom wouldn't have to fight Bulma for Vegeta's attention."

"Wow, that's a surprise!"

Gohan laughed nervously, not wanting to broach the subject of the older Saiyajins. "So are you guys leaving now?"

"Yeah. Just need to pop the time machine, and put Goten's stuff in a capsule. There's not much room in the cockpit for luggage. Here, let me have your bag, Goten." Mirai said, taking the large satchel from his lover. "I'm going to go into the clearing by the lake to pop the ship. You can meet me when you're ready. You guys going to come see us off?"

"Yeah, I will, Mirai." Gohan said, looking at Trunks, who nodded silently. "I'll come with you, now. I think these guys might have something to say to each other before you leave."

When the older demi-Saiyajins had walked out of earshot, Goten turned to Trunks, and spoke quietly. "I don't really know what to say, Trunks. You have to realize that our…relationship…wasn't working out. To be honest, I was miserable; you really made me feel worthless. I don't want these last two months to ruin our friendship, though. I love you, Trunks, and I don't want to lose you completely. Do you think you can forgive me for this?"

Trunks' gaze lowered to the grass, as he shuffled his feet uncomfortably. "I don't know, Goten. I don't know if I'll be able to get past this. You betrayed me."

Goten rolled his eyes in exasperation. "There you go again, Trunks. It's never your fault; it's always somebody else's! If we'd been happy together, this would have never happened, but you don't know the first thing about making someone else happy. All you ever think about is yourself; I don't think you even have it in your heart to love someone else. You're really a bastard, you know that?"

Goten turned and stalked off toward the clearing, breathing deeply as he walked, trying to release his negativity before starting his new life with his new love. Trunks watched him go, before he fell in behind him, following him to where the other two demi-Saiyajins were waiting.

Mirai turned from the time machine when he heard footsteps enter the clearing, and a huge smile spread across his face when his eyes met Goten's. The younger man returned the smile with one of his own, all negative thoughts having flown away when they locked eyes.

"Well, bro, have a good time! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Gohan said good-naturedly, as he pulled his younger brother into his embrace, and slapped him on the back.

"Considering that you're a nerd, Gohan, that doesn't leave me much to do." Goten laughed, and stuck his tongue out.

"Hey! That wasn't nice!"

"Yeah, well, I call `em as I see `em." Goten teased, before giving his brother one last hug. "We'll be back before you even miss us."

"Bye, Gohan. Bye, Trunks. Take it easy." He said, as he flew up to the cockpit where Mirai was waiting for him. They climbed into the single seat, Goten sitting comfortably on his lover's lap, and the clear dome slowly closed over them as the engines flared to life. Both young men waved at the two on the ground, before the time machine began it's ascent.

Gohan craned his neck, watching the vehicle until it blinked out of sight. He turned around to speak to Trunks, and saw the younger man standing with his head bowed and his fists clenched, tears dripping steadily from his cheeks to fall to the grass. Blood flowed from his palms as his fingernails dug into them, his only movement the shaking of his shoulders as he sobbed silently. He collapsed onto his knees, threw his head back, and let out a heart wrenching howl, screaming the pain that he felt in his heart for the entire world to hear.

Gohan dropped to the ground beside him, and pulled the unresisting, sobbing man into his arms, stroking his back soothingly, making low comforting sounds. He held the younger demi-Saiyajin, rocking him gently, until his hysterical cries had subsided, and his choked breathing had returned to normal.

"What am I going to do, Gohan?" Trunks asked, through his silently flowing tears. "I love him, and now I've lost him. How will I ever live without him?"




DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

