I'll Always Be On Your Mind
by Shiny Ryuichi Sakuma     More by this Writer
Gohan’s depressed for the first two years after Goku dies (that would make him 13), blaming himself. So, one day, he has enough and decides to go to the one place that would make him happy. Only what will happen once Chichi, and the others, gather the dragon balls to wish him back?

Um…my version of what happened those seven years when Goku was gone.

Chapter 02
Gohan shot into the air, flying towards Capsule Corporation, a place he used to escape to when he didn’t want to go home. Yes, he loved his little brother and to a degree he loved his mother but there was something missing. Gohan shot a ki blast at a tree, blowing it to smithereens. He felt like killing, he felt like harming. Inside, Gohan was hurting, as he had been since Cell came and destroyed his life. Cell took his father’s life and in turn, robbed Gohan of his security. He was the saviour of the planet. He was the unnamed hero. He was…alone.

Gohan paused in mid-air. What could he do to relieve himself of all the pain that built up inside of him? Death wasn’t an option for his father would hunt him down. Living wasn’t an option either. Running? What would that solve? His family would find him. Hiding? Same thing. So…what could he do? Where could he go? Then…running became quite the option he was looking for.

The dragon balls! Of course! Gohan turned, focusing in on the ki signature of Vegeta. He had to be discreet. Capsule Corporation wasn’t very far from where he was, in fact, a five minute fly. Gohan wasn’t sure if he could sneak into the building without alerting Vegeta or not but he had to try. Gohan gnawed his lip. Where would he go? The past? The future? A vision of a lavender haired prince came to his mind. That was it…

Gohan lowered himself to the ground, masking his ki to where it was invisible. He balanced on a ledge of a window, quietly opening the window. Just another thing he learned from books. He slipped inside, being sure not to disturb the various objects lining the path that the miniature Trunks left in his wake.

Where would the radar be? He strained his ears to hear if any of the Briefs family were approaching. Nope, that was good. He went through the assorted corridors, searching. The laboratory, it could be the only place the Dragon Radar could be. He hoped that Bulma wasn’t in there. He peeked cautiously into the room, thanking his lucky stars that it was empty save a few automatons. Gohan spotted his prize on Bulma’s desk. He swallowed, hesitantly taking the equipment into his hands. This was it. There was no turning back.

He shot through the dome-shaped house, quickly exiting by the window and shooting through the sky. He had to get far away before he summoned Shenlong. Gohan’s heart raced painfully fast. He wasn’t positive he was more excited about the chance of seeing Trunks or the fact that he was running away from his problems. He didn’t want to leave Goten; the little boy was his only life line but he had to escape. Gohan had reservations about travelling to the future; what if Trunks didn’t want him there? It would shatter his heart more.

Eventually, Gohan found the seven balls. It wasn’t difficult; his flying skills were wickedly fast and improved. It was night; he stared at the heavens deciding it was time to summon the dragon. Gohan landed in a valley of plateaus; the Grand Canyon in America. If this wasn’t secluded, the only other place he could think of would be Antarctica and he wasn’t about to go to someplace cold.

“Shenlong! I summon you to grant my wish!” Gohan yelled to the star studded blanket of darkness, proud of himself that his voice didn’t crack. He had never before done this on his own; someone was usually with him. Gohan stomped down those irritating feelings. He was going to see Trunks – that he was.

The dragon appeared in a blazing fury of gold, glaring at Gohan. “What is your wish?”

Gohan thought his decision over. Would he return? Could he return? Trunks was worth it. “Send me to the time of Mirai no Trunks!”

Shenlong was silent, his heavy breathing was all that cut through the oppressive silence. Finally, he spoke. “Your wish will be granted.” And with that, Son Gohan disappeared from life in the present and into the future.


Mirai Trunks stood, leaning against a tree in the sparse forest several meters from the Capsule Corporation. The sun was reaching its rays towards the waning moon, greeting her in one last embrace before he took his reign over the day. Trunks yawned, stretching his muscular arms to relieve the kinks that had developed from his night of sleeping on the grass. There was too much inside the CC; Bulma was repairing electronics and making a wretchedly tremendous commotion.

The wind blew the soft strands of violet hair lethargically, the young man not giving a care to his dishevelled appearance. It wasn’t as if he would see anyone. The androids and Cell were no more, leaving Trunks little to do. He would visit Chichi-san and help his mother but other than that, he was lonely. The girls in town were bothersome, the boys even worse. Those people didn’t understand him.

Dreams often visited Trunks; waking and slumbering. His dreams would alternate between the two Gohan’s he had known; Mirai and Chibi. He hated himself for still living in the past of the times with the two polar opposite Gohan’s. Trunks sighed, flying towards his home. He could hear the electrical whirring of Bulma’s creations. He went inside, removing his boots and jacket. Bulma still insisted on cleanliness.

CC outputted nearly the entire world with power and Bulma didn’t ask for money. In return, the businesses gave her free food, free clothing, free everything. Trunks’ nose sniffed the air. Was that what he thought it was?! He jogged through the house, keen on getting to the kitchen where the wafting of delicious scents were originating from.

Bulma stood over a mixing bowl, finishing the first step of making a batch of chocolate chip cookies; a sweet that Trunks hadn’t tasted since his childhood. The blue haired woman smiled warmly. “Good morning Trunks.”

“Ohayou, Kaasan,” Trunks kissed the wrinkled brow. “Cookies? Where’d you get the supplies to make these?”

“Takanaka had a shipment brought in from Holland. Sit down Trunks, I made you breakfast.” Bulma set a plate in front of her son, ruffling his hair good naturedly. “I need you to go into town today and get some more provisions. We’re almost out. I would but I don’t have the time.”

“Of course I will Kaasan.”

Bulma smiled, depositing the lumpy concoction onto a baking sheet. “I knew you would.” Trunks ate thoughtfully, knowing Bulma had ulterior motives to his going to town. She wished he would meet a nice young woman to marry and produce her grandchildren. Trunks wanted to do just that but his heart was still with his Gohan.


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